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okładka Learning Translation - Learning the Impossible? A course of translation from English into Polish ebook | pdf | Maria Piotrowska

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Learning Translation - Learning the Impossible? A course of translation from English into Polish Maria Piotrowska ebook


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Sprzedaje i dostarcza: Woblink

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Opis treści

Learning translation - Learning the Impossible? can be recommended as a textbook on translation, which may be used by teachers who can get their students practically involved in some activities in the classroom (suggested for group work or general discussion). It may also be used by students, referring in a narrow sense to persons formally engaged in the educational process within the framework of a university; or in a broader sense - to persons who are enthusiastic about the subject and help them understand some phenomena and perhaps give more insight into some issues they are not thoroughly familiar with.

„Learning Translation - Learning the Impossible? A course of translation from English into Polish”, Maria Piotrowska – jak czytać ebook?

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Opinie i oceny ebooka Learning Translation - Learning the Impossible? A course of translation from English into Polish


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razem z Lubimy Czytać
Learning Translation - Learning the Impossible? A course of translation from English into Polish

Learning Translation - Learning the Impossible? A course of translation from English into Polish

Maria Piotrowska,

Ocena czytelników


2 oceny wspólnie z Lubimy Czytać

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