
Szukasz: Abby Green

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    okładka A Difficult Problem and Other Stories, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Originally published between 1894 and 1900, „A Difficult Problem” is a collection of ten short works of mysterious fiction by Anna Katharine Green. These ten short stories include the mystery and crime stories as their basic theme. This whodunit collection brings to you some of Green’s finest crime mysteries to keep you at your toes: „The gray madam”, „The bronze hand”, „Midnight in Beauchamp Row”, „The staircase at the Heart’s Delight” and others. Anna Katharine Green (Nov...

    okładka Marked „Personal”, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Intoxicated by success, the crowd walked along the street, screaming and screaming, while broken glasses and women’s cries marked her progress. In a few minutes they will be ahead. Suddenly a second doorbell rang. This time the negro stopped before opening it.

    okładka The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Anna Katharine Green was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America, received praise for her accurate, well plotted stories. Her novels have always been one of the groundworks of mystery and detective fiction and The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow is a great example of the ingenious and thrilling story. In this novel, a young woman is killed by an arrow in the middle of the museum, so all of the other visitors are closed inside while the crime is investigated! A g...

    okładka The Amethyst Box, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    On the night of his wedding, Sinclair flosses a precious curiosity from his collection: an amethyst box, containing a tiny flask of deadly poison and he feels sure it can only be one of two people, his intended wife, or her cousin, Dorothy. He goes to his friend Mr. Worthington and together they fight against time to find who has the poison and stop them using it. Too late, whoever took it has used it and now there is death in the house, is it suicide or murder? „The Amethy...

    okładka Masterpieces of Mystery, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    „Masterpieces of Mystery” is a scintillating collection of suspenseful stories of murder and mayhem from pioneering American detective-story writer Anna Katharine Green, one of the first female writers of detective fiction. Green’s many thrillers were characterized by logical construction and a knowledge of criminal law. Her stories are full of mystery and written in an elegant manner, true to the time period in which the story is set. This collection includes the classic s...

    okładka The Forsaken Inn, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    „The Forsaken Inn” by Anna Katharine Green is an exceptional novel of gothic horror set in late 18th-century Revolutionary America. Told from the perspective of a Mrs. Truax, the owner of an inn, „The Forsaken Inn” is a locked-room mystery that keeps readers guessing about what has happened. Edwin Urquhart, loved by two sisters, chooses to marry the elder. Arriving at the Forsaken Inn for their honeymoon, they occupy an apartment containing a secret chamber. That night, the...

    okładka Agatha Webb, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Celebrated as one of the most important early female writers of detective fiction, Anna Katherine Green was lauded for her meticulous plotting and attention to detail. In this classic mystery novel, a universally beloved woman Agatha Webb and a household servant are found dead. Would her husband do it for money matters? Or would it be the rich and well-connected Mr. Fredrick, who ran away into the woods? Detective Caleb Sweetwater works to untangle the plot that involves bl...

    okładka Behind Closed Doors, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    The last part of the book includes a chase that ends with a terrible snowstorm. The problem with this is that the „twist” discovered at the end is what the reader will suspect long before Mr. Grice does. She explains in detail the heart and souls of all her characters – even Detective Grace.

    okładka The Step on the Stair, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    „I had turned the corner at Thirty-fifth Street and was halfway down the block in my search for a number I had just taken from the telephone book when my attention was suddenly diverted by the quick movements and peculiar aspect of a man whom I saw plunging from the doorway of a large office-building some fifty feet or so ahead of me”.

    okładka A Strange Disappearance, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    The book that will keep your attention until the very last page! A Strange Disappearance by Anna Katherine Green is one of the first detective stories to ever be published in USA. Her novels are known for their well thought out plots and their legal accuracy and A Strange Disappearance is one of her finest works. In this story, a young woman working as a home help disappears from a rich household in New York City, and the police begin their search to find her.

    okładka The Mayor’s Wife, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Miss Saunders is out for an adventure. One, which is full of secrets, hints, and half-lies. One, which will require all of her wits. Miss Saunders, a discreet domestic spy of some kind, is hired by Mayor Packard to look after his unaccountably abstracted wife whilst he goes out of town for a fortnight. The lady is unhappy, and the reason for her grave unhappiness is more serious than you think. A detective novel involving theft, bigamy, a haunted house, lost money, ciphers ...

    okładka To the Minute. Scarlet and Black, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Looking for a satisfying, meticulously plotted mystery with which to while away an afternoon? Look no further than „To The Minute: Scarlet And Black: Two Tales Of Life’s Perplexities”, a short story from one of the most influential early writers in the genre, Anna Katherine Green. Her remarkable skill in leading readers to the unexpected but fascinating solution to this puzzle mystery makes this story an eminently worthwhile read. Written in the 1916s, this story is chock f...

    okładka Three Thousand Dollars, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    This short story revolves around a plot to steal some goods secured safely within an impenetrable vault within the confines of Mr. Stoughton’s business concern. Mr. Stoughton is the owner of a legendary vault that no one has ever been able to open. Though he can’t be sure that the safe contains anything valuable, speculation is rampant among those who know of its existence. Will anyone ever be able to find out what the vault holds? Find out in this fast-paced mystery story ...

