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Książki obcojęzyczne - książki, ebooki i audiobooki

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    okładka Dubliners, Audiobook | James Joyce

    Cideb’s unabridged study edition of Joyce’s Dubliners comes complete with a full critical introduction which places the author in the short-story tradition before going on to examine ‘Joyce as Experimentalist’. Emphasis is placed on the author’s various narrative techniques and this allows the reader to see this ‘highly original work’ not only as the reflection of a real world but also as a sophisticated literary construction.

    okładka Detective Stories, Audiobook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    These stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, R. Austin Freeman, Edgar Wallace, Edmund Crispen and Geoffrey Bush, Margery Allingham and Julian Symons focus on the development of the detective genre: from the rationality of the Victorian investigator to the modern theme of the criminal as anti-hero.

    okładka Brave New World, Audiobook | Aldous Huxley

    Huxley’s grim but witty vision of the future, first published in 1932, shows human individuals dominated by science and technology in a World State where economic and social stability compensate for the vulgarisation of intellectual life and the absence of political responsibility. But the values of this menacing Utopia are brought into question by the arrival of the Savage...

    Sales restricted to certain countries.

    okładka A Room with a View, Audiobook | M. Forster E.

    This apparently light-hearted novel is written in the tradition on of social comedy started by Jane Austen. The central theme lies in the gradual awakening of Lucy Honeychurch and her eventual liberation from the constraints of upper-middle class society, its hypocrisy and obsession for respectability – a liberation in which love and honesty, in the end, triumph over social conventions.

    okładka A Christmas Carol, Audiobook | Charles Dickens

    A Christmas Carol is the first and the most famous of the five books that Dickens wrote to celebrate the spiritual values of Christmas.

    okładka Robin Hood, Audiobook | M. Stockton Sally

    The legendary hero of Sherwood Forest comes to life in this exciting book about his daring adventures.
    Robin Hood explains about why Robin became an outlaw, how his band of outlaws grew, Marian’s love for Robin, how the cruel sheriff was punished and much more.

    okładka Oliver Twist, Audiobook | Charles Dickens

    Set in 19th-century London, this timeless classic narrates the incredible adventures and poignant hardships of Oliver, a young, penniless orphan who, in spite of his encounters with criminals of London and adverse circumstances, finds happiness in the end.

    okładka Oscar Wilde's Short Stories, Audiobook | Oscar Wilde

    'The Young King' tells how a shepherd boy becomes a king and realises that money is not worth human suffering.
    In 'The Star Child' a baby is found in the forest and discovers his true identity after many adventures.
    'The Nightingale and the Rose' is a tale of a nightingale who sacrifices her life to create the perfect red rose for a student in love.

    okładka Sherlock Holmes and The Red Circle, Audiobook | Arthur Conan Doyle

    A mysterious lodger has just rented rooms at Mrs Warren's lodging house. She is frightened by this strange individual, so she asks Sherlock Holmes to help. He and Dr Watson discover cryptic messages, a sinister secret society with international roots and a terrible murder...

    okładka Macbeth, Audiobook | William Shakespeare

    'Hail, Macbeth, who will be king one day.'
    On a cold Scottish heath, three witches make a prophecy. Inspired by their words and encouraged by his evil wife, Macbeth begins his trail of destruction to gain and keep the Scottish throne.

    okładka Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Audiobook | Lewis Carroll

    Alice follows the White Rabbit down a rabbit hole and finds herself in the magical world of Wonderland, where anything can happen. She grows bigger and smaller and she meets a lot of very strange characters! These include the Caterpillar on his mushroom, the smiling Cheshire Cat, the Hatter and the March Hare at their mad tea party, the Queen of Hearts at her crazy game of croquet, and many more!

    okładka Halloween... Magic, Witches and Vampires, Audiobook | Reinhart Kelly

    An exciting and informative book on the history and culture of Halloween, which gives details about an authentic American Halloween party! The beginnings of witchcraft, magic and astrology are explained. And, there is a chilling chapter on vampires and werewolves!

    okładka Great Expectations, Audiobook | Charles Dickens

    Pip, a poor young boy, receives amazing news. Someone has given him a vast amount of money and wants to make him a gentleman. Who is his mysterious benefactor? Is it Miss Havisham, the strange lady who lives in an old house with the beautiful Estella? Life is full of surprises...

    okładka Ghastly Ghosts!, Audiobook | D.B. Clemen Gina

    What is the truth about ghosts and the supernatural? Do dead people really come back to haunt the world? Can an entire village be haunted? Can ghosts be photographed? Find out in this spine-chilling book that introduces you to some of the world's most ghastly ghosts and their macabre doings!

    okładka Davy Crockett An American Hero, Audiobook | D.B. Clemen Gina

    This is the true story of a brave, adventurous man, a real American hero, who has become a legend.
    Davy loved danger, justice and freedom. He was the true American free spirit of the 1800s who helped to build America.

    okładka A Midsummer Night's Dream, Audiobook | William Shakespeare

    Hermia and Lysander are in love, but Hermia’s father wants Demetrius to marry his daughter, so Hermia and Lysander decide to run away to get married. But in the wood some fairies perform some magic and some strange things start to happen...

    okładka British and American Festivities, Audiobook | D.B. Clemen Gina

    Why do we celebrate Halloween?
    Do you want to surprise your sweetheart with a special Valentine card from Loveland, USA? Who invented the Christmas card?
    This unique book explores the origins of our festivities, their historical significance, and how we celebrate them today.

    okładka Five Children and IT, Audiobook | Nesbit E.

