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Szukasz: Wiliam Shakespeare

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    okładka Cymbeline, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    There are two main lines: the story of the lovers of Postum and Imogen and the story of lost and found royal sons. All this, like a silver frame, is framed by sufferings, oaths of loyalty, amazing coincidences and other tasty Shakespearean curlicues. Postum was simply naive and blind, like most of the heroes of Shakespeare. And Imogen, in my opinion one of the most intelligent and clever heroines of him.

    okładka As You Like It, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    One of the earliest comedies of Shakespeare. And at the moment one of the most relevant. The plot of the play is built on dressing a woman into a man, on the love of a man for a woman, a woman for a disguised woman, and so on. The second comedy plan shows how different family relationships can be – one step from love to hate. And the fact that you are one blood does not mean anything, good relations are more important.

    okładka A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    ”A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a comedy where all the characters find themselves in a situation that completely changes their lives. In the play several plot lines that are closely intertwined with each other and affect each other. The main conflict of the play is a quarrel between the king of the elves of Oberon and his wife, Queen Titania. Because of this quarrel, all the madness of the summer night is happening. After all, Oberon decided to punish the spouse and play a l...

    okładka All’s Well That Ends Well, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    This is the story of a simple girl Helena without titles and inheritance. She is the daughter of a talented but poor healer. After the death of her father, the girl becomes a pupil of the Countess of Roussillon. She falls in love with the son of her benefactress Bertram, but he does not want to look at her either, for him only the wealth and high origin is important. To win the favor of her lover, Helen goes to Paris to cure the sick king of France with her father’s recipes...

    okładka Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    The plot holds in suspense, and the final and in general a complete delight. A lot of wise thoughts. The writers and critics have dismantled this work not only by the lines, but by letter, giving each a special meaning. But the average reader will find here a lot of everyday life truths, which are relevant in today’s time. Hamlet is one of those works that can be read many times and each time open it to yourself again.

    okładka The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Outwardly, a good-natured merry fellow, a lover of pleasures, but at the same time a king-philosopher, Henry VIII at first does not have all the power and depends on the all-powerful Cardinal Wolsey, the conductor of the policy of Rome. For the time being, the king is forced to restrain his cool temper. But soon he will execute on a false denunciation of Buckingham – the enemy of Volseus. In line with the policy of the Reformation, he needs to dissolve the marriage with his...

    okładka Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    The king Antioch was a beautiful daughter. All the fiancés who came to Antioch were given one condition: to guess the difficult riddle; otherwise they will lose their head. No one could guess. Then one day young Pericles from Tire arrived at the king’s court... Having solved the royal riddle, Pericles dares to flee in terror not only from Antioch, but even from his own country. This flight leads to a chain of events, losses and partings with loved ones.

    okładka The Tragedie of Macbeth, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    The focus of the great tragedy of William Shakespeare „Macbeth” is unreasonable ambition that turns a brave warrior and a recognized hero into an ominous killer who seized power in his hands at the cost of bloody atrocity. The play „Macbeth” is worth reading if only to enjoy the beautiful poetic language of the great playwright – here evil, intrigue, deceit and the most base vices of humanity are served under the sauce of beautiful poetry.

    okładka The Tragedie of Anthony and Cleopatra, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    With a strong spirit and body, people who are ready to endure all sorts of hardships and difficulties for the sake of the cause of their whole life, their blood, their feats inscribing their names in the history of mankind, also end up being tested, which turn out to be stronger than them. And for the sake of this, a person is able to erase his entire former life overnight. This happens with Anthony, an honorary Roman who fell in love with the proud queen of Egypt. For his ...

    okładka The Sonnets, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Shakespeare’s sonnets cannot be overestimated; this is the best sort of poetry. How clean, voiced imagery. In general, in what language you do not read – the pleasure is provided. Idealization of the beloved, ode to his beauty, magnification by his Perfection. But what is interesting – the author sees the imperfections of a loved one, but literally forgives them. And nothing can darken the object of affection for him.

    okładka The History of Troilus and Cressida, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    This is a very unusual play. Maybe that’s why little known. The scene of action is Troy, the time of the siege that glorified it. Heroes – Agamemnon, Priam, Achilles, Hector, Menelaus, Paris, Elena. The main reason for the war is to return the prodigal Helen Cuckold Menelaus. Yes exactly. Trojans defend themselves by doubting the right to hold an unfaithful wife. The Greeks besiege, doubting the reason to besiege.

    okładka The Life of Timon of Athens, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    A very instructive story about not doing good is not getting evil. The main character is a tragic personality. At first he loved people with all his soul, who was eager to help them selflessly and ruined as a result of this, in one day he would know all human ingratitude, self-interest and anger. In anger, Timon of Athens kills one of his insulters, for which he is expelled from Athens.

    okładka The Taming of the Shrew, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Shakespeare showed us the plays in the play. In the introduction, we see that the Lord decided to play a cruel joke on a drunken brazier. They brought him to the lord’s house, dressed him beautifully, and assured him that past life was only a dream. And at this moment there is a troupe of actors who show the main part of the play. Unfortunately, the author did not finish the whole thing.

    okładka The Merchant of Venice, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    In this work you can see the obsession with money, vindictiveness and even nationalism. There are two Venetian merchants, Bassanio and Antonio, in an extremely difficult financial situation. Bassanio, as a way out of this situation, decides to go to woo the rich heiress Portia, but he has no money for it. Antonio also has no money, but he borrows a large amount from a Jew Shylock under „his honest name.”

