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    okładka Olga Romanoff, Ebook | George Griffiths

    The daughter of the Romanoff is trying to get on the right path. She wants to restore what her parents destroyed during the Second World War. We manage to learn about the miracles of science and the arts. However, the world is still on the verge of disaster.

    okładka The Mummy and Miss Nitocris, Ebook | George Griffiths

    The Mummy and Miss Nitocris is a science fiction novel. A story about crazy heroes and their wild travels. This is a completely different adventure, unlike the usual. The end will not be predictable for anyone!

    okładka The Outlaws of the Air, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffiths is a lover of classic adventure novels. „The Outlaws of the Air „ tells the story of the future of air battles and the creation of a utopian colony in the Pacific. Here, as always, there are many unusual things: Utopians, Anarchists, War Ships of the Air, ultra fast Sea Vessels and even the hokey-named „Anarchite” super-explosive. This story captures readers from the front pages.

    okładka The World Peril of 1910, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffiths probably touched the most difficult topic – war. Insidious continental powers invaded Britain with the help of the technological genius of the cunning Irishman. The world is engulfed in war. A giant comet is on its way to Earth to destroy it.

    okładka Gambles with Destiny, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffith became famous for his fantastic stories. The main character decided to fight with Destiny. The hero is the symbol of all nations, he combines the interests of all nations. The author conceived an interesting idea and in the end will surprise readers.

    okładka A Mayfair Magician, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffiths is popular with science and science fiction novels. The desire of every person is to have the power to read minds. George Griffiths decided to make it into reality. A Mayfair Magician is a science fiction novel about a device that allows you to read minds.

    okładka A Honeymoon in Space, Ebook | George Griffiths

    George Griffiths became famous for the first novels about interplanetary travel. Lenox, Earl of Redgrave, made the greatest scientific discovery in the history of the world: a flying ship, capable of escaping from the gravity of the Earth and rising to the stars. Lenox steals his sweetheart, because she is going to marry the one she doesn’t love. He stole her and brought her out of this world – literally. This adventure promises to be interesting.

    okładka Serapis, Ebook | Georg Ebers, Clara Bell

    Georg Ebers is famous for his historical novels. At the heart of the Serapis novel, Christians are going to rally against the god Serapis. „This army of the Saviour whose very essence was gentleness and whose spirit was love, seemed indeed to have deserted from his standard of light and grace to the blood-stained banner of murderous hatred”. However, all this happens very poetic and calm.

    okładka Homo Sum, Ebook | Georg Ebers, Clara Bell

    Georg Ebers was one of the first who decided to popularize Egyptian knowledge through historical novels. So, for example, the Historical novel „Homo sum” is dedicated to the birth of the institution of monasticism in the depths of the Christian communities of Egypt and Syria. Unlike other novels of Georg Ebers, in this we find the life and customs of the Egyptian people. This novel is not inferior to others, even surpasses the knowledge of the people of Egypt.

    okładka Ultima, Ebook | Stephen Baxter

    Fascynująca powieść science fiction o eksploracji alternatywnych wszechświatów i głębokich otchłani czasu Na planecie Per Ardua krążącej wokół gwiazdy Proxima odkryto artefakty obcych - Włazy, które pozwalają ludziom pokonywać lata świetlne, jakby wkraczali do innego pokoju. Ale ta nowo odkryta łatwość podróżowania w przestrzeni ma konsekwencje.... Gdy ludzkość odkrywa prawdziwą naturę wszechświata, ujawnia się przerażająca prawda. Wszyscy mamy niezliczone p...

    okładka A Thorny Path, Ebook | Georg Ebers, Clara Bell

    A nineteenth-century novel from a German Egyptologist and novelist who discovered the Egyptian medical papyrus in Luxor. Georg Ebers wanted to familiarize the public with the discoveries of Egyptologists. The novel really describes the hard life of Egypt in the 19th century. An unusual theme for the novel was chosen, but really interesting and exciting.