    Five children go on holiday and discover a sand fairy near their home! The sand fairy is an unusual creature that grants wishes, and this is just the beginning of an incredible adventure for them.
    Their wishes are strange, silly…and sometimes dangerous. They go from one exciting adventure to another until finally they realise the power of a wish and whether or not they really want one!

    okładka Black Beauty, Audiobook | EDITRICE CIDEB

    Black Beauty is a touching story written from a horse's point of view. Black Beauty, a handsome, intelligent horse, lives in Victorian England on a peaceful farm with a wonderful master.
    But his life changes when he is sold to different masters-some are kind and understanding, but others are very cruel…
    Published in 1877, Black Beauty is surely the most loved animal story of all times – an unforgettable classic for readers of all ages.

    okładka Mystery in San francisco, Audiobook | D.B. Clemen Gina

    An abandoned mansion, a ghostly face at the window and mysterious happenings at one of the city's favorite landmarks is the start of a thrilling adventure for Jim Reilly and his teenage friends.Set in cosmopolitan San Francisco, California, this is a mystery story full of suspense with an unexpected twist, brilliantly solved by three young detectives.

    okładka Little Women, Audiobook | Louisa May Alcott

    Growing up in New England during the American Civil War isn’t easy for the March sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. With their father away, they must learn to make sacrifices and accept disappointments.
    Discover how the four sisters’ dreams finally come true in this timeless classic about love, kindness, and generosity which is based on the author’s childhood experiences.

    okładka Legends from the British Isles, Audiobook | Meyers Deborah

    The Legend of the Unicorn tells the story of Rhiannon Carter, a pretty English girl, who lived in the days of King Arthur. One day she makes friends with a young unicorn in the forest, but greedy Sir Brangwyn finds out and... The King of the Wizards is a legend from Scotland that tells about a young man who wants to become a great juggler, but he doesn’t know that his teacher is an evil wizard. Bedd Gelert is the touching Welsh legend about Prince Llewellyn’s loyal dog who mu...

    okładka Jason and the Argonauts, Audiobook | Gascoigne Jennifer

    When he was very young, Jason's uncle took the kingdom of Iolkos from his father, but now Jason wants it back. First he must find and bring back the Golden Fleece. It is a dangerous mission but Jason and a crew of heroes set sail on the Argo to the Black Sea. The Argonauts must battle against giants, huge birds and sea monsters before their journey ends.

    okładka Macbeth, Audiobook | William Shakespeare

    Dramat Makbet, którego akcja toczy się w Szkocji, jest jednym z najbardziej znanych dzieł Szekspira. Makbet, zachęcany przez żonę, sięga po tron w sposób bezwzględny. Ambicja tych dwoje w stronę pełnego szaleństwa, a wyrzuty sumienia wkrótce zniszczą małżeństwo i doprowadzą do tragedii.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Książki obcojęzyczne

W kategorii „Książki obcojęzyczne” umieszczone zostały wszystkie utwory napisane w języku innym niż polski. Znajdują się tutaj publikacje autorów pochodzących z różnych krajów i kultur, poruszające wiele różnych tematów, problemów czy zagadnień. Publikacje w kategorii „Książki obcojęzyczne” przeznaczone są dla czytelników, którzy przez lekturę książek w językach obcych chcą podszkolić swoją znajomość danego języka. Niektóre z publikacji zostały specjalnie przygotowane, aby pomóc w takiej nauce. Znaleźć tu można zarówno klasyki literatury światowej, jak i książki współczesnych pisarzy. Czytelnicy mogą przeczytać w oryginale m.in. książki amerykańskiego pisarza, autora fantasy i opowieści grozy oraz jednego z prekursorów fantastyki naukowej H.P. Lovecrafta (“The Call of Cthulhu”, “The Shadow Out of Time”), czołowego przedstawiciela nurtu powieści detektywistycznej i twórcy postaci Sherlocka Holmesa, Arthura Conana Doyle’a (“The Hound of the Baskervilles”, “A Study in Scarlet”), czy irlandzkiego poety, prozaika i dramatopisarza Oscara Wilde’a (“The Happy Prince and Other Tales”, “The Canterville Ghost”). W nauce języka pomogą wydania dwujęzyczne, tego typu pozycje oferuje m.in. wydawnictwo Wymowne. W ich ofercie znaleźć możemy takie tytuły jak “Treasure Island” Roberta Louisa Stevensona, “Heart of Darkness” Josepha Conrada czy “The Sphinx Without a Secret” Oscara Wilde’a. Alternatywny sposób nauki proponuje wydawnictwo Poltex. Przygotowane przez nich książki mają pomóc czytelnikowi w nauce dzięki czytaniu i jednoczesnym słuchaniu przez niego tekstu w języku angielskim oraz wykonywaniu specjalnych ćwiczeń po każdym rozdziale. Oferują oni takie tytuły jak “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” Arthura Conana Doyle’a, “Anne of Green Gables” Lucy Maud Montgomery, “The Secret Garden” Frances Hodgson Burnett, “Frankenstein” Mary Shelley, “Alice in Wonderland” Lewisa Carrolla czy “The Picture of Dorian Gray” Oscara Wilde’a. Najwięcej książek w tej kategorii napisanych zostało w języku angielskim, ale znajdują się tu również pozycje w języku rosyjskim, francuskim czy niemieckim.