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    okładka North of 36, Ebook | Emerson Hough

    „North of 36” is another magnificent novel by the author of „The Covered Wagon”. This is just a good old-fashioned western about the first cattle drive from Texas to Abilene. Emerson Hough (1857-1923) was an American author best known for writing western stories and historical novels. Hough’s literary career grew out of his taking camping trips and writing about them for publication. His body of work eventually included 27 novels and hundreds of short stories and articles. ...

    okładka Indian Tales, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Kipling’s greatest strength was the author of short stories. And this thematic collection of stories about the British Raj is one of the best attempts to bring together some of his best works. This includes The Man Who Will Be King, The Phantom Rickshaw, and many other favorites. But, first of all, this is connected with several short stories of Kipling about three military men in the army, Mulvani, Lirida and Other.

    okładka Embarrassments, Ebook | Henry James

    The main character had some rivalry with the main character had some kind of rivalry with George Korvikm. He did more things than the main character, and earned more pence, although there were chances for ingenuity. The main character was crazy about the work of Hugh Vereker, therefore he accepted an invitation to a party where he would meet his favorite author.

    okładka Confidence, Ebook | Henry James

    It only seems in the book that people can always deceive themselves, and life cannot be regulated on the „scientific” principles that fall on Gordon’s shoulders as the main character. „Crazy” scientist Gordon Wright calls Longville in Baden-Baden to judge whether he should marry Angela. After a couple of years, Longville meets Angela again at a French beach resort and realizes that he loves her.

    okładka The Blithedale Romance, Ebook | Nathaniel Hawthorne

    A group of people is a powerful mixture of competing ambitions, and its idealism finds little satisfaction in agriculture. Instead of changing the world, Blithedale community members individually follow selfish paths that ultimately lead to tragedy. Hawthorne’s tale simultaneously mourns and saturates a rural idyll, not unlike the history of America in the 19th century as a whole.

    okładka A London Life and Other Tales, Ebook | Henry James

    In this story, Henry James continues his favorite theme – Old World vs New World. An American woman with a turbulent past, agitated, spontaneous, somewhat vulgar, but beautiful and not devoid of mind, sets out to join the European high society. For this, she tries to marry a young English Baronet on herself, a very stiff and cold man, but spellbound by that which he cannot understand. But this situation absolutely can not allow the mother of the baronet, a real English lady...

    okładka The House of the Seven Gables, Ebook | Nathaniel Hawthorne

    In the novel The House of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of the founders of American literature, once again, after a series of short stories and the famous Scarlet Letter, addresses the Puritan past and present of his homeland, New England. Legends and legends from national and family history, animated by the author’s fantasy on Gothic themes, add up to the chronicle of the age-old confrontation of two families, which is implicated in greed, perjury and a tribal...

    okładka The Snow-Image and Other Tales, Ebook | Nathaniel Hawthorne

    A warm fairy tale for any age. One winter evening, parents saw that an unfamiliar girl was playing with their children in the yard. Rejoicing, they decided to invite the girl to tea despite the assurances of the children that she was afraid of heat more than anything...

    okładka Madame de Mauves, Ebook | Henry James

    The image of a young American woman is central to the story „Madame de Mauves”, which prefaces the „Portrait of a Woman”. Deceived by the wife of an impoverished French aristocrat who married her for her wealth, she won a moral victory over him, displaying, unexpectedly for him, intellectual subtlety and complete spiritual independence.

    okładka Septimius Felton, Ebook | Nathaniel Hawthorne

    Septimus Felton talks about the thirst for eternal life. Gothic, and sometimes irresistible, is the last book of this author. He changes the roles of the characters and spreads the story, which becomes mysterious and ambiguous. Inside the novel is a story about a bleeding shadow, like a collection of what is in the book.

