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    okładka The Devil's Disciple, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “The Devil's Disciple” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.“The Devil's Disciple” is Shaw's eighth play, and it was his first financial success, which helped to affirm his career as a playwright. Set in Colonial America during the Revolutionary era, the play tells the story of Richard Dudgeon, a local outcast and self-proclaimed "Devil's disciple". In a ...

    okładka The Admirable Bashville, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “The Admirable Bashville” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.“The Admirable Bashville” is a short play based loosely on Shaw’s novel “Cashel Byron's Profession”. The play was written to protect American copyrights after the novel became unexpectedly successful in the United States.

    okładka How He Lied to Her Husband, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “How He Lied to Her Husband” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.How He Lied to Her Husband is a one-act comedy play by George Bernard Shaw, who wrote it, at the request of actor Arnold Daly, over a period of four days while he was vacationing in Scotland in 1904. In its preface he described it as "a sample of what can be done with even the most hackneye...

    okładka Misalliance, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Misalliance” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Misalliance is a play written by George Bernard Shaw. The play takes place entirely on a single Saturday afternoon in the conservatory of a large country house in Hindhead, Surrey in Edwardian era England.It is a continuation of some of the ideas on marriage that he expressed in his play, Getting Married....

    okładka Dark Lady of the Sonnets, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Dark Lady of the Sonnets” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.“Dark Lady of the Sonnets” is a short play by George Bernard Shaw. “THE BEEFEATER: Stand. Who goes there? Give the word.THE MAN: Marry! I cannot. I have clean forgotten it.THE BEEFEATER: Then cannot you pass here. What is your business? Who are you? Are you a true man?THE MAN: Far from i...

    okładka Love Among the Artists, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Love Among the Artists” is a novel by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Love Among the Artists is George Bernard Shaw's novel. Shaw wrote five novels early in his career and then abandoned them to pursue politics, drama criticism, and eventually playwriting.

    okładka The Irrational Knot, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “The Irrational Knot” is a novel by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.An Unsocial Socialist is George Bernard Shaw's second novel. Shaw wrote five novels early in his career and then abandoned them to pursue politics, drama criticism, and eventually playwriting.

    okładka The Man of Destiny, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “The Man of Destiny” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The Man of Destiny is a play by George Bernard Shaw, set in Italy during the early career of Napoleon. It was published as a part of Plays Pleasant, which also included Arms and the Man, Candida and You Never Can Tell. Shaw titled the volume Plays Pleasant in order to contrast it with his firs...

    okładka Arms and the Man, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Arms and the Man” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Arms and the Man is a humorous play that shows the futility of war and deals comedically with the hypocrisies of human nature. It was published as a part of Plays Pleasant, which also included The Man of Destiny, Candida and You Never Can Tell. Shaw titled the volume Plays Pleasant in order to contra...

    okładka You Never Can Tell, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “You Never Can Tell” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The play is set in a seaside town and tells the story of Mrs. Clandon and her three children, Dolly, Phillip, and Gloria, who have just returned to England after an eighteen-year stay in Madeira. The children have no idea who their father is and, through a comedy of errors, end up inviting him to a...

    okładka Captain Brassbound's Conversion, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Captain Brassbound's Conversion” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The play explores the relationship between the law, justice, revenge and forgiveness. Sir Howard Hallam, a judge, and his sister-in-law, Lady Cicely Waynflete, a well-known explorer, are at the home of Rankin, a Presbyterian minister. Sir Howard tells Rankin that his brother's property...

    okładka Press Cuttings, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Press Cuttings” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Press Cuttings, is a play by George Bernard Shaw. It is a farcical comedy about the suffragettes' campaign for votes for women in Britain. The play is a departure from Shaw's earlier Ibsenesque dramas on social issues. Shaw's own pro-feminist views are never articulated by characters in the play, but i...

    okładka The Music Cure, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “The Music Cure” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The Music Cure is a short comedy sketch by George Bernard Shaw.Lord Reginald Fitzambey, Under-Secretary of State for War, is in a distressed state. He explains to his doctor that, knowing the British army would soon be put on a vegetarian diet, he bought shares in the Macaroni Trust. Brought before a p...

    okładka Heartbreak House, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Heartbreak House” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Heartbreak House is a play written by George Bernard Shaw. According to A. C. Ward, the work argues that "cultured, leisured Europe" was drifting toward destruction, and that "Those in a position to guide Europe to safety failed to learn their proper business of political navigation". The "Russian ma...

