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    okładka Hill O’ the Winds, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Clorinda is for everyone except her husband and a few old people. She was so sweet and dignified. However, she was born Cooper. She was a plump woman who, at sixty, still retained the girl’s questioning look. She was fond of wearing light dresses, which she calmly recognized were too young for her. Now she wore one, a muslin with pink flowers and a lampshade of hats. Despite her age, she was very energetic. This instructive story is a must-read.

    okładka George i Wielki Wybuch, Ebook | Stephen Hawking, Lucy Hawking

    Kosmiczny rollercoaster George’a i Annie to gwarancja niezapomnianej zabawy! Już lada chwila ma się rozpocząć jeden z największych eksperymentów naukowych wszech czasów, a George i Annie mają miejsca w pierwszym rzędzie! Eric, tata Annie, udaje się do Wielkiego Zderzacza Hadronów, by zbadać początki istnienia Wszechświata - Wielki Wybuch. Jest przekonany, że dzięki superkomputerowi Kosmosowi nic nie może pójść źle… do czasu gdy George i Annie nie odkrywają spisku, który ...

    okładka Anioł stróż, czy czekolada?, Ebook | Lucy Miosga

    Czy da się żyć z chorobą, która dzień po dniu dewastuje wszystko to, co stanowi sens życia? Jak nie popaść w szaleństwo, gdy codzienność została podporządkowana walce z bólem? Skąd czerpać siłę, by stawiać czoła cierpieniu, które pojawia się w najmniej spodziewanym momencie? Bohaterka książki „Anioł Stróż czy czekolada” dobrze zna te pytania. Od lat zmaga się ze schorzeniem, które definiuje całe jej życie. Nie traci jednak przy tym poczucia humoru i nadziei, że kolejny d...

    okładka Czarny kot w walizce, Ebook | Lucyna Małolepsza

    „Czarny kot w walizce” to pozycja obejmująca swą zawartością trzydzieści cztery krótkie opowiadania. Lekki, dowcipny język jakim operuje autorka oraz świadomość, że opisane historie wydarzyły się naprawdę, sprawia, że pozycję czyta się szybko i przyjemnie.Wszystkie opisane historie łączy pech, którego symbolem stał się czarny kot widniejący na okładce książki. Akcja opowiadań toczy się w Polsce, Chinach, Indiach, Portugalii, Hiszpanii, Grecji, Turcji, Gruzji, Egipcie, ...

    okładka Pierwsza pomoc w nauce macierzyństwa, Ebook | Lucyna Mirzyńska

    Szukającym pewnych i sprawdzonych rad młodym mamom (a także ojcom!), zarówno tym debiutującym w roli rodziców, jak i tym, którzy chcieliby uniknąć błędów w opiece nad swym kolejnym dzieckiem, z pomocą przychodzi Lucyna Mirzyńska, ceniona położna rodzinna, która od niemal 30 lat towarzyszy tysiącom krakowskim rodzin w najpiękniejszym, ale i jednym z najtrudniejszych, momencie ich życia.Bazując na aktualnej wiedzy medycznej i pedagogicznej, a przede wszystkim na swym długoletni...

    okładka Randka w Nowym Jorku, Ebook | Lucy Monroe

    Świat Kayli Jones zawalił się, gdy jej przyjaciel i wspólnik Andreas Kostas postanowił sprzedać firmę i się ożenić. Wynajął już biuro matrymonialne, by mu pomogło znaleźć piękną i pochodzącą z dobrej rodziny żonę. Kayla, która od lat skrycie kocha Andreasa, wyjeżdża do Nowego Jorku, by tam spróbować ułożyć sobie życie na nowo. Nieoczekiwanie Andreas przyjeżdża za nią… 

    okładka Kobiety z ulicy Grodzkiej. Aleksandra, Ebook | Lucyna Olejniczak

    Czy klątwa Hanki wreszcie przestanie unieszczęśliwiać kolejne pokolenia? Ostatni tom opowieści o kobietach z ulicy Grodzkiej. Mijają lata, dzieci Weroniki dorastają. Paweł, jej drugi mąż, jest najlepszym ojcem dla swoich pasierbów. Emilka studiuje romanistykę i pisze wiersze, Waldek, wieczny buntownik, mieszka i pracuje w Nowej Hucie, ale oboje nadal są ze sobą bardzo związani, jak w czasach dzieciństwa. Tak więc gdy Waldek, który w Neapolu odłączył się od wycieczki, ...

