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    okładka Mount Royal, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    This book is romance, mystery, murder, Christian and the best part of lost love. The main character listened to the often told story, kneeling in the firelight, at her aunt’s knee, a ruddy glow gently touched her light soft hair and a brighter forehead, her large blue eyes looked with love on Mrs. Tregonell’s face. „And he was a widower, Aunt Diana,” she repeated with an expression of disgust, as if something had clenched her teeth.

    okładka Phantom Fortune, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    The plot of the book contrasts with the life of two ladies Hazelden, named Maria and Lesbia. Lady Mary Hazelden is much more meek and stereotypically feminine than other heroes of sensational novels such as Alicia Audley, Marian Halcomb and Magdalen Vanstone. She falls in love with a poor man named Mr. Hammond and is trying to learn how to work to compensate for her lower social status after she marries him. Her grandmother seems not to mind if she gets married because she ...

    okładka Run to Earth, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Two different riddles, three villains, one of which was really the darkest paint, three murders, one suicide, the abduction of a child, three strong Victorian women – one of them is unusually tragic, the other is quite a deceiver, like Becky Sharp, and divine retribution. Suffice it to say that one of the main characters is a young woman who lives with a man who claims to be a father, but exploits and intimidates her, and when this villain, Black Milsom, actually kills the ...

    okładka The Cloven Foot, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    The novel has two stories that at first glance seem unconnected, but most readers will be able to find out the connection. The first is about the situation of artificial inheritance. John Treverton must marry Laura Malcolm within a year or lose his inheritance. In another story, French ballerina Zaire Chico lives an absent-minded life in Parisian and London theaters. In the end, the mystery of the murder happens, and the rest of the plot focuses on that.

    okładka The Doctor’s Wife, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Isabelle Sliford is a young girl who dreams of the books she reads and lives to read them. She sees life through the eyes of Brion, Shelley, Shakespeare and Dickens. George Gilbert, a handsome young doctor, sees that she and she are so different from the girls he knows, falling in love with her. He is pragmatic, and she is a dreamer of all that is beautiful, which causes the gulf between them.

    okładka The Golden Calf, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    The plot tells the story of Ida Pallizer, the daughter of a poor Anglican pastor. Miss Pugh’s teacher and a wealthier student named Urania Pallizer often taunts and makes silly remarks about her poverty. The best line from this part of the book is when Ida is excluded. Miss Pugh says: „You can stay here as long as you need to pack your bags. Not that it takes a long time. „

    okładka The Infidel, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Antonia Thornton is raised to be a religious skeptic by her father, but has doubts after meeting with Oxford Methodists, such as Stobard. Lord Killrush is impressed by her beauty and intelligence and suggests making her his mistress. Dying from consumption, as people did in the old days, Killrush agrees to marry her. Provided that she marries no one.

    okładka The Lovels of Arden, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Antonia Thornton is raised to be a religious skeptic by her father, but has doubts after meeting with Oxford Methodists, such as Stobard. Lord Killrush is impressed by her beauty and intelligence and suggests making her his mistress. Dying from consumption, as people did in the old days, Killrush agrees to marry her. Provided that she marries no one.

    okładka Vixen, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Violet Tempest grows up in a happy home, the beloved only child of friendly and generous parents. She and her father spend days riding and hunting in the old forest that surrounds their house, and Violet is strong in heart and body, not smart, but very intelligent. The only possible flaw is that the mother of her best friend Rory, the ambitious lady Jane, does not approve of their close friendship.

    okładka Wyllard’s Weird, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Wyllard’s Weird is a little-known sensational novel by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. The story mainly concerns the riddle of a young girl who dies as a result of a fall from a train in motion. Was it a murder? Or was it suicide? Amateur detective makes his mission to solve the mystery at the request of old love. The discoveries he makes lead him to a double murder committed ten years ago. Were they connected? If so, then the same murderous hand struck again.

    okładka Armour Wherein He Trusted, Ebook | Mary Webb

    It’s a little book composed of an unfinished novel written in a completely different style than other Mary Webb novels, and a collection of short stories and drafts that appeared in various publications. The style fit the story of a young boy who fell in love and leaves to fight in the Crusades. A pearl-like prose and a fairy tale, eerie in turn and beautifully strange.

    okładka Precious Bane, Ebook | Mary Webb

    Precious Bane is also the story of Gideon, the doomed brother of Prue, no less decisive, but with different motives. Determined to defeat the poverty of their farm, he devotes all his strength to making money. The only thing that distracts him from these ambitions is that he abandons her for a stronger attraction to his money.

    okładka Aurora Floyd, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    Aurora, the spoiled daughter of a banker, receives an offer to get married. But almost before the wedding, the groom finds out about some secret. Aurora cannot open it and the lovers part. But the girl did not suffer for long, after a few months she marries another of her fans. But the secret has not gone away. She hangs over a married couple, spoils the life of Aurora.

    okładka Birds of Prey, Ebook | Mary Elizabeth Braddon

    ”Birds of Prey” is the first part of the story of Charlotte and her family and friends. At first, the birds of prey are a little confusing, since each of the first few chapters is a separate vignette about one of the characters, without any visible links to the others. The main plot theme revolves around the hunt for the legitimate descendant of a wealthy man whose great legacy awaited the gift. And in this context, there are several more or less unscrupulous people who tra...

    okładka Życie po traumie, Ebook | Dena Rosenbloom, Mary Beth Williams, Barbara E. Watkins

    Trauma może wywrócić świat do góry nogami i sprawić, że wszystko wydaje nam się niebezpieczne lub obce.Jeśli doświadczyłeś przemocy fizycznej, seksualnej lub emocjonalnej, byłeś jej świadkiem w domu lub w sąsiedztwie, przeżyłeś katastrofę naturalną lub wypadek samochodowy czy samolotowy, zmierzyłeś się z nagłą śmiercią przyjaciela czy członka rodziny lub spotkało cię w życiu coś złego, to ta książka jest dla ciebie.Życie po traumie to zeszyt ćwiczeń terapeutycznych, który pom...

