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Szukasz: Edgar Wallace

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    okładka The Edgar Wallace Reader of Mystery and Adventure, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    The master mystery-story teller presents an omnibus of his spine-chilling stories. „The Edgar Wallace Reader of Mystery and Adventure” is a collection of short stories that include „On the Witney Road”, „The Pick-Up”, „Kid Glove Harry”, and thirteen others. Edgar Wallace was a British novelist, playwright, and journalist who produced popular detective and suspense stories and was in his time „the king” of the modern thriller. Wallace’s literary output – 175 books, 24 plays,...

    okładka The Earl of Nowhere, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Every city has its own peculiar voice. Neither the harsh roar of London, the nerve destroying staccato of sound which belongs exclusively to New York, nor the kettledrum buzz of Madrid is comparable with the voice of Paris, which is mainly vocal.""Queer thing about Paris, sir,"” said Jim Selby, „"somebody is always talking.""The staid Vice-Councillor of the British Embassy lifted his head, and, being literally-minded, listened.""I hear nobody–except you,"” he said.""The Ear...

    okładka Turfschwindel, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Die junge Edna Gray kommt nach dem Tod ihres Vaters aus Argentinien zurück nach England. Edna möchte ihr Leben auf dem Landsitz Ihrer Familie verbringen, doch es gibt Personen, die etwas dagegen haben. Das gefällt dem bisherigen Pächter Elijah Goodie überhaupt nicht. Der skrupellose Rennstallbesitzer versucht Ednas Pläne zu durchkreuzen. Dafür ist jedes Mittel recht.

    okładka The Feathered Serpent, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „The Feathered Serpent” is a mystery-thriller novel penned by the remarkably prolific Edgar Wallace. A number of people receive threatening cards emblazoned with the device of a feathered serpent, a device that we later find is associated with ancient Aztec religion and with a cult that still exists in Mexico and Central America. Reporter Peter Dewin suspects the card mysteriously left in the handbag of actress Ella Creed is a publicity stunt. He soon discovers that a wealt...

    okładka The Exploits of Airman Hay, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „The Exploits of Airman Hay” is a series of ten stories about an intrepid aviator by the name of Captain Murray Hay. The stories fast-paced with some surprising twists and turns, well written and great to read. The book presents the stories under the titles found in Edgar Wallace’s manuscript, most of which correspond to those used in Topical Times. Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include „The Four Jus...

    okładka The Gaunt Stranger, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Inspector Wembury’s day turns from bad to worse when a legendary assassin who was supposed dead in Australia returns to England seeking vengeance for the murder of his sister. The detective teams up with Lomond, a police doctor, to try to find „The Ringer” who is a mysterious, revenge-driven serial killer and master of disguise. When a lawyer receives a bouquet with a note informing him that he’ll be dead in forty-eight hours, Wembury and his men embark on a frantic quest t...

    okładka The Gambling Girl, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „The Gambling Girl”, by Edgar Wallace is a book of short story mysteries. Bill and Mary met at a gambling casino and both are imprisoned for reasons that are murky. Bill was a former detective with the American Army at G.H.Q. Mary’s past was more mysterious. From that day forward however, neither of their lives would ever be the same again. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual mystery scheme and a little romance. It’s all great fun and Wallace keeps the action...

    okładka Czerwony krąg, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Jedna z najbardziej znanych powieści kryminalnych Edgara Wallace'a, czterokrotnie filmowana i wielokrotnie wznawiana. James Beardmore otrzymuje list z żądaniem natychmiastowej zapłaty 100 tysięcy funtów ze znakiem Czerwonego Kręgu. Decyduje się jednak postawić mafijnej organizacji i nie płacić, mimo że było to jego ostatnie ostrzeżenie. Konsekwencje tej decyzji mogą być dla niego tragiczne. Wkrótce pojawia się więcej listów ze znakiem kręgu, a ostatnie wydarzenia wskazują, że...

    okładka Tajemnica trzech dębów, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Sokrates Smith to były policjant i pracownik Scotland Yardu, który posiada nie tylko niezwykłe imię, ale także nieprzeciętne zdolności detektywistyczne. Na zaproszenie emerytowanego kolegi z pracy, Johna Mandle’a, przyjeżdża do jego willi wraz z młodszym bratem Lexingtonem. Na miejscu każdy z braci znajduje zajęcie – Sokrates próbuje dowiedzieć się, dlaczego gospodarz żyje w nieustannym strachu o swoje życie, a Lexington dotrzymuje towarzystwa uroczej pasierbicy Mandle’a, Mol...

    okładka Trzej sprawiedliwi, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Istnieją zbrodnie, za które żadna kara nie jest odpowiednia, przestępstwa, których nawet prawo pisane nie jest w stanie wymazać. Oberzhon to prawdziwie czarny charakter, a kiedy konwencjonalna sprawiedliwość zawodzi, Trzej Sprawiedliwi wykorzystują swój wielki spryt i intelekt, aby samodzielnie ją wymierzyć. Stosują własne metody, wykonują własne wyroki. Nie ma mowy o kompromisie.

    okładka Jaśnie panienka, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Urokliwy, acz niebogaty młodzieniec, Juljan Lester, ma śmiałe plany matrymonialne wobec młodziutkiej Marji. Porywy serca są jednak studzone podszeptami rozumu, który nakazuje absztyfikantowi rozeznać sytuację majątkową potencjalnej małżonki. Dziewczyna jest córką przedwcześnie zmarłej hrabianki, która na łożu śmierci oddała ją pod opiekę swojej służącej. Juljan zgłasza się po pomoc do detektywa Johna Morlaya, który oficjalnie odrzuca zlecenie, ale wiedziony prywatną ciekawośc...

