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    okładka Doctor Therne, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Therne is a young budding doctor who has experienced many tragedies. He is unfairly accused of abuse of office, he loses all his patients, even if he is acquitted, and later suffers from the loss of his young wife. Being a staunch supporter of vaccination, he is running for parliament on a platform against vaccination, selling his convictions and morality political gain and dirty gain. The author of most of his story attaches vaccination, which should help humanity.

    okładka Montezuma’s Daughter, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Not everyone can cope with revenge. The story of a man who allows revenge to devour his life, so he misses all the blessings that God gives him on his way. It is surprising how well the plot is built and how the author managed to ensure that the story does not lose its relevance over time. Readers will plunge into the stunning world of adventure and fiction by Rider Haggard!

    okładka Mary of Marion Isle, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Mary of Marion Isle – the penultimate novel by Henry Rider Haggard, which he wrote before his death. The young socialist doctor faced a series of obstacles in his life, and learned what unhappy love is. Then he found himself on a desert island. What will he do in this situation? By the way, Marion Isle is a real place and one of the Prince Edward Islands.

    okładka Maiwa’s Revenge, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Another short novel about the adventures of Allan Quatermain. This is a story about how the main character gets involved in a conflict between two African tribes and helps Maiwa take revenge on her terrible husband. As always, readers are waiting for exciting adventures in Africa. The main question: will the anger take hold above Maiwa?

    okładka Nada the Lily, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    Nada the Lily is a historical novel. It tells about the origins of Umslopogaas, the illegitimate son of the Zulu king in the 19th century. Parts of the story are inspired by the real historical events and fairy tales that Haggard heard during his time in South Africa. Haggard portrays the Zulus as real people–people with hopes and dreams, as well as flaws.

    okładka Finished, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    In this novel there is everything that the reader can only dream of. Here is a magnificent and fast-paced story, scenes of hunting a dangerous creature, interesting and funny characters, bloody battles, all with a mixture of mysticism and some supernatural elements. The book tells about the presence of Quatermain in the Zulus tribe, their military councils and the great battles that the Zulus fought against the British. This is an exciting book dedicated to the falling flam...

    okładka Benita, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    The main task of the heroes is to find the treasure. The trader heard the legend of the great treasure buried by the Portuguese party for hundreds of years before the last source tried to find it with the help of a mesmericist. The child was put into a trance and told his mesmerists details about the adventures and death of the unfortunate Portuguese men and women. With many other details, the boy so accurately described the burial of the great treasure and its exact positi...

    okładka Wisdom’s Daughter, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    The beauty of Ayesha was the only reason for the conflict in many countries. Her father was very jealous of his daughter for the pretenders for her heart. Ayesha helps the goddess Isis, and as a reward Isis leads her to the hidden kingdom of Kôr in Africa to usher in the new Golden Age. The kingdom of Kôr hides many secrets, including the Flame of Eternal Life, where in the end Ayesha’s obsession, obsession and desire lead to her fall.

    okładka Ayesha, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    This is a story about the beautiful and immortal Ayesha. The expedition is sent to an unexplored part of Africa, where the group finds Ayesha, who claims the expedition’s leader is the reincarnation of her long-dead beloved. Ayesha became ageless and absolutely beautiful over 2 thousand years ago, plunging into a magical fire. Her only desire is to reunite with her beloved man. She makes the expedition leader to immerse himself as well.

    okładka Księga Mądrości Przedwiecznej, Ebook | bł. Henryk Suzo

    Księga Mądrości Przedwiecznej to najpiękniejszy owoc mistyki średniowiecznej Błogosławiony Henryk Suzo w Mądrości Przedwiecznej widzi przede wszystkim wcielone Słowo Boże, drugą osobę Trójcy Świętej. Najłatwiejszą i najpewniejszą drogą prowadzącą do zjednoczenia z Nią jest rozmyślanie o Męce Pańskiej i naśladowanie cierpiącego Chrystusa. Popularność, jaką dzieło Henryka Suzo cieszyło się przez wieki, można porównać jedynie z późniejszym o jeden wiek O naśladowaniu Chryst...

    okładka Stella Fregelius, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    This is another of Haggard’s eternal love stories. This novel tells of intersecting fates, the triangle: scholarly Morris Monk, inventor; his first cousin, Mary Porson; and the daughter of the new church rector, Stella Fregelius. The story at one point plays with the idea that love cannot exist between man and woman without lust, which implies a rare power to Morris and Stella’s bond. The moral of this story is: love that lives after death, and that spiritual connection is ...

    okładka The People of the Mist, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    In this story, readers are introduced to Leonard Outram, a penniless British adventurer in his pocket who is seeking wealth in distant lands, having lost his family lands and estates. He is involved in the rescue of a young Portuguese woman from the largest slave camp in Africa. As a result, the main character discovered a lost race. He will not be easy, because he will face their God.

    okładka The Way of the Spirit, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    This is another Haggard novel in which the characters lived their lives in anticipation of love after death. A history of pain, supernatural and love that survives death. In the book, the reader meets a young man named Rupert Ullershaw. When we first meet him, he is in a difficult situation, he enters into a love affair with the wife of his elder cousin, Lord Deven. However, this is not the love that he wanted to find and he goes in search of that one.

