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Szukasz: William Makepeace Thackeray

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    okładka The Mysterious Three, Ebook | William Le Queux

    We all got up from tea in the hall, made our way to the drawing-room, and thence into the morning-room, which opened out of it. There was plenty of daylight still. James came in after us, and went straight up to a framed panel portrait which stood with others on a small table in a remote corner. It showed a tall handsome, clean-shaved man of three or four and thirty, of fine physique, seated astride a chair, his arms folded across the back of the chair as he faced the camer...

    okładka The Mysterious Mr. Miller, Ebook | William Le Queux

    We were standing together in the small shabby bedroom of the boarding-house wherein I lived in Granville Gardens, facing the recreation ground close to Shepherd’s Bush Railway Station. The stifling July day was at an end, and the narrow room was lit by the soft hazy glow of the fast-fading London sunset. Through the open window came the shouts of children at play upon the „green” opposite, mingled with the chatter of the passers-by and the ever-increasing whirr of the elect...

    okładka The Doctor of Pimlico, Ebook | William Le Queux

    A grey, sunless morning on the Firth of Tay. Across a wide, sandy waste stretching away to the misty sea at Budden, four men were walking. Two wore uniform–one an alert, grey-haired general, sharp and brusque in manner, with many war ribbons across his tunic; the other a tall, thin-faced staff captain, who wore the tartan of the Gordon Highlanders. With them were two civilians, both in rough shooting-jackets and breeches, one about forty-five, the other a few years his juni...

    okładka The Closed Book, Ebook | William Le Queux

    These strange facts would never have been placed on record, nor would this exciting chapter of an eventful life have been written, except for two reasons: first, because the discovery I made has been declared to be of considerable importance to scientists, bibliophiles, and the world at large; and, secondly, because it is my dear wife’s wish that in order to clear her in the eyes of both friends and foes nothing should be concealed, misrepresented, or withheld.

    okładka The Broken Thread, Ebook | William Le Queux

    On this particular morning, about ten o’clock, the seafront was already full of men in flannels and lounge-suits, and women in garments of muslin and other such flimsy materials usually affected at the seaside, for stifled and jaded Londoners had flocked down there, as usual, to enjoy the sea air and all the varied attractions which Southport never fails to offer.

    okładka Hushed Up!, Ebook | William Le Queux

    An interesting classic mystery, yes, I guess I could say enjoyable but to a certain extent... At first you are dragged to the edge of your seat wondering whats going to happen next or what the hell does this unusual introduction mean, then you’re hit with a bunch of senarios that keep you wanting to just continue to the next chapter to see what will happen, then you realise that some of what you may have suspected in the beginning IS the conclusion to the plot...

    okładka Of Royal Blood, Ebook | William Le Queux

    „It is imperative that active steps must be taken to preserve England’s supremacy, and at the same time frustrate this aggressive policy towards us which is undoubtedly growing. I need not tell you that the outlook is far from reassuring. As a diplomatist you know that as well as I do. The war-cloud which rose over Europe at the end of the last Administration is still darkening. It therefore behoves us to avoid a repetition of the recent fiasco at St. Petersburg with regard...

    okładka Guilty Bonds, Ebook | William Le Queux

    Frank Burgoyne, newly rich through inheritance, falls madly and improbably in love with a beautiful but mysterious Russian and becomes unwittingly and unknowingly embroiled in an international plot punctuated by a series of murders. Burgoyne suffers several bewildering experiences, including incarcerations in Russia and England, and he is constantly questioning his love’s motivations and fealty.

    okładka Bajki i baśnie koreańskie, Ebook | William Elliot Griffis

    „Bajki i baśnie koreańskie” to nie tylko zbiór opowieści, ale także okno na kulturę i historię Korei. Daj się zaprosić w magiczną podróż przez koreański folklor. Zanurz się w tajemniczym świecie pełnym magii, smoków, duchów i innych niesamowitych istot. Poznaj opowieści, które prezentują historię Półwyspu Koreańskiego w zupełnie nowym, baśniowym świetle. Czy jesteś gotowy na tę fascynującą podróż?

    okładka Eseje, Ebook | William Butler Yeats

    William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) powszechnie uważany jest za jednego z największych klasyków dwudziestowiecznej poezji światowej. Jako poeta jest również dobrze znany z polskich przekładów. Pojawiały się u nas także tłumaczenia jego dramatów i opowiadań, wydano poświęconą mu rzetelną monografię. Brakowało natomiast dotąd publikacji esejów pisarza. Niniejszy wybór jest pierwszą ich książkową prezentacją w naszym kraju. Szkice Yeatsa rzucają wiele światła na jego ...

    okładka The Lady in the Car, Ebook | William Le Queux

    The Prince broke open a big box of choice ‘Petroffs’, selected one, lit it slowly, and walked pensively to the window. He was in a good mood that morning, for he had just got rid of a troublesome visitor.

    okładka Wyzwanie stoika, Ebook | prof. William B. Irvine Irvine

    Jak wypracowane przez nich taktyki mogą pomóc w zmaganiu się z codziennymi problemami w naszych czasach?Książka profesora filozofii Williama B. Irvine’a w wyjątkowy sposób łączy spostrzeżenia starożytnych filozofów z wynikami najnowszych badań psychologicznych i podsuwa zaskakująco prostą, a przy tym niezwykle skuteczną strategię radzenia sobie z nieoczekiwanymi wyzwaniami, które stawia przed nami codzienność: od tych uciążliwych, ale drobnych, jak utknięcie w korku albo na l...

