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    okładka Ptak życia. Kwiat na drogę, Ebook | Piotr Romanowski

    Próba opisania w kilku słowach człowieczego wszechświata to praca poety.Uśmiech i smutek, zachwyt i życie, dusz i myśli żałobne.Gniew – harvesteriada. Wiersze z puszczy wstrząsające. Wspomnienie przyjaciela i w niebo wziętego.Po trzykrotnej lekturze tego tomiku pozostają we mnie ślady aromatycznego spotkania z pięknem.I co za rysunki./-Staszek Sojka/Piotr Romanowski, ur. 1962 w Warszawie, w 1982 przeprowadził się na warmińską wieś. Prezes Stowarzyszenia Ekologiczno-Artystyczn...

    okładka The Tragedy of King Lear, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Finally, I met with one of the most famous plays of Shakespeare. In this work, important and interesting topics are touched: the hypocrisy of people in pursuit of wealth and power, blinding deceitful speeches and disregard for the true virtues of the soul, cruelty and hot temper, deceived hopes and disappointment in loved ones. As for the king himself, Lear appears to be a rather absurd, selfish and domineering old man, who is too used to universal worship and has lost touc...

    okładka The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus – an early and very harsh play of Shakespeare. There is no subtle treatment of the characters in it, but it is saturated with bloody events. Based on the traditions of the ancient theater, it represents fictional characters, driven by an inexhaustible thirst for revenge. But, most importantly: the time is now different, and the passions and vices are the same.

    okładka Kandyd, czyli optymizm, Ebook | Voltaire

    „Kandyd, czyli optymizm” – oświeceniowa satyryczna powiastka filozoficzna francuskiego filozofa Voltaire’a – opowiada o wymuszonych wygnaniem podróżach młodzieńca imieniem Kandyd. Przemierzając lądy i morza, przeżywa on nieprawdopodobne przygody, które wystawiają na próbę jego wiarę w to, że żyjemy w najlepszym ze światów. Utwór stanowi dialog z oświeceniowymi poglądami filozoficznymi.

    okładka The Tragedy of Coriolanus, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    The Tragedy of Coriolan – the tragedy of Shakespeare, based on the ancient biographies of the semi-legendary Roman leader of the times of the Republic of Gnay Marcia Coriolanus. Heroes are alive and you can not even read who said what: everyone’s speech is easily distinguished. The images of the tragedy are complex and multifaceted, the problems raised in the play are deep and serious. Reading and re-reading Shakespeare you always find something new that you missed during t...

    okładka Venus and Adonis, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    By the time of the author’s death, at least ten editions of the poem had been published. Adonis is preparing for a hunt; Venus is trying in every way to seduce him. Passion flares up between them, but Adonis believes that he is too young for romance novels and he is more interested in hunting. Soon Adonis dies due to an accident during a hunt.

    okładka The Winter’s Tale, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    This play is not just a fairy tale by its name, everything in it is amazing and unbelievable, and it would be ridiculous to look for likelihood here! But, as you know, a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, because among the wonderful fairy-tale accidents of the play we learn about what actually happens. That there are jealous husbands, rejected wives, abandoned children, as well as good nurses, loyal servants, honest counselors. That evil can take possession of ...

    okładka The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    A love story that everyone knows from infancy. We encounter two children at the beginning of the play, who do not yet represent what love, passion, desire are, but as soon as they get to know each other and understand that they cannot live without each other, they both change, become adults, independent. They are ready to act for their love, boldly step over obstacles and strive for each other. But so much divides them throughout the play that only death can reunite.

    okładka Two Gentlemen of Verona, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Shakespeare’s first play, a comedy about friendship, love, deception and a change of character, shows wit and humor, funny dialogues and fast-paced, two-faced actions, which soon crown him the undeniable king of drama. With the forgiving, unifying prospect of double marriage after a dramatic conflict, „one feast, one house, one mutual happiness,” this has a bright, sweet, happy ending.