    okładka The Wolf-Leader, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    During the absolutism in France, the young clog-maker Thibaudt has a deep desire to belong to the aristocracy. One day he saves the life of a wolf, who fled from the baron Jean de Vez and his hunting party. A while later Thibaudt imagine his amazement: the wolf transformed himself into a human and offers him a pact. The wolf promises to grant Thibault’s wishes in exchange for a hair on his head. As Thibault wishes harm upon more and more people, the hairs on his head become...

    okładka The Midnight Queen, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    This story is told during the great plague of London. A fantastic and historical tale begins with the story of Sir Norman Kingsley about the mystical La Masque, he ends up visiting her, and soon certain visions come to life in her presence. But how does a woman, supposedly dead, come to life and how can such a dead man suddenly disappear?

    okładka One Night’s Mystery, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    ”The Secret of One Night” tells about the life and love of three young women: Cyril Hendrick, daughter of a handsome, beggar, bastard; her best friend Sidney Owenson, a naive heiress; and Dolly De Courcy, an energetic actress. Both Cyril and Sidney are engaged, although everything is not as it seems in any case. Sydney’s gold miner is stupefied by Dolly, and Cyril is satisfied with her aunt, whom Cyril calls „the most humble, vicious old woman on earth.” The Secret of One N...

    okładka Louise de la Valliere, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    After „The Three Musketeers” and „Twenty Years After” the adventurous story of Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D’Artagnan continues! Against a tender love story, Dumas continues the suspense which began with „The Vicomte de Bragelonne” and will end with „The Man in the Iron Mask”. Can it be true that the King is in love with the Duchess d’Orleans? Or has his eye been caught by the sweet and gentle Louise de la Valliere? No one is more anxious to know the answer than Raoul, son o...

    okładka Madame Bovary, Ebook | Gustave Flaubert

    „Madame Bovary” is a novel by Gustave Flaubert, often considered his masterpiece. Emma Bovary yearns for a life of luxury and passion of the kind she reads about in romantic novels. But life with her country doctor husband Charles Bovary in the provinces is unutterably boring, and she embarks on love affairs to realize her fantasies. But even her affairs bring her disappointment, and when real life continues to fail to live up to her romantic expectations, the consequences ...

    okładka The Countess of Charny, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    This swashbuckling yarn is the continuation of the story in „Memoirs of a physician,” „The Queen’s necklace,” and „Six Years Later”. „The Countess of Charny or, The Execution of King Louis XVI” is the seventh in Dumas’ series on the retelling of the French Revolution. Known as one of the important early figures in the burgeoning genre of historical fiction, Alexandre Dumas spent much of his life chronicling the social and political unrest that utterly transformed France – a...

    okładka The Three Musketeers, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    „The Three Musketeers” (French: „Les Trois Mousquetaires”) is a historical adventure novel written in 1844 by French author Alexandre Dumas. Set in 1625–1628 when France is under threat, it recounts the adventures of a young nobleman named d’Artagnan after he leaves home to travel to Paris, to join the Musketeers of the Guard. Although d’Artagnan is not able to join this elite corps immediately, he befriends the three most formidable musketeers of the age – the mysterious A...

    okładka The Fighting-Slogan, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    This is a rare genre, namely historical fiction. You will learn what role the Fenians played in New Brunswick’s determination to become part of the Confederation of Canada. This book has become a revelation for many people. And she revealed the secrets of historical events.

    okładka The Corsican Brothers, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    The bonds that tie family together are among the strongest on earth. But what of those between two brothers born as Siamese twins? The „Corsican Brothers” is a richly drawn tale of fraternal love and revenge. Alexandre Dumas weaves the compelling story of Siamese twins who are separated physically but never in spirit. They have a truly remarkable psychic link, and can feel each others pains and triumphs. When one of the brothers is murdered, the other leaves Corsica for Par...

    okładka The Idiot, Ebook | Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

    Into a compellingly real portrait of nineteenth-century Russian society, Dostoevsky introduces his ideal hero, the saintly Prince Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin. Returning to St. Petersburg from a Swiss sanatorium, the gentle and naïve epileptic Myshkin, the last, poverty-stricken member of a once great family and regarded by many as an idiot, pays a visit to his distant relative General Yepanchin and proceeds to charm the General and his family. Here he sees a picture of Nastasya...

