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    okładka By Airship to Ophir, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Dated 1928. „By Airship to Ophir”, written by Fenton Ash, tells the story of an airship and two aircraft meander round central Africa picking up an assortment of natives in a search for the fabled land of Ophir, which is eventually reached and found to be inhabited by a race of people of Arab/Hebrew mien. This fantasy adventure would suit anyone interested in old fantasy novels for children and young people. Fenton Ash is the first and main pseudonym of UK civil engineer an...

    okładka The Radium Seekers, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Early science fiction, a cult classic, an enjoyable adventure. The story opens when our hero and his friends go to South America to look for radium, which has anti-gravity properties, and battle with a race of cruel Inca-type people who use the radium to fly, and disguise themselves as giant birds and terrorize the locals. „The Radium Seekers” is a fairly good novel written by Frank Aubrey. Francis Henry „Frank” Atkins (1847–1927) was a British writer of „pulp fiction”, in ...

    okładka In Polar Seas, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    The works of Fenton Ash are highly prized among bibliophile collectors of classic sci-fi and fantasy. Fenton Ash was a pseudonym of Francis Henry Atkins (1847-1927), who contributed widely to the pre-science fiction pulp magazines, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else. „In Polar Seas” is a romance of adventure in the frozen North, targeted mainly at juvenile readers but billed as being „for readers of all ages,” it describes the adventures of a team...

    okładka A Son of the Stars, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    As may be imagined from the title, Mr. Fenton Ash’s book does not lack for marvelous adventure. „A Son of the Stars” novel is a complete rewrite of Fenton Ash’s earlier novel „A Trip to Mars. An exciting science fiction adventure, in which two heroes journey on a trip to Mars, where they have various adventures. In „A Son of the Stars” the heroes, who bear the names Gerald Wilton and Jack Lawford in „A Trip to Mars,” are called Bruce Mortimer and Maurice Somers. The names o...

    okładka The Devil-Tree of El Dorado, Ebook | Frank Aubrey

    Frank Aubrey was a pseudonym of Francis Henry Atkins (1847-1927), who contributed widely to the pre-science fiction pulp magazines, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else. The first and most successful of the three was „The Devil Tree of El Dorado: A Romance of British Guiana”, which capitalized on the contemporary interest in the Roraima Plateau lying athwart the disputed border between Venezuela and the British colony; Monella, the mysterious giant ...

    okładka A Trip to Mars, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    An exciting science fiction adventure, in which two Edwardian schoolboys Gerald Wilton and Jack Lawford journey on a trip to Mars, where they have various adventures and help to suppress a revolt. The story opens in the Southern Seas with the fall of what is at first taken for an immense meteorite, but really is a Martian airship. The heroes, in company with a few other denizens of this earth, are invited to return to Mars, and what they do and see there, make a tale well w...

    okładka The Black Opal, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    „The Black Opal: A Romance of Thrilling Adventure” was written by Fenton Ash and was first published in 1906. It is a lost race adventure novel set in a medieval kingdom in the Sargasso Sea. Fenton Ash is the first and main pseudonym of UK civil engineer and author Francis Henry Atkins (1847-1927) who was a writer of „pulp fiction”, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers. He was involved in a scandal at the turn of the century and sentenced to nine months im...

    okładka The Island of Gold, Ebook | Fenton Ash

    Fenton Ash (pseudonym for Francis Henry Atkins) also known as Fred Ashley, Frank Aubrey (1840 – 1927), wrote a number of „scientific romances” beginning with „The Devil Tree” (1896). He was involved in a scandal at the turn of the century and sentenced to nine months imprisonment for obtaining money by deception. After leaving prison he dropped the name Frank Aubrey and – in his early 60s, following a three-year hiatus – began writing as Fenton Ash. „The Island Of Gold” (19...

    okładka A Queen of Atlantis, Ebook | Frank Aubrey

    There is a long tradition among the romances of the 19th and early 20th century of the „lost race” novel concerning explorers who stumble onto a culture exists hidden from the outside world. „A Queen of Atlantis: A Romance of the Caribbean” is a novel among the most famous „lost race” novels written by Frank Aubrey. This story relates the discovery of a telepathic race living in the Sargasso Sea. A wonderful tale of the mythical continent, told with outstanding imaginative ...

    okładka A Studio Mystery, Ebook | Frank Aubrey

    Weird mystery with rationalized supernaturalism featuring private detective Matthew Grimlock. „A Studio Mystery” is a secret, and there is not much of a secret about the murder of the artist Arnold. The suspicions of the reader fall at once on Gustave. There is a certain ingenuity, however, in the working out of the motive of the crime. Altogether, „A Studio Mystery” is a fairly good specimen of its class written by Frank Aubrey. Francis Henry „Frank” Atkins (1847–1927) was...

