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Szukasz: Hugh Aynesworth, Stephen G. Michaud

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    okładka The Fortress, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Judith Paris, now middle-aged, is returning to the Lakes to deal with the fierce feud between the two branches of the family. The feud ended with the construction of one branch of a huge house, known as the Fortress, which will dominate the land of others. But in this conflict, the children of two families play an important role.

    okładka Portrait of a Man with Red Hair, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is a terrible story about Harkness, a timid American who travels all over Europe with his etchings as his only friends. While in London, he meets a man at the club who recommends visiting a small town during his holidays. The next 24 hours completely change his life. He made friends with a frightened young woman who is unhappily married and meets a man with red hair, a rich and sadistic man who loves to influence others by hurting them.

    okładka The Joyful Delaneys, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Hugh Walpole skillfully weaves these plot threads and half a dozen others into this increasingly exciting saga. His characters leave the page in a living, breathing color; his descriptions are better than photographs, including sounds, smells, tastes and emotions, as well as vivid visual descriptions; he skillfully plays on our feelings, including us as good colleagues, sharing the views of his fantastic world. Joyful Delaneys were very, very good. Funny, makes you think, w...

    okładka Wintersmoon, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Beautiful, but affordable spelling. The characters, especially Janet, were incredibly versatile. They are well-rounded and sympathetically written, and each has its own natural conclusion, making for a very satisfactory ending. If you like a well-written, historical, adult novel with a definitively optimistic ending, then try Wintersmoon.

    okładka Captain Nicholas, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Captain Nicolas is the author’s most recognizable character. One for which it’s immediately clear whose story it is. Hugh Walpole tells the story of a family conflict. This is an ideal family, an example for everyone, but an evil and dissatisfied brother breaks into this idyll. The story is about an evil brother who is returning to visit his family, and about the destruction that he is reaping with his activity.

    okładka The Silver Thorn, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is an exciting collection of 15 stories. Indeed, there are some who are very good – there is a sad and exciting „Silly old fool” about a canon who believes that a woman cares for him, and „Engraving” sees how an obsessed husband goes against his wife’s desires, collecting engravings. Other great stories are Little Donkeys with Raspberry Saddles, gentle Chinese Horses about two women and a man, and Major Wilbraham sees a World War I major go crazy. This is a wide genre ...

    okładka The Captives, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Strikingly bright characters. Such a well-designed image of moods, places and feelings. Maggie Cardinal’s father dies very suddenly, leaving her alone, not very upset, since he never showed special love for her. She is „strange”, „misunderstood” a captive in a world in which others fit in, but she does not.

    okładka The Dark Forest, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    In the first novel, which takes place in Galicia during the retreat of the Russian army in 1915, the narrator tells of a tragedy that unfolds inside a triangle: John Trenchad – Maria – Semenov. The theme of spiritual love in the novel is promoted by the motive of white nights. It was during this period (on white nights) that John Trenchad met Mary.

    okładka The Gods and Mr. Perrin, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is a wonderful story of English school life, depicting the driving of boys and the hungry, cramped life of the masters, as well as the tragedy that captures and leads Mr. Perrin. We are set up so as not to love the school teacher Mr. Perrin, who is falling into our eyes into some kind of paranoid delusion. Nevertheless, at every step, the author deviates from the expected result, truly not letting us understand why this was not so inevitable as he drew it up to this po...

    okładka Dwór Kalifów. Powstanie i upadek najpotężniejszej dynastii świata muzułmańskiego, Ebook | Hugh Keneddy

    Książka Dwór kalifów. Powstanie i upadek najpotężniejszej dynastii świata muzułmańskiego to przedstawiona w formie barwnej, dynamicznej opowieści, przetykana anegdotami, oparta na arabskich średniowiecznych kronikach, historia kalifów abbasydzkich i ich dworu w ciągu dwóch stuleci, które zostały uznane za złoty wiek dynastii abbasydzkiej. Ich usytuowana nad Tygrysem, założona w 762 roku stolica Bagdad była w tym okresie kwitnącym ośrodkiem muzułmańskiego ż...

    okładka Amerykanin w Warszawie, Ebook | Hugh Gibson

    Hugh S. Gibson, młody amerykański dyplomata, w kwietniu 1919 roku otrzymał zaskakującą propozycję objęcia stanowiska ministra pełnomocnego Stanów Zjednoczonych w Polsce. Szybko zorientował się w towarzyskich oraz politycznych układach, komentując je w dowcipny sposób i wnikliwą spostrzegawczością. Nakreślone przez niego wyraziste portrety głównych polskich przywódców politycznych, a także opisy odradzającego się kraju do dziś zachwycają trafnością i świeżością spojrzenia.&nbs...

