
Szukasz: Helen Phillips

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    okładka This Unique Crime and Mystery Collection of E. Phillips Oppenheim, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Edward Phillips Oppenheim is an English novelist, creator of adventure novels that gained immense popularity in the early 20th century. His espionage novels were widely known, where the writer was a pioneer. His works to a large extent contributed to the fact that the detective acquired not only the will and mental ability of the great detectives, but also iron grip, the ability to dodge and strike at the right time. The multibook includes the most read novels of the author...

    okładka Wizyta, Ebook | Helen Phillips

    Jedna z 10 najlepszych książek roku według magazynu "TIME". Nominowana do prestiżowej National Book Award "Wizyta" to mrożąca krew w żyłach, a zarazem wstrząsająco czuła powieść jednej z najciekawszych współczesnych autorek, której twórczość zachwyciła m.in. Ursulę Le Guin, Rebeccę Makkai i Lauren Groff. Powieść, trzymająca w niesłychanym napięciu od pierwszej aż do ostatniej strony, rozpoczyna się trzęsieniem ziemi: Molly, sama w domu z małymi dziećmi, słyszy w sąsie...

    okładka Helena, Ebook | Eurypides

    Helena to dramat Eurypidesa, największego obok Ajschylosa i Sofoklesa tragika starożytnej Grecji.Helen otrzymuje straszną wiadomość że jej mąż, Menelaos nigdy nie powróci do Grecji z Troi gdyż nie żyje. Ta informacja stawia Helenę w niebezpiecznej sytuacji. Może zostać ona zmuszona do małżeństwa z Theoklymenosem, królem Egiptu.

    okładka Helena Rubinstein, Ebook | Angus Trumble

    URODA TO WŁADZA. Intrygująca opowieść o pierwszym światowym imperium kosmetycznym i o fascynującej kobiecie, która je zbudowała. A także o przeszłości, z którą postanowiła się rozstać. Helena Rubinstein opuściła krakowski Kazimierz w latach 90. XIX wieku, gdy miała 23 lata. Po krótkim przystanku w cesarskim Wiedniu wyemigrowała do Australii, gdzie zarabiała na życie jako guwernantka i kelnerka, aż wreszcie otworzyła swój pierwszy salon piękności w Melbourne. W późniejszyc...

    okładka Helenka poszła do Nieba, Ebook | Małgorzata Pabis

    W dalekiej Boliwii zamordowana została polska wolontariuszka Helena Kmieć. Na rocznicę jej tragicznej śmierci powstała pierwsza książka o tej niezwykłej młodej dziewczynie, która zapłaciła najwyższą cenę za życie w praktyce wartościami ewangelicznymi.Sam tytuł książki to słowa ks. bp. Jana Zająca, wujka Heleny. Mówi wiele o głębokim przekonaniu bliskich wolontariuszki o jej świętości. Historia Heleny Kmieć to świadectwo pięknego życia. Uśmiechnięta, rozśpiewana, życzliwa... W...

    okładka Pamięć dla Heleny, Ebook | Ewa Formella

    W tej historii sporo jest fikcji stworzonej na potrzeby powieści, ale ona wydarzyła się naprawdę. Gdzieś, komuś i dawno temu. Jest rok 1941. Niespełna szesnastoletnia Helena wraz z dwójką przyrodniego rodzeństwa zostaje zabrana z domu rodzinnego, rzekomo na badania. Rzeczywistość okazuje się jednak bardziej brutalna, ponieważ cała trójka trafia do ośrodka Lebensborn mieszczącego się na terenie zachodniej Polski. W ośrodku Helena zostaje pomocą kucharki, a jej młodsze ...

