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Szukasz: Hugh Aynesworth, Stephen G. Michaud

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    okładka Stephen Hawking. Opowieść o przyjaźni i fizyce, Ebook | Leonard Mlodinow

    Ujmujące osobiste wspomnienie o Stephenie Hawkingu jako człowieku, przyjacielu i fizyku. Stephen Hawking pozostawił trwały ślad w naszej kulturze, oddziaływając na życie milionów ludzi. Jego książki zainspirowały niezliczoną rzeszę przyszłych naukowców, a teoria czarnych dziur i dociekania dotyczące początków Wszechświata wytyczyły nowe kierunki badawcze. W obejmujących prawie dwie dekady wspomnieniach amerykański fizyk Leonard Mlodinow, przyjaciel i współpracownik St...

    okładka The Green Mirror, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Mrs. Trenchard’s figure contains all the jealous stubbornness of a strong parent who does not want to let go of his child. Her strength lies mainly in her ability, as she is understood to be unsympathetic, to impose creative possibilities on those whom she loves, and singles out a caring Catherine as a person whose fate she wants to control. When Katherine agrees to be engaged during the year, she realizes the need to pay any reasonable price to keep her mother and Trenchar...

    okładka The Inquisitor, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Walpole wrote horror novels that tended to be more psychological than supernatural, with mysticism underlying thoughtfulness. The Inquisitor is a murder thriller set in a haunted village. This novel will leave a mark with horror lovers.

    okładka The Golden Scarecrow, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Children come to this world with knowledge of the world that they left, and spiritual connection with him through the satellite, which they just call their Friend. Some adults can grow up without losing their friend, and some children repel him when they are young. The Golden Scarecrow needs a child’s heart and willingness to believe in something that we don’t see, but I think that if you want to give him a chance.

    okładka Judith Paris, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    The characters are diverse and strong in these books. Walpole clearly believed in women with character, because the book is full of them. Not so outrageous to be incredible, but more women who will not be meek rugs for spouses or family members. History and famous characters sometimes slip in to add color and historical context. Vivid descriptions of the countryside, especially the lake region. Even now, ridges and lakes penetrate in all directions of life.

    okładka The Prelude to Adventure, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is the story of a Cambridge student, Olva Dune, who commits murder. Ironically, the moment he commits his crime, he feels the presence of God. Perhaps a hundred years ago, March Square could boast of such excellent ignorance, but fashion is changing to prevent, perhaps, our own being too easily annoyed.

    okładka The Young Enchanted, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    The Young Changed Book is a book that takes the year 1920 and makes it seem like a disguise. London in 1920 – and young people, standing in the center of the present, with extraordinary opportunities circling around her, ready and eager to take advantage of these opportunities, eager to draw conclusions in the world made.

    okładka Vanessa, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    The book begins with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Judith, and we regret her death, as she was one of the most dominant and memorable characters in this series, starting with the second volume. During the conspiracy, Vanessa’s father dies in tragic circumstances and the love triangle between Vanessa, Ellis and Benji deepens. Two new characters will appear in this book: the younger brothers Sally and Tom. And let’s hope someone post Judith’s memories. As a hist...

    okładka Wintersmoon, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Beautiful, but affordable spelling. The characters, especially Janet, were incredibly versatile. They are well-rounded and sympathetically written, and each has its own natural conclusion, making for a very satisfactory ending. If you like a well-written, historical, adult novel with a definitively optimistic ending, then try Wintersmoon.

    okładka The Joyful Delaneys, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Hugh Walpole skillfully weaves these plot threads and half a dozen others into this increasingly exciting saga. His characters leave the page in a living, breathing color; his descriptions are better than photographs, including sounds, smells, tastes and emotions, as well as vivid visual descriptions; he skillfully plays on our feelings, including us as good colleagues, sharing the views of his fantastic world. Joyful Delaneys were very, very good. Funny, makes you think, w...

    okładka Portrait of a Man with Red Hair, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is a terrible story about Harkness, a timid American who travels all over Europe with his etchings as his only friends. While in London, he meets a man at the club who recommends visiting a small town during his holidays. The next 24 hours completely change his life. He made friends with a frightened young woman who is unhappily married and meets a man with red hair, a rich and sadistic man who loves to influence others by hurting them.

    okładka The Fortress, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Judith Paris, now middle-aged, is returning to the Lakes to deal with the fierce feud between the two branches of the family. The feud ended with the construction of one branch of a huge house, known as the Fortress, which will dominate the land of others. But in this conflict, the children of two families play an important role.

    okładka Jak zrobić statek kosmiczny O bandzie awanturników, zaciętym wyścigu oraz o narodzinach prywatnej astronautyki, Ebook | Stephen Hawking, Julian Guthrie

    Niezwykła opowieść o tym, jak kilku pasjonatów zapoczątkowało nową erę w historii lotów kosmicznych Jeszcze do niedawna loty kosmiczne były domeną wyłącznie rządów wielkich mocarstw. Od ósmego roku życia, gdy Peter Diamandis oglądał lądowanie Apollo 11 na Księżycu, lot w kosmos stał się wręcz jego obsesją. Gdy zorientował się, że NASA kasuje program załogowych lotów kosmicznych, ten naukowiec i przedsiębiorca zaangażował się w jedno z największych awanturniczych przedsię...

