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    okładka Slane’s Long Shots, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    A collection of unconnected but all featuring the same protagonist, gentlemen amateur detective Slane. Sir Jasper Slane, wealthy clubman, and amateur detective, is always willing to help his fellow aristocrats in need. With the able assistance of Inspector Stimpson of Scotland Yard, he solves thefts, rescues kidnapped victims, foils blackmailers, and helps to restore fortunes. Because of his upper class morality, Slane is perhaps more diffident than some other Oppenheim her...

    okładka Washington Square, Ebook | Henry James

    The main character Katherine is a girl who does not differ in anything special, but is at the same time quite an enviable bride, she has a good dowry. And the bridegroom appears on the horizon, love, everything, but the father is against their relationship, because this Maurice squandered all his fortune, and aunt Catherine, on the contrary, for real happiness. The whole book revolves around the relationship between Catherine and Maurice, Maurice and the girl’s father, Cath...

    okładka Soldier Stories, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Three Soldiers is a collection of short stories by Rudyard Kipling. Three soldiers of this title - Leroid, Mulvani and Orteris, who also previously appeared in the collection "Simple Tales from the Hills." Books reveal the side of British Tommy in Afghanistan, rarely seen in the Twilight of the British Empire. The soldiers comment on their improvements, act fools, but right against the backdrop of the wars in the Middle East, when the British began to weaken their imperial ...

    okładka Roderick Hudson, Ebook | Henry James

    Roderick Hudson is the first novel by Henry James. Although Roderick was a poor man, but he had a great talent, about which he was not even aware. In the afternoon, he was an ordinary student, and after university he was an outstanding sculptor. One day, by a happy coincidence, he meets the wealthy connoisseur of Rowland Mullet, a man who recognizes his genius and becomes his mentor.

    okładka Murder in Piccadilly, Ebook | Charles Kingston

    „Murder in Picadilly” is a typical so-called „Golden Age” detective story published in 1936 and set in and around Soho. The story concerns the fortunes of a young man named Bobbie Cheldon. Bobbie has fallen head over heels in love with a nightclub dancer Nancy Curzon at „The Frozen Fang” nightclub but she is attracted not so much to Bobbie as to the fortune he expects to inherit. Bobbie’s miserly uncle Massy stands between him and happiness: he will not relinquish the ten t...

    okładka Kim, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Little Kim meets an amazing man, a Tibetan llama, who descended from the mountains to the plains of India in search of a wonderful river. The Lama is kind, modest, but full of knowledge and driven by the idea of the Way and Wheel of life. Kim immediately becomes sympathetic to him and joins the llama on his journey. Kim feels that he would like to understand this man, to know him, "to appropriate him." Kipling very accurately expresses complex feelings, so on each page you ...

    okładka Just So Stories, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    “Just So Stories” are usually devoted to how a particular animal changed its initial appearance as a result of the actions of a person or a fairy creature. For example, Keith cannot swallow a person because he once swallowed a Sailor, who secured a wooden lattice inside, which prevents him from swallowing other people. The camel acquired a hump as a punishment from Gene, Lord of All Deserts, for refusing to work. Ethiop painted Leopard spots. Powerful hind legs, a long tail...

    okładka Stalky & Co., Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    The reader finally got the opportunity to read a quality translation of one of the best works of Rudyard Kipling. This almost autobiographical novel tells about the fun and arduous life of students in an English private school. Arkady Strugatsky was a real fan of Stalki and Company. It was the protagonist of this book - ""the great man of the century"", the bully and the cunning Stalki - who inspired the Strugatsky brothers to create the image of Stalker.

    okładka Italian Hours, Ebook | Henry James

    The Italian Watch is a book of travel writing by Henry James. Everything in the book indicates that James enjoyed this luxury to its fullest. Throughout the book, he is constantly returning to the beauty and delights of Italian life, despite being too often significant shortcomings. Venice and Rome are undergoing the most extensive treatment.

    okładka The Light That Failed, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Kipling wrote the first novel, “The Light That Failed” in many ways an autobiographical novel, having already gained fame with his poems and stories. In addition to the novel and selected stories from collections of different years, the book includes the story “Brave Captains” - about the romance and hardships of sea travel, the formation of the character of a young man, about metamorphoses that occur in people under the influence of merciless circumstances...

    okładka Puck of Pook’s Hill, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    Brother and sister meet Elf Pak. He introduces them to people and events of bygone years that took place in the vicinity of the estate during the time of old England. This is the south of the island of Britain, on the English Channel. Many important events in British history took place here: the Romans marched here, here the Gauls aka “winged hats” tried to conquer Britain. Through the fates of ordinary people, valiant, noble, decent, who participated in significant events ...

    okładka The Odyssey, Ebook | Homer

    A classic for the ages, „The Odyssey” recounts Odysseus’ (Ulysses) journey home after the Trojan War. After the end of the war, Ulysses and his companions decide to return home, but in the middle of the path a horrible storm deviates them from the original route. Just one more difficulty, they have to face monsters like Cyclops and Mermaids, always overcoming them with cleverness astuteness. During one of these confrontations, all his companions are murdered and Ulysses has...