    okładka Aleksander i piękna Helena, Ebook | Zenon Gołaszewski

    Król polski Aleksander Jagiellończyk i jego małżonka Helena Rurykowiczówna to postacie, które w naszej historii traktowane są po macoszemu. Poza wąskim gronem specjalistów i miłośników historii nikt o nich nie pamięta, za to są tacy, którzy woleliby, aby właśnie o nich nie pamiętano. A przecież stanowili niezwykłą parę: zakochaną w sobie bez pamięci, do ostatnich chwil swego życia; nadto Helena w zgodnej opinii współczesnych była najpiękniejszą kobietą swojej epoki. Skąd zat...

    okładka Piękne Heleny. Boskie i fatalne, Ebook | Jerzy Besala

    Helena od wieków była i jest jednym z najpopularniejszych imion. Wabi magicznym czarem: po grecku imię to oznacza „blask Księżyca”. Srebrny Glob był źródłem fascynacji, wyobrażeń i uosobieniem bogiń Selene i Luny w mitologii greckiej i rzymskiej. Zaobserwowano też związek miesięcznej dolegliwości kobiecej ze zmniejszaniem się lub powiększaniem tarczy Księżyca, tym bardziej więc skojarzono go z tajemnicą kobiecości. A także z seksem. Akt miłosny na ogół odbywał się nocą, właś...

    okładka The Great Prince Shan, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Written in 1922, this story of world politics in 1934 has everything that goes to the making of an enthralling tale. A theme of present import, an intricate plot full of suspense and surprise, fascinating characters and an unusual love interest. The central figure of this absorbing story is the mysterious and cultured Prince Shan, ruler of China; the heroines are captivating English girl and a exotically beautiful Russian who pit their charm, their loveliness, and their wis...

    okładka Jacob’s Ladder, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Jacob’s Ladder begins: Seated at breakfast on that memorable July morning, Jacob Pratt presented all the appearance of a disconsolate man. His little country sitting-room was as neat and tidy as the capable hands of the inimitable Mrs. Harris could make it. His coffee was hot and his eggs were perfectly boiled. Through the open windows stretched a little vista of the many rows of standard roses which had been the joy of his life. Yet blank misery dwelt in the soul of this e...

    okładka Harvey Garrard’s Crime, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Harvey Garrard, as his limousine crawled over London Bridge and turned into the dingy streets beyond, leaned forward in his seat looking out of the window with the half-weary anticipation of one who revisits familiar but distasteful scenes. There was a faint air of disgust in his expression as the well-known odours of the neighbourhood assailed his nostrils. Forty-eight hours ago he had been living in a paradise of mimosa and roses warmed by Riviera sunshine, his senses rea...

    okładka Gleanings, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    The clamour of crushing boughs and howling wind sank every now and then into insignificance before the roaring of deep-throated guns, whose red fire flashed out across what seemed to be a bottomless abyss. Below, the army of the Turks decimated in numbers, yet still a host, within the walls of Crersa, the defenders of an oppressed and brave country making their last stand in their ancient stronghold.

    okładka The Double Traitor, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    „The Double Traitor” is an espionage novel set in the days leading to the first World War. The main character is Francis Norgate, an aspiring British diplomat who falls in disfavor with his superiors for defending a woman while stationed in Berlin. The resulting scandal causes Norgate to be recalled. On the way home, he meets a German gentleman, Selingman, who claims to be a crockery salesman. But, Selingman is not what he appears to be. Disillusioned by the English governm...

    okładka The Distributors, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Lord Evelyn and a group of seven like-minded esthetes make up „The Ghosts” a cabal of social arbiters, of whom the mere mention is regarded as a faux pas. They are imbued with almost mystical power in setting tastes and trends and behavior for the members of Society in London in 1908. Desperate for stimulation „The Ghosts” embark on a risky program of wealth redistribution... other peoples wealth. Meanwhile, a spurned aspirant to their club, the American debutante Sophy Van...

    okładka The Avenger, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Yet another collection of linked short stories from Oppenheim. By chance a young man and woman meet and set up an agency to aid Scotland Yard, but is romance in the air? This story deals with a young man and a young woman who make an informal partnership in criminal investigation. This whodunit murder mysteries collection brings to you some of Oppenheim’s finest murder mysteries to keep you at your toes: „The Evil Shepherd Murder at Monte Carlo”, or „Wolves Amongst the Hone...