    okładka Dave Fearless and the Cave of Mystery, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    No manly boy ever grows tired of sea stories – there is an irresistible fascination about them, and they are a recreation to the mind. A tale of being adrift on the Pacific Ocean, with Dave discovering a mysterious cave. Full of startling incident, clever dialogue, admirable descriptions of sky and water in all their aspects, and plenty of fun. Originally written for young men, this adventure tale is great reading for the whole family. The four-volume „Deep Sea” series was ...

    okładka Cleopatra, Ebook | Georg Ebers, Mary J. Safford

    Two lovers, Antony and Cleopatra want to be together despite everything. But it can not be so simple. The hero may die to be buried next to the woman he loved until the last hour. His desire was fulfilled, and love, as it turned out, never dies.

    okładka Cieplarnia, Ebook | Brian Aldiss

    Powieść zdobyła nagrodę Hugo. Magiczna, niepokojąca z misternym obrazem piekielnego, pogrążonego w oparach lasu i jego fantastycznych mieszkańców. To owoc niezwykle twórczej wyobraźni. - Kingsley Amis Ponura, lecz hipnotyzująca wizja przyszłości naszej planety – jedna z najlepszych w całej fantastyce! Ziemię, tkwiącą nieruchomo pod palącym światłem umierającego powoli Słońca, pokrywa nieprzebyta dżungla rozrośniętego do planetarnych rozmiarów figowca....

    okładka To the Lions, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    Alfred John Church (1829-1912) was an English classical scholar. He was born in London and was educated at King’s College, London and Lincoln College, Oxford. From 1880 until 1888 he was professor of Latin at University College, London. While at University College in partnership with William Jackson Brodribb, he translated Tacitus and edited Pliny’s Letters. Church also wrote a number of stories in English re-telling of classical tales and legends for young people. He was a...

    okładka Life in the Days of Cicero, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    Alfred J. Church was a 19th century historian best known for his comprehensive histories on different periods of the Roman Empire, including this one. „Life in the Days of Cicero” is a fascinating look at the life of one of the most influential men in the ancient world: Marcus Tullius Cicero. It portraits of various characters provide a description of life and manners in first century B.C. Rome. Philosopher, politician, lawyer, Cicero made his name with his famous orations ...

    okładka The Burning of Rome, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    Alfred J. Church was a 19th century historian best known for his comprehensive histories on different periods of the Roman Empire, including this one. Vivid story of Rome in the days of Nero, beginning with the burning of the city, seemingly ordered by Nero himself. The narrative revolves around a set of characters who suffer acutely in the cruel persecutions of the Christians, set in motion by Nero after the fire to deflect blame for the conflagration from himself and fast...

    okładka Lucius, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    Alfred John Church (1829-1912) was an English classical scholar. He was born in London and was educated at King’s College London, and Lincoln College, Oxford, he took holy orders and was an assistant-master at Merchant Taylors’ School for many years. Church wrote a number of stories in English re-telling of classical tales and legends for young people. „Lucius Adventures of a Roman Boy”, follows Lucius as he talks with Cicero, meets Spartacus, falls in love, is kidnapped by...

    okładka The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    „The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem” is a history that covers the fall of Jerusalem at the hands of the Roman Empire, the culmination of centuries of conflict in the region between the Romans and Jewish inhabitants. Recounts the events leading up to the opening of the war with the Romans, Josephus’s brave defense of Jotapata, its final capture and his escape from death, and finally the siege of Jerusalem, the burning of the temple, and the razing of the city. Alfred J....

    okładka Stories from Livy, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    „Stories From Livy” is a great collection of stories about important events and people in Roman history. Tales of early Roman history drawn from the greatest of Roman historians, and admirably retold by Alfred J. Church. Features stories of the founding of Rome, the expulsion of kings, and the early days of the republic. It covers the period from the founding of Rome through the Samnite Wars (about 750 to 300 B.C.). Famous stories of the Roman kings, and such early heroes a...

    okładka Lords of the World, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    The hero of this book is a Greek enemy of Rome, who vainly tries to resist the all-conquering Romans. During the course of his trials he befriends Hasdrubal, the Carthaginian general, Polybius, the great historian of the Punic Wars, and Scipio the Younger, the general who conquers Carthage. During the course of his struggle, he begins to understand the weaknesses of the Greek and Punic civilizations, and why they are unable to resist the domination of Rome. Originally publi...

