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    okładka The Waves, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    The novel is about six friends who have known since childhood: Bernard, Louis, Neville, Susie, Ron and Ginny. After a few key episodes, their life appears from early childhood to the last days. As in most Virginia Woolf books, the plot as such is absent, it is entirely focused on the inner world of its characters, the flow of their thoughts and feelings, the whole story is an uncontrollable, bubbling flow, stream of thoughts, stream of life, stream of time.

    okładka The Moment and Other Essays, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    From the first essay of volume: The Moment and Other Essays, a multi-layered portrait of a summer evening in the English countryside in the company of friends, we are delighted with Wolfe’s perception and her ability to articulate them clearly. A series of sensory descriptions – the rumble of an airplane, the night darkness of an night, the flight of an owl – give way to a thought no less important, even inconspicuous: „If you are young, the future truly lies like a piece of ...

    okładka Orlando, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    A fascinating fantastic story about a beautiful young man Orlando, who comes from a noble family, is distinguished by intelligence and beauty, loves life, women, poetry and in general has a very impressive nature and subtle imagination, resists, as far as possible, the influence of light and gravitates to solitude. All the time he seeks the meaning of life and does not find it... One fine day Orlando wakes up... a woman – also beautiful and noble, also delicately sensitive an...

    okładka Mrs. Dalloway, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    An amazingly soft film adaptation of the novel, it subtly merges the past and present, „here and there”, because it is the world of feeling, and it is feeling, and not dry logic that determines what is important and what is not, turning the moment into eternity, and a trifle in event.. The author describes only one summer day in the life of the prosperous socialite lady Mrs. Dalloway. A meeting with an old acquaintance, Peter Welsh, her first love, opens the door to the world...

    okładka Monday or Tuesday, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    A woman looks at the mark on the wall and ponders the whims of thoughts and opinions; a series of couples is captured by nostalgia for their past as they stroll among the vibrant colors of Kew Gardens; the heron flies high above cities and towns, lakes and mountains, and below life continues in all its abundance; and blue and green are given in words.

    okładka Flush, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    Flush tells the story of the curious, determined boy Noah Underwood, his tough, persistent sister Abby and their unusual father, who defends everything that he believes is right. Papa Noah is imprisoned for drowning in the shoes of the Coral Queen Dusty Muleman casino. Noah’s father did not do this for any good reason, the true reason is that he thinks that Dusty discharges sewage into the ocean, where children swim and where marine life lives.

    okładka Between the Acts, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    The author describes us only one day. One summer day of 1939. England. Between the Acts – plays devoted to the history of England and presented on the stage of the amateur theater, a drama of misunderstanding and alienation in real life of the main characters of the novel is played. Between acts, the ideals and hopes of people standing on the threshold of World War II are crumbling, the whole world is crumbling.

    okładka The Step on the Stair, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    „I had turned the corner at Thirty-fifth Street and was halfway down the block in my search for a number I had just taken from the telephone book when my attention was suddenly diverted by the quick movements and peculiar aspect of a man whom I saw plunging from the doorway of a large office-building some fifty feet or so ahead of me”.

    okładka Miss Hurd, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    The story of a strange, impenetrable, charming woman. Miss Hurd is certainly a very unusual person: „Miss Hurd in the garb of a working woman, and with a working woman’s bundle in her lap, but striking as ever in her appearance – possibly more so, –and as conspicuous among the mass of commonplace people surrounding her as she had ever been when clad in the habiliments of a lady and moving among persons of her own rank in life”.

    okładka Marked „Personal”, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Intoxicated by success, the crowd walked along the street, screaming and screaming, while broken glasses and women’s cries marked her progress. In a few minutes they will be ahead. Suddenly a second doorbell rang. This time the negro stopped before opening it.

    okładka Doctor Izard, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Mary Earle’s mother passed away and then her father disappeared when she was very young. Now, after many years, being „adult” and not having her own money in her youth, she receives a rather large amount of money. Who wished this money and why? Of course, in this small town in Massachusetts there is a secret that happened many years ago!

    okładka Behind Closed Doors, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    The last part of the book includes a chase that ends with a terrible snowstorm. The problem with this is that the „twist” discovered at the end is what the reader will suspect long before Mr. Grice does. She explains in detail the heart and souls of all her characters – even Detective Grace.

    okładka A Matter of Millions, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    The main plot of the story is a dying man and his will. Having no relatives, the man wants to give his money to someone worthy and resembling a woman whom he loved and lost too early. Most of the book is devoted to various actions of the characters, reactions and plans for this money – millions in the title. The book also has a love story.

