
Szukasz: Thomas Morris

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    okładka Fiddle o’Dreams and More, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    Morrison’s literary reputation is mostly based on his realistic novels and short stories about slum life in London. In addition, he wrote detective fiction that is openly derivative of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories. Possessed with a wide and free-ranging curiosity, Morrison wrote both fiction and nonfiction works on diverse subjects, from Japanese art to occultism, and participated in English literary life well into World War II. In 1930 Arthur Morrison moved...

    okładka The Green Eye of Goona, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    Morrison’s most popular books are probably his detective stories, featuring Martin Hewitt, a methodical investigator, who uses his ability to be „thoroughly at home among any and every class of people” to invite confidences in gathering evidence. Martin Hewitt stories are similar in style to those of Conan Doyle, cleverly plotted and very amusing. Morrison made two other forays into the detective field, the first: „The Dorrington Deed-Box”, which introduces the quasi-crimin...

    okładka A Child of the Jago, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    „A Child of the Jago” is London-born journalist Arthur Morrison’s best known novel. It was first published in November 1896 and is set in a fictional East End slum known as the Jago, which Morrison based a real district called the Old Nichol. The novel recounts the brief life of Dicky Perrott, who is at heart full of humane instinct but his environment ensures his down fall. The Perrott family, and their friends and enemies, must struggle for their very survival in the hars...

    okładka The Dorrington Deed Box, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    English writer Morrison chronicles the exploits of Horace Dorrington, a raconteur and scoundrel who hails from a very different social strata than the typical Victorian detective. Mr. Dorrington himself is a marvelous creation, charming and with no moral scruples whatsoever, clever, and entirely devoted to achieving as great a profit for himself as possible if this involves doing some honest detection, that is fine if it involved extorting the criminal instead of turning hi...

    okładka The Chronicles of Martin Hewitt, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    Second collection of detective fiction concerning Martin Hewitt, a famous private detective whose methods closely resemble those of Sherlock Holmes. The anthology is composed of six short stories, mysteries investigated by the investigator Martin Hewitt, and narrated by his friend, Colonel Brett. An artist’s work is vindictively vandalized, and the artist is found murdered in his smoking room. Gold bullion totaling L10,000 mysteriously vanishes from the ill-fated steamship ...

    okładka Martin Hewitt, Investigator, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    „Martin Hewitt, Investigator” is a collection of late Victorian short stories linked by the protagonist, Martin Hewitt. This book chronicles seven of Hewitt’s cases, and gave rise to his reputation as England’s „second-best-detective”. They are tales of impossible to solve crimes that Hewitt was able to crack by piecing together a few clues where the police detectives had failed. Like the Holmes stories, the author did not want the detective to talk about his own cases in t...

    okładka Cunning Murrell, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    Spirit of Old Essex draws together Arthur Morrison’s lost treasure of a novel „Cunning Murrell”, a jocular tale of witchcraft, old salts, pugilists, smuggling and country life long lost, together with additional background information on Morrison’s research and inspiration. „Cunning Murrell” is a fictionalized biography of James Murrell, also known as Cunning Murrell, who was an English cunning man, or professional folk magician. In this capacity, he reportedly employed mag...

    okładka Tales of Mean Streets, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    „Tales of Mean Streets”, published in 1894, is a collection of short stories describing the appalling conditions that many working people endured. These stories are a brilliant evocation of a narrow, close-knit community, that of the streets of London’s East End. Having lived and worked there, he author knew that East Enders were not a race apart, but ordinary men and women, scraping by perhaps, but neither criminals nor paupers. Here Arthur Morrison chronicles their advent...

    okładka Green Ginger, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    „Green Ginger” is one of the humorous story from mixed collection of sixteen short stories by the author of the Martin Hewitt, Investigator series. Collects several mysteries, including a „Cunning Murrell” tale, also „The Seller of Hate”, a deal-with-the-Devil story, and „The Chamber of Light”, a humorous ghost story of psychic investigator driving the poor spectres to distraction. The stories are well written and definitely a product of their time and place. Arthur George ...

