„Under the Lilacs”, published in 1878, is another lovely morality tale by Louisa May Alcott that centers around two young girls who are having a tea party with their dolls when they stumble upon a young boy and his dog who have run away from the circus. Ben and his trained dog, Sancho, run away from the circus and soon find a warm welcome in a kind community where spirited games are played. Theatricals and imaginative pageantry are all part of the fun. This book by Louisa M...
An excellent book to read to children, but also good to read as an adult. This story brings many adults back to childhood. In such a simple story. Delightful childhood reminiscences beautifully written in Grahame’s charming prose. Poetic, tender, insightful, very lovely, a portal into the life of a children.
The stories generally tell about the childhood of 3 boys and 2 girls. Children call adults Olympians and believe that adults no longer know how to have fun. Each of the chapters is an adventure story that children make or imagine. The book will help you get rid of the everyday hustle and bustle of a simple, but spiritual story.
Excerpt from „In Pawn”: Lem Redding had a dimple in his cheek that appeared when he smiled. For a boy with a faceful of freckles he was pretty. He had dear, bright gray eyes, and his smile, aided by the dimple, made most folks love him at sight. His hair was brown, as his dead mother’s had been; in fact he was much like that mother in more ways than one-far more like her than he was like Harvey Redding, his father. Lem was quick, agile, lively, and Harvey was plumb lazy. Th...
The twins are living in relatively straightened circumstances, as their father has died, and get up to all kinds of mischief, while being governed by their own set of values. The children, however, have little dread of poverty, for when ever they desire a luxury, such as a bicycle, or a fur stole for their mother’s Christmas present, they devise some means to raise the necessary funds, and they stop at nothing from inducing a rich great-aunt to endow a home for cats to poac...
„Happy Pollyooly: The Rich Little Poor Girl” is a bride story. Jepson continues the story of his twelve year-old heroine, Mary Bride, known as Pollyooly. She is still acting as housekeeper to the Honorable John Ruffin, keeping his rooms spotlessly clean and grilling his bacon to the right turn. John Ruffin gets a windfall that enables him to take a seaside holiday. He takes Pollyooly and her brother along with him. Twice in the course of the story she is called to act the p...
„The Golden Road”, written by legendary author Lucy Maud Montgomery is widely considered to be one of the greatest books of all time. This great classic will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. Introduced in „The Story Girl”, Sara Stanley is L.M. Montgomery’s most enchanting heroine since Anne of Green Gables. When she returns to Carlisle to spend the winter with the King family, she comes up with a great idea. To help them through the dreary months ahead, she...
„Rilla of Ingleside” is a coming-of-age novel written in 1921 by L.M. Montgomery that focuses on the youngest daughter of the beloved Anne Shirley, now Mrs. Blythe from the „Anne of Green Gables” series. In this final book in the Anne of Green Gables series, young Rilla Blythe dreams only of her first dance and getting her first kiss from the dashing Kenneth Ford. But undreamed-of challenges await the irrepressible Rilla when the world of Ingleside becomes endangered by a f...
If you’ve read and loved Anne of Green Gables, you’d definitely like to add „Rainbow Valley” by Lucy Maud Montgomery to your collection. Published in 1919, it is the seventh book in the chronology of the Anne of Green Gables series and follows the further life and adventures of Anne Shirley. At Ingleside, Anne is now happily married to her childhood friend the devoted Gilbert Blythe and have now been together blissfully for fifteen years and they have six children. But the ...
„The Story Girl” is a beautifully-written classic by L. M. Montgomery. A perfect piece of literature that could be enjoyed by anyone, young or old. It narrates the adventures of a group of young cousins and their friends who live in a rural community on Prince Edward Island, Canada. The book is narrated by Beverley, who together with his brother Felix, has come to live with his Aunt Janet and Uncle Alec King on their farm while their father travels for business. The narrati...
„Further Chronicles of Avonlea” is another wonderful collection of charming Avonlea short stories by Lucy Maud Montgomery, ranging from the humorous to melodramatic, and every bit as enticing and delightful as the first book, „Chronicles of Avonlea”. Published in 1920, it includes fifteen short and entertaining, funny, and romantic stories relating to the inhabitants of the fictional Canadian village of Avonlea and its region, located on Prince Edward Island. The author bri...
On Prince Edward Island, where Anne Shirley grew up in the sea-sprayed town of Avonlea, there was no shortage of wonderful stories. In „Chronicles of Avonlea”, a delightful collection of twelve short stories about the inhabitants of Avonlea and other nearby villages, we meet lovely new characters and relive many stories that inspired various episodes on Road to Avonlea. Focusing on universal themes about mankind, the book conveys the flaws of critical behavior that is sure ...
A chronicle of Anne’s early married life, as she and her childhood sweetheart Gilbert Blythe begin to build their life together in the little „house of dreams” in the picturesque, lonely and sometimes wild seascapes of Four Winds Harbour. A tale uniting the much-loved characters also brings a farewell to Anne Shirley and officially welcomes Anne Blythe. It also introduces intriguing and entertaining new characters – Captain Jim, the tragic Lesley, the outspoken and warmhear...