    okładka Paweł i Wirginia, Ebook | Bernardin de Saint Pierre

    Osiemnastowieczna powieść. Akcja dzieła rozgrywa się na współczesnym, Mauritiusie w kolonii francuskiej. Owdowiała arystokratka, pani de La Tour, straciwszy ukochanego męża, zamieszkuje razem z murzyńską niewolnicą Marią w odosobnionej kotlinie. Spotyka tam bretońską chłopkę Małgorzatę, która uciekła z Francji, będąc w nieślubnej ciąży. Wkrótce obydwie zaprzyjaźnione kobiety wydają na świat dzieci - Małgorzata rodzi syna Pawła, zaś pani de La Tour córkę Wirginię. "Paweł i Wir...

    okładka Gemma Galgani, Ebook | ks. Bernard Gallizia

    ŚWIĘTA, KTÓRA OFIAROWAŁA SAMĄ SIEBIE W INTENCJI GRZESZNIKÓW Gemma oznacza „klejnot”. Przy chrzcie obawiano się, że żadna z dotychczasowych świętych nie nosiła tego imienia. Po latach okazało się jednak, że dziewczynka miała własną szczególną drogę do świętości – świętości oficjalnie potwierdzonej przez Kościół. Od najmłodszych lat rozważała mękę Chrystusa i starała się naśladować swojego Mistrza we wszystkim. Stąd jej miłość do każdego, kogo spotkała, a także wyją...

    okładka Święty Bernard z Clairvaux, Książka |

    Święty Bernard z Clairvaux, współzałożyciel zgromadzenia cystersów, niepozorny mnich, którego rady szukali władcy i papieże ówczesnej Europy. Niestrudzona podpora chrześcijaństwa i Kościoła, a także kaznodzieja, którego kazania stanowią obfity skarbiec średniowiecznej mistyki. Jego żywot w sposób przystępny dla dzieci i młodzieży opowiada Agnès Richomme, przenosząc czytelnika w czasy Europy romańskich katedr i krucjat. Komiks zdobią ilustracje autorstwa Roberta Rigot. Przekła...

    okładka Bernard Prince Księga 1, Książka | Hermann Greg, Greg Hermann,

    Słynna seria przygodowa, która szturmem zdobyła uznanie czytelników a z autorów uczyniła gwiazdy komiksu europejskiego. Tytułowemu bohaterowi, byłemu policjantowi Interpolu towarzyszą na pokładzie „Kormorana” zrzędliwy szyper Barney Jordan oraz zaradny Djinn, mały hinduski sierota. Płyną ku ryzykownym przygodom, wplątują się w kłopoty oraz zabierają nas na wycieczkę ku osobliwym miejscom. Przemierzają otwarte morza, egzotyczne brzegi i dalekie kraje, gdzie zagrożenie zawsze n...

    okładka Bernard z Clairvaux  Tomasz z Akwinu, Książka | Inos Biffi

    Na pierwszy rzut oka zaproponowane zestawienie w jednej książce postaci Bernarda z Clairvaux, ikony mnicha, który ukochał klasztor i kontemplację z Tomaszem z Akwinu, mistrzem, dla którego naturalnym środowiskiem był uniwersytet może wydać się dość dziwne. Są to jednak dwa „filary” ludzkości i Kościoła, wiarygodni świadkowie zdumiewającej różnorodności, bogactwa i barwności epoki średniowiecza. Zwięzły, przejrzysty tekst, poświęcony obu postaciom wyraźnie ukazuje odrębność ty...

    okładka Widowers' Houses, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Widowers' Houses” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Widowers' Houses was the first play by George Bernard Shaw to be staged. This is one of three plays Shaw published as Plays Unpleasant in 1898. They were termed "unpleasant" because they were intended, not to entertain their audiences – as the traditional Victorian theatre was expected to – but to ra...

    okładka The Philanderer, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “The Philanderer” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The Philanderer was written in 1893 but the strict British censorship laws at the time meant that it was not produced on stage until 1902. This is one of three plays Shaw published as Plays Unpleasant in 1898. They were termed "unpleasant" because they were intended, not to entertain their audiences –...

    okładka Candida, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Candida” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The play questions Victorian notions of love and marriage, asking what a woman really desires from her husband. It was published as a part of Plays Pleasant, which also included Arms and the Man, The Man of Destiny and You Never Can Tell. Shaw titled the volume Plays Pleasant in order to contrast it with his ...

    okładka Caesar and Cleopatra, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Caesar and Cleopatra” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Caesar and Cleopatra is a play written by George Bernard Shaw that depicts a fictionalized account of the relationship between Julius Caesar and Cleopatra. Shaw wanted to prove that it was not love but politics that drew Cleopatra to Julius Caesar. He sees the Roman occupation of ancient Egypt as...

    okładka Man and Superman, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Man and Superman” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Man and Superman is a four-act drama written by George Bernard Shaw. The series was written in response to a call for Shaw to write a play based on the Don Juan theme. Mr. Whitefield has recently died, and his will indicates that his daughter Ann should be left in the care of two men, Roebuck Ra...

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