    okładka The Companions of Jehu, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    Set out for a rollicking good time with Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870), the renowned French author who created timeless classics such as „The Three Musketeers”, „The Count of Monte Cristo” and „The Man in the Iron Mask”. „Les Compagnons de Jehu” („The Companions of Jehu”) tale is based loosely on a historical account of a band of young aristocrats-turned-highwaymen that continuously steals the money of the Directoire in order to finance the restoration of monarchy and who foug...

    okładka The Rescue, Ebook | Joseph Conrad

    ”Rescue” is not just muscular descriptions of a boiling sea or some kind of intrigue or action. Konrad decisively decides things like lengthy / nuanced conversations. But, as in all his books, „Rescue” is darkly intense, much more happening under the surface than even the characters think. This is not an easy book to concentrate on. Tension, uncertainty about what will happen next, a gloomy atmosphere – all this is alive and overwhelming.

    okładka The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Ebook | Daniel Defoe

    Having returned safely home, Robinson Crusoe marries and starts a family. Peace is not for Robinson, he hardly hangs out in England for several years: thoughts about the island are haunted him day and night. He even buys a farm, intends to engage in rural labor, to which he is so accustomed. After the death of his wife, nothing else keeps him in England, Robinson is overcome by the old wanderlust, and sets out with his faithful companion Friday to see his island once again....

    okładka The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    „The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain” is an 1848 ghost story by Charles Dickens. It is the final novella in Dickens’ series of five Christmas Books, the first and best known of which is „A Christmas Carol”. For Victorians these ghost stories began to be associated with Christmas time, and the end of the year. In this story, Dickens narrates the hair-raising experiences of a teacher of chemistry Redlaw. As the protagonist dwells on his past sorrows and mistakes, a phanto...

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Powieść historyczna

Ta kategoria zawiera książki należące do gatunku, który leży na styku historii i literatury. Autorzy takich tekstów łączą materiał historyczny z fikcją, świat przedstawiony umieszczony jest w przeszłości, tłem są ważne wydarzenia historyczne, mogą pojawić się nawet znane postaci historyczne, ale pozostałe elementy są fikcją. Książki znajdujące się w tej kategorii przedstawiają różne epoki i okresy historyczne. Znaleźć tu możemy utwory wchodzące w skład kanonu literatury polskiej i europejskiej, jak „Potop” Henryka Sienkiewicza czy „Trzej muszkieterowie” Aleksandra Dumasa, a także zbeletryzowane biografie takich osób jak genialny malarz postimpresjonistyczny Vincent van Gogh („Pasja życia” Irvinga Stone’a) czy zapomniana przez świat nauki Mileva Marić („Pani Einstein” Marie Benedict). W serwisie znajdują się także opowieści o starożytności, (np. trzytomowy cykl Roberta Harrisa – „Cycero”, „Spisek”, „Dyktator” – o starożytnym Rzymie, którego bohaterem jest wybitny mówca i polityk Marek Tulliusz Cyceron), legendach arturiańskich („Trylogia arturiańska” Bernarda Cornwella) czy II wojnie światowej i obozach zagłady (bestsellerowa powieść „Tatuażysta z Auschwitz” Heather Morris), a także kryminały („W cieniu prawa” Remigiusza Mroza) i romanse historyczne („Nieproszona miłość” Julii Justiss). W kategorii „Powieść historyczna” nie mogło również zabraknąć książek Elżbiety Cherezińskiej, pisarki specjalizującej się w powieściach dotyczących historii Polski w różnych okresach dziejowych. W ofercie znajdują się książki Cherezińskiej o zjeździe gnieźnieńskim („Gra w kości”), rozbiciu dzielnicowym („Korona śniegu i krwi”), II wojnie światowej („Legion”), a nawet o wikingach (saga „Północna droga”).