
Szukasz: Edgar Allan Poe

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    okładka P.-C. Lee, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    This unique thriller collection contains the 24 short vintage crime stories – a complete series featuring Police Constable Lee of the London „D” Division, written by the great Edgar Wallace. P.-C. Lee is a typical Wallace character, full of wit and charm. A number of these were reprinted in Ideas in 1928-1929 and in other magazines. Nine of the P.-C. Lee stories were later included in the 1961 collection „The Undisclosed Client and Other Stories”. Written by prolific writer...

    okładka On the Spot, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Set in Chicago, and written in 1931 by Edgar Wallace, „On the Spot” truly reflects the horror of gang life in Prohibition Chicago. Tony Perelli, the gang boss, recruits men for his gang and women for his bed with the same ruthlessness – and rapidly arranges for their disposal when they become a nuisance. But Minn Lee, the half-Chinese widow, is a little too much for him, and as she gradually learns the extent of his treachery, she plans a revenge... The constant threat of d...

    okładka Red Aces, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    J. G. Reeder is a shabby little man with red hair and weak eyes. However, his extraordinary mind is rapier sharp. „Red Aces” is the fourth and last of Edgar Wallace’s JG Reeder books, featuring the diffident sleuth with the furled umbrella in three novelette-length adventures. Here are three thrilling episodes torn from his casebook: „Red Aces” about a man who gambles high and lives in fear; „Kennedy the Con Man”, reveals the impeccable mask stripped from a fiend, and final...

    okładka Private Selby, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    As a prophecy of modern warfare, this book, written before the Great War, is distinctly remarkable, as well as having the genuine Edgar Wallace sense of thrilling narrative. The centre of the plot is the invasion of Britain in 1909. It could be a crime story, as it opens in the mean streets of working class Deptford in the opening years of the 20th century, and includes criminals petty and not so petty. It is also a war story, and includes a balloon air raid over London; an...

    okładka Smithy, Nobby & Co., Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Between 1904 and 1918 Edgar Wallace wrote a large number of mostly humorous sketches about life in the British Army relating the escapades and adventures of privates Smith (Smithy), Nobby Clark, Spud Murphy and their comrades-in-arms. Set at a later-and, when first published, contemporary time, and on a different stage, this substantial collection of the Smithy stories finds our incorrigible hero and his scurrilous band of confederates malingering, scheming and conniving th...

    okładka Smithy, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    A collection of 23 stories from every-day life in the British military, centered around the characters of „Smithy” and „Nobby”. Edgar Wallace, who is also famous for his own stories of colonial life – the Sanders stories – was principally a writer of crime and detective fiction. However, he was well aware that the irrepressible spirit of Kipling’s famous rankers would live on, and he wrote his own tales of ordinary British soldiers. Set at a later-and, when first published,...

    okładka Silinski, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a prolific British crime writer, journalist and playwright, who wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and countless articles in newspapers and journals. Over 160 films have been made of his novels, more than any other author. In the 1920s, one of Wallace’s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. Silinski is one of Edgar Wallace’s more over-the-top master fiends. He could teach Goldman Sachs and ...

    okładka Smithy Abroad, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Further collection of 24 war-time short stories about Smithy, the soldier and his comrades Nobby and Spud in the British army before WWI. This is the second anthology in Wallace’s „Smithy” series in which the famous character T. B. Smith makes his appearance. Also Smithy’s pal „Nobby” Clark has now emerged very much as the main character in these, usually humorous stories of pre world war one British army life. These stories are more clearly set in the Boer war. While the f...

    okładka Nobby, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Edgar Wallace’s humorous tales of British Army life, centered around the characters of „Smithy” and „Nobby”. The stories, collected in 1905, are supposed to tell us about the every-day life of the soldiers and are supposed to be, in turns, funny, moving, or even sometimes tragic. This substantial collection of the Smithy stories finds our incorrigible hero and his scurrilous band of confederates malingering, scheming and conniving their way through life in the British Army ...

    okładka Grey Timothy, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    The renowned family Callander receives a very unwelcome visit from their Australian relative, nephew Brian Pallard of family patriarch Peter Callander. Unwelcome because Pallard cultivates a rather dubious way of life and made his considerable fortune on the races. Upon arrival, Pallard proves charming and witty, so that daughter Gladys immediately gets a crush on him, but he also has rivals who do not shy away from bad deed like killing a horse with tse tse flies to manipu...

    okładka Nig-Nog and Other Humorous Stories, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „Nig Nog and Other Humorous Stories” is a collection of short humorous stories that include „Jimmy’s Brother”, „Sentimental Simpson”, „Chubb of the Slipper”, and many more. There are reasons worth exploring why Edgar Wallace was so successful in his writings and amongst them were his imagination, cleverness, and humor as demonstrated in these initial short stories, especially „Nig- Nog” (making an in-your-face patent medicine pedlar and a burglar endearing characters, and f...

    okładka Mrs. William Jones and Bill, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    This mystery collection, written by British author Edgar Wallace, contains the following works: „Mrs. William Jones and Bill”, „The Adventures of George”, „According to Freud”, „Bondage”, „The Society of Bright Young People”, „The King and the Editor”, „Christmas Presents”. Edgar Wallace was a prolific author of crime, adventure and humorous stories, whose best known creations include „The Four Just Men”, „Sanders of the River”, and „J. G. Reeder”. Although Wallace wrote ma...

