“The Strength of the Strong” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Strength of the Strong is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of seven moving and thrilling stories such as: The Strength of the Strong, The Enemy of All the World or The Sea-Farmer.
“The Son of the Wolf” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Son of the Wolf is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of nine moving and thrilling stories such as: The Son of the Wolf, In a Far Country, The Wisdom of the Trail or The Wife of a King.
“A Son of the Sun” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.A Son of the Sun is a novel by Jack London. It is set in the South Pacific at the beginning of the 20th century and consists of eight separate stories. David Grief is a forty-year-old English adventurer who came to the South seas years ago and became rich. As a businessman he owns offices in Sydney, b...
“South Sea Tales” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.South Sea Tales is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eight moving and thrilling stories such as: The Whale Tooth, The Terrible Solomons or The Seed of McCoy.
“Smoke Bellew” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Smoke Bellew Jack London's adventure novel, set in Alaska, during the "gold rush". The title character, Christopher Bellew, is a young man from a good home, educated, resident of a big city, working in the editorial office of one of the newspapers. When, during a meeting with his uncle, he learns about a ...
“The Scarlet Plague” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Scarlet Plague is a post-apocalyptic fiction novel written by Jack London.. The book was noted in 2020 as having been very similar to the COVID-19 pandemic, especially given London wrote it at a time when the world was not as quickly connected by travel as it is today.
“The Road” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Road is an autobiographical memoir by Jack London. It is London's account of his experiences as a hobo in the 1890s, during the worst economic depression the United States had experienced up to that time. He describes his experiences hopping freight trains, "holding down" a train when the crew is trying t...
“The Red One” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Red One is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of four moving and thrilling stories such as: The Red One, The Hussy, Like Argus of the Ancient Times and The Princess.
“Revolution and Other Essays” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Revolution and Other Essays is a series of essays by Jack London. The collection consists of these titles: Revolution, The Somnambulists, The Dignity of Dollars, Goliah, The Golden Poppy, The Shrinkage of the Planet, The House Beautiful, The Gold Hunters of the North, Fomá Gordyéeff, These ...
“The People of the Abyss” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The People of the Abyss (1903) is a book by Jack London made up of his firsthand account of life in the East End of London. George Orwell was inspired by The People of the Abyss, which he had read in his teens. In the 1930s, he began disguising himself as a derelict and made tramping expedition...
“On the Makaloa Mat” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.On the Makaloa Mat is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of seven moving and thrilling stories such as: On the Makaloa Mat, The Water Baby or The Kanaka Surf.
“The Mutiny of the Elsinore” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Mutiny of the Elsinore is a novel by the American writer Jack London first published in 1914. The novel is partially based on London's voyage around Cape Horn on the Dirigo in 1912.The character "De Casseres", who espouses nihilistic viewpoints similar to the ideas of French philosopher ...
“The Night-born” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Night-born is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of ten moving and thrilling stories such as: The Night-Born, The Madness of John Harned, When the World was Young or To Kill A Man.
“Michael, Brother of Jerry” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Michael, Brother of Jerry is a novel by Jack London released in 1917. This novel is the sequel to his previous novel Jerry of the Islands. Each book tells the story of one of two dog siblings, Jerry and Michael, born in the Solomon Islands.
“Moon-Face & Other Stories” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Moon-Face & Other Stories is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eight moving and thrilling stories such as: Moon-Face: A Story of Mortal Antipathy, Amateur Night or All Gold Canyon.
“Martin Eden” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Martin Eden is a 1909 novel by American author Jack London about a young proletarian autodidact struggling to become a writer. Living in Oakland at the beginning of the 20th century, Martin Eden struggles to rise above his destitute, proletarian circumstances through an intense and passionate pursuit of se...
“The Little Lady of the Big House” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Little Lady of the Big House is a novel by American writer Jack London. It was his last novel to be published during his lifetime. The story concerns a love triangle. The protagonist, Dick Forrest, is a rancher with a poetic streak. His wife, Paula, is a vivacious, athletic, and se...
