okładka The Mayor on Horseback ebook | epub, mobi | E. Phillips Oppenheim

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The Mayor on Horseback E. Phillips Oppenheim ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

The young handsome Mayor of Mechester, Daniel Poynton is the owner of a very successful shoe manufacturer, the major employer in the city and the mayor will soon be a Lord Mayor. Never before interested in women, or even in social affairs, he is stricken by the beauty of The Lady Ursula Manningham and falls in love. As the novel develops, Poynton’s factory is threatened by foreign manufacturers who want to establish a cooperative monopoly with him. At the same time, Poynton’s relationship with Violet Grey, who is a competent secretary, continues to develop and becomes more important to his business and social life. Meanwhile his infatuation with Lady Ursula progresses to the point of asking her to marry... The book shows interesting color on the interaction between socialist workers unions and managements enlightened response to worker unrest.

„The Mayor on Horseback”, E. Phillips Oppenheim – jak czytać ebook?

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The Mayor on Horseback

The Mayor on Horseback

E. Phillips Oppenheim,

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