    okładka Lieutenant Bones, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Wallace was a prolific author responsible for several series of popular novels featuring bold adventurers and crime fighters. For his series set in the highly evocative world of West Africa he created two of his most beloved and enduring characters, Colonial Administrator Sanders and his eccentric companion Lieutenant Tibbetts, known to all as „Bones”. However, yet again, the trouble-prone Bones, while meaning to assist, only manages to spread his own unique style of innoce...

    okładka Jack O’Judgment, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    This is one of Edgar Wallace’s best and most exciting thrillers. Jack O’ Judgment is light-hearted, insouciant, masked mystery man, who sets out to expose a gang of daring crooks who are amassing millions regardless of their methods. Criminal mastermind Colonel Dan Boundary fights two enemies – Stafford King, a dedicated detective, and Jack O’Judgment. The tale opens with the murder of „Snow” Gregory, a drug lord linked with Boundary... This English detective story has an e...

    okładka Kate Plus Ten, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    This is the story of a young female criminal mastermind who leads a gang in a series of exceptionally daring and very profitable robberies but works as secretary to keep her cover story intact. When she picks up information from her boss, an aristocrat, the police soon suspect her of wrongdoing. But she meets a handsome police officer who very much against her will softens her hearts. She and the gang become alienated from one another. Naturally she just has something in he...

    okładka Mr. Justice Maxell, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „Mr. Justice Maxell” follows the story of two business partners, Maxell and Cartwright, one of whom becomes a judge and sentences the other to prison, the woman they both marry, and their respective cousins whom they take on as their own wards. Spanning roughly a decade, the plot hinges on multiple coincidences involving mutual acquaintances meeting one another at critical points on different continents, and maintains much of its suspense by instilling most of its main char...

    okładka Major Haynes of the Secret Service, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „Major Haynes of the Secret Service” is a fine series of Wallace stories about wartime espionage. During the First World War Edgar Wallace wrote a number of morale-boosting tales about the skill and derring-do of the British military and intelligence services, mostly in the form of series published under such titles as „Tam o’ the Scoots,” „Companions of the Ace High,” and „Clarence-Private”. Several series were published in the form of dramatic pseudo-documentary accounts ...

    okładka Killer Kay, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „Killer Kay” is one of the mystery story from collection which includes the following short stories by Edgar Wallace, a famous British author of mystery genre: „The Business-Woman”, „Blue Suit”, „Battle Level”, „The Air Taxi”, „The Convenient Sea”, „The Vamp and the Librarian”, „Thieves Make Thieves”. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual mystery scheme and a little romance. Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular British writer of mystery thrillers. Today, Wall...

    okładka For Information Received, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. In total Wallace is credited with over 170 novels, almost 1,000 short stories, and 18 stage plays. This comprehensive work presents a collection of nine short stories, primarily detective fiction of Edgar Wallace. These are largely adventure narratives with elements of cri...

    okładka Fighting Snub Reilly, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „Fighting Snub Reilly” is one of the mystery story from collection which includes eight short mysteries by Edgar Wallace, a famous British author of mystery genre. There are others: „Jimmy’s Brother”, „The Christmas Cup”, „The Man In The Golf Hut”, „A Romance In Brown”, „The Perfect Gentleman”, „Kid-Glove Harry, „Nig-Nog”. Edgar Wallace was a British author who is best known for creating King Kong. Wallace was a very prolific writer despite his sudden death at age 56. In to...

    okładka Flat 2, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Emil Louba traded profitably in human souls. When he added Jane Martin to his stock-in-trade, he won the hatred of Hurley Brown-who was soon to be a Power at Scotland Yard. And for Louba, then, the sands were running out... This one’s a fairly standard murder mystery by Edgar Wallace mold. The murder is that of the nasty Louba, who’s made and lost a fortune. He’s also made lots of enemies over the years so, when he’s bumped off with the candlestick in his swanky London apar...

    okładka Captains of Souls, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Ambrose Sault finds a quasi-scientific way to insert his soul into another man’s body before he is hanged for murder. The murder of Moropulos by Sault is a mystery in motive and deed. Twice a murderer, Sault is nevertheless a commanding figure and an appealing character. He is the center of a tragedy... The novel is long and breezy and a bit confusing, a comedy of manners at some points, a melodrama at others. This story from the most prolific writers of the twentieth centu...

    okładka Double Dan, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Various people had tried, and failed, to break the strong will of Diana Ford. Her lawyers, for instance, thought they could dissuade her from coming to England. Her cousin, Gordon Salisbury, found she had moved in as a permanent houseguest, uninvited and defiant of convention. So, it was not surprising that when she suspected Gordon of being the victim of a clever impersonation, Diana should take charge. Recommended for Edgar Wallace fans and fans of old-time, classic crime...

    okładka Blue Hand, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    This is a typical Walla? e sensational story, and no one needs a better recommendation that. Lady Mary Danton and her infant daughter disappeared when Jim Steele, Mr. Salter’s legal assistant, was five. Almost 20 years later, the Danton fortune is about to be distributed to Digby Groat and his mother. But Jim is uneasy. Can he solve the mystery? The mystery surrounding the mark of the blue hand and Eunice’s birth, the schemes and plots of the evil Digby Groat, murder, and t...

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