    okładka The Sword of Damocles, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    A young pianist falls in love with a rich banker’s sixteen year old daughter after she requests to meet him in mildly mysterious circumstances. Her father will only let her marry someone with lots of money and, would you know it, hates music. The pianist decides to stop tickling the ivories and become a rich banker too. One of detective fiction master Anna Katharine Green’s earlier novels, „The Sword of Damocles” combines a budding romance set against the backdrop of New Yo...

    okładka The Old Stone House and Other Stories, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    A young girl named Juliet, draws the boys in a small village after her, and along the way a rich Colonel, whose love for her reaches farther than anyone would have expected. She also hooks a fiery, unstable man named Orrin. The Colonel gets her to swear she will marry him as soon as he finishes a stone house for her, while Orrin tries something secretive to win his love. The narrator is a former lover of Juliet, and what he tells of is a twisted tale of a selfish woman and ...

    okładka Room Number 3 and Other Detective Stories, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    A beautiful young woman is interviewed by Coroner Golden and new Deputy sheriff Mr. Hammersmith. Her mother has been found dead in the nearby forest but the woman alleges they both rented rooms in Three Forks Tavern. The landlord Mr. Quimby deny her story. She describes the room her mother was in but a search reveals no room that matches it. But the sheriff believes her and he insists on staying in the tavern overnight while the coroner goes to collect his jury. He has a va...

    okładka Hand and Ring, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    A classic detective story of murder and punishment by one of America’s finest mystery writers. Widow Clemmens is struck down in her parlor while the town’s legal professionals chat outside the courthouse down the street and there is no sign of the killer. An investigation is made and two equally plausible suspects are quickly unearthed. But who actually committed the crime? And what role does the mysterious Miss Imogene Dare play in this drama? A powerful detective story, c...

    okładka Dark Hollow, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    In a small town Shelby shrouded in secrets a woman seeks to find the truth behind a terrible injustice in this classic mystery from „the mother of the detective novel”. Deborah attempts to prove that her husband was wrongly convicted of murder and was subsequently executed for a crime which she is sure he did not commit. She wants his name cleared so her daughter can marry the man she loves. Determined to prove her husband’s innocence, Deborah believes the judge who convict...

    okładka The Leavenworth Case, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Anna Katharine Green (1846-1935) was one of the first mystery writers in the United States. Called „the mother of the detective novel”, she was known for her intricate, well-plotted stories, and this novel is no exception. Her first and best known novel, The Leavenworth Case became an overwhelming success and was the best seller of the year. The readers are held spellbound until the very last page. We highly recommend this book!

    okładka Król Artur i Rycerze Okrągłego Stołu, Ebook | Roger Lancelyn Green

    Pełna magii i niesamowitości legenda o szlachetnych rycerzach, walce dobra ze złem i miłości Legenda o królu Arturze jest jedną z najbardziej znanych legend w kulturze europejskiej. Od magicznego momentu, w którym Artur uwalnia miecz z kamienia, po ostatnią bitwę, Roger Lancelyn Green ożywia oszałamiający świat króla Artura i Rycerzy Okrągłego Stołu. Oto historie o mieczu w kamieniu, o Zielonym Rycerzu, o miłości Lancelota i Ginewry, o poszukiwaniu Świętego ...

    okładka A Matter of Millions, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    The main plot of the story is a dying man and his will. Having no relatives, the man wants to give his money to someone worthy and resembling a woman whom he loved and lost too early. Most of the book is devoted to various actions of the characters, reactions and plans for this money – millions in the title. The book also has a love story.

    okładka Wybrakowani, bezwartościowi, wadliwi, Ebook | Patrick Fanning, Michael Jason Greenberg, Dr Matthew McKay

    Czy zdarza ci się myśleć, że jesteś człowiekiem w pewien sposób wybrakowanym i bezwartościowym? Czy wykazujesz przesadną wrażliwość na wszelkie formy krytyki, a zarazem czujesz skrępowanie, słysząc komplement lub pochwałę? Czy masz wrażenie, że większość ludzi radzi sobie z życiem lepiej niż ty? Poczucie, że jest się gorszym od innych i niedopasowanym, często ma źródło w negatywnych doświadczeniach z dzieciństwa. Jeśli zdarzyło ci się dorastać w bardzo krytycznym, obwini...

    okładka Zabawa w uważność, Ebook | Susan Kaiser Greenland

    Susan Kaiser Greenland przedstawia skuteczne metody kształtowania umiejętności skupienia u dzieci, kontrolowania emocji i reagowania na każdą sytuację ze spokojem, życzliwością i współodczuwaniem z użyciem technik mindfulness i medytacji. Autorka przedstawia w książce sześćdziesiąt prostych i przystępnych zabaw, pomocnych we wprowadzaniu uważności w codzienne życie. Rozwijane i testowane w ciągu wielu lat pracy z dziećmi oraz ich opiekunami, są one przeznaczone dla młody...

    okładka The Circular Study, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Anna Katharine Green (1846-1935), known as the „Mother of the Detective Novel”, is one of the first American writers of detective fiction. She was recognized for realism and well plotted story of her mystery stories. A tale of two families, betrayal, revenge, and murder, The Circular Story, written in 1902, is still an absorbing and notable work. We highly recommend this book to fans of classic detective fiction!

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