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    okładka A Shadowed Love, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Molly and Dick are two adventurers who came to London to earn money. Molly was an artist and Dick was a writer. Things went well. However, after 2 years they were frustrated, they became poor. Molly and Dick were faced with big troubles, through which they needed to go.

    okładka A Golden Argosy, Ebook | Fred M. White

    A Front of Brass is more of a detective story. The author invites readers to be real detectives. Hubert Grant bought a manor near the cliff and married Mary. It seems strange that Grant’s partner Paul offered an estate for a very modest price. Paul received a telegram, a message because of which his hands shook.

    okładka A Clue in Wax, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Fred M. White gives us the opportunity to plunge into the past of Gladys Brooke. The book begins with the perfect life of Gladys in a small town. Then we come back three years ago, where we find out that she has a brother. And they, too, then lived well, but in another place. The main character begins to notice the strange behavior of her brother. At one point, a calm and perfect life ends.

    okładka A Secret Service, Ebook | Fred M. White

    A Secret Service is a spy story. Detective Moore fights with Russian seducers and German spies. All events take place before the Second World War. The plot, as always, is obsolete, but interesting for readers.

    okładka A Royal Wrong, Ebook | Fred M. White

    A story that quite often happens in the modern world. Dorchester Gardens were filled with guests gathered in honour of the engagement between Lady Letty and Stephen Du Cros, the South African millionaire. Of course, it was a marriage of convenience – they all admitted. Earl, her father, was in need of money.

    okładka The Green Bungalow, Ebook | Fred M. White

    In short stories, Fred M. White often has a love theme. So in the story „The Green Bungalow”. The main character, Hilton Blythe, has a generous character and is always happy to give useful advice. He was proud that nobody and nothing had ever shocked him. However, one meeting, one look changed everything...

    okładka A Queen of the Stage, Ebook | Fred M. White

    The story of A Queen of the Stage about a lonely woman Elsie Wayne, who is alone in London. She gets a fake theater role. The stranger throws her a note. It reads: „Be brave and patient. If your friend does not let you down, be today under the portico of the Regency Theater. „

    okładka A Mummer’s Throne, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Fritz, a wandering man. He came to the west with the generally accepted goal of finding a wife. This adventure in search of a wife, it promises to be interesting. It would not be the story of Fred M. White, if he had not added mysticism here.

    okładka Andivius Hedulio, Ebook | Edward Lucas White

    Edward Lucas White has written a number of historical novels, including Andivius Hedulio. Amazing story of a Roman during the reign of Commodus. This is an exciting adventure! You will feel that you are in ancient Rome.

    okładka A Crime on Canvas, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Frederick Merrick White has written many novels or short stories, many related to London. Modest stories in his spirit. A Clue in Wax is a simple, kind story. The story that even in a dark London place a bright life can occur.

    okładka Fear Stalks the Village, Ebook | Ethel Lina White

    ”Fear Stalks the Village” will appeal to those who love detective. This novel is mysterious in its plots: people who live in an id? llic village receive anonymous letters accusing them of past mistakes. Secrets are revealed, and people begin to avoid each other, and then mysteriously begin to die. It turns out that this is not such an ideal and calm village.

    okładka A Daughter of Israel, Ebook | Fred M. White

    A Crime on Canvas is a story about a rich Blantyres family, which is one of the richest families in England. A few years later, the influence of Blantyres does not disappear. They are just as influential in their environment. The eldest of the Blantyres family decided to rent out their mansion. However, many bad rumors go about him.

    okładka Step in the Dark, Ebook | Ethel Lina White

    The story „Step in the Dark”, written by Ethel Lina White about the novelist, Georgia Yeo, who has a successful career. However, she is timid and hesitantly makes decisions that may further have consequences. The novelist meets a charming nobleman. But is he really what he seems?