    okładka Twelfth Night, or, What You Will, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    This is one of the most funny Shakespeare comedies, full of jokes and life-affirming optimism, elegant, brilliantly refined, built on aphorisms, wordplay and mind games. In her family, a meeting with which seems unthinkable, are unexpectedly. And the happiness awaits the heroes right around the bend, and it doesn’t matter that not where they are looking for him.

    okładka The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Is it about the fact that people are a flock of sheep? No, rather, how difficult it is to make the right choice without having enough information. And this topic is relevant in the current policy after two thousand years. She raises a lot of questions: Is Caesar’s murder a deliverance from a tyrant or a betrayal?

    okładka King Richard the Third, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Heroes of the work are ready for terrible deeds for the sake of power. Richard is a model of canonical evil, almost a fairy-tale villain, in whom there is nothing light. The main character goes to power through numerous crimes and deceptions. He does not spare underage nephews, ordering to kill them in the Tower, and then dies in a battle with another claimant to the throne.

    okładka Measure for Measure, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Another little masterpiece of Shakespeare. The name „Measure for Measure” speaks for itself. In the end, everyone got what they deserved. Above the characters mocked, showing the human nature. The situations seem ridiculous, but it is through them that the truth can be seen.

    okładka King Richard the Second, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    We begin our acquaintance with history with a quarrel between Henry and Norfolk. And where would be a fight for life and death – but no, not destiny! Richard, having his own reasoning, stops the beginning of the battle and expels both! After the death of his father, Heinrich decides to return to his name and that which belongs to him by right. However, something went wrong.

    okładka Cymbeline, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    There are two main lines: the story of the lovers of Postum and Imogen and the story of lost and found royal sons. All this, like a silver frame, is framed by sufferings, oaths of loyalty, amazing coincidences and other tasty Shakespearean curlicues. Postum was simply naive and blind, like most of the heroes of Shakespeare. And Imogen, in my opinion one of the most intelligent and clever heroines of him.

    okładka As You Like It, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    One of the earliest comedies of Shakespeare. And at the moment one of the most relevant. The plot of the play is built on dressing a woman into a man, on the love of a man for a woman, a woman for a disguised woman, and so on. The second comedy plan shows how different family relationships can be – one step from love to hate. And the fact that you are one blood does not mean anything, good relations are more important.

    okładka A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    ”A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is a comedy where all the characters find themselves in a situation that completely changes their lives. In the play several plot lines that are closely intertwined with each other and affect each other. The main conflict of the play is a quarrel between the king of the elves of Oberon and his wife, Queen Titania. Because of this quarrel, all the madness of the summer night is happening. After all, Oberon decided to punish the spouse and play a l...

    okładka Much adoe about Nothing, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Classic light comedy, fully sustained in the spirit of the plays of this genre. As is characteristic of the dramaturgy of this epoch, the obviousness of the incipient intrigue does not spoil the general charm of the play at all, and the onslaught of free irony and elegant juggling with words and meanings delivers true enjoyment. The plot tells about the creation of a union of two pairs, very different from each other. The wedding of the first couple has already been discuss...

    okładka All’s Well That Ends Well, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    This is the story of a simple girl Helena without titles and inheritance. She is the daughter of a talented but poor healer. After the death of her father, the girl becomes a pupil of the Countess of Roussillon. She falls in love with the son of her benefactress Bertram, but he does not want to look at her either, for him only the wealth and high origin is important. To win the favor of her lover, Helen goes to Paris to cure the sick king of France with her father’s recipes...

    okładka The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Outwardly, a good-natured merry fellow, a lover of pleasures, but at the same time a king-philosopher, Henry VIII at first does not have all the power and depends on the all-powerful Cardinal Wolsey, the conductor of the policy of Rome. For the time being, the king is forced to restrain his cool temper. But soon he will execute on a false denunciation of Buckingham – the enemy of Volseus. In line with the policy of the Reformation, he needs to dissolve the marriage with his...

