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Szukasz: Antoni Czechow

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    okładka Przemoc ulicy, Ebook | Antoni Langer

    Antoni Langer jest nieprzewidywalny i niepokojący. I dobrze. Książka Langera definiuje i wyznacza standardy powieści policyjnej nowego typu, powieści napisanej z polotem i pasją, a także dogłębną znajomością procedur, uzbrojenia i realiów pracy polskiej policji. Langer ucieka od biało-czarnych postaci i jednoznacznych rozstrzygnięć, czyniąc fabułę tyleż wciągającą, co wymagającą – zrozumienia i refleksji, których tak bardzo dziś brakuje, nie tylko autorom powieści.dr Karolina...

    okładka Plays, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    Chekhov extracts from his everyday life the themes of frustration that apply to all of us – the difficulty of creating a happy existence, problems of love, the extinction of hope. His pyems are full of tragedy. The theme of the suffering of the current generation. While he hopes the next generation will have a better life. In almost all the plays there is an alcoholic, unrequited love, unhappy marriage, people are irresponsible financially.

    okładka Bibliotekarka z Auschwitz, Ebook | Antonio G. Iturbe

    Oparta na historii więźniarki obozu Auschwitz-Birkenau, Dity Kraus, opowieść o nastolatce, która ryzykowała życie, aby ocalić magię literatury w piekle Holokaustu. W bloku 31 (w obozie zagłady Auschwitz), póki istniał, przebywało 500 dzieci razem z grupą więźniów pełniących funkcję „opiekunów” i mimo surowej kontroli funkcjonowała tam tajna biblioteka dziecięca. Naprawdę niewielka: zgromadzonych w niej było osiem książek, wśród nich „Historia świata” H. G. Wellsa, podręc...

    okładka SOS dla tarczycy, Ebook | Anna Kowalczyk, Antoniszyn Tomasz

    Po bestellerowej Kaszoterapii autorzy przygotowali nową książkę. Tym razem autorzy mierzą się z chorobą Hashimoto. Zawiera szereg ciekawych i potrzebnych informacji dotyczących samej choroby i metod leczenia oraz holistyczny plan postępowania dietetycznego. Zbilansowana dieta ułożona została w praktyczny zbiór przepisów, z których na bazie ogólnodostępnych produktów samodzielnie można stworzyć kompletny jadłospis na wiele tygodni, który poprawi funkcjonowanie tarczycy.Anna Ko...

    okładka Alice’s Abenteuer im Wunderland, Ebook | Lewis Carroll

    Alice im Wunderland ist ein phantasievoller Klassiker der englischsprachigen Literatur und eine zeitlose Inspiration. An einem sonnigen Tage sitzt Alice mit ihrer Schwester im Garten, als sie völlig unverhofft eine sehr sonderbare Reise antritt. Sie weiß kaum, wie ihr geschieht, ist es ihr doch plötzlich möglich, mit Tieren zu sprechen und mit äußerst wunderlichen Gesellen unglaublich kuriose Erlebnisse zu teilen. Die fiktionale Welt, in der Alice im Wunderland angesiedelt ...

    okładka The Three Sisters, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    In the center of attention, as you can already guess from the very name, three sisters who dream, love and of course talk a lot about life. All of them are waiting for happiness and hope for a happy future. Chekhov was able to very well reveal the images of the sisters. Before us are three heroines with different characters, different habits, but at the same time, they received one upbringing and were very educated. The action takes place in a provincial town. With all her ...

    okładka Uncle Vanya, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    The story of a Russian family and their interfamily relations, in which there are jealousy, secret love cravings and the usual altercations that occur within a few days. The end of this play is the easiest prose ever written. Family in provincial Russia, which is getting closer to bankruptcy, many of whose members live in the past, unrequited love and breaking ties.

    okładka The Chorus Girl and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    Everything is there: a devoted wife, an unexpected admirer, an architect’s wayward son, an alcoholic father, an undertaker, a late secretary and a secret date. The story of a modest love that lasted until old age. Some may even want to be equal to such love.

    okładka The Black Monk and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    This is a story about psychological and spiritual health, about true happiness, about loneliness and about genius. The main character finds complete spiritual harmony and happiness only in a state of mental illness, when he sees hallucinations in the form of a mysterious Black Monk, with whom you can talk for hours about the eternal, true, truly valuable. This is definitely one of the best works of Anton Pavlovich on the topic of madness and, at the same time, quite a calm,...

    okładka The Cherry Orchard, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    The peculiarity of the author’s works were his remarks, which embodied Chekhov’s plan to convey to the reader the atmosphere of his book. The Book of the Cherry Orchard also begins with a remark, which contains a very important phrase: „The room, which is still called the children’s room.” It is simply impossible to depict this replica of the writer on stage, only the reader can imagine and understand that although much time has passed, but nothing has changed, and the room...

    okładka The Bishop and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    One of the last stories of Chekhov. This is the tragedy of a representative of the intelligentsia, whose pursuit of a very successful church career cuts him off from real human intercourse. Until he faces death, the bishop does not understand that something important is missing in his life, namely, love and respect for himself, and not for his title.