    okładka The Spoils of Poynton, Ebook | Henry James

    Mrs. Gareth has been collecting works of art in her Pointon manor all her life, and now, after her husband’s death, she must, according to English customs, hand over the manor to her son Owen. The trouble is that the limp Owen is under the influence of his bride, Mona Brixton, who dreams of taking up Poynton’s hands and closing access for Mrs Goret forever. And Mrs. Gareth decides to fight for her treasures.

    okładka The Sacred Fount, Ebook | Henry James

    The book is about history, but not the one that is written in dry letters in the textbook, but the one into which the time machine takes you and lets you live the days, months in the body of another person, a contemporary of the time you are reading about. It is about religion, but not about what they preach in churches, without the right to question, but about its origins, causes, development, problems, transformation over time, our perception of it in the modern world, as...

    okładka Kerry, Ebook | Grace Livingston Hill

    Kerry Kavanaugh is a beautiful child asked to be adult, not even of age, with a spoiled childlike mother who makes terrible decisions upon the death of Kerry’s father. Forced to flee with her father’s manuscript, a determined Kerry sails for New York to meet with her father’s publishers but is faced with a new challenge when a page of notes goes missing. Someone is out to steal the manuscript! But with a ship full of strangers, who can’t she suspect? Then she meets Graham M...

    okładka The Finer Grain, Ebook | Henry James

    The Finer Grain – a collection of small stories. The „A Round of Visits” is a thoughtful tragedy that triggered the opening of „Watch and Trusteeship”. The Bench of Desolation, located in an English seaside town, is a touching story of reconciliation after some very offensive and bitter misunderstandings.

    okładka The Bostonians, Ebook | Henry James

    The action revolves around three characters: a young and beautiful maiden who travels around America with fiery speeches about the importance of women; her mentor, a lonely and cold lady who despises the whole male race. Different ideals are presented by the rivalry of Olive Chancellor and her cousin Basel Ransom for influencing the young girl Vera Tarrant, who has a strong oratorical gift. The social plan of this novel is concluded in the struggle of the conservative views...

    okładka A Passionate Pilgrim, Ebook | Henry James

    The narrator meets the American Clement Searle in a London hotel. Searle had long wanted to move to England, to run away from the routine of his life. However, he is physically ill and depressed because his lawyer cannot support his claim for a share in the out-of-town property currently owned by Richard Searle. The narrator and the main character are trying to solve this problem.

    okładka The Tragic Muse, Ebook | Henry James

    The Tragic Muse is dedicated to the conflict between the artist and society. Painter Nick Dormer suffers because he does not find recognition, actress Miriam Ruth, in the name of success, makes compromises with his conscience, understanding what the rich audience expects of her. However, the greatest success of this work was the image of Gabriel Nash.

    okładka Under the Deodars, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    “Under Deodars” is a collection of stories, against the backdrop of which the bizarre and calm environment of the Shimla mountains. The towering mountains, covered with ice, are dumb evidence of deception, debauchery and dedication of the main characters and opponents. The book begins with a story called Otis Yir’s Education. The rude and enterprising Mrs. Hawksby proposes to create a salon in Simla, but to dissuade Mrs. Mallow from putting her plan into practice.

    okładka The Earl of Nowhere, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Every city has its own peculiar voice. Neither the harsh roar of London, the nerve destroying staccato of sound which belongs exclusively to New York, nor the kettledrum buzz of Madrid is comparable with the voice of Paris, which is mainly vocal.""Queer thing about Paris, sir,"” said Jim Selby, „"somebody is always talking.""The staid Vice-Councillor of the British Embassy lifted his head, and, being literally-minded, listened.""I hear nobody–except you,"” he said.""The Ear...

    okładka The Second Jungle Book, Ebook | Rudyard Kipling

    If you read the stories of The First Jungle Book, you remember how, attaching the skin of Sher Khan to the Council Rock, Mowgli told the surviving wolves of the Zion pack that he would hunt one from now on, and how his brothers - four wolves - announced that they would hunt with him. But it’s hard to change life in one minute, especially in the jungle. The flock dispersed in disarray; Mowgli went to the cave of his wolves, lay down and slept all day and all night. Then he t...

    okładka The Real Thing and Other Tales, Ebook | Henry James

    The main character, an aspiring artist, hires a faded noble couple, Monarchs, as models after they have lost most of their money and need to find some kind of work. They are „real” in the sense that they are beautifully of the aristocratic type, but they turn out to be inappropriate for the artist’s work. The artist must finally get rid of the monarchs, especially after his friend and colleague, artist Jack Hawley, criticized the work in which monarchs are represented....

    okładka The Aspern Papers, Ebook | Henry James

    ”The Aspern Papers” is one of the masterpieces of the writer’s „small” prose, the plots of which are based on the collision of European and American cultural consciousness, the „point of view” of an individual and social stereotypes, the „book” perception of the world and individual experience. The tragicomic search by the hapless biographer of the lost letters of the great poet is the conflict of this story.