    okładka Pericles, Prince of Tyre, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    The king Antioch was a beautiful daughter. All the fiancés who came to Antioch were given one condition: to guess the difficult riddle; otherwise they will lose their head. No one could guess. Then one day young Pericles from Tire arrived at the king’s court... Having solved the royal riddle, Pericles dares to flee in terror not only from Antioch, but even from his own country. This flight leads to a chain of events, losses and partings with loved ones.

    okładka The Tragedie of Macbeth, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    The focus of the great tragedy of William Shakespeare „Macbeth” is unreasonable ambition that turns a brave warrior and a recognized hero into an ominous killer who seized power in his hands at the cost of bloody atrocity. The play „Macbeth” is worth reading if only to enjoy the beautiful poetic language of the great playwright – here evil, intrigue, deceit and the most base vices of humanity are served under the sauce of beautiful poetry.

    okładka The Tragedie of Anthony and Cleopatra, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    With a strong spirit and body, people who are ready to endure all sorts of hardships and difficulties for the sake of the cause of their whole life, their blood, their feats inscribing their names in the history of mankind, also end up being tested, which turn out to be stronger than them. And for the sake of this, a person is able to erase his entire former life overnight. This happens with Anthony, an honorary Roman who fell in love with the proud queen of Egypt. For his ...

    okładka The Sonnets, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    Shakespeare’s sonnets cannot be overestimated; this is the best sort of poetry. How clean, voiced imagery. In general, in what language you do not read – the pleasure is provided. Idealization of the beloved, ode to his beauty, magnification by his Perfection. But what is interesting – the author sees the imperfections of a loved one, but literally forgives them. And nothing can darken the object of affection for him.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Poezja i Dramat

Kategoria „Poezja / Dramat” zawiera utwory reprezentujące dwa rodzaje literackie. Poezja to dosyć wieloznaczny termin wywodzący się ze starożytnej Grecji. Kiedyś oznaczał ogół wszystkich dzieł literatury pięknej, obecnie za poezję uważa się wszystkie utwory pisane mową wiązaną, czyli wierszem. Dramat z kolei uznawany jest za rodzaj sztuki z pogranicza teatru i literatury, dziełem literackim jest tylko i wyłącznie w warstwie słownej – sama realizacja teatralnego widowiska jest zaliczana do szeroko pojętych sztuk teatru. W kategorii „Poezja / Dramat” znajdują się więc utwory cenionych twórców, które tworzą kanon literatury zarówno polskiej, jak i światowej. Możemy tu znaleźć poezje najwybitniejszych poetów polskich, takich jak Zbigniew Herbert, Wisława Szymborska, Czesław Miłosz czy Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński, ale także zagranicznych, jak na przykład Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio czy Edgar Allan Poe. Odnaleźć tu również możemy tomy poezji „Lucyfer zwycięża” Ilony Witkowskiej oraz „Zimna książka” Marty Podgórnik nominowane do Nagrody im. Wisławy Szymborskiej, a także zachwycającą poezję Rupi Kaur zebraną w zbiorach „Mleko i miód. Milk and Honey” oraz „Słońce i jej kwiaty. The Sun and Her Flowers”. Pierwsza z publikacji kanadyjsko-hinduskiej poetki to przetłumaczony na ponad 30 języków bestseller opowiadający o kobiecości, miłości, przemocy oraz stracie. Drugi zbiór Rupi Kaur skupiony jest przede wszystkim na samoświadomości i dojrzewaniu. Czytelnicy zainteresowani dramatami odnajdą tutaj klasyki literatury polskiej, jak „Balladyna” Juliusza Słowackiego, „Zemsta” Aleksandra Fredry, „Wesele” Stanisława Wyspiańskiego, oraz zagranicznej, czyli takie pozycje jak „Makbet” Williama Szekspira, „Świętoszek” Moliera czy „Król Edyp” Sofoklesa. W księgarni internetowej Woblink.com znajdują się również takie utwory jak „Małe zbrodnie małżeńskie” Érica-Emmanuela Schmitta, czyli opowieść o związku dwojga kochających się niegdyś ludzi, „Czarownice z Salem” Arthura Millera czy „Narty Ojca Świętego” Jerzego Pilcha.