    okładka George i niezniszczalny kod, Ebook | Stephen Hawking, Lucy Hawking

    George i Annie wyruszają w kosmiczną podróż, aby ocalić Wszechświat Na świecie zaczynają się dziać naprawdę dziwne rzeczy. Banki rozdają pieniądze, sklepy nie mogą pobierać opłat za swoje produkty i ludzie mają jedzenie za darmo, a samoloty nie chcą latać. Wygląda na to, że ktoś włamał sie do wszystkich największych i najlepszych komputerów świata. Aby dowiedzieć się, kto za tym wszystkim stoi, George i jego najlepsza przyjaciółka Annie muszą wybrać się w ko...

    okładka O Stephenie Hawkingu, czarnej dziurze i myszach podłogowych, Ebook | Katarzyna Ryrych

    Piotrek dotąd był po prostu Bratkiem, młodszym bratem swojego brata. To Stefan, unieruchomiony w łóżku przez tajemniczą chorobę, nauczył go wszystkiego, odkrył przed nim świat. Ale teraz coś się zmienia. Bratek zaczyna mieć tajemnice, własne bójki w szkole i przyjaciół. Już nie jest Bratkiem – staje się Piotrkiem. Kimś ważnym, samodzielnie myślącym, niezależnym od mamy i brata. Zadziwiająca jest ta zmiana i… naprawdę wspaniała! Tytuł może trochę przydługi, ale niektórzy ...

    okładka Wiara – racjonalna czy naiwna? Filozof broni chrześcijaństwa, Ebook | Stephen T. Davis

    Czy istnieje prawda obiektywna? Dlaczego mielibyśmy wierzyć w Boga? Czy ewolucja przeczy chrześcijaństwu? Czy zło i cierpienie dowodzą, że Bóg nie istnieje? Czy neurobiologia może wyjaśnić rzekome doświadczenia religijne? Czy możemy być w pełni szczęśliwi bez Boga? Jak odnaleźć Boga i stworzyć z nim trwałą relację? Te pytania stanowią punkt wyjścia dla Stephena T. Davisa, który jako praktyk – profesor filozofii, ma świadomość, że ludziom wierzącym nie jest łatwo żyć wiarą w...

    okładka The Silver Thorn, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is an exciting collection of 15 stories. Indeed, there are some who are very good – there is a sad and exciting „Silly old fool” about a canon who believes that a woman cares for him, and „Engraving” sees how an obsessed husband goes against his wife’s desires, collecting engravings. Other great stories are Little Donkeys with Raspberry Saddles, gentle Chinese Horses about two women and a man, and Major Wilbraham sees a World War I major go crazy. This is a wide genre ...

    okładka The Wooden Horse, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    A magnificent classic tale of family life at a former age. The wooden horse is the story of the Trojans, a family that calmly accepted the belief that they were people for whom the world was created. But when Harry Troyan returned home twenty years later in New Zealand, with the democracy that he learned by working with his hands, he was a „wooden horse” who boldly carried an army of alien ideals into the walls of Troyan, which made a group of people out of this selfish fam...

    okładka The Sea Tower, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    The story – the mother-in-law – the situation of the daughter-in-law, growing hatred, as motherhood possessions find disappointment. The final break looks like anti-climax. In the story, the story is reminiscent of „The Daughter of Mr. Despondency” by Anna Parrish, although Walpole dealt with his material more confidently, with great skill.

    okładka The Old Ladies, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    The book opens shortly before Christmas, many years ago. The city of Polchester was an old rickety building on a cliff above old grass. The house was a windy, creaky, bitten rain place where three elderly women lived as tenants, including Miss Beringer, who had moved the day before. These old women are only 70 years old, but in the history of Walpole, written in 1924, they are seriously ancient, poor, oppressed, miserable creatures. If you have any doubts about the progress...

    okładka The Dutchess of Wrexe, Her Decline and Death, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    An energetic girl enters society and must choose between her rebellious and exiled cousin or an ordinary young man. Rachel chooses an ordinary young man, but when their marriage begins to degenerate, she again comes into contact with her cousin. She falls in love with him – will she leave her husband and run away with her romantic but weak lover?

    okładka The Captives, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Strikingly bright characters. Such a well-designed image of moods, places and feelings. Maggie Cardinal’s father dies very suddenly, leaving her alone, not very upset, since he never showed special love for her. She is „strange”, „misunderstood” a captive in a world in which others fit in, but she does not.

    okładka The Dark Forest, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    In the first novel, which takes place in Galicia during the retreat of the Russian army in 1915, the narrator tells of a tragedy that unfolds inside a triangle: John Trenchad – Maria – Semenov. The theme of spiritual love in the novel is promoted by the motive of white nights. It was during this period (on white nights) that John Trenchad met Mary.

    okładka The Gods and Mr. Perrin, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    This is a wonderful story of English school life, depicting the driving of boys and the hungry, cramped life of the masters, as well as the tragedy that captures and leads Mr. Perrin. We are set up so as not to love the school teacher Mr. Perrin, who is falling into our eyes into some kind of paranoid delusion. Nevertheless, at every step, the author deviates from the expected result, truly not letting us understand why this was not so inevitable as he drew it up to this po...

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