    okładka Love and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    This is a collection of many outstanding stories of Chekhov. There is a pleasant and patient satire in all Chekov’s stories, most of which are tragic, some are political, and all of them are revealed in many complex topics. The stories in this anthology bring back memories of a different time and place when life was completely different. These stories will hook everyone.

    okładka The Party and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    A small collection of stories. The general theme of the stories is the diversity of emotions that the main characters experience, and by the end it turns out to be a bit painful. A variety of subjects, simple but wonderful, honed by irony. Most stories of unhappy marriages. The main characters can get married because of unhappy love or unexpected pregnancy.

    okładka The Cook’s Wedding and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    Many stories from this collection about animals and children. This is perhaps the cutest collection, with unusual animals and kittens. This story you can live and feel through the eyes of a child. The choice of the main character leaves a lot of question in the future, but we ourselves can guess the reason for this choice.

    okładka The Sea-Gull, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    This is one of the most dramatic works of Chekhov. The conflict between the four main characters. Everyone has their own point of view, but who will be right in the end? Because of their conflict, everything is going to a bad spot, but can the mother really be able to bring her son or husband to the tragic end?

    okładka The Schoolmaster and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    The main theme of the story – dedication to his work. Fyodor Lukich never forgets about his students, nor about the ill-treatment that could be imposed on them by others. The end of the story is also interesting, because the reader can again see how devotional Fyodor Lukic really is. He advocates fair treatment to his students to the end.

    okładka The Duel and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    The center of attention was a small group of people, but everything was spinning around Ivan Laevsky, self-confident and selfish 28-year-old. He escaped with the wife of another man and lived in sin. Perhaps there is not even a duel in the literal sense, but a duel with the contradiction of the main character. He realized that love was not so, and did not know what to do, what to say.

    okładka The Darling and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    This study is about how a rich man falls in love with a woman who simply does not care about him. He is confident that a woman will make his life better. After a moment, we observe the story of unloved people who had to get married. Of course, the end will be instructive for many readers.

    okładka The Lady With The Dog and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    No, this is not a banal story about a resort romance. Spiritually, her heroes escaped beyond the boundaries of the nineteenth century, but are forced to live in its choking conditions and foundations. The stands that will soon be brought down by World War I with an explosion of revolution. In the meantime, two loving hearts are torn in a world in which they will never be together.

    okładka The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    There is a trial of the bare and thin peasant Denis Grigoriev. He is accused of unscrewing the nut, which rails are attached to the cross ties. „The little man” does not deny this, but does not see his guilt. The investigator finds out that Denis, like other men, unscrews the nuts in order to make them sinkers. The defendant sincerely does not understand that such unscrewing can lead to train accidents and death. The investigator sends the attacker to prison, but he still d...

    okładka The Wife and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    In this story, the couple can not find a common language. After all, the wife does not agree with the point of view of her husband. She is capricious and does not want to solve their problems. But then we find hints of a deeper history of their relationship, which can prove that it is more reasonable than we suspect. This is a simple story, but with a very deep meaning.

    okładka Naszyjnik z turmalinem, Ebook | Katarzyna Antonina Ostrowska

    Florentyna Sulimirska nie spodziewała się, że zwykły służbowy wyjazd może zmienić całe jej życie. Miała jedynie wziąć udział w lokalnym festiwalu sztuki regionalnej, a okazało się, że trafiła do miejsca, w którym czekano na nią od lat. W tysiącletniej Łysej Górze, gdzie w zgodzie z mieszkańcami żyją duchy przeszłości, a w rodowych artefaktach drzemie magiczna moc, Florentyna odkryje tajemnice, które naprowadzą ją na trop zagmatwanej rodzinnej historii. Pomoże jej w tym ...

    okładka Album z opowieściami, Ebook | Antonis Georgiou

     Proza Georgiou pozwala wejść w intymny świat cypryjskiej rodziny, by potem poprowadzić dalej – od opowieści o człowieku do historii rodzinnych, od rodziny do wsi, od wsi do kraju.Fikcyjne historie – niektóre spisane po grecku, a niektóre w cypryjskim dialekcie – przeplatane są cytatami z gazet, przepisami, wierszami, piosenkami ludowymi, fotografiami rodzinnymi i dziecięcymi rysunkami.Mozaikowa powieść tworzy sugestywny obraz Cypru oraz jego mieszkańców i mies...

    okładka Podstawy konstrukcji maszyn Tom 1. Obliczenia konstrukcyjne, tolerancje i pasowania połączenia, Ebook | Antoni Skoć, Jacek Spałek

    Publikacja Wydawnictwa WNT, dodruk Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. W tomie pierwszym przedstawiono: wprowadzenie do konstrukcji maszyn (kryteria projektowania, charakterystyki obciążeń, opis materiałów konstrukcyjnych); podstawy obliczeń wytrzymałościowych elementów maszyn przy obciążeniach zmiennych; zagadnienia dokładności wykonania elementów maszyn (tolerancje i pasowania); zasady konstruowania połączeń: nierozłącznych (spawanych, zgrzewanych, lutowanych, kl...

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