    okładka Hans Frost, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Hans Frost is a great figure for his fans. The protagonist is the greatest writer. Hans Frost received his guests and graciously accepted the wonderful gift that his fans combined to buy for him. His books do not bring such a large income, and the wealth of his wife provides the luxury that he possessed from the time of their marriage. Natalie’s entry into his world is the catalyst that Hans needs to wake him from recession.

    okładka Above the Dark Circus, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This novel is served with a psychological detective dressing. In reality, this is a mixture of experiences, feelings and thoughts of the protagonist, describing events that in any case should end in tragedy. This is not hidden from the very beginning. Everything that happens is written very atmospheric, gradually thickening events to an inevitable outcome.

    okładka A Prayer for My Son, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is the story of a sadist, in this case, a grandfather with excessive ego and a thirst for satisfying his sense of strength. The boy’s mother, his aunt, the boy himself become a victim of his madness, and the story gathers momentum until they are forced to flee from an environment that gives him his strength. This is a skillful build-up of atmosphere and tension.

    okładka John Cornelius, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is a story about the life of a genius who has only dreams. But really make dreams a reality? After all, this is not a fantasy world. Walpole wrote mainly about a character whose life was never very real, and who could not find happiness, except in strange moments because of this abyss between him and the world. Walpole’s romantic flights have a realistic break to temper them.

    okładka The Blind Man’s House, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    The House of the Blind is Walpole’s last book before his death. This is a psychological study of the village and people who come in contact with a blind person and his young bride. The letter is impeccable. If you enjoy in-depth character study and enjoy reading old novels, then you will really enjoy it.

    okładka The Bright Pavilions, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Bright pavilions – the fifth book of a series of six volumes of The Chronicles of Harris. As a historical background, the stormy Elizabethan England, including her enemy Queen of Scots. The story tells how one family shared fidelity and frustrated love. If you like to plunge into history, then this book is for you.

    okładka The Dutchess of Wrexe, Her Decline and Death, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    An energetic girl enters society and must choose between her rebellious and exiled cousin or an ordinary young man. Rachel chooses an ordinary young man, but when their marriage begins to degenerate, she again comes into contact with her cousin. She falls in love with him – will she leave her husband and run away with her romantic but weak lover?

    okładka Doctor Dolittle’s Circus, Ebook | Hugh Lofting

    The doctor must earn some money to repay the sailor for the boat he borrowed and subsequently smashed. He and his friends go to the circus to show off the Pushmi-pullyu at six pence a pop. After some time, thanks to a series of adventures, the doctor ends up managing the circus itself, and it seems that everything ends safely... They may even make enough money to pay the sailor one day.

    okładka Vanessa, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    The book begins with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Judith, and we regret her death, as she was one of the most dominant and memorable characters in this series, starting with the second volume. During the conspiracy, Vanessa’s father dies in tragic circumstances and the love triangle between Vanessa, Ellis and Benji deepens. Two new characters will appear in this book: the younger brothers Sally and Tom. And let’s hope someone post Judith’s memories. As a hist...

    okładka The Young Enchanted, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    The Young Changed Book is a book that takes the year 1920 and makes it seem like a disguise. London in 1920 – and young people, standing in the center of the present, with extraordinary opportunities circling around her, ready and eager to take advantage of these opportunities, eager to draw conclusions in the world made.

    okładka The Prelude to Adventure, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is the story of a Cambridge student, Olva Dune, who commits murder. Ironically, the moment he commits his crime, he feels the presence of God. Perhaps a hundred years ago, March Square could boast of such excellent ignorance, but fashion is changing to prevent, perhaps, our own being too easily annoyed.

    okładka Doktor Dolittle i jego zwierzęta, Ebook | Hugh Lofting

    John Dolittle to lekarz i wielki miłośnik zwierząt. Posiada ich niemałą gromadkę. Mało tego, potrafi z nimi rozmawiać… Jego wrażliwość na losy braci mniejszych jest tak duża, że doktor decyduje się zrezygnować z leczenia ludzi i poświęca się opiece nad pupilami. W jego gospodarstwie zamieszkuje między innymi złota rybka, króliki, świnka i ulubienica Johna — prawie dwustuletnia papuga Polinezja, która nauczyła go „zwierzęcego” języka. Każde ze zwierząt ma określone zadania w g...

    okładka Wojna o Picassa, Ebook | Hugh Eakin

    Wciągająca, barwna opowieść o amerykańskiej nieprzewidywalnej kulturze, a jednocześnie wnikliwe rozważania na temat sztuki, ambicji, władzy i łupów wojennych – to ważna, przełomowa książka. - Abbott Kahler, autorka The Ghosts of Eden Park (jako Karen Abbott) W styczniu 1939 roku Pablo Picasso był sławny w Europie, w Stanach Zjednoczonych jednak jego sztukę odrzucano. Rok później Amerykanie w całym kraju głośno domagali się jego dzieł na wystawach. Jak kontrowersyjny lider ...

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