okładka Eating Disorders ebook | epub, mobi | Dorota Sawicka

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Eating Disorders Dorota Sawicka ebook

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Opis treści

The book "Eating Disorders - Wolf Hunger, Orthorexia, Bigorexia, Hyperphagia" explores various eating disorders, their characteristics, causes, and the impact on the lives of those who struggle with them. Each of the discussed disorders, such as:

1. Binge Hunger - An obsessive desire to eat, often triggered by emotions or stress, leading to compulsive overeating.

2. Orthorexia - An extreme fixation on healthy eating, which can lead to the elimination of many food groups and negative health effects.

3. Bigorexia - A mental disorder associated with an obsession over body building, often manifested in a relentless pursuit of increased muscle mass through extreme diets and intensive workouts.

4. Hyperphagia - Excessive eating, often a result of emotional eating, leading to health issues such as obesity.

The book also analyzes the various factors that can lead to the development of these disorders, including psychological, social, and cultural factors. It provides advice and support strategies for individuals dealing with these issues and their loved ones. The aim of the book is to raise awareness about eating disorders and encourage seeking help to overcome them.

„Eating Disorders”, Dorota Sawicka – jak czytać ebook?

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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

Dorota Sawicka,

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