    okładka The Wanderer’s Necklace, Ebook | Henry Rider Haggard

    The book is full of unforeseen incidents. At the heart of the story is a guy who is much more honest and bolder than he seems. And of course there is love. Love leads this story, love strengthens it, and also corrupts it in a cunning way. This is a power struggle, a story about kindness, true friendship, sacrifice, conspiracy, and so on.

    okładka Sumienie chrześcijańskie, Ebook | John Henry Newman

    Nowe wydanie jednego z najważniejszych tekstów o sumieniu O sumieniu najwięcej wiedzą ci, którzy go słuchają. Dlatego warto czytać Newmana i po stu latach. ks. Grzegorz Strzelczyk „Nie widzieć prawdy jest winą. Człowiek nie widzi prawdy, gdy jej nie chce i ponieważ jej nie chce” − mówi Ratzinger na kanwie Sumienia chrześcijańskiego. Ostre i trafne, bo książka jest najgłębiej o tym: o centralności prawdy oraz jej absolutnej konieczności dla człowieka i jego świata. ks. Jerzy S...

    okładka Herezje, Ebook | prof. Henryk Pietras SJ

    Starożytne herezje nigdy nie umarły W oczach ludzi współczesnych herezje uchodzą za relikt czasów dawno minionych – za coś, czym Kościół nie musi się już zajmować. Henryk Pietras SJ, ceniony patrolog i autor wielu książek poświęconych chrześcijaństwu antycznemu, dowodzi jednak, że nie jest to takie oczywiste. Jego książka rzuca nowe światło na herezje, które pojawiły się u początków chrześcijaństwa, jednocześnie trafnie pokazując, że idee uznane za heretyckie są nadal żywe. ...

    okładka Śladami pierwszych chrześcijan, Ebook | Monika Ożóg, Henryk Pietras SJ

    Wyprawa do początków chrześcijaństwa Zwiedzanie Rzymu to nie tylko podziwianie zabytków, ale także podróżowanie po historii chrześcijaństwa. Obok monumentalnych, zachwycających bazylik w mieście znajdują się obiekty, które były świadkami życia Kościoła w pierwszych wiekach naszej ery. Niektórych miejsc w ogóle zaś już nie ma. Autorzy, znawcy świata starożytnego, opisują, jak mogły one wyglądać i jakie historie się z nimi wiązały. Przeczytaj i dowiedz się ponadto: Jak rzymi...

    okładka The Justice of Amru, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Written in the cycle of tales by H. Bedford-Jones, „The Justice of Amru” tells how fanatic followers of Mohammed stormed out of Arabia in the seventh century to slaughter the Greek troops of the Great Eastern Empire and conquer Egypt... and again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling historic drama.

    okładka The Son of Julius Caesar, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    These Sphinx Emerald stories are a veritable Outline of History. „The Son of Julius Caesar” is the fifth one from the master story tell H. Bedford-Jones! Many of his works were historical fiction/adventures, about knights, pirates, buccaneers, vikings, musketeers, revolutionaries, legionnaires, soldiers, sailors, and assorted adventurers. Here the tragic young Caesarion dominates the scene.

    okładka Jewels Have a Long Life, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    Again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling historic drama. This series about the Sphinx Emerald constitutes, as has been said, a veritable Outline of History – or perhaps „Highlights of History” would be more accurate. For this reason the greatest event in all history could not be left out.

    okładka Richelieu Raids a Tomb, Ebook | Henry Bedford-Jones

    „Richelieu Raids a Tomb” is the fourteenth installment about the Sphinx Emerald from a Canadian-American historical, adventure fantasy, science fiction, crime and Western writer H. Bedford-Jones. Here the malign magic of the Sphinx Emerald works its spell anew in one of the famous dramas of history. And again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling drama.

    okładka Horoskop chiński., Ebook | Henryk Antoni Rekus

    Chińska astrologia opiera się na dwunastu znakach zodiaku zwierzęcego oraz pięciu żywiołach. Każdy kolejny rok nosi imię jednego z dwunastu zwierząt zodiakalnych. Zakłada, że ich cechy charakterystyczne odzwierciedlają zachowania, usposobienie i duszę człowieka. Dzięki mądrości Wschodu odkryjesz tajniki swojego charakteru. Dowiesz się jakie posiadasz zalety i wady, poznasz mocne i słabe strony. Odsłonisz swoją przyszłość i główne wydarzenia, które będą miały szczególny wpływ ...

    okładka The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Outwardly, a good-natured merry fellow, a lover of pleasures, but at the same time a king-philosopher, Henry VIII at first does not have all the power and depends on the all-powerful Cardinal Wolsey, the conductor of the policy of Rome. For the time being, the king is forced to restrain his cool temper. But soon he will execute on a false denunciation of Buckingham – the enemy of Volseus. In line with the policy of the Reformation, he needs to dissolve the marriage with his...

    okładka Scooby-Doo! i Ty: Na tropie Henry'ego bez głowy. , Ebook | Jenny Markas

    Muzeum na wolnym powietrzu zwane skansenem to nie lada atrakcja dla wielbicieli historii, archeologii i dawnych kultur. Dla burmistrza Banksa i mieszkańców jego miasteczka to także najważniejsze źródło utrzymania. Dlatego w miasteczku zapanowała czarna rozpacz, kiedy po skansenie zaczął grasować bezgłowy duch straszliwego Henry'ego. Szczęśliwym trafem wśród zwiedzających skansen znaleźli się wytrawni tropiciele złoczyńców – Scooby-Doo i jego przyjaciele z Tajemniczej S...

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