    okładka The Life of King Henry the Fifth, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    In Henry V, a small episode of Anglo-Frankish history is described, the Hundred Years War – The Battle of Azincourt. The crushing defeat of the French will forever remain in the memory of the losers and in the dreams of the descendants of future kings. Despite the fact that the battle was described, the war was described, it seemed to me that there were a lot of comedic moments here.

    okładka The Tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    It is amazing, beautiful, and the lines flow like a song. Very characteristic images, living, breathing. You empathize with all the heroes and fiercely despise Iago. This is certainly the highest skill, so clearly convey the characters in the play, without going into the descriptions, but only with randomly dropped phrases. Othello turned out to be an extremely tragic character.

    okładka The Merry Wives of Windsor, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    In „The Merry Wives of Windsor”, there is everything that we love in Shakespeare’s comedies. The classic comedy of Shakespeare, except that the acting characters are not as noble as usual, and the jester is not enough. The plot is simple – one fat knight Falstaff decided to roll up to two married ladies, and those who decided to teach him a lesson so that he would not allow himself such liberties to himself any more, which he did for life three times. At the same time, a st...

    okładka Oczyszczanie wątroby według Boskiego Lekarza - PDF, Ebook | Anthony Wiliams

    Autor bestsellerów New York Timesa z serii „Boski lekarz” wyjaśnia w jaki sposób wyeliminowanie nadmiernego obciążenia wątroby może pomóc w pozbyciu się szerokiego spektrum objawów i dolegliwości. Dzięki niemu oczyścisz ten organ i zaczniesz w pełni panować nad swoim zdrowiem. Wyeliminujesz przy tym:problemy z trawieniem,dolegliwości natury emocjonalnej,niemożność zrzucenia nadprogramowych kilogramów,nadciśnienie,problemy z sercem,otępienie,dolegliwości skórne,...

    okładka 3 ebooki: Romeo i Julia z angielskim. Literacki kurs językowy, Ebook | William Shakespeare, Marta Owczarek

     Zestaw jest literackim kursem językowym i zawiera 3 ebooki: - „Romeo i Julia” William Shakespeare (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie).- „Z przygód Sherlocka Holmesa. Tłumacz grecki” Arthur Conan Doyle (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie). - podręcznik z ćwiczeniami: „Nauka języka angielskiego z książką dwujęzyczną” Marta Owczarek.  Pakiet ebooków jest pełnym kursem językowym łączącym przyjemność czytania z praktyczną nauką języka angielskiego. Zest...

    okładka Uzdrawianie tarczycy według boskiego lekarza. Prawdziwe przyczyny wszystkich chorób niesłusznie łączonych z tarczycą, Ebook | Anthony Wiliams

    Masz niepokojące objawy? Nie zwlekaj! Jeśli doskwiera Ci którakolwiek z poniższych dolegliwości: bóle głowy bądź całego ciałastany lękowe i depresjechoroby autoimmunologicznenowotworywirus Epsteina-Barrmononukleoza bądź fibromialgiazespół przewlekłego zmęczeniazapalenie tarczycy Hashimotoniedoczynność tarczycynadczynność tarczycyzaburzenia wagi bądź snukoniecznie powinieneś sięgnąć po tę książkę! Jak uzdrowić tarczycę w 3 miesiące! Autor wyjaśnia, jak odbu...

    okładka Wesołe kumoszki z Windsoru, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    „Wesołe kumoszki z Windsoru” to jedyne dzieło dramatyczne Szekspira osadzone we współczesności autora – w Anglii przełomu XVI i XVII wieku, stanowiące przy tym znakomity obraz obyczajowości epoki. Dwie zamężne mieszczki padają ofiarami zalotów pewnego szlachcica. Jako że szybko odkrywają jego niecne zamiary, postanawiają zabawić się jego kosztem i zrobić sobie z niego niewybredne żarty.

    okładka Poskromienie złośnicy, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Baptista Minola, bogaty mieszczanin z Padwy, chciałby wydać za mąż swoje córki: starszą humorzastą i nieznośną Katarzynę oraz łagodną i piękną Biankę. O ile do Bianki ustawia się kolejka adoratorów, którzy podstępem usiłują przekonać jej ojca, o tyle Katarzyna nie cieszy się niczyimi względami. Ojciec stawia jednak warunek: najpierw starsza. Czy Petruchiowi z Werony uda się poskromić złośnicę?

    okładka Tymon Ateńczyk, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Tytułowy bohater tragedii „Tymon Ateńczyk” jest majętny, więc nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, aby wydać huczne przyjęcie i obdarować gości hojnymi prezentami. Jednak taka postawa nie jedna mu prawdziwych przyjaciół, za to skupia wokół niego osoby interesowne. Majątek Tymona pierzcha, a przyjaźnie zostają wystawione na próbę. Dochodzi do brzemiennych w konsekwencje zbrodni. Tymon obmyśla dotkliwą zemstę na fałszywych przyjaciołach.

    okładka Sen nocy letniej, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    W sztuce „Sen nocy letniej” mieszają się światy realny i wyobrażony, współistniejące na niemal równych prawach. Na ich tle w mistrzowskiej komedii splatają się historie trzech par kochanków. Źle ulokowana miłość, rozmaite perypetie i udział leśnych duszków podsycają emocje towarzyszące lekturze, zapewniając zarówno mnóstwo radości, jak i odrobinę refleksji nad istotą uczuć.

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