    okładka Pod lufą pistoletu. At the Pistol’s Point, Ebook | Ernest William Hornung

    Jedna z książek z serii o A. J. Rafflesie, złodzieju-dżentelmenie, której autorem jest Ernest William Hornung – angielski pisarz. Seria ta spowodowała w owym czasie pewien szok kulturowy, ponieważ jej bohaterem jest nie policjant lub detektyw broniący prawa i porządku, ale przestępca (a raczej para przestępców, bo Raffles zwykle działa w parze ze swoim przyjacielem i narratorem tej serii opowiadań, Bunnym Mandersem). Budzą oni w dodatku sympatię czytelnika, który kibicuje ich...

    okładka Rosa Alchemica, Ebook | William Butler Yeats

    “Rosa alchemica” to utwór William Butler Yeats, laureata Nagrody Nobla w dziedzinie literatury, poety, dramaturga i filozofa."Rosa alchemica" przenosi nas w świat XIX-wiecznych alchemików i okultystów i tym samym wprowadza atmosferę tajemniczości i stawia zagadki, które czytelnik bardzo chciałby rozwiązać. Żyjący w odosobnieniu poszukiwacz wiedzy tajemnej czuje się wyczerpany bezowocnością samotnych dążeń, gdy pewnego dnia odwiedza go niepokojący gość i proponuje wstąpienie d...

    okładka Tajemnicza róża, Ebook | William Butler Yeats

    Książka w dwóch wersjach językowych: polskiej i angielskiej. A dual Polish-English language edition. Na język polski przełożył Józef Birkenmajer. Znakomite dzieło Yeatsa przybliża czytelnikowi nie tylko folklor irlandzki, ale także przybliża go do ezoteryki, która była czymś niezwykle ważnym w życiu tego genialnego mistrza pióra. Pikanterii utworowi dodaje spora pewna szczypta erotyzmu ukazanego w formie dość nieprzyzwoitej, aby nie użyć dosadniejszego określenia. Książka dla...

    okładka The Hunchback of Westminster, Ebook | William Le Queux

    Up to that time, I remember, my big brass plate, with the legend „Mr Hugh Glynn, Secret Investigator,” had only succeeded in drawing a very average and ordinary amount of business. True, I had had several profitable cases in which wives wanted to know what happened to their husbands when they didn’t come home at the usual hours, and employers were anxious to discover certain leakages through which had disappeared a percentage of their cash; but for the most part my work had...

    okładka The House of Whispers, Ebook | William Le Queux

    No second glance was needed to realise the pitiful truth. The man seated there in his fine library, with the summer sunset slanting across the red carpet from the open French windows, was blind. Since his daughter Gabrielle had been a pretty, prattling child of nine, nursing her dolly, he had never looked upon her fair face. But he was ever as devoted to her as she to him.

    okładka The Great Court Scandal, Ebook | William Le Queux

    ”The Ladybird will refuse to have anything to do with the affair, my dear fellow. It touches a woman’s honour, and I know her too well.” „Bah! We’ll compel her to help us. She must.” „She wouldn’t risk it,” declared Harry Kinder, shaking his head. „Risk it! Well, we’ll have to risk something! We’re in a nice hole just now! Our traps at the Grand, with a bill of two thousand seven hundred francs to pay, and ‘the Ladybird’ coolly sends us from London a postal order for twenty...

    okładka The Gay Triangle, Ebook | William Le Queux

    From a derelict shed adjoining a lonely road which stretched for miles across the Norfolk fens, a strange shape slid silently into the night mist. It was a motor-car of an unfamiliar design. The body, of gleaming aluminium, was of unusual width, and was lifted high above the delicate chassis and spidery bicycle wheels that seemed almost too fragile to bear the weight of an engine.

    okładka The Death-Doctor, Ebook | William Le Queux

    Some year and a half ago, my friend and erstwhile neighbour. Dr. Archibald More d’Escombe, died suddenly, and shortly after his decease I received from his solicitors a sealed packet addressed to me in his handwriting, with instructions that it was not to be opened until after his death.

    okładka At the Sign of the Sword, Ebook | William Le Queux

    Warm, brilliant, and cloudless was the July noon. Beneath the summer sun the broad, shallow waters of the Meuse sparkled as they rippled swiftly onward through the deep, winding valley of grey rocks and cool woods on their way from the mountains of Lorraine, through peaceful, prosperous Belgium, towards the sea.

    okładka As We Forgive Them, Ebook | William Le Queux

    To allow so young and delicate a girl to tramp England aimlessly in search of some vague and secret information which seemed to be her erratic father’s object, was, we decided, an utter impossibility; therefore, following that night of our first meeting at Helpstone, Burton and his daughter remained our guests for a week, and, after many consultations and some little economies, we were at last successful in placing Mabel at school, a service for which we later received her ...

    okładka Rookwood, Ebook | William Harrison Ainsworth

    A typical gothic fantasy, Rookwood is a good read if you can stomach the songs, poetry, and flowery language. It features underground vaults, mummified corpses falling out of tombs, paranormal summonses, girls in great distress, a sinister gypsy old woman, adultery, death by lightning, and macabre prophecies.

    okładka Ovingdean Grange, Ebook | William Harrison Ainsworth

    A historical romance with a lot of local flavor. The action takes place in the South Downs, England. Everything revolves around the Civil War.

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