    okładka Prodigals of Monte Carlo, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    He might be almost forgotten now, but Mr. Oppenheim wrote an amazing 116 novels, including many bestsellers. Several are set amid the glamour of Monte Carlo, including this 1920s romantic thriller. The novel has an intriguing start, as handsome and charming Sir Hargrave Wendever gets a nasty shock from the doctor. Wealthy, handsome, intelligent, single, with the world at his feet – suddenly he finds his world crumbling. What will he do? He decides to do some good with his m...

    okładka Passers-By, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    The illicit gambling house in the Place Noire was raided by the police in Paris. Several of the gang were killed, one was caught and jailed, and one escaped by shambling off in the guise of a workman, accompanied by a young girl, a dwarf, and a monkey. Gilbert Hannaway, who was wounded as a bystander on the night of the raid, has been searching for the girl for five years but, one evening, he finds her. Lord Ellingham is a peer of the realm, with a successful marriage, and ...

    okładka One Little Thread of Life, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Edward Phillips Oppenheim (1866 1946), an English novelist, was a major and successful writer of genre fiction, particularly thrillers. Among his books are „The Betrayal”, „The Avenger”, „The Double Life of Mr. Alfred Burton”, „The Devil’s Paw”, and „The Evil Shepherd”. Many of Oppenheim’s works appeared as newspaper or magazine serials before they were published in book form. The serial versions of his novels were often syndicated for publication in periodicals in the USA ...

    okładka Curate and Fiend, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    It was a brilliant good Saturday morning before the harvest, and the large market and curves of the streets in Norwich proceed with a continuous crowd of farmers, livestock, dealers, county ladies with opinions that are adhering to shopping. Frantsinin on the London Street is filled up quickly: a very nice sight for worshiping a small owner who is standing in the upper corner of the room, managing his midridon’s operations, rubbing his hands and smiling, kindly begging each...

    okładka Mr. Marx’s Secret, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    This is another adventure Oppenheim thriller written in 1899. When Phillip Morton is eight years old, his father is pushed off the edge of a slate quarry. A servant from the local castle is suspected. Ten years later, by chance, Phillip meets the lord of the local castle, the scholar and adventurer Ravenor. On a whim, Ravenor offers to pay for Phillip’s further education if Phillip will befriend his wayward nephew. Phillip meets Mr. Marx, Lord Ravenor’s secretary, and is bo...

    okładka Last Train Out, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Though dated stylistically, this novel has the makings of a decent movie thriller. The story takes place between the Anschluss, the Nazi takeover of Austria, March 1938, and the invasion of Poland in September 1939. A wealthy Jewish banker, philanthropist, and art collector is forced to flee Vienna to avoid imprisonment by the Nazi’s. He disappears on the night the Germans march into Austria, and his fortune and collection vanishes with him, leaving behind his personal secr...

    okładka Gangster’s Glory, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Detective Inspector John Dickins seated himself in silence. It was not the first of such conferences to which he had been summoned, but this time everyone knew that the situation was critical. He remained silent, waiting for his Chief to continue.

    okładka A People’s Man, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    The marathon supports the radical form of general strikes to put the entire English industry on its knees and begin a long struggle for the redistribution of wealth. In many eloquent speeches, he claims the cause of poverty. Lord Foley, by contrast, believes that the enemies of England are waiting for mass actions aimed at the collapse of the country, during which they will invade and win. The marathon is obstructed from all sides by opposition forces that are trying to bri...

    okładka The Million Pound Deposit, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    This 1929 novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim neatly describes some of the frothy financial dealings of the late stage of the roaring 20’s in England and centered around a commercial chemical formula. The formula for the process is carefully guarded from it’s own employees, but is stolen one night by a band of five adventurers who plan to ransom it for 1 million pounds. Two men are killed during the robbery. Plans to ransom the process are put on hold, and the documents are depo...

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