    okładka Dna moczanowa, Ebook | Lucyna Pachocka

    Dna jest zaliczana do chorób cywilizacyjnych, związanych z nieprawidłowym sposobem odżywiania, polegającym na nadmiernym spożyciu potraw tłustych, bogatych w białko, oraz kawy i alkoholu. Jest to rodzaj zapalenia stawów, którego przyczyną jest nadmierne stężenie kwasu moczowego we krwi. Osoby chore powinny przestrzegać diety i stosować się do wskazówek lekarza, który może zlecić również leczenie farmakologiczne. Autorzy dokładnie omawiają przyczyny choroby, opisuj...

    okładka The Golden Road, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    „The Golden Road”, written by legendary author Lucy Maud Montgomery is widely considered to be one of the greatest books of all time. This great classic will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. Introduced in „The Story Girl”, Sara Stanley is L.M. Montgomery’s most enchanting heroine since Anne of Green Gables. When she returns to Carlisle to spend the winter with the King family, she comes up with a great idea. To help them through the dreary months ahead, she...

    okładka Short Stories, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Lucy Maud Montgomery, called „Maud” by family and friends and publicly known as L.M. Montgomery, was a Canadian author best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908. Anne of Green Gables was an immediate success. Montgomery published some 20 novels as well as 500 short stories and poems before her death in 1942. Because many of the novels were set on Prince Edward Island, Canada and the Canadian province became literary landmarks. ...

    okładka Rilla of Ingleside, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    „Rilla of Ingleside” is a coming-of-age novel written in 1921 by L.M. Montgomery that focuses on the youngest daughter of the beloved Anne Shirley, now Mrs. Blythe from the „Anne of Green Gables” series. In this final book in the Anne of Green Gables series, young Rilla Blythe dreams only of her first dance and getting her first kiss from the dashing Kenneth Ford. But undreamed-of challenges await the irrepressible Rilla when the world of Ingleside becomes endangered by a f...

    okładka Pat of Silver Bush, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    „Pat of Silver Bus” (1933) portrays a girl named Patricia Gardiner, who hates changes of any kind and loves her home, Silver Bush, more than anything else in the world. The book begins when Pat is 7 years old and ends when she is 18. She is very devoted to her family: her father and mother, her brothers Joe and Sid, and her sisters Winnie and Rachel. If it were up to her, nothing there would ever change. But of course if nothing changed, she’d never get a new baby sister, s...

    okładka The Blue Castle, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    One of the only L.M. Montgomery books featuring an older heroine, „The Blue Castle” is widely hailed as a reader favorite and is filled with humor and romance. Valancy Stirling is 29, unmarried, and has never been in love. She lives a drab life with her overbearing mother and prying aunt. One day, an unexpected medical diagnosis changes everything for Valancy and, for the first time in her dull grey life, she rebels. From then on things begin to change. Rebelling against he...

    okładka Rainbow Valley, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    If you’ve read and loved Anne of Green Gables, you’d definitely like to add „Rainbow Valley” by Lucy Maud Montgomery to your collection. Published in 1919, it is the seventh book in the chronology of the Anne of Green Gables series and follows the further life and adventures of Anne Shirley. At Ingleside, Anne is now happily married to her childhood friend the devoted Gilbert Blythe and have now been together blissfully for fifteen years and they have six children. But the ...

    okładka The Story Girl, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    „The Story Girl” is a beautifully-written classic by L. M. Montgomery. A perfect piece of literature that could be enjoyed by anyone, young or old. It narrates the adventures of a group of young cousins and their friends who live in a rural community on Prince Edward Island, Canada. The book is narrated by Beverley, who together with his brother Felix, has come to live with his Aunt Janet and Uncle Alec King on their farm while their father travels for business. The narrati...