“Lost Face” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Lost Face is a collection of seven short stories by Jack London. It takes its name from the first short story in the book, about a European adventurer in the Yukon who outwits his (American) Indian captors' plans to torture him. The book includes London's best-known short story, "To Build a Fire"....
“Love of Life & Other Stories” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Love of Life & Other Stories is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eight moving and thrilling stories such as: Love of Life, The Story of Keesh or The Sun-Dog Trail.
“The Human Drift” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction."The Human Drift" is a collection of essays and short sketches by Jack London, also including a number of plays. The collection consists of these titles:The Human Drift, Small-Boat Sailing, Four Horses and a Sailor, Nothing that Ever Came to Anything, That Dead Men Rise up Never, A Classic of the Sea, ...
“Jerry of the Islands” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.Jerry of the Islands is a novel by American writer Jack London.The novel is set on the island of Malaita, a part of the Solomon Islands archipelago, which in 1893 became a British protectorate. The hero of the novel is Irish terrier Jerry, who was a brother of a dog named Michael, about whom Londo...
“John Barleycorn” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.John Barleycorn is an autobiographical novel by Jack London dealing with his enjoyment of drinking and struggles with alcoholism. It was published in 1913. The title is taken from the British folksong "John Barleycorn".
“The Game” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The Game is a novel by Jack London about a twenty-year-old boxer Joe, who meets his death in the ring. London was a sports reporter for the Oakland Herald and based the novel on his personal observations.
“The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction.The God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of eleven moving and thrilling stories such as: The God of His Fathers, The Great Interrogation, Grit of Women or Where the Trail Forks.
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W kategorii „Książki obcojęzyczne” umieszczone zostały wszystkie utwory napisane w języku innym niż polski. Znajdują się tutaj publikacje autorów pochodzących z różnych krajów i kultur, poruszające wiele różnych tematów, problemów czy zagadnień. Publikacje w kategorii „Książki obcojęzyczne” przeznaczone są dla czytelników, którzy przez lekturę książek w językach obcych chcą podszkolić swoją znajomość danego języka. Niektóre z publikacji zostały specjalnie przygotowane, aby pomóc w takiej nauce. Znaleźć tu można zarówno klasyki literatury światowej, jak i książki współczesnych pisarzy. Czytelnicy mogą przeczytać w oryginale m.in. książki amerykańskiego pisarza, autora fantasy i opowieści grozy oraz jednego z prekursorów fantastyki naukowej H.P. Lovecrafta (“The Call of Cthulhu”, “The Shadow Out of Time”), czołowego przedstawiciela nurtu powieści detektywistycznej i twórcy postaci Sherlocka Holmesa, Arthura Conana Doyle’a (“The Hound of the Baskervilles”, “A Study in Scarlet”), czy irlandzkiego poety, prozaika i dramatopisarza Oscara Wilde’a (“The Happy Prince and Other Tales”, “The Canterville Ghost”). W nauce języka pomogą wydania dwujęzyczne, tego typu pozycje oferuje m.in. wydawnictwo Wymowne. W ich ofercie znaleźć możemy takie tytuły jak “Treasure Island” Roberta Louisa Stevensona, “Heart of Darkness” Josepha Conrada czy “The Sphinx Without a Secret” Oscara Wilde’a. Alternatywny sposób nauki proponuje wydawnictwo Poltex. Przygotowane przez nich książki mają pomóc czytelnikowi w nauce dzięki czytaniu i jednoczesnym słuchaniu przez niego tekstu w języku angielskim oraz wykonywaniu specjalnych ćwiczeń po każdym rozdziale. Oferują oni takie tytuły jak “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” Arthura Conana Doyle’a, “Anne of Green Gables” Lucy Maud Montgomery, “The Secret Garden” Frances Hodgson Burnett, “Frankenstein” Mary Shelley, “Alice in Wonderland” Lewisa Carrolla czy “The Picture of Dorian Gray” Oscara Wilde’a. Najwięcej książek w tej kategorii napisanych zostało w języku angielskim, ale znajdują się tu również pozycje w języku rosyjskim, francuskim czy niemieckim.