Do you run a business? Then you have to hear this true story! Every entrepreneur wants to be successful, but even a seemingly small mistake can sometimes cause big trouble. In the sixth part, the business risk buster strikes at a medical clinic. A wealthy developer bought his wife a clinic, but she left him and the clinic soon afterwards. So he hired a managing director under whose management it went from bad to worse. Contents: How to analyse your company from the inside ...
Do you run a business? Then you have to hear this true story! Every entrepreneur wants to be successful, but even a seemingly small mistake can sometimes cause big trouble. In the fourth part, the business risk buster strikes at a building materials shop. An unfaithful wife and the following divorce almost brought a well-established company down. And the consequences could have been much worse. Contents: Be careful that your business doesn´t ruin your family relationship...
Do you run a business? Then you have to hear this true story! Every entrepreneur wants to be successful, but even a seemingly small mistake can sometimes cause big trouble. In the fifth part, the business risk buster strikes at a gun shop. A seventy-year-old gentleman decided to sell his company and shop, but he forgot about his collateral in the bank and almost ended up paying very dearly for that. Contents: Don´t be afraid to start your own business, even at an advanced a...
An audiobook by a Pallottine priest and doctor of theology of spirituality. Father Ireneusz Łukanowski, written in cooperation with Ms Barbara Zielonka. The subject is the issue of suffering and faith, and the audiobook contains selected excerpts from the book of the same title. Faith and suffering are inextricably linked with each other. Numerous studies show that people who believe in something are better able to cope with the sufferings and hardships of life than are those...
Do you run a business? Then you have to hear this true story! Every entrepreneur wants to be successful, but even a seemingly small mistake can sometimes cause big trouble. The third part is quite dramatic. The business risk buster tries to reconcile his client with the late fifty-percent share owner’s very aggressive widow. Contents: If you co-own your business with a partner, agree in advance on how things should go if something bad happens to one of you Take relevant me...
Do you run a business? Then you have to hear this true story! Every entrepreneur wants to be successful, but even a seemingly small mistake can cause big trouble. In the second part, which takes place at a well-known seaside resort, you will learn how the business risk buster helped a local jeweller get his company out of a crisis. Contents: Remember that good years in business alternate with worse ones and sometimes really bad ones Try to avoid senseless spending in ...
Do you run a business? Then you have to hear this true story! Every entrepreneur wants to be successful, but even a seemingly small mistake can sometimes cause big trouble. In the first part, the business risk buster strikes at a car showroom where two co-owners cannot agree on anything and the only way out is their business divorce. Contents: Avoid co-ownership of a company in equal shares If you cannot own a company by yourself, conclude a partnership agreement Beware of ...
Are you thinking about buying real estate? Regardless of whether its property for your business or your residence, you will always encounter pitfalls, both hidden and obvious. Find out what to watch for when buying real estate and get experienced advice on how to invest in real estate without risk.
One of the greatest risks for small and medium businesses is certainly past due receivables. Preventing this risk or promptly responding to problems with receivables is the main focus of this lesson. You will get many useful tips on how to keep your receivables under control and not take chances with the survival of your business.
The success or failure of every company depends primarily on the quality of employees and the cooperation of the entire team. Learn everything about company staffing, recruiting new employees, developing their skills in the company, drafting employee contracts, paying wages and terminating employment. Get a comprehensive overview of how to create a successful personnel strategy in your company.
One learns from mistakes and this educational audibook for entrepreneurs introduces the ten most fundamental mistakes made by entrepreneurs every single day. These are mostly the same mistakes that are made repeatedly. Therefore, the aim of this e-book is to educate how to prevent these mistakes or how to remedy them, especially to protect your assets from business risks.
Although the benefits of cutting company costs may seem obvious, there are many entrepreneurs who neglect to do that. The costs directly affect the level of their income and may also pose a great risk to the company. This audiobook teaches entrepreneurs that cost management is relatively simple.
As the name suggests, this is a very current topic. It is intended for all entrepreneurs who either find themselves in crisis and are trying to mitigate it or those who seek to prevent it. It offers a comprehensive overview of company crisis, signals and forms of crises and, most importantly, the potential solutions to the crisis and, ideally, how to avoid it.
Marketing of small and medium businesses provides 8 important tips for entrepreneurs who have decided to support their business by marketing activities and who want to do it efficiently. Experience shows that too many entrepreneurs waste a lot of money on activities that are supposed to bring more profit, but they are taking a heavy cut from the profit instead. It is quite simple, really. You just need to know how. And the e-book focused on marketing will help entrepreneurs t...