    okładka The Planetary Series, Ebook | Stanley G. Weinbaum

    If you’re going to launch a series dedicated to the very best science fiction and fantasy writers of the century, it makes sense to start with Stanley G. Weinbaum. „The Planetary Series” includes ten stories set on worlds of Earth’s solar system following several centuries of human exploration and settlement. It features a host of fascinating alien creatures, including birdlike Martians (features in „A Martian Odyssey” and its sequel „Valley of Dreams”) and The Red Peri and...

    okładka The Manderpootz Series, Ebook | Stanley G. Weinbaum

    „The Manderpootz Series” includes the three stories of Stanley G. Weinbaum’s early science fiction trilogy. He is best known for his short story „A Martian Odyssey” which has been influencing Science Fiction since it was first published in 1934. Weinbaum is considered the first writer to contrive an alien who thought as well as a human, but not like a human. In a series of comedies featuring the eccentric scientist Professor Manderpootz – including the Alternate-History sto...

    okładka Three Tales of the Ring, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    From the unsurpassed imagination of the creator of Conan, Robert E. Howard, here are three tales of boxing, suspense and high adventure. „Three Tales of the Ring” is an excellent sampler of his non-sword and sorcery output, with a very strong emphasis on the gothic and the macabre. The collection includes such Howard’s masterpieces as „The Apparition in the Prize Ring”, „Alleys of Darkness”, „Cupid vs Pollux”. „The Apparition In the Prize Ring” is a ghostly little boxing st...

    okładka Nieprzejednana Honor, Ebook | David Weber

    Honor zwykła kończyć to, co zaczęła. Liga Solarna jest potęgą. Przez wieki reprezentowała dziedzictwo ludzkości i była przewodnikiem dla Diaspory. Mandaryni rządzący obecnie Ligą nie przypominają jednak jej założycieli, słyną z korupcji i gwałtowności. I zdecydowali, że Gwiezdne Imperium Manticore ma zostać zniszczone. Honor Harrington nosi mundur Royal Manticoran Navy już od pół wieku. Mało kto zna wojnę tak jak ona i mało kto stracił w walkach tylu bliskic...

    okładka Wilczerka, Ebook | Katherine Rundell

    „Wilczerka” to wyjątkowa, pięknie ilustrowana opowieść o sile miłości i przyjaźni, lojalności, o wierności sobie i swoim ideałom, a także wolności, która jest najcenniejszą wartością.Tym razem autorka przenosi czytelnika w przeddzień rewolucji, w zaśnieżone lasy Rosji, gdzie w maleńkiej chatce mieszkają Fieodora i jej matka. Fieodora uczy się, jak sprawiać, by oswojone wilki mogły powrócić do swojej dzikiej natury. To ważne zadanie: ludzie tutaj mówią, że ten, kto zabije wilk...

    okładka Witchborn. Córka czarownicy, Ebook | Bowling Nicholas

    Anglia, rok 1577. Elżbieta I Tudor wtrąca do więzienia spiskującą Marię I Stuart, a matka Alyce zostaje spalona na stosie za czary. Dziewczynie udaje się uciec z więzienia i choć zabija łowcę czarownic, to tak naprawdę jest to dopiero początek pogoni… Kiedy Alyce odkrywa, że jest zdolna do czarnej magii, zaczynają się nią interesować potężne siły polityczne. Tylko dlaczego jest dla nich aż tak ważna? Wkrótce dziewczyna zostanie wrzucona w sam środek sekretnej polity...

    okładka The Treasures of Tartary, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    An Irish-American warrior passes himself of as a Kurd and sets out to steal the treasure of Tartary. This is one of Robert E, Howard’s fast-paced short stories, featuring lots of fights and sliced entrails. Not one of his best works, in my opinion, as it somehow lacks substance. It seemed all hell and no notion.

    okładka The Lion of Tiberias, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The battle in the meadowlands of the Euphrates was over, but not the slaughter. On that bloody field where the Caliph of Bagdad and his Turkish allies had broken the onrushing power of Doubeys ibn Sadaka of Hilla and the desert, the steel-clad bodies lay strewn like the drift of a storm. The great canal men called the Nile, which connected the Euphrates with the distant Tigris, was choked with the bodies of the tribesmen, and survivors were panting in flight toward the whit...