„Anne of Windy Poplars” is the fourth book in the „Anne of Green Gables” series by L. M. Montgomery. In this book, 22-year-old Anne Shirley has left college to serve as principal of Summerside High School and settles down in Windy Poplars. Here her biggest challenge is the high-status Pringles family who are not what one would expect them to be. The novel features a series of letters Anne sends to her intended, Gilbert Blythe, who is completing medical school. Anne’s sweet ...
Anne, now Mrs. Doctor Blythe, is still sometimes as impetuous as when she was the girl from Green Gables. But with six lively children and hard-worked Gilbert to look after – not to mention Gilbert’s disapproving aunt, Anne has to be practical too. She suddenly began to worry that perhaps her adored Gilbert no longer loved her. But how could he not? After all, she may have been older, but she was still the lively, irrepressible, irreplaceable redhead the wonderful Anne of G...
Eleven-year-old Anne Shirley is an orphan girl in need of a family and the novel follows her adventures over the next five years. She may be scrawny and freckled with red hair but she’s also loving and bright with imagination, smart, dutiful and hardworking. When she’s mistakenly sent to Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, elderly siblings who plan to adopt a young boy to help around their farm in Canada’s Prince Edward Island, Anne faces the prospect of securing a home and a lov...
„Anne of the Island” was published in 1915, seven years after the bestselling „Anne of Green Gables.” This book tells the story of Anne Shirley’s and her friends’ college years. As the security of home and childhood comforts fade, each must face the trials of being on their own. The novel kicks off when Anne decides to pursue her dream of a higher education, and subsequently leaves her two year teaching position at the school in Avonlea and begins her studies at Redmond Col...
Anne’s back! She older and wiser and more beautiful with the additional charm of growing womanhood than that gangly red-headed girl that first came to Avonlea. This book follows Anne Shirley from the age of 16-18 during the two years she teaches at the Avonlea school. Anne discovers all of the joys and struggles of being a teacher and continuing her studies and friendship with Gilbert. To top this off, she must aid Marilla in the caring of two children whom Marilla has chos...
L’auteur présente aux lecteurs une fille nommée Alice, qui, par ennui, décide de suivre un lapin étrange qui passe a travers et se retrouve dans un monde magique. Dans son reve, elle rencontre de nombreuses créatures étranges. Le conte jouit d’une popularité constante chez les enfants et les adultes. Le livre est considéré comme l’un des meilleurs exemples de littérature dans le genre de l’absurde;
Алиса в Зазеркалье – всемирно известная и любимая сказка не только для малышей, но и для взрослых. Хорошая детская литература – одна из самых трудных для написания книг, потому что нужно бросать вызов, вовлекать, не прибегая к жизненному опыту, что и сделала Льюиса Кэрролл. Это история о приключениях Алисы в удивительных мирах. Она попадает в зеркальный мир, чтобы спасти своего друга. Однако, ей придется пройти много преград на пути, чтобы спасти друга.
W tym tomie serii polsko-angielskiej przeczytacie dwa opowiadania świetnego współczesnego autora Pawła Beręsewicza. Główny bohater Adam przypadkiem ląduje w bibliotece. Nudzi się tam niemiłosiernie aż do chwili spotkania z pewnym smokiem… W drugim opowiadaniu chłopak maszeruje z ojcem na naprawdę męczącą Wielką Górę. Adam idzie z myślą, że w schronisku czeka go góra ukochanych naleśników z bitą śmietaną. Wychodzi inaczej, a nasz smakosz jest naprawdę zaskoczony. Wy też byśc...
Tym razem w wersji polsko-angielskiej przeczytacie dwa opowiadania współczesnego, uwielbianego przez dzieci pisarza - Grzegorza Kasdepke! Magia w kolorze lilaróż to dwie zabawne historie z życia chłopca o bardzo rozbuchanej wyobraźni. No bo kto posądziłby uroczą koleżankę o rzucanie czarów albo wpadł na pomysł, by ulubionego kolegę, którego przeniesiono do innej klasy, zastąpić balonem?
DWUJĘZYCZNY DZIADEK DO ORZECHÓW – NAUKA JĘZYKA PEŁNA ZABAWYWyobraźnia jest jednym z najpiękniejszych darów, jakie otrzymaliśmy. Wiedzieli o tym najznamienitsi artyści – pisarze i ilustratorzy. Posługiwali się nią mistrzowsko i pozostawili dla potomnych bajecznie ilustrowane opowieści. Pamiętając o tym, przygotowaliśmy dla najmłodszych wyjątkowe wydanie „Dziadka do orzechów” z językiem angielskim.Książka posiada dwie wersje językowe oraz dwa niepowtarzalne zbiory ilustra...
This is a collection of five short stories (The Happy Prince, The Nightingale and the Rose, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend, and The Remarkable Rocket), that are fairytales like moral fables, not only for children, but drenched in subtle hints aimed at the older readers. Each little story is a beautifully told allegory touching to the heart. Each tale in this compilation is different but there is a strong lesson that could be seen in all. This is the lesson of love an...
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