
Szukasz: John Boyne

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    okładka The Magic Walking Stick, Ebook | John Buchan

    „The Magic Walking Stick” is a children’s short story by John Buchan. Our hero is a teenage boy who buys a walking stick from a beggar – a magic walking stick that allows the boy to visit many places at his command... It is a fantastical story about a pair of magical walking sticks; one that will cease to function if it is used for any practical purpose, and another that will cease to function if it isn’t. Unfortunately, our protagonist doesn’t know which one he possesses. ...

    okładka The Blanket of the Dark, Ebook | John Buchan

    „Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown” is a time-tested adage that suits Peter Pentecost, a young monk and legitimate claimant to England’s Throne. But he is not alone as others are vying for power too. Soon a plot is hatched against the present King Henry VIII and Peter is sucked into the intrigue... Buchan’s description of the ruthless king is compelling. His knowledge of the time of Henry’s reign and his love of the Oxfordshire countryside are apparent. This histori...

    okładka Sir Quixote of the Moors, Ebook | John Buchan

    In the mid-sixteenth century, Jean de Rohaine, a middle-aged French nobleman, journeys to Scotland in search of adventure and a new beginning. In Scotland he meets up with his old friend, Quentin Kennedy, who informs him of a great battle to be waged. Having witnessed Royalist troops butchering suspected Covenanters, he follows the example of ‘godly’ refugees and escapes to the safety of the hills around Eskdalemuir and the head of Ettrick Water. Whilst staying at the Manse...

    okładka The Courts of the Morning, Ebook | John Buchan

    Although this book was listed in a collection of Richard Hannay stories, Hannay makes only a brief appearance at the beginning. Begins in the pleasant atmosphere of a country house in the Scottish borders, where Richard Hannay is the guest of his old friend, Sandy Arbuthnot. The action is set in Olifa, a fictional country on the west coast of South America. When Sandy Arbuthnot’s friend John Blenkiron discover that a charismatic industrial tycoon is plotting to rule the wor...

    okładka The Dancing Floor, Ebook | John Buchan

    Vernon Milbourne, orphaned since childhood and haunted by a recurring dream, is friends with the protective lawyer and MP Sir Edward Leithen. An Aegean cruise takes them to the mysterious island of Plakos, where Vernon is fascinated by the island’s myths. Local superstitions turn to menace as Vernon’s encounter with a beautiful woman results in obsession and adventure. „The Dancing Floor” centres on a young English woman, Kore Arabin, who inherits a house on a remote Greek ...

    okładka The Free Fishers, Ebook | John Buchan

    Set during the Napoleonic Wars, „The Free Fishers” is classic Buchan and his last historical novel. It’s a fast-paced tale of treason, espionage and romance. Anthony Lammas, a professor at the St. Andrews University, finds himself involved in a web of intrigue that threatens the whole country. A conspiracy to betray England’s defences to Napoleonic agents is discovered by Lammas, a young professor who sets out to save his former students appearing to be in grave danger. You...

    okładka The Gap in the Curtain, Ebook | John Buchan

    When Sir Edward Leithen leaves London to spend Whitsuntide as a guest at Flambard, he has no idea of the extraordinary sequence of events about to unfold. Among the collection of fellow guests, some of whom he knows and some he doesn’t, is the extraordinary mind of Professor Moe, a scientist who decides to select some of the houseguests as subjects for his latest experiment. He declares that he can make sure they can see into the future, and the people he chooses – for vari...

    okładka The Half-Hearted, Ebook | John Buchan

    Set in the closing years of the nineteenth century, „The Half-Hearted” tells the story of Lewis Haystoun, a dilettante and coward. Part I of the novel is a story of manners and romance in upper class Scotland. Part II is an adventure story on the North West frontier of India where Lewis saves the British Empire. The novel follows the life of Lewis Haystoun, a young Scottish laird, who finds himself unable to commit wholeheartedly to any course of action. His failure to seiz...

    okładka Salute to Adventurers, Ebook | John Buchan

    In John Buchan’s thrill-a-minute novel „Salute to Adventurers”, hero Andrew Garvald makes his way from the dreary moors of his native land to the deceptively bucolic landscape of early colonial America. A novel set during the beginning of the Jamestown Colony, „Salute To Adventurers” is an enthralling saga about one man’s struggle to survive and even find love in a land beset by trade controls with England enforced by pirates, religious strife manifested through a fanatic w...

    okładka Midwinter, Ebook | John Buchan

    Regarded as one of the finest historical novels ever written, Jacobites, spies and thrilling intrigue are brought together by the master of suspense. As Bonnie Prince Charlie marches his army into England, his confidant Alastair Maclean is despatched on a secret mission. He is befriended by two extraordinary men – Dr. Samuel Johnson, an aspiring man of letters, and the shadowy figure known only as „Midwinter.” As he travels to rally the west of England to the Prince’s cause...

    okładka Mr Standfast, Ebook | John Buchan

    World War I espionage thriller meets modern-day morality tale in „Mr. Standfast”, the third of five Richard Hannay novels written by acclaimed storyteller John Buchan. In this nail-biting adventure story, Hannay must outwit a foe far more intelligent than himself; muster the courage to propose to the lovely, clever Mary Lamington; and survive a brutal war. Set, like „Greenmantle”, durinig World War I, it deals Brigadier-General Hannay’s recall from the Western Front, to eng...

    okładka John Macnab, Ebook | John Buchan

    Written in 1925, the novel opens with