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    okładka The Lion of Petra, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    Despite the fact that Talbot Mandy is more famous for having written the more popular King of Hebrew screws, this story of adventure in the desert will surely please the reader. An Englishman who accompanies the famous American James Graham in a dangerous journey through the Petri desert tells of this in order to resist Ali Higg’s cruel and deadly robber in his own fortress. Powerful desert chifthan, Ali Higg terrorizes the Arabs, and does not unite them. Along with James G...

    okładka Rung Ho!, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    This is the very first novel of Talbot Mundi. This is a very well written adventure story that is very easy to read and keeps the reader’s attention from first to last page. This is a magnificent reproduction of India since 1857. Works like this can become addicted to the reader.

    okładka Payable To Bearer, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    Ikey Hole began to engage in his own business at the age of sixteen as an industrial climber, and when he was twenty, he was already a serious master of his profession. But since at that time in New York signboards began to go out of fashion, he began to master the specialty in the manufacture of firearms, because he was far-sighted and moved with time and progress.

    okładka Jimgrim, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    There is a good belief that journalists can do exactly as they like and whenever they like. The fun with purple eyes was in Chicago. My passport describes me as a journalist. My employer said, „Go to Jerusalem,” and I went, it was in 1920. I was there several times before the start of World War II, when the Turks were in control. Therefore, I knew about the bugs and the stench of the citadel moose; pre-war price of camels; it is enough Arabic to speak freely and sufficientl...

    okładka Jimgrim, Moses, and Mrs. Aintree, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    The story tells of the discovery of a set of thirty-two golden plaques depicting the organizers and rituals of the occult group, whose member was the biblical Moses. Moses is actually depicted on one of the plates, and his portrait, most notably depicted not by an Egyptian artist, with his miserable skill, but a talented Indian hand.

    okładka Jimgrim and Allah’s Peace, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    El Qudz – so the Arabs call Jerusalem, somewhere elsewhere called Shalabi Cabir. This is a very beautiful city located on the hill. El Quds is translated as the City of Peace, and this is what it is for millions of people. Many religions, many races, many disguised politicians disguised as plans to save human souls from hell and fill the wallet of some people.

    okładka Old-Ugly Face, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    The Tibetan lama, with a great sense of joy, leads two people from the west to enlightenment, fighting with enemies in Tibet in this interesting story of adventure and spiritual discoveries. This is Mundi’s latest novel, The sequel to the dramatic dragon gates. The Nazi expedition in Tibet is torn apart by American and British agents of the special services.

    okładka King–of the Khyber Rifles, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    King of the Khyber Rifles can definitely be called Mandi’s most famous work. A famous novel in India and in other regions outside of it, he was very successful and two films were filmed on the story of his pages, although they did not have so much fantasy and mysticism as the book. In search of the Hignian caves, the king meets characters such as the princess Yasmini, Ismail, Daria Khan, as well as various hacks, rangari and mullahs. And far and deep in the unknown caves li...

    okładka Selected Stories, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    The Soul Of A Regiment(Adventure, February 1912) SO long as its colors remain, and there is one man left to carry them, a regiment can never die; they can recruit it again around that one man, and the regiment will continue on its road to future glory with the same old traditions behind it and the same atmosphere surrounding it that made brave men of its forbears. So although the colors are not exactly the soul of a regiment, they are the concrete embodiment of it, and are ...

    okładka Moses and Mrs. Aintree, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    The story tells of the discovery of a set of thirty-two golden plaques depicting the organizers and rituals of the occult group, whose member was the biblical Moses. Moses is actually depicted on one of the plates, and his portrait, most notably depicted not by an Egyptian artist, with his miserable skill, but a talented Indian hand.

    okładka Jungle Jest, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    And then a dark figure came out of the shadow between two tents. This other man was probably a policeman, Patan, and by contrast between these two people, even in the dark, one could even say that one of them was white. The white man ducked, escaped from capture and retreated to his tent. The color was born and danced through millions of prisms, the wind intensified, and the camp slowly woke up.

    okładka The Eye of Zeitoon, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    Do you need to talk about Zeitoon? The only thing I can say is that the Turks have never won or won. They came once and built a fort on the opposite side of the mountains to impress us. We took this assault! We dropped all their guns down to the bottom of the stream and there they lie to this day!

