Powieści historyczne ebooki

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    okładka Those Extraordinary Twins, Ebook | Mark Twain

    Siamese twins – twins Chang and Eng Bunker, who were born with fused bodies. They lived 63 years, had good health, were married, had normal children. In 1829 they were brought to America, then they were taken and shown in Europe. Knowing the twins personally, the author took the liberty of telling about the curious details of their private life, which never penetrated the press.

    okładka The Cossacks, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    The main character of the story, Dmitry Olenin, is close to the author both in spiritual experience and in moral aspirations. Like Tolstoy, he finds himself in the Caucasus in an attempt to start a new life, „"in which there will be no more mistakes, there will be no remorse, and probably there will be only happiness."” But instead of imagining paintings on the way to the Caucasus in the spirit of Russian romantic literature, the hero of the story had to see real life and f...

    okładka Master and Man, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    „"Master and Man"” is the story of L. N. Tolstoy about two people caught in a terrible snowstorm. The owner throws his worker to save his life, but he himself cannot get out... Faced with death, he rethinks his life. The merchant achieved a lot. Vasily Andreevich Brekhunov: opened a shop, two taverns, a mill, several estates... And all through his tireless passion for accumulating goodness and frugality. Never missed his chance Brekhunov. And now life bodes well: sells a ne...

    okładka The Kingdom of the Sun, Ebook | Alexander Maitland Stephen

    A young man, Richard Anson is a crewman on board Sir Francis Drake’s „Golden Hind”, which is travelling north to the coast of what will one day become British Columbia. „The Kingdom of the Sun: A Romance of the Far West Coast” (1927) is an adventure novel by Alexander Maitland Stephen (May 8, 1882 – July 1, 1942), who was a Canadian author of poetry and fiction. He began writing in the early 1920s. His first book was a volume of poetry called „The Rosary of Pan” which was p...

    okładka The Forged Coupon and Other Stories, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    At the beginning of the story, walking along an incline, some of Tolstoy’s characters lie, commit robberies and even killings. The author allows his heroes to experience feelings of satisfaction and complete impunity, after they have committed terrible atrocities. Pelageyushkin, going to the massacres, is content with one own impunity. Tolstoy conducts his heroes in hellish circles: all terrible crimes are uncovered. The punishment for the crime hangs with a „Damocles sword...

    okładka Anna Karenina, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    The story of all-consuming passion, the story of a married woman who fell in love with a handsome officer and threw her husband against everything: the opinion of the world, generally accepted morality, her conscience. This is a much deeper work than just a story of love and suicide. This is a book about the torment of conscience, about egoism, about hypocrisy, meanness and selfishness, about the search for oneself and one’s place in this world. This is a book about life, a...

    okładka A Russian Proprietor and Other Stories, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    In this work, the main character is Vasily Andreevich Brekhunov, this is the owner. And the worker, a man of about fifty, named Nikita, is from a neighboring village. The relationship of the owner with the workers is one of the most difficult topics not only in literature, but also in life. Leo Tolstoy in his story describes the characters of these people, comparing them. One miser, because the author is not in vain, gave this name to Vasily Andreevich. The second hero is n...

    okładka Sevastopol, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    Three short stories about the everyday life of besieged Sevastopol a century and a half ago. There are no main characters as such, or rather, each participant, whether an officer or a soldier, at one point or another is in the sight of the author’s attention. It is felt that the essays were written by a participant in the events, an eyewitness. In the first part of the work, the writer introduces us to the military situation of that time, the faces of the military through a...

    okładka The Invaders and Other Stories, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    A fantastic collection of stories written by the master Leo Tolstoy himself. The war of Russia with foreign invaders is depicted in the novel as a people’s war, fair. The people defended their national independence, their historical right to decide their own destinies.

    okładka Youth, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    This work is about how black stripes always alternate with white. About how a child learns his mind, for the first time experiences one of the most terrible events of his life – the death of his mother, about how he first feels one of the most beautiful and bright feelings – his first love, about how he feels affection, grief. In the first part, we begin our acquaintance with the family of Nicholas, as well as himself. Here we will see all the joyful and sad events of his c...

    okładka Childhood, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    This work is about how black stripes always alternate with white. Oh grief. Oh happiness. On the formation of the child as a person. About the first feelings, sensations and emotions. About first love, about children’s love and just about love. About how a child learns his mind, for the first time experiences one of the most terrible events of his life – the death of his mother, about how he first feels one of the most beautiful and bright feelings – his first love, about h...

    okładka Boyhood, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    The narration is conducted on behalf of the boy Nikolenka. He grows up, learns to forget grievances, experiences the first adult attraction to a young woman. The teenager is trying to convince himself that the appearance of a person is secondary, and most importantly – this is the spiritual component. For people, Nikolenka prefers solitude.

    okładka Father Sergius, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    The story „Father Sergius” is one of Tolstoy’s most deeply personal works. This is a story about leaving. This is her main topic, and all the more curious, that its meaning did not develop immediately, with the accumulation of some own spiritual experience, which he was in no hurry to put on paper, and even more so – to publish.

    okładka War and Peace, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    ”War and Peace” is not just a classic novel, but a real heroic epic, the literary value of which is not comparable to any other work. The writer himself considered it a poem, where the private life of a person is inseparable from the history of the whole country. Events and impressions from a peaceful life do not leave characters during the war, on the contrary, they come to life more strongly in their souls. War for them is a test of the importance and significance of man....

    okładka What Men Live By and Other Tales, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    A small work describes the whole life, the meaning of all life on this Earth. The point is that people live by God, people love, they have a heart, they live not for their needs, not for their own good. And it simply struck the appearance, the rebuke of the Angel, how he watched everything, how he smiled at the hearty people who have faith. As a person blossoms after doing good, and faith becomes even stronger.