    okładka The Adventures of Martin Hewitt, Ebook | Arthur Morrison

    Who else could have so quickly connected a partial sheet of music wrapped around a rock and tossed through a sitting room window with an infamous decades-old robbery? Would anyone else have taken seriously the fears of an eccentric old woman who swore thieves were after her most prized possession: a snuffbox fashioned from the actual wood of Noah’s Ark? England’s greatest crime-solver Martin Hewitt uses his superior intellect and genial charm to unmask thieves, murderers, a...

    okładka The Riddle of the Spinning Wheel, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    Hamilton Cleek is a renaissance man for the ages: an intellectual giant with the brawn of ten men, he serves as a consulting detective, often helping Scotland Yard with particularly challenging cases. With the power to distort and transform his visage and mimic any mannerism he desires, Cleek, with the assistance of his cockney assistant „Dollops”, makes a super natural detective! In „The Riddle of the Spinning Wheel”, a young woman concerned that the turmoil in her family ...

    okładka The Riddle of the Purple Emperor, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    Hamilton Cleek, once known to Scotland Yard as „The Vanishing Cracksman” is a reformed crook turned detective. He has a gift for both deduction and impersonation, a curious combination of Sherlock Holmes and Peter Sellars, which he uses to solve mysteries. After a long Channel crossing, Cleek drives a lady home only to discover her aunt has been murdered. But the mystery has only just begun. It leads to a mysterious and sinister chain of events, which Cleek and Superintende...

    okładka The Riddle of the Night, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    Sherlock Holmes fans will find a lot to like in Thomas W. Hanshew’s „The Riddle of the Night”. Thomas W. Hanshew (1857-1914), who also wrote as Charlotte Mary Kingsley, was an American author and actor best known for his stories of Hamilton Cleek, the man of the forty faces, who through his talents for disguise solves crime and mystery in London. He wrote some books in collaboration with his wife, Mary E Hanshew. In it, renowned consulting detective Hamilton Cleek is faced ...

    okładka The Riddle of the Frozen Flame, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    This is another classic of golden-age detective fiction featuring Detective Hamilton Cleek who was introduced in „Cleek: The Man of the Forty Faces” first published in 1913. This super sleuth and master of disguise will bedazzle you once more as he ingeniously solves a new case. Without the logical mind and condescending manners of Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, Hamilton Cleek worms into your heart through your eyes and via your brain. In this tale, Cleek investigates the siniste...

    okładka Cleek, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    Collection of several short mysteries, starring consulting detective Hamilton Cleek and his incredible skills at disguise with the assistance of his cockney assistant „Dollops”. Cleek is poacher-turned-gamekeeper, a master criminal who decides to turn straight and work for Scotland Yard after being stricken by the sight of a lovely, innocent young woman whose jewels he was about to pinch. Told as a fairly continuous narrative, held together by the underlying thread of Cleek...

    okładka Cleek of Scotland Yard, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    Hamilton Cleek is back – or is he? Margot, Queen of the Apaches, the notorious French criminal gang, has been released on bail and vanished, Inspector Narkom of Scotland Yard has a series of inexplicable murders to solve, there is talk of revolution in Mauravania. And Cleek is missing. The stories collected here are some of the best about the clever and resourceful private detective Cleek, the man of the forty faces, who through his talents for disguise solves crime and mys...

    okładka The Riddle of the Mysterious Light, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    In „The Riddle of the Mysterious Light”, consulting detective Hamilton Cleek is en route to meet with Scotland Yard detective Narkom when he’s intercepted by a roving gang of nefarious ne’er-do-wells. Can he muster his mighty intellect and physical prowess and hatch a plan to escape his captors? Hamilton Cleek is the central figure in dozens of short stories that began to appear in 1910 and were subsequently collected in a series of books. Cleek is a detective as remarkable...

    okładka Cleek, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    A classic mystery novel featuring Hanshew’s best-known creation, the consulting detective Hamilton Cleek, known as „the man of the forty faces” for his incredible skill at disguise. An ex-cracksman turned Scotland Yard detective, Cleek’s slim and faultlessly dressed form is topped by an india-rubber-like face, of which he has remarkable control. Cleek is based in Clarges Street, London, where he is constantly consulted by Inspector Narkom of Scotland Yard. Cleek is the cent...

