
Szukasz: Edgar Allan Poe

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    okładka Die blaue Hand, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Die junge Eunice Weldon nimmt eine Stellung als Sekretärin der reichen Mrs. Groat an und zieht in deren Haus ein. Zurück bleibt eine Karte mit einem blauen Handabdruck und einer geheimnisvollen Warnung: „Jemand, der Dich liebt, bittet Dich dringend, dieses Haus so schnell als möglich zu verlassen! „. Zwanzig Jahre lang hat Digby Groat auf sein Erbe gewartet. Jetzt wartet Digby Groat auf ein Millionenerbe und weiß, dass er es nur erhält, wenn die Voraussetzungen stimmen. Doc...

    okładka The Devil Man, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Edgar Wallace’s 1931 novel „The Devil Man” is the mysterious and thrilling story of Charles Pearce, an small, unnerving, musician, gifted but terribly boastful. Pearce is physically repulsive, tiny in stature, but a Samson in strength. Woman can’t resist him, but they don’t know the real Pearce. He is also a burglar. And a murderer. There is a baffling mystery that someone urgently needs to solve... Full of dispense, action and amusing characters, „The Devil Man” constitute...

    okładka The Daffodil Mystery, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Set in England at the turn of the 20th century, Wallace’s crime novel „The Daffodil Mystery” follows the mysterious circumstances under which shop owner Lyne was found dead in Hyde Park, murdered undoubtedly! The clues were numerous but contradictory... The murdered man is an unsavory character who is called on the carpet by the investigator he tries to hire to frame the girl Odette Rider. Detective Jack Tarling and his trusted Chinese assistant become involved in helping t...

    okładka The Elusive Dud, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    During and after the First World War, Edgar Wallace wrote several story and article series for the Glasgow Sunday Post, a weekly newspaper founded in 1915 by the Scottish shipping and media magnate David Couper Thomson. Some of these series were published under Wallace’s own name, others – including the present work – under the house-author name of „John Anstruther”. The story „The Elusive Dud” is fast-paced with some surprising twists, well written and great to read. Walla...

    okładka The Double, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author, who created exciting thrillers spiced with tales of treacherous crooks and hard-boiled detectives. „The Double” is a story about a man who encounters his unknown double and the trouble that arises. When Dick Staines joined the police force the big case of the day had been the Staines murder. The only clue was an unknown thumb-print, the case was never solved. Ten years ...

    okładka The Coat of Arms, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    1931 Edgar Wallace novel. The story begins with following the Arranway family and various people that touch their life. Sketchley, where the Coat of Arms roadhouse stands, is a place of strange happenings. A complicated trail of theft, arson and blackmail culminates in murder at the Coat of Arms roadhouse and T. B. Collett, the crack Scotland Yard detective, must cope with a cast of stock company suspects and an incompetent local detective. Little by little you can see that...

    okładka The Clue of the Silver Key, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    The story begins with the murder of Horace Tom Tickler, burglar, who is „taken for a ride” in the best Chicago fashion and then delivered to Scotland Yard in a stolen cab – and all of England will be turned topsy-turvy until the clue of the silver key unmasks the ruthless murderer! Some intriguing twists, and the murderer’s identity is quite well hidden. With a wide range of suspects – miserly rich uncle, heiress-actress, impecunious inventor, theatrical „angel”, inveterate...

    okładka The Cat Burglar and Other Stories, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    A collection of 7 short mystery/romance stories by the great story-teller Wallace which contains the following works: „The Cat Burglar”, „The Pick-Up”, „Discovering Rex”, „The Clue Of Monday’s Settling”, „Establishing Charles Bullivant”, „Sentimental Simpson”, „White Stocking”. „The Cat Burglar” takes place in the British capital. Here we can see family jealousies, intrigues and double games, all because of a mysteriously disappeared emerald. „Sentimental Simpson” is the st...

