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    okładka Jess of the Rebel Trail, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    The main character was faced with a difficult choice – an unwanted marriage. Her father insisted on marriage, against her will. However, things may not be so bad. And in the end it can be a happy ending with mutual love.

    okładka Tales of Hearsay, Ebook | Joseph Conrad

    This collection of four stories. One of the stories is Prince Roman. It tells about the Polish people and their hero. The conversation was about aristocracy. How did this discredited item come about? However, neither the great Florentine artist, who did not close his eyes at death while thinking about his city, nor Saint Francis, who blessed the city of Assisi with his last breath, were barbarians.

    okładka The Frontiersman, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    This story is not only about wealth, but also about love. The protagonist is eager to get more money, gold and is ready to go to great lengths to do this. But is it possible that a thirst for possession will take hold of a man and he will be able to take even the most extreme actions?

    okładka Athabasca Bill, Ebook | Bessie Marchant

    In Alberta, Canada, young Fred’s family awaits the return of their father who is looking for a site for a new home for them. But just as he return, bloodhounds seeking the thief who stole a box containing hundreds of dollars trace the scent to Fred’s father. Fred sets out to find Athabasca Bill who may have information that will prove that his father is innocent. Elizabeth Marchant (1862–1941) was a prolific English writer who wrote in the style of the Victorian adventure n...

    okładka Glen of the High North, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    The author again focuses on two topics: wealth and love. However, you can find love when chasing money? Our hero could. But he made great sacrifices. And is it even possible to call it love when the original purpose was to find money?

    okładka Storm King Banner, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    The story begins with a tragic event. Jim Weston’s house burned to the ground, which caused a lot of talk not only in the valley, but along the entire coastal road. The most interesting thing is that the houses in the district are also affected by fire. There were several reasons. Perhaps this was done by Jim’s former enemy, or maybe by accident.

    okładka The Trail of the Golden Horn, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    The main character, Hugo, hated the river and always kept away from it. After all, the river is a clear evil. From which many people died. Hugo will have to overcome many obstacles in its path. Overcome your fears. But will he cope with this?

    okładka Under Sealed Orders, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    The protagonist, nicknamed mad David, was auctioned off as a beggar for $ 100; then David’s life changed dramatically. He began to earn a lot and came to glory. Betty Bean is a feisty fifteen-year-old girl who has a maternal interest in Mad David.

    okładka The Touch of Abner, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    This is a novel that tells the story from a dramatic moment when Abner signs $ 1,000 to a shelter fund and detonates a financial bomb at a close gathering of Glucom people. Abner Andrews is a naughty old farmer who promises a thousand dollars, which he does not have, to a new shelter. How will he fulfill his promise, especially with a crooked lawyer, to prevent him?

    okładka The King’s Arrow, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    This is a wonderful romantic story. All events take place in the forests of New Brunswick at the time of the arrival of the Loyalists. A charming tale of perseverance and loyalty to King George after the American Revolution. It hooks each historical basis.

    okładka The Master Revenge, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    It happens that you are a hostage to circumstances. The main character, Nathan, is trying to clear his name from an unfair accusation. After 12 years, holding in prison on a false charge of theft. Can he do it? After all, now everyone looks at him differently.

    okładka Rod of the Lone Patrol, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    The lone patrol is a boy scout squad, and the boys willingly participate in many adventures. Rodney had to leave his mother unattended. And it had its consequences. However, we are used to Cody’s works that end well. Is this an exception?

    okładka The Stumbling Shepherd, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    Thanks to the main character, readers will be able to understand the value of books. It all starts with the fact that he finds an amazing book. The writings of the early fathers of the Church in their gloomy bindings occupied the lowest shelf. Above them, rank by rank, were collected church stories, ancient, modern and medieval. All the articles on his desk were organized according to his preferences.

    okładka The Crimson Sign, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    The whole story revolves around the colony of Acadia, which belonged to New France. For this territory was the most intense struggle between Britain and France. However, the territory was divided into British colonies, which became Canadian provinces and American states. This historical work and hook on everyone who is interested in history.

    okładka The River Fury, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    It was a windy day and why not go out with your boats to the sea? Sail sags were filled, people began to act, and for a long time the boats beat heavily downstream. The race began in earnest, and the spirit of rivalry revived the hearts of these tumultuous river drivers. Captain Nat was driving, and his eyes shone with pleasure as he gradually turned away from his rival.

    okładka The Red Ranger, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    The main character from the very beginning meets with difficulty. The storm does not allow you to continue your journey through the sea. He lands on an unknown shore. Where is the difficulty to overcome, and find out the difficult situation. The air seemed suffocating, and dark memories made his brain wince. He called himself a fool for coming here, and he decided never to visit this place again.

    okładka The Girl at Bullet Lake, Ebook | H.A. Cody

    For the main character, his daily work became a real torment. That he told his doctor. He had to drag himself to the office every morning, and always left him tired at the end of the day. He had never experienced anything like it before. His old friend Dr. Bradbury, in whom he was sure, would give him something to build him, and in a short time he would be as good as ever. But this order to leave the forest was something that he did not expect.....