    okładka Om, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    An expedition in the 1920s is looking for a lost tribe in India, sacred Lamu and jade, which has magical properties. Very interesting fairy-tale story, so rich in details, that comes a sense of presence in India a hundred years ago.

    okładka MacHassan Ah, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    This was not until they left their right front and went to a narrow, single-track road that lay under the wall and was securely guarded. Suddenly there appeared an awkward Asian gentleman, who once was the image of a Biblical shepherd.

    okładka Guns of the Gods, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    Yasmini is the heroine of many fairy tale authors and in this story this Indian princess is also present. In the complex plot involved and a young American couple. Interesting story, picturesque landscapes and wonderful reading!

    okładka Her Reputation, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    There are hours of promises, and zero hour; promises initially, which are sometimes even sweeter than their execution. Jacqueline Lanier did not fully realize the time of heyday, and therefore contours of young charm were not tempered by the usual self-affirmation. Therefore, when she was under the care of Desmoe, she knew that between the emotions of gratitude, the philosophy that comes later in life when we are forced to try to explain their mistakes is not very accessibl...

    okładka Hookum Hai, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    Maybe it’s true, he said, and maybe a lie, it is unknown, maybe, India is going to go to blood, as these fakors believe, and maybe it’s not at all. There will be a sea of blood! „Hookum hai” – „This is an order? I also have my desire! „

    okładka The Uphill Climb, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    Beloved Western author B. M. Bower is back with another classic yarn of the Old West. Much like her best-known works, „The Uphill Climb” showcases the inner lives of the cowhands and ranchers who made the region livable – and whose rough-and-tumble lifestyles all too often exacted a harsh toll. Also this story deals with one man’s fight to overcome alcohol addiction. Still very relevant to today. But it also has romance and a good bit of humor from supporting characters. Bo...

    okładka The Lookout Man, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    „The Lookout Man” is a 1917 novel by American author B. M. Bower. Fans of B. M. Bower’s fast-paced Western novels will love „The Lookout Man”. One man discovers how the Law in the Wild West can be bent, broken, and even beaten. Set in Northern California when the region was still teetering between civilization and Old West devilry, the novel tells the tale of a young protagonist who has a good heart but a seemingly insatiable taste for danger. A Northern California story fu...

    okładka Tiger Eye, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    B.M Bower had a gift for writing Westerns, weaving tales of adventure, intrigue, mystery, and romance – often with surprise endings. Her gift for creating engaging, human characters is just as evident in „Tiger Eye”, a book with a much tougher, more serious plot than some of her early works. The main character, nicknamed Tiger Eye because of his one yellow eye, is a young Texan who has left home to escape being drawn into an old feud. Arriving in Montana, he literally wande...

    okładka The Lure of the Dim Trails, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    Take a trip along the dusty byways of the Old West in this book from renowned author B.M. Bowers. Phil Thurston was born on the range where the trails are dim and silent under the big sky. It was the place his father loved, the place he had to be. After the death of his father when he was five, his mother brought him back to the city, where he grew up and became a writer. To revive his stale writing, he returns to the West, and may just find what he is really missing. Thurs...

    okładka The Phantom Herd, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    In „The Phantom Herd” from 1916 we follow a film director Luck Lindsay who wants to make an authentic western, therefore using the Happy Family boys and some of their friends as actors instead of professional actors. There are many difficulties along the way, some of which bid fair to be insurmountable and they are up against big problems, mostly the weather and deadline. The story is absolutely thrilling and at the same time Bower, with the help from a real western actor, ...

    okładka The Thunder Bird, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    The „Thunder Bird” is a sequel of Johnny Jewel’s story and it looks like our heroes didn’t learn their lessons, as Johnny seems more stubborn and Mary V more spoiled. Johnny is determined to pay his debt before going back to the ranch and to Mary V, but this time his affairs take a foray into an international intrigue. „The Thunder Bird” is written in the year 1919 by B. M. Bower and contains all of the elements that made B. M. Bower’s books a mainstay of the genre of class...

    okładka The Trail of the White Mule, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    Equal parts daring and prone to disaster, B. M. Bower’s beloved hero with a heart of gold, Casey Ryan, is at it again in „The Trail of the White Mule”. Whether he’s veering through traffic at high speed in the boomtown of Los Angeles or pursuing bootleggers in the country, Ryan always seems to find himself in the middle of a maelstrom. He willingly got involved with moonshiners and transporting booze – but lucked out in the end by helping the authorities. „The Trail of the ...