okładka World of diets Mini encyclopedia of diets ebook | epub, mobi | Dorota Sawicka

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World of diets Mini encyclopedia of diets Dorota Sawicka ebook

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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

"World of Diets” is an extensive mini encyclopedia that contains rich information on various types of diets used around the world. The first part of the book is dedicated to introducing the topic of diet, discussing its importance for health and its impact on the human body. You can learn why diet is important and what benefits changing eating habits can bring.


The book also presents various methods of making decisions regarding diet, encouraging conscious choice of food products and controlling the proper proportions of nutrients. The book emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet, which provides the body with essential nutrients while helping to maintain proper weight and fitness.


Each type of diet is thoroughly described in terms of principles, health benefits, and potential risks.


The first part of the book 'World of Diets' is an excellent introduction to the topic of healthy eating and various dietary methods that can help better understand and take care of one's own health and well-being.

„World of diets Mini encyclopedia of diets”, Dorota Sawicka – jak czytać ebook?

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World of diets Mini encyclopedia of diets

World of diets Mini encyclopedia of diets

Dorota Sawicka,

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