    okładka Czerwony krąg, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Jedna z najbardziej znanych powieści kryminalnych w dorobku Edgara Wallace'a, aż czterokrotnie przenoszona na srebrny ekran. Gdy James Beardmore otrzymuje list z żądaniem wysokiego okupu, postanawia nie dać się zastraszyć. Organizacja Czerwony Krąg niewiele jednak robi sobie z jego nieposłuszeństwa - w kolejnych dniach zasypie swoją ofiarę kolejnymi listami z czerwonym znakiem i brutalnie wtargnie w codzienność jego i bliskich mu osób. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że finał tych p...

    okładka Potwór, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Edgar Wallace był angielskim pisarzem, autorem tomu poezji i licznych, bardzo poczytnych powieści awanturniczo-kryminalnych. Mimo trudnego dzieciństwa i braku wykształcenia oraz licznych niepowodzeń ciężką pracą i ciekawymi pomysłami osiągnął olbrzymią popularność. Zostawił po sobie prawie 170 powieści, cieszących się wielkim uznaniem w Polsce okresu międzywojennego, później objętych zapisem cenzury, a następnie wielokrotnie wznawianych. Wiele z nich odwoływało się do kilku...

    okładka The Yellow Snake, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „The Yellow Snake” is an entertaining and breathtaking 1926 thriller by the master of mystery Edgar Wallace. Fing-Su is a graduate of Oxford and head of the dread Society of the Joyful Hands, which he leads in his quest to dominate the world. The name „Yellow Snake” was bestowed on him by his opponent, Clifford Lynne. A bit more practical than Fu Manchu, Fing-Su employs terrestrial strategies like blackmail, bribery, and kidnapping to further his own nefarious aims. Under h...

    okładka The Last Adventure, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include „The Four Just Men”, „Sanders of the River”, and „J. G. Reeder”. Although Wallace wrote many „stand alone” novels it is, perhaps, for his series based material always popular with readers that he remains best known. „The Last Adventure” is a story packed with intrigue, treachery, assassinations, and machinations, and it highlights Wallace’s unmatched skill in set...

    okładka The Lady of Little Hell, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. These were largely adventure narratives with elements of crime or mystery, and usually combined a bombastic sensationalism with hammy violence. In this exciting page-turner, originally published in 1929, from the undisputed „King of Thrillers”, Edgar Wallace, we see the br...

    okładka The Square Emerald, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Edgar Wallace, „The Square Emerald”, originally published in 1926 and made in England. The plot involves a young gentleman, secretary to a notable politician, convicted wrongly of forging a check, now released after serving his term in prison, a group of rather sinister society ladies with their sinister butler Druze, who were involved in the check and other activities, and a beautiful young woman detective from Scotland Yard, also from a stylish society background. A femal...

    okładka The Green Rust, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    This is an enjoyable short story by Edgar Wallace, set in England during the 1920’s. „The Green Rust”, his twelfth crime novel, is one of three books he published in 1919. It begins at the English home of the severely ill American millionaire, John Millinborn. With him are his best friend, Kitson, and a local doctor, the Dutch van Heerden. He is murdered, stabbed to death in his sick bed in the first chapter, having just left his fortune to his niece, Oliva, whom he has nev...

    okładka The Three Oak Mystery, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Ex police officer Socrates Smith and his brother Lexington, who is also an amateur sleuth, are invited to spend a weekend at Peter Mandle’s country home. Shortly after they arrive the brothers notice many precautions taken against intruders, a message flashed in Morse code, and someone skulking across the lawn. „Come three oaks”, it spells in Morse code. Early next morning the brothers take a stroll, and there, tied to an oak branch, is a body with a purple mark where the b...

    okładka The Thief in the Night, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a publishing phenomenon in his day, his name being synonymous with the word „thriller,” a genre some would credit him with inventing. His popularity at the time was comparable to that of Charles Dickens – one of Wallace’s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. „The Thief in the Night” is an enjoyable easy going, fast moving mystery novella, set in England during the 1928’s. Diamond plaques are being ...

    okładka The People of the River, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    The setting is Nigeria a century ago, and British District Commissioner R.G. Sanders oversees the tribes. He discovers that Bosambo has been acting as chief without approval, but is so impressed with his skills Sanders allows him to remain in place, but Sanders heads to England to marry and unrest follows. The classic Commissioner Sanders stories about Africa by Edgar Wallace. This is the second collection in the series, following „Sanders of the River”. Wallace served in A...

    okładka The Missing Million, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    When millionaire Rex Walton mysteriously vanishes on the eve of his wedding, a chain of strange, violent events is set in motion. Intrepid Joan Walton assists Inspector Dicker in the search for her brother. The main suspect is notorious criminal „The Panda” („The Prince of Blackmailers”). You quickly find out that Rex has his own connection to the blackmailer. This is a great example of The Golden Age of Detection. It has many more characters than the typical mystery from t...

    okładka The Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    A series of enthralling mysteries written by Edgar Wallace. They feature the enigmatic figure of Mr. J.G. Reeder who works for the Public Prosecutor’s office and has the mind of a criminal. At first glance J. G. Reeder is an ordinary, slightly shabby little man with red hair, weak eyes, whiskers, square-toed boots and a chest protector cravat. The eight short stories in this collection deal with a disappearance at sea that is less innocent than it appears to be, with a Hind...

    okładka The Man Who Was Nobody, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    A slick young man buys a jewel with a cheque that bounces. Then two men are searching for James Tynewood, a young tearaway: one is a police inspector, while the other is his solicitor. But Tynewood has mysteriously disappeared... „The Man Who Was Nobody” is an enjoyable lightweight murder mystery thriller that manages to preserve at least some of the characteristic Edgar Wallace atmosphere. During the 1920’s and 30’s, it was said that one of every four books read in England...

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