    okładka Frankenstein, Ebook | Mary Shelley

    Frankenstein - powieść angielskiej pisarki i poetki okresu romantyzmuMary Shelley z 1818 roku. Pisarz science fiction Brian Aldiss uważa Frankensteina za pierwszą powieść science fiction lub przynajmniej zapowiedź tego gatunku.Powieść doczekała się wielu przeróbek i adaptacji filmowych, których większość zniekształcała lub spłycała pierwowzór. Pierwsza ekranizacja powstała w 1910, najsłynniejsza – w 1931, a jedna z najbardziej udanych i wiernych oryginałowi – w 1994. Powie...

    okładka Ocalenie w Maryi, Ebook | ks. Piotr Glas

    OCAL SWOJĄ DUSZĘ. JUŻ CZAS! Nadchodzą dni ciemności. Na naszych oczach dzieją się rzeczy, które trudno pojąć. Epidemie, konflikty zbrojne, radykalne protesty społeczne czy walka z Kościołem – świat i Kościół pogrążają się w kryzysie. W czasie gdy wielu poszukuje duchowego pocieszenia, ks. Piotr Glas wskazuje na Polskę jako miejsce, z którego może nadejść odrodzenie wiary. Nie dokona się to jednak, jeśli nie oddamy swojego życia Maryi. W tej książce ceniony rekolek...

    okładka Ostatnie wołanie Maryi, Ebook | ks. Piotr Glas

    Ksiądz Stefano Gobbi, Sekretarz Matki Bożej, pisał, że Maryja jest straszna i potężna. Straszna dla wszystkiego, co demoniczne, i potężna, gdy roztacza nad nami swoją opiekę. Jak rozumieć wydarzenia ostatnich dekad? Co Maryja chce nam powiedzieć o czasach zamętu, w których żyjemy? Jaką nadzieję nam pozostawia? Ksiądz Piotr Glas, który Maryi oddał całe swoje kapłańskie życie, prowadzi nas przez kolejne orędzia naszej Matki – w Fatimie, Akicie, Kibeho i La Salette – w któr...

    okładka The House in Dormer Forest, Ebook | Mary Webb

    In this dense novel, the house in which the Darke family exists apparently has its own impassive but claustrophobic influence on the family, which, in turn, tied itself up too quickly in its network of special hate agreements and connections. Jasper fights against his religion, Ruby is trapped between her need for conventions and her own desires, and Peter is forced to rebel.

    okładka Seven For A Secret, Ebook | Mary Webb

    ”Seven For A Secret” is the story of a young girl who turns into a compassionate, passionate, loving woman, who is visible through the eyes of a shepherd poet who loves her. Gillian is nineteen when the romance opens, and she is a romantic star who wants to flirt with men to fall in love with her. Gillian, in many ways, still behaves like a child, and she is selfish, narcissistic, and stupid with others in her life. A kind and simple shepherd named Robert, working with her ...

    okładka The Last Man, Ebook | Mary Shelley

    The novel tells the story of a future world affected by an epidemic. The first part of the novel begins with a story about the youth of Lionel Verney, about his friendship with the radiant prince Adrian, the son of the abdicated king of England, about his love for the sister of Adrian Idris. Verney has a sister to Loss, with whom the proud Lord Raymond is in love. For the sake of marrying her, he refuses the hands of Idris and, for a while, from the post of Lord Protector o...

    okładka Życie marynarskie, Ebook | Włodzimierz Grycner

    Autentyczne opowieści mrożące krew w żyłach.Jak przepłynąć pirackie akweny?Jak pogodzić na pokładzie muzułmanów i katolików?Co myśli zawsze uśmiechający się Filipińczyk, Chińczyk czy Japończyk?Wiele interesujących ciekawostek, opartych na życiorysie autora tworzą niesamowitą historię. Włodzimierz Grycner pływał nie tylko z polskimi załogami. Zróżnicowane narodowości w jednym miejscu, na pełnym morzu stanowiło ogromne wyzwanie. Ciekawość i lata praktyki powodowały rozwój ...

    okładka Marysieńka Sobieska. Autoportret, Ebook | Janina Lesiak

    Marysieńka Sobieska: wiek nie do końca ustalony, pochodzenie niepewne, wykształcenie przeciętne, inteligencja powyżej normy, spryt zaskakujący, temperament chłodny, uroda zniewalająca, ambicja niezmierzona, znak zodiaku Rak, królowa Polski od roku 1774 do 1796. Ukochana małżonka Jachniczka, czyli króla Jana III Sobieskiego. Pani na Wilanowie. Nimfa, Róża, Bukiet, Esencja, Astrea – czyli „jedyne serca i duszy kochanie”, kobieta o dwóch skrzydłach: purpurowym, miłosnym i pulsuj...

    okładka Życie Maryi, Ebook | Emmerich Katharina

    Niezwykła historia życia Maryi, Matki Bożej, opowiedziana przez mistyczkę, stygmatyczkę i wizjonerkę bł. Annę Katharinę Emmerich. Wizje bł. Katarzyny były tak realne i plastyczne, że przemawiają do wyobraźni nawet dzisiaj. Zdradzają szczegóły – czasem sensacyjne – z życia Maryi, Jezusa i Jego uczniów, pozwalają współczesnym dotrzeć do śladów i pozostałości po wydarzeniach sprzed 2 tys. lat. Anna Katharina Emmerich jest w swoich opisach bardzo precyzyjna, a dane przez nią poda...

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