    okładka The Count of the Saxon Shore, Ebook | Alfred J. Church

    So little is known from history about the last years of the Roman occupation that the writer of fiction has almost a free hand. In this story a novel, but, it is hoped, not an improbable, view is taken in an important event – the withdrawal of the legions. This is commonly assigned to the year 410, when the Emperor Honorius formally withdrew the Imperial protection from Britain. But the usurper Constantine had actually removed the British army two years before; and, as he w...

    okładka Zapomnij o nim, Ebook | Małgorzata Garkowska

    Miłość wszystko wybacza, ale czy na pewno? Artur jest człowiekiem poukładanym i solidnym. Narzeczona, praca, mieszkanie. I konkretne plany na przyszłość. Wciąż jednak – sam nie wie dlaczego – wraca myślami do nieznajomej ze sklepu, której próbował pomóc. Anna myślała, że ma wszystko. Spokojna praca w rodzinnej firmie, przygotowania do ślubu, dziecko w drodze. Jedno wydarzenie wszystko zmienia. Zostaje sama z mnóstwem pytań bez odpowiedzi. Ewelina zjawia się w Zamoś...

    okładka Cukiernia Pod Amorem. Jedna z nas, Audiobook | Małgorzata Gutowska-Adamczyk

    Trzeci i ostatni tom drugiej serii "Cukierni Pod Amorem". Tym razem autorka opowiada o wieku dojrzałym swoich bohaterek i latach 1970-2016. Monika wyjeżdża do Stanów i tam wychodzi za mąż za milionera. Teresa przenosi się z Gdańska do Łodzi, przypadek sprawia, że również zamieszka zagranicą. Lustrzane losy przyjaciółek znajdują zwieńczenie w Zajezierzycach. W Gutowie trwają przygotowania do pogrzebu Waldemara Hrycia. Burmistrz próbuje uniknąć politycznej odpowiedzialnośc...

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Powieści i lektury

„Powieści i lektury” to bardzo szeroka kategoria, w której zawierają się zarówno utwory wchodzące w skład ustalonego przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej kanonu obowiązujących lektur szkolnych, jak i książki należące do niezwykle obszernego gatunku, jakim jest powieść. Lista lektur obowiązkowych i uzupełniających dla szkół ciągle się zmienia. Do kategorii „Powieści i lektury” należą nie tylko najbardziej cenione utwory tworzące świadomość kulturową nowych pokoleń, uczące historii i tradycji, ale także pozycje nowe, odpowiadające potrzebom młodego czytelnika i przez to bardziej dla niego atrakcyjne. Oprócz książek wymaganych przez szkoły znaleźć tu można również bardzo szeroką ofertę powieści przeznaczonych dla dzieci, młodzieży czy też „młodych dorosłych” (Young Adult). W związku z tym w kategorii „Powieści i lektury” w serwisie Woblink.com znajduje się klasyka literatury dziecięcej – magiczna „Alicja w Krainie Czarów” Lewisa Carrolla, uwielbiany również przez dorosłych „Mały Książę” Antoine'a de Saint-Exupéry'ego czy niezwykle zabawna „Akademia pana Kleksa” Jana Brzechwy. Znaleźć tu można także pozycje dla trochę starszych uczniów, czyli m.in. dramaty Williama Szekspira, powieści Henryka Sienkiewicza, poezje Adama Mickiewicza. Nie brakuje bestsellerowej serii brytyjskiej pisarki J.K. Rowling o Harrym Potterze, popularnych cykli Ricka Riordana o bogach greckich („Percy Jackson i bogowie olimpijscy”), egipskich („Kroniki rodu Kane”) i nordyckich („Magnus Chase i bogowie Asgardu”) czy głośnej książki „Cudowny chłopak” R.J. Palacio, na podstawie której powstał film pod tym samym tytułem z Julią Roberts i Owenem Wilsonem.