    okładka Resurrection, Ebook | Leo Tolstoy

    The book tells about the young prince, in whose soul changes suddenly occurred and he realized that his life was empty, that he was swallowed by empty acquaintances and his life needed to be changed. He began to change it radically. The kick was a meeting with a girl whom he seduced many years ago. He saw how his rash act changed the life of another person.

    okładka The Merry Men and Other Tales and Fables, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    The wreck of the ships of the Spanish Golden Armada off the Scottish coast generates a lot of rumors and superstitions. At the invitation of his uncle, Gordon Darnaway, young Charles visits these places and, through the roar of the breakers, nicknamed the Jolly Fellows, tries to uncover the mystery of the ships „Christ-Anna” and „Espirito Santo” in order to secure the future for himself and his beloved.

    okładka Weir of Hermiston, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    This novel, according to many critics, could become one of the main masterpieces of the XIX century. However, Stevenson’s premature death from tuberculosis did not allow him to end it. Only six chapters were written, which were then published in some collected works. This is Stevenson’s attempt to write a psychological action novel, which clearly shows the confrontation between the Father and the Son. A rude, cruel judge is Lord Hermiston, however, a master of his craft, a ...

    okładka Prince Otto, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    In the historical novel „"Prince Otto"”, the romance of adventure is combined with the exact recreation of local color and historical setting. This novel is about Prince Otto, who is not very concerned about government affairs and problems, and he devotes all the time to hunting and other entertainments. Once during a hunt, he stumbles upon ordinary peasants who did not recognize him and agreed to shelter him for the night. During the evening dinner, the unrecognized prince...

    okładka Tales and Fantasies, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    This is a collection of three stories, which includes small tales. So the fairy tale „The Story of a Lie” talks about how, having returned to England after a trip to Paris, young Richard Nasby quarrels with his father. He also reduces acquaintance with Esther, whom he soon falls in love with. Another tale, „The Body Snatcher,” tells how a lonely living in the small town of Fetts accidentally meets a person from his past – visiting London doctor McFerlen.

    okładka The Master of Ballantrae, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    A tale of fierce internecine feud that destroyed Lord Henry Darrissdire and his older brother James, also called the ruler of Ballantre. The story of their deaths is described by a devoted servant of the clan – old Ephraim McKellar. The novel tells how easy it is to lose honor and how difficult it is to preserve what is dear to you when money and power are at stake...

    okładka St. Ives, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Quiller-Couch

    The novel, which remained unfinished, was restored from the author’s drafts. The fascinating story of the French youth, who during the Napoleonic Wars was one of the many British prisoners of war. The story of his dangerous and fascinating adventures and a difficult, multifaceted political game in which he unexpectedly found himself drawn into. The book you are reading, literally holding your breath...

    okładka The Black Arrow, Ebook | Robert Louis Stevenson

    Readers are invited to one of the writer’s best novels, The Black Arrow. The exciting adventures of his heroes take place in the heroic times of the war of the Scarlet and White Roses. The brilliantly twisted plot is replete with everything necessary: terrible secrets, courageous love, uncompromising valor and unexpected outcomes have been attracting readers of all ages for many years.The mystery of the gloomy Tanstoll forest and deadly black arrows can captivate even the m...

    okładka The Pearl Lagoon, Ebook | Charles Nordhoff

    Very engaging tale of the South Seas, by the author of „Mutiny on the Bounty,” who was quite familiar with the area. This book has the same seafaring merit but is set in the pearl atolls of the southwestern Pacific. Into „The Pearl Lagoon” Charles Nordhoff wove his love and knowledge of the South Pacific islands and their people. It is his only story written through the eyes of young people. It is an adventure story about a California young boy, Charlie Selden who leaves hi...

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Powieść historyczna

Ta kategoria zawiera książki należące do gatunku, który leży na styku historii i literatury. Autorzy takich tekstów łączą materiał historyczny z fikcją, świat przedstawiony umieszczony jest w przeszłości, tłem są ważne wydarzenia historyczne, mogą pojawić się nawet znane postaci historyczne, ale pozostałe elementy są fikcją. Książki znajdujące się w tej kategorii przedstawiają różne epoki i okresy historyczne. Znaleźć tu możemy utwory wchodzące w skład kanonu literatury polskiej i europejskiej, jak „Potop” Henryka Sienkiewicza czy „Trzej muszkieterowie” Aleksandra Dumasa, a także zbeletryzowane biografie takich osób jak genialny malarz postimpresjonistyczny Vincent van Gogh („Pasja życia” Irvinga Stone’a) czy zapomniana przez świat nauki Mileva Marić („Pani Einstein” Marie Benedict). W serwisie Woblink.com znajdują się także opowieści o starożytności, (np. trzytomowy cykl Roberta Harrisa – „Cycero”, „Spisek”, „Dyktator” – o starożytnym Rzymie, którego bohaterem jest wybitny mówca i polityk Marek Tulliusz Cyceron), legendach arturiańskich („Trylogia arturiańska” Bernarda Cornwella) czy II wojnie światowej i obozach zagłady (bestsellerowa powieść „Tatuażysta z Auschwitz” Heather Morris), a także kryminały („W cieniu prawa” Remigiusza Mroza) i romanse historyczne („Nieproszona miłość” Julii Justiss). W kategorii „Powieść historyczna” nie mogło również zabraknąć książek Elżbiety Cherezińskiej, pisarki specjalizującej się w powieściach dotyczących historii Polski w różnych okresach dziejowych. W ofercie znajdują się książki Cherezińskiej o zjeździe gnieźnieńskim („Gra w kości”), rozbiciu dzielnicowym („Korona śniegu i krwi”), II wojnie światowej („Legion”), a nawet o wikingach (saga „Północna droga”).