A selection from the famous collection of Oriental stories known as the One Thousand and One Nights, including the classic favourites Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves and Sindbad the Sailor.
Travel through the streets of old Baghdad, around luxurious palaces and fragrant gardens in India, to desert islands in the China seas… all in the company of kings, sultans, princesses, merchants, enchanted horses, sailors and thieves.
Four chilling tales take you into a world where anything can happen.
Charles Dickens adds extra horror to his famous tale of a haunted railwayman. In Edgar Allan Poe’s classic story, ‘Ligeia’, the ghost of a beautiful woman returns and defeats death. E. Nesbit shows us how there really is a good reason to be scared of the dark. And F. M. Crawford tells of a ship’s passenger who encounters a horrible ‘thing’ in his cabin.
Dr Manette is falsely imprisoned for 18 years by the Marquis of Evrémonde. He is eventually released and goes to England to join his daughter Lucie, who marries the Frenchman Charles Darnay of the Evrémonde family. During the Reign of Terror Darnay travels to Paris, where he is imprisoned and sentenced to be executed...
Mrs Morel is a strong, intelligent, domineering woman. Her marriage to a miner is not a happy one. She is antagonistic to her husband and gives all her love to her sons. The Morels’ younger son Paul grows up close to his mother. As an adolescent and a young man, he is torn between a passionate love for his mother and his lovers Miriam and then Clara. "Synowie i kochankowie" jest uznawana za jedną z najlepszych powieści D.H.Lawrence'a. Lawrence zawarł w niej wiele wątków auto...
Discover how a midnight ritual transforms the life of a young Puritan in ‘Young Goodman Brown’. Witness what happens to three old friends who discover the potion of eternal youth in ‘Dr Heidegger’s Experiment’. Experience the tragedy of the scientist who strives to achieve perfection at all costs in ‘The Birthmark’.
W kategorii „Książki obcojęzyczne” umieszczone zostały wszystkie utwory napisane w języku innym niż polski. Znajdują się tutaj publikacje autorów pochodzących z różnych krajów i kultur, poruszające wiele różnych tematów, problemów czy zagadnień. Publikacje w kategorii „Książki obcojęzyczne” przeznaczone są dla czytelników, którzy przez lekturę książek w językach obcych chcą podszkolić swoją znajomość danego języka. Niektóre z publikacji zostały specjalnie przygotowane, aby pomóc w takiej nauce. Znaleźć tu można zarówno klasyki literatury światowej, jak i książki współczesnych pisarzy. Czytelnicy mogą przeczytać w oryginale książki amerykańskiego pisarza, autora fantasy i opowieści grozy oraz jednego z prekursorów fantastyki naukowej H.P. Lovecrafta (“The Call of Cthulhu”, “The Shadow Out of Time”), czołowego przedstawiciela nurtu powieści detektywistycznej i twórcy postaci Sherlocka Holmesa, Arthura Conana Doyle’a (“The Hound of the Baskervilles”, “A Study in Scarlet”), czy irlandzkiego poety, prozaika i dramatopisarza Oscara Wilde’a (“The Happy Prince and Other Tales”, “The Canterville Ghost”). W nauce języka pomogą wydania dwujęzyczne, tego typu pozycje oferuje wydawnictwo Wymowne. W ich ofercie znaleźć możemy takie tytuły jak “Treasure Island” Roberta Louisa Stevensona, “Heart of Darkness” Josepha Conrada czy “The Sphinx Without a Secret” Oscara Wilde’a. Alternatywny sposób nauki proponuje wydawnictwo Poltex. Przygotowane przez nich książki mają pomóc czytelnikowi w nauce dzięki czytaniu i jednoczesnym słuchaniu przez niego tekstu w języku angielskim oraz wykonywaniu specjalnych ćwiczeń po każdym rozdziale. Oferują oni takie tytuły jak “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” Arthura Conana Doyle’a, “Anne of Green Gables” Lucy Maud Montgomery, “The Secret Garden” Frances Hodgson Burnett, “Frankenstein” Mary Shelley, “Alice in Wonderland” Lewisa Carrolla czy “The Picture of Dorian Gray” Oscara Wilde’a. Najwięcej książek w tej kategorii napisanych zostało w języku angielskim, ale znajdują się tu również pozycje w języku rosyjskim, francuskim czy niemieckim.