    okładka Some Must Watch, Ebook | Ethel Lina White

    The plot of the story „"Some Must Watch"” is exciting. Eight women are killed in the countryside. Residents are terrified and in order to protect themselves, they close all the gates of their private homes. But will it help? One of the female characters confesses that she is a man and that she is a murderer. An unexpected twist, but is it?

    okładka The Elephant Never Forgets, Ebook | Ethel Lina White

    The First Time He Died is a mysterious novel written by Ethel Lina White. Charlie Baxter was successful among women and rather easily managed the money, which he inherited. However, the money began to run out. And he decided to insure himself and fake his death. The most interesting thing happens after his „"death"”.

    okładka The Third Eye, Ebook | Ethel Lina White

    The Third Eye refers more to the thriller, not the detective novel. In the main events, Carolyn Watts is a young and intelligent middle-class teacher, who has just accepted a post as a games mistress at an exclusive school for girls. What she doesn’t know is that her predecessor was found dead in bed from heart failure. and that rumor has it that she was scared to death.

    okładka While She Sleeps, Ebook | Ethel Lina White

    Mystical incidents occur in „"While She Sleeps."” Miss Loveapple – extremely lucky woman. She was always lucky in life, so to speak, the card turned that side. However, there will always be luck on her side? Will she help when the killer will stalk her?

    okładka Wax, Ebook | Ethel Lina White

    The events of the story „"Wax"” take place in the town of Riverpool, where the wax museum is located. In this museum, several people died under mysterious circumstances. Sonia Thompson is an abmicious journalist who wants to understand these riddles. Therefore, she decides to spend the night there alone. And this was not the best idea, it seems...

    okładka Fred Fearnot’s New Ranch, Ebook | Hal Standish

    Standish was an American author of kopeck novels, adventure stories and abstinence novels. He wrote about 60 titles in the Fred Fearnot series, many of which were published in Work and Win and Pluck and Luck. Fred Fearnot’s New Ranch is a novel for young teens that teaches self-control, rewards for honesty, hard work and friendship. The novel not only teens can teach something, but adults as well.-

    okładka Halsey & Co., Ebook | H.K. Shackleford

    Mr. Barron, a wealthy banker on Broad Street, was sitting in his office when a young newspaperman rushed into his office. It was an ordinary boy who delivered a newspaper every day. The boy came to the banker with urgent news. He claims that two employees behind his back steal money from him. Would he believe a simple guy?

    okładka Owen Clancy’s Happy Trail, Ebook | Burt L. Standish

    Such a heartbreaking story will appeal to everyone.It was just a tow-headed, cross-eyed youth who tried to find his father in Los Angeles. On Saturday evening, there was a festival for the Chinese, where a dragon twisted and twisted, under which there were a hundred people. Perhaps his father is there...

    okładka Frank Merriwell’s Nobility, Ebook | Burt L. Standish

    Burt L. Standish is the author of Frank Merriwelle’s stories, which has become popular around the world. The protagonist, Frank Merriwell never loses his enthusiasm and jumps headlong into new adventures. However, this time he has more serious problems on his way. The main mystery of this part: can Frank cope with the difficulties again?

    okładka Fred Fearnot’s Revenge, Ebook | Hal Standish

    Fred usually travels. Returning from the West, where Fred Firno rescued Terry Olcott from a group of pastoralists who were going to lynch him by mistake, he found letters from the manager of his small investments in Dedham Lake that gave him a bit of anxiety. The reader undoubtedly remembers that during a visit to the upper part of the state he discovered a beautiful lake, covering about three hundred acres.

    okładka Frank Merriwell’s Limit, Ebook | Burt L. Standish

    Frank Merriwell’s Limit is probably one of the most emotional parts of Frank Merriwell’s stories. In this part we see the dark side of the main character. Frank is angry at the man who is intentionally trying to spoil the reputation of Frank, as well as some of his classmates. spreading rumors that they are engaged in inappropriate matters. Will Frank be able to cope with emotions?