    okładka Zaczęło się w Paryżu, Ebook | Rachael Thomas

    Jafar Al-Shekri musi się ożenić w ciągu dwóch tygodni, żeby nie stracić prawa do dziedziczenia władzy w państwie. Na ślubie przyjaciela poznaje piękną Angielkę Tiffany Chapelle, która zawodowo zajmuje się organizowaniem wesel dla elit. Jafar jest pewien, że świetnie poradzi sobie w roli panny młodej, proponuje jej więc pewien układ. Tiffany zgadza się udawać jego żonę przez kilka miesięcy, nie przewidziała jednak, że wspólny tydzień w Paryżu skomplikuje ich ustalone relacje…&...

    okładka Terapeutka, Ebook | Thomas Bev

    Obojętność to nie zbrodnia, czyż nie? Thriller psychologiczny o traumie i relacji między terapeutą a pacjentem. Ruth Harland jest dyrektorką przychodni terapeutycznej w Londynie. Jako psychoterapeutka z wieloletnim doświadczeniem jest bardzo poważana w środowisku. Ale jej życie rodzinne świadczyłoby o czymś innym – Tom, jej siedemnastoletni syn zaginął i od dwóch lat nie było z nim kontaktu. Ruth rozpacza po utraconym synu, starając się zrozumieć jego zniknięcie – czy za...

    okładka Tunel Ego, Ebook | Thomas Metzinger

    CZY MOŻNA DOŚWIADCZAĆ ŻYCIA W WIELU ŚWIATACH NARAZ? CZY MASZYNY MOGĄ POSIADAĆ SZTUCZNĄ ŚWIADOMOŚĆ? W JAKI SPOSÓB DZIAŁA EMPATIA I POZNANIE SPOŁECZNE? Thomas Metzinger przedstawia oryginalną koncepcję świadomości i osoby, stworzoną na podstawie współczesnych wyników ba- dań prowadzonych często przy jego udziale w wielu dziedzinach – od psychologii i neuronauk po sztuczną inteligencję. Odwołuje się zarówno do codziennych doświadczeń dostępnych każdemu...

    okładka Na ostrzu skalpela. 50 lat z życia chirurga, Ebook | Robert T. Morris

    Życie i śmierć na stołach operacyjnych na przełomie XIX i XX wieku! Wspomnienia wybitnego chirurga z okresu, gdy operacje trwały godzinami i często z błahych powodów kończyły się zgonem pacjenta – śmiertelność chirurgiczna wynosiła wtedy nawet 79 procent. Same operacje nierzadko przeprowadzane były w domach pacjentów, do narkozy służył eter, a cięcia były tak głębokie i obszerne, że wielu pacjentów wykrwawiało się podczas zabiegów na śmierć. Książka Roberta T. Morrisa...

    okładka Wrota kobiecości - PDF, Ebook | Thomashauer Regena

    Nie jest tajemnicą, że kobiety są dziś niedoceniane w domu, pracy jak również w związkach. Zbyt wiele z nas jest w stanie wojny z własnym ciałem i pozostaje odłączona od rzeczywistości. A wszystko przez cipkę. Jest ona uświęconą częścią ciała, której zabroniono nam czcić. Stanowi też ogromne źródło kobiecej mocy. Autorka, pedagog i założycielka szkoły dla kobiet, stworzyła system, który urósł do globalnego ruchu z tysiącami wielbicieli na całym świecie. Dzięki tej książc...

    okładka Sprawy sercowe, Ebook | Thomas Morris

    Serce – najgłębsza tajemnica, dom duszy, esencja życia i źródło sił duchowych. Przez tysiące lat pozostawało niedostępne dla medyków zarówno ze względu na kulturowe i religijne tabu, jak i ze względów praktycznych: skoro pacjent miał pozostać żywy, serce nie mogło przestać bić – a jak operować organ pozostający w ciągłym ruchu? Thomas Morris, ceniony dziennikarz BBC, relacjonując jedenaście przełomowych operacji, opowiada historię kardiochirurgii – dzieje porażek i trium...

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