    okładka The Shadow of the Vulture, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    So thay brought the envoys, pallid from months of imprisonment, before the canopied throne of Suleyman the Magnificent, Sultan of Turkey, and the mightiest monarch in an age of mighty monarchs. Under the great purple dome of the royal chamber gleamed the throne before which the world trembled– gold-paneled, pearl-inlaid. An emperor’s wealth in gems was sewn into the silken canopy from which depended a shimmering string of pearls ending a frieze of emeralds which hung like a...

    okładka The Country of the Knife, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    This early work by Robert E. Howard was originally published in 1936. „Knife Country” is a novel from the El Borak series of Texans in the early 20th century in Afghanistan. Very interesting book.

    okładka The Sowers of the Thunder, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The Sowers of the Thunder is a short story by Robert E. Howard (published in Oriental Stories, Winter 1932) that takes place in Outremer (the Crusader states) in the time of General Baibars and deals with the General’s friendly/adversarial relationship with Cahal Ruadh O’Donnell, an Irish Crusader with a troubled past cut in the Howardian mold. Both the Siege of Jerusalem (1244) and the Battle of La Forbie feature in the plot.

    okładka The Daughter of Erlik Khan, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The tall Englishman, Pembroke, was scratching lines on the earth with his hunting knife, talking in a jerky tone that indicated suppressed excitement: „I tell you, Ormond, that peak to the west is the one we were to look for. Here, I’ve marked a map in the dirt. This mark here represents our camp, and this one is the peak. We’ve marched north far enough.

    okładka The Isle of Pirate’s Doom, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The long low craft which rode off-shore had an unsavory look, and lying close in my covert, I was glad that I had not hailed her. Caution had prompted me to conceal myself and observe her crew before making my presence known, and now I thanked my guardian spirit; for these were troublous times and strange craft haunted the Caribees.

    okładka The Blood of Belshazzar, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Once it was called Eski-Hissar, the Old Castle, for it was very ancient even when the first Seljuks swept out of the east, and not even the Arabs, who rebuilt that crumbling pile in the days of Abu Bekr, knew what hands reared those massive bastions among the frowning foothills of the Taurus. Now, since the old keep had become a bandit’s hold, men called it Bab-el-Shaitan, the Gate of the Devil, and with good reason.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Dla młodzieży

Do literatury młodzieżowej zaliczają się książki pisane dla nastoletnich czytelników oraz tak zwanych młodych dorosłych (Young Adult). W literaturze dla młodzieży najczęściej poruszane są tematy i problemy ważne dla osób wkraczających w okres dojrzewania. Autorzy książek zaliczanych do literatury młodzieżowej piszą o pierwszych związkach i rozstaniach, miłości, porzuceniu, przyjaźni, a także o używkach, seksualności czy samobójstwie. Jedną z pozycji w tej kategorii, która podejmuje próbę zmierzenia się z wieloma problemami charakterystycznymi dla okresu dojrzewania, jest na przykład kontrowersyjna powieść „13 powodów” Jaya Ashera, w oparciu o którą powstał głośny serial pod tym samym tytułem (wyprodukowany przez platformę Netflix). Warto pamiętać, że wiele powieści uważanych obecnie za młodzieżowe w przeszłości było adresowanych do starszych czytelników. Dopiero po późniejszych adaptacjach były akceptowane jako powieści dla młodych osób – tak było w przypadku utworów pisanych przez Juliusza Verne’a. Znaczna część jego powieści powstała jako teksty dla dorosłych, jednak zyskały one popularność również wśród młodszych czytelników z uwagi na atrakcyjną formę. Dlatego też powieści Verne’a takie jak „20 000 mil podmorskiej żeglugi” czy „W 80 dni dookoła świata” znajdują się w kategorii „Dla młodzieży”. W tej kategorii odnaleźć można zarówno powieści zaliczane do fantastyki, horroru, kryminału czy thrilleru, jak i romanse, powieści obyczajowe, a także pozycje będące połączeniem dwóch lub więcej gatunków. Do takich należą powieści „Ponad wszystko” Nicoli Yoon, „Fanfik” Natalii Osińskiej, cykl „Buntowniczka z pustyni” Alwyn Hamilton, „Eleonora i Park” oraz „Fangirl” Rainbow Rowell, a także cykl Victorii Aveyard „Czerwona królowa”. Nie zabrakło tu również kultowej i międzypokoleniowej serii „Jeżycjada” Małgorzaty Musierowicz, powieści o Harrym Potterze J. K. Rowling, a także publikacji zaliczanych do klasyki literatury dla młodzieży („Mała księżniczka” Frances Hodgson Burnett, „Ania z Zielonego Wzgórza” Lucy Maud Montgomery).