    okładka The Brigand, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „The Brigand” (1927) is a collection of a dozen fast-paced, frothy crime capers set in a Britain still reeling from 1926’s General Strike. An excellent collection of connected short stories all about likeable conman Anthony Newton. Newton returning from the Great War and unable to find employment decides start redistributing wealth in his own way. Deprived of a legal source of income and faced with homelessness and hunger he decides to become a brigand – a sort of modern-da...

    okładka Four-Square Jane, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Four-Square Jane is a daring and successful crook, created by the pen of Edgar Wallace, a famous British author of mystery genre. Her resourcefulness is boundless and she employs outstanding cunning to get away with a series of risky crimes performed with admirable cleverness, which cannot but evoke admiration. „Four-Square Jane” is not even a typical love story though there is a marriage in it. Often the women in this era detective novel start out strong but end up falling...

    okładka The Fighting Scouts, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    The second of Edgar Wallace’s two short story collections about Scottish airman Tam during World War I. In this book Tam is joined by a new young American protégé Billy Best. The stories of Tam the pilot are not mysteries. They are the entertaining stories of the exploits of a cockney aviator who supposedly was Charles Lindbergh’s childhood inspiration to fly. Tam is a real person, and all the adventures set forth have actually happened, though names and places are necessar...

    okładka The Fourth Plague, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „The Fourth Plague” is an intriguing crime novel that was published in 1913, during the early years of Wallace’s career as a novelist. Here again pits a master detective against a powerful crime syndicate, this time with an Italian background. An Italian secret society, burglary, kidnapping, detectives, mysterious artefacts, remarkable coincidences! This is a tale of the Red-Hand, a criminal organization that makes Count Festini, its secret head, the most dangerous man in E...

    okładka Die gefiederte Schlange, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Leicester Crewe bekommt als Erster eine Visitenkarte mit einer gefiederten Schlange und der Nachricht „Damit sie es nicht vergessen! „. Ella Creed schlendert langsam durch den nächtlichen Garten auf ihr Haus. „Wenn Sie schreien, drehe ich Ihnen den Hals um! „ zischt eine Stimme. Ella fährt jäh zusammen. Sie taumelt zurück... Als sie wieder zu sich kommt, ist ihr wertvoller Schmuck verschwunden. Statt dessen findet sie eine Karte mit dem Bild einer gefiederten Schlange. Währ...

    okładka Der Lügendetektor, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Mr. Reeder war ein seltsamer Mann. Er arbeitete nicht für Scotland Yard, aber als Beamter der Staatsanwaltschaft gab er dem Yard seine Rechercheergebnisse jeweils gerne weiter. In der Öffentlichkeit galt er als Detektiv. – Als Ena Panton verschwand, war Mr. Reeder schon seit geraumer Zeit auf der Spur des sogenannten Captain Mannering. Mannering, von allen „Der Captain” genannt, lebt in Hexleigh Manor, einem Landgut in schlechtem Zustand, das in einem großen Park liegt. Mr....

    okładka The Traitor’s Gate, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    This Edgar Wallace mystery takes place in London. Hope Joyner, ward of a Mr. Hallet whom she has never met, is in love with Sir Richard Hallowell. Diana Montague, who was once engaged to Sir Richard, now keeps very dubious company – Sir Richard’s brother Graham for one. He has just been released from prison. Since Graham has been away Diana has acquired money, and she is now Press Secretary for the Prince of Kishlastan, who according to Colly Warrington, is totally besotted...

    okładka The Tomb of Ts’in, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Inspector Tillizinni is back, this time involved in the quest to locate an ancient tomb of the Great Emperor – the first Emperor of the Chinese, who died two centuries before the birth of Christ and its world-changing secret. The Society of Joyful Intention – the most bloodthirsty organization the world has known. It concerns Tillizinni also, for Scotland Yard placed him on his mettle, set him a challenging task, which threatened at one time to bring ruin to the greatest de...