    okładka Jane of Lantern Hill, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Jane Stewart lives with her unhappy mother and stern grandmother in a dreary old mansion in Toronto. It is a world of rules and unhappiness. Her mother is weak and unable to stand up to Jane’s grandmother and Jane stoically suffers daily from her grandmother’s verbal bullying. One day she discovers that the father she had long believed dead is alive and wants her to visit him. What follows is a blissful summer on Prince Edward Island where a dream of bringing her parents to...

    okładka Further Chronicles of Avonlea, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    „Further Chronicles of Avonlea” is another wonderful collection of charming Avonlea short stories by Lucy Maud Montgomery, ranging from the humorous to melodramatic, and every bit as enticing and delightful as the first book, „Chronicles of Avonlea”. Published in 1920, it includes fifteen short and entertaining, funny, and romantic stories relating to the inhabitants of the fictional Canadian village of Avonlea and its region, located on Prince Edward Island. The author bri...

    okładka Emily of New Moon, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    „Emily of New Moon” by L.M. Montgomery, published in 1923, is the start of a trilogy of novels about Emily Byrd Starr that invites comparison with the beloved Anne of Green Gables series. The Emily novels depicted life through the eyes of a young orphan girl, Emily Starr, who is raised by her relatives after her father dies of tuberculosis. Emily deals with stiff, stern Aunt Elizabeth and her malicious classmates by holding her head high and using her quick wit. Things begi...

    okładka Chronicles of Avonlea, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    On Prince Edward Island, where Anne Shirley grew up in the sea-sprayed town of Avonlea, there was no shortage of wonderful stories. In „Chronicles of Avonlea”, a delightful collection of twelve short stories about the inhabitants of Avonlea and other nearby villages, we meet lovely new characters and relive many stories that inspired various episodes on Road to Avonlea. Focusing on universal themes about mankind, the book conveys the flaws of critical behavior that is sure ...

    okładka Kilmeny of the Orchard, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    A sweet and moving romance from the author of the beloved Anne of Green Gables series! Eric Marshall is all that a well brought-up young man should be. Handsome, steadfast, and full of ambition, he is expected to expand the Marshall&Company empire and to marry a woman suitable to replace his mother in Nova Scotia’s finest circles. Eric has a bright future in the family business and has taken the two-month teaching post on Prince Edward Island only as a favor to a sick f...

    okładka Mistress Pat, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    This book has a sequel, „Mistress Pat”, which describes Patricia Gardiner’s life in her twenties and early thirties, during which she remained single and took care of her beloved home, Silver Bush. All she could ever ask of life was bound in the magic of the lovely old house on Prince Edward Island. And now there was more than ever to do, what with planning for the Christmas family reunion, entertaining a countess, playing matchmaker, and preparing for the arrival of the ne...

    okładka Magic for Marigold, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Lucy Maud Montgomery is perhaps best known as the author of the Anne of Green Gables series. Anne, an 11 year old girl, the hero of a girls novel has become a worldwide bestseller, from Canada to Japan, for children to adults. In this story the author beautifully weaves four short stories together into an amazing plot. None of the eccentric Lesleys can agree on what to call Lorraine’s baby. Lorraine secretly likes the name Marigold... but who among the assorted aunts, uncle...

    okładka Emily Climbs, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    The second book in the Emily novels, „Emily Climbs” tells the story of Emily moving to a high school in Shrewsbury and beginning her career as a writer with the local newspaper. Shrewsbury brings new friends, new adventures, and new enemies, and the town is scandalized by some of Emily’s exploits. Perhaps the hardest trial is having to board with her Aunt Ruth. Or is it her promise to Aunt Elizabeth? But Emily’s troubles are only the beginning of her climb to success... and...

    okładka Emily’s Quest, Ebook | Lucy Maud Montgomery

    Emily Starr and Teddy Kent have been friends since childhood, and as Teddy is about to leave to further his education as an artist, Emily believes that their friendship is blossoming into something more. But when Teddy leaves home to pursue his goal in Montreal, Emily’s world collapses. With Teddy gone, Emily agrees to marry a man she doesn’t love... as she tries to banish all thoughts of Teddy. In her heart, Emily must search for what being a writer really means... This th...

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