    okładka 7 to 12, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    A tall, elegant middle-aged woman sat in front of a mirror, and the finishing touches of her rich toilet seat young woman were kneeling on the floor next to her. The noted picture, and this is not from belonging to the wealth and splendor observed everywhere, but from the character of two persons who, although of completely different composition, and possibly belong to the two extremes of society, were both remarkable for their strength and individuality of expression, but al...

    okładka Twenty-Six and One and Other Stories, Ebook | Maxim Gorky

    The poem in prose „Twenty-Six and One” is based on the writer’s impressions related to life in Kazan and work in Semenov’s bakery. Gorky considers the image of a tramp, revealing its negative qualities. The work tells about twenty-six bakers, attitude, feelings, the behavior of which is presented by the author as the attitude of one person. This is achieved by using Gorky a huge number of pronouns „we are all”

    okładka Through Russia, Ebook | Maxim Gorky

    The stories, united under the name „Through Russia”, were originally printed by M. Gorky in various periodicals and collections. In the series of short stories „In Russia”. M. Gorky refers to the image of the „past in order to illuminate the paths to the future.” The writer reflected the harsh truth of the life of „little great people”, life-giving and decorating the earth with their labor.

    okładka The Man Who Was Afraid, Ebook | Maxim Gorky

    Like Byron’s passionate sayings „sounding on the tones of a wild and completely unsophisticated melody”, this is Gorky’s crazy, unbridled, powerful voice when he sings about the „madness of the brave,” barefoot dreamers who are proud of their idleness, who have nothing and fear nothing who is cheerful in his suffering, but unhappy in his joy.

    okładka Mother, Ebook | Maxim Gorky

    The novel „Mother”, one of Gorky’s most popular works, was based on the mass demonstration of 1902 in the city of Sormovo. Hence, an exciting plot based on real events, with a sharp political struggle, secret gatherings, searches, arrests, and the selfless heroism of the main revolutionary hero Pavel Vlasov. However, the central image in the novel is Pelageya Nilovna Vlasova, the mother of the hero, one of the most striking and exciting characters in Russian literature, symbo...

    okładka Creatures That Once Were Men and Other Stories, Ebook | Maxim Gorky

    A collection of short stories by a popular and influential Russian author, the founder of the literary method of socialist realism and, possibly, the greatest Russian literary figure of the 20th century. He wrote short stories, plays, memoirs and novels that touched the imagination of the Russian people, and was the first Russian author to sympathize sympathetically with characters such as tramps and thieves, emphasizing their daily struggle with insurmountable difficulties....

    okładka The Inspector General, Ebook | Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

    The play is about a petty official Khlestakov, who does not stand out for anything special. He is traveling from St. Petersburg on business with his servant, they stop in one county town, where there was a rumor that the inspector will visit the city soon. Khlestakov, by chance and human imprudence, is mistaken for an auditor who decided to remain incognito. From that moment, all city officials are looking for an opportunity to stay in good standing, give him a bribe so that ...

    okładka Taras Bulba, Ebook | Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

    The book describes the events that took place in the first half of the 17th century, when the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks defended their rights. Taras Bulba is a grown man, a Cossack colonel meets his sons. She finished her studies and returned home, her mother is glad of their arrival, Taras makes fun of them and rejoices at how strong sons he grew up with. However, Taras wants his children to know what struggle, courage and honor are. And he decides to send them to the Zaporizhzh...

    okładka Dead Souls, Ebook | Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

    Dead Souls is a unique novel that has become a unique standard of ironic prose for Russian literature. The story of the ingenious businessman Chichikov, buying up the „dead souls” of serfs in a remote province, still impresses with its modernity and subtle humor.

    okładka The Sorrows of Young Werther, Ebook | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    The tragic story of a young burgher, who could not find an answer to his feelings and rejected by society, was instantly translated into other languages and gave rise to a series of sequels and imitations – the so-called Verterian. Over time, „Werther, the rebellious martyr” became one of the „eternal images” of world literature and introduced the sociopsychological phenomenon of „verterism” into European culture, associated with the melancholic mentality and the problem of s...

    okładka The Last Vendée, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    The scene takes place in 1832, just 40 years after the fall of the royal family and about 15 years after the fall of Napoleon. There are we have characters who are designed to fight, perhaps for the last time, to ask the royal family again. This book focuses on a specific area in France, not in France as a whole.