    okładka The Terror, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    A dangerous gang of criminals is imprisoned after a daring robbery, although the ringleader who masterminded the crime disappears with the loot. Finally released after ten years behind bars, they are out for vengeance on the man who betrayed them, and the trail leads to a lonely house haunted by organ music and the specter of a hooded figure who prowls its dark corridors. But the police are on their tail also wanting to find out who was behind the robbery. Another breathtak...

    okładka We Shall See!, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Alva Collins, the mentally unbalanced wife of airline pilot Evan Collins, wants her husband to leave his job. She is neurotic, vicious and unstable but only her brother knows that she is a hopeless psychopath whose condition can only deteriorate. However, she is tragically killed when someone throws a hive of bees into her bedroom. Police deduce that whoever was responsible knew that Alva was allergic to the insects, and suspicion immediately falls on her husband. This earl...

    okładka The Woman from the East and Other Stories, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Novelist, playwright and journalist, Edgar Wallace, is best known for his popular detective and suspense stories which, in his lifetime, earned him the title, „King of the Modern Thriller. This early work by Edgar Wallace was originally published in 1934. „The Woman From the East and Other Stories” is an enjoyable collection of short stories that include „The Chopham Affair”, „The Hopper”, „The Silver Charm”, and many more. As the stories are rather short and quite fast-pac...

    okładka The Valley of Ghosts, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    A murder is committed among the rich of a small town, and with more than one ghost and all the evidence seems to point to a beautiful young woman... „The Valley of Ghosts”, written as one of four detective novels in 1922, is set in the seemingly peaceful community Beverly Green, a place where upper-middle-class families live a secluded life. Why was Stella Nelson with the victim in the middle of the night, shortly before the murder? Who was the mysterious blackmailer who he...

    okładka Der Mann von Marokko, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    „Der Schwarze” treibt in London sein Unwesen, keine Bank ist vor ihm sicher. Die Wohnung James Morlakes in der Bond Street ist die luxuriöseste dieser vornehmen Londoner Strasse. Mr. Morlake zählt zu den bedeutenden Persönlichkeiten der Gesellschaft. Man sagt, er lebe von seinen Zinsen. Viele wissen um das Doppelleben des Gentleman, aber alle schweigen aus Angst vor einem gewaltigen Skandal! Gibt es wirklich eine Verbindung zu dem bekannten und reichen James Lexington Morla...

    okładka Der Doppelgänger, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Jenny Miller reist nach London, um sich von ihrem Vermögensverwalter und Onkel Harry Selsbury Auskunft über ihre Finanzen einzufordern, ist ihr doch zu Ohren gekommen, dass ihr gesamtes Erbe veruntreut worden sei. Onkel Harry kann den Verdacht zwar widerlegen, benimmt sich jedoch ansonsten äußerst merkwürdig. Harry hat ein Verhältnis mit der verheirateten Germaine de la Roche und wird auf Schritt und Tritt von einem Privatdetektiv überwacht. Um diesem zu entkommen, wollen d...

    okładka Sanctuary Island, Ebook | Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

    1936. „Sanctuary Island” is a crime novel by the pioneer of detective fiction Edgar Wallace (an adaption by Robert Curtis). Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was born in London, England in 1875. He received his early education at St. Peter’s School and the Board School, but after a frenetic teens involving a rash engagement and frequently changing employment circumstances, Wallace went into the military. He served in the Royal West Kent Regiment in England and then as part of t...

    okładka The Green Pack, Ebook | Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

    „The Green Pack” is a novel adapted from a successful play by the playwright Robert Curtis. Robert Curtis was the private secretary to British crime writer Edgar Wallace. Curtis and Wallace met for the first time in 1913, before parting following the outbreak of World War One, as Curtis had to do his military service. In 1916, he was discharged from the service after contracting malaria. In 1918 he was reunited with Wallace who employed him as his secretary, he had the task...

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