    okładka The History of Don Quixote, Ebook | Miguel de Cervantes

    The classic novel of Spanish literature by Miguel de Cervantes. Don Quixote – one of the most famous works of the Renaissance. It tells about the adventures of the poor nobleman Alonso Kichano, who portrayed himself the knight Don Quixote, and along with the faithful armored bearer Sancho Pansoy went on a campaign against evil and injustice on the earth.

    okładka The Bull Moose, Ebook | Ridgwell Cullum

    The story of the difficulties faced by residents in northern Canada. Everybody had a mad desire to get more gold, so the gold rush came. Mysterious guy robbed gold miners. All people are in a panic, all their gold disappears sharply.

    okładka Spełniony sen, Ebook | Izabella Frączyk

    Beata zmierza prostą drogą do Częstochowy, by zaopiekować się starą ciotką i zacząć tam życie od nowa. Jednakże podróż nie przebiega bez przygód i po drodze, na stacji benzynowej kobieta nawiązuje przypadkowe znajomości. Gdy na miejscu okazuje się, że ciotka z wiekiem stała się jeszcze większą jędzą niż kiedyś, a Beata odkrywa, że przy tankowaniu na stacji zapomniała portfela, nie zastanawia się długo. Wraca na miejsce i w ciemno przyjmuje nową ofertę pracy. Z tą chwilą jej...

    okładka Apache Gold, Ebook | Joseph A. Altsheler

    „Apache Gold, A Story of the Strange Southwest” is a rip-roaring tale of adventure set on the Arizona frontiers of the American Old West written by Joseph Alexander Altsheler (April 29, 1862 – June 5, 1919). He was an American newspaper reporter, editor and author of popular juvenile historical fiction. An abiding classic of western literature, our hero in this tale is Charles Wayne, a young but strong and sharp lad who seeks adventure in the southwesterly desert frontier o...

    okładka An African Millionaire, Ebook | Grant Allen

    Colonel Cuthbert Clay is a master of disguise and an ingenious con man who sets his sights on the South African Millionaire, Sir Charles Vandrift, a millionaire owner of diamond mines in Africa. Each chapter brings new cringing on the reader’s part as we realize before Charles does that he is about to be a victim anew. As his South African diamond fortune takes hit after hit from the quick-witted master of disguise, the author leaves even the reader guessing: who can you tr...

    okładka The Doom of London, Ebook | Fred M. White

    A terrible story that can cause goose bumps after reading. The story of The Doom of London describes the disasters that befell Victorian London. One of the largest cities is shocked by life threatening circumstances. Here there are underground explosions, poisoning, aplague of diphtheria. London is on the verge of death.

    okładka Andivius Hedulio, Ebook | Edward Lucas White

    Edward Lucas White has written a number of historical novels, including Andivius Hedulio. Amazing story of a Roman during the reign of Commodus. This is an exciting adventure! You will feel that you are in ancient Rome.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Powieści i lektury

„Powieści i lektury” to bardzo szeroka kategoria, w której zawierają się zarówno utwory wchodzące w skład ustalonego przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej kanonu obowiązujących lektur szkolnych, jak i książki należące do niezwykle obszernego gatunku, jakim jest powieść. Lista lektur obowiązkowych i uzupełniających dla szkół ciągle się zmienia. Do kategorii „Powieści i lektury” należą nie tylko najbardziej cenione utwory tworzące świadomość kulturową nowych pokoleń, uczące historii i tradycji, ale także pozycje nowe, odpowiadające potrzebom młodego czytelnika i przez to bardziej dla niego atrakcyjne. Oprócz książek wymaganych przez szkoły znaleźć tu można również bardzo szeroką ofertę powieści przeznaczonych dla dzieci, młodzieży czy też „młodych dorosłych” (Young Adult). W związku z tym w kategorii „Powieści i lektury” w serwisie Woblink.com znajduje się klasyka literatury dziecięcej – magiczna „Alicja w Krainie Czarów” Lewisa Carrolla, uwielbiany również przez dorosłych „Mały Książę” Antoine'a de Saint-Exupéry'ego czy niezwykle zabawna „Akademia pana Kleksa” Jana Brzechwy. Znaleźć tu można także pozycje dla trochę starszych uczniów, czyli m.in. dramaty Williama Szekspira, powieści Henryka Sienkiewicza, poezje Adama Mickiewicza. Nie brakuje bestsellerowej serii brytyjskiej pisarki J.K. Rowling o Harrym Potterze, popularnych cykli Ricka Riordana o bogach greckich („Percy Jackson i bogowie olimpijscy”), egipskich („Kroniki rodu Kane”) i nordyckich („Magnus Chase i bogowie Asgardu”) czy głośnej książki „Cudowny chłopak” R.J. Palacio, na podstawie której powstał film pod tym samym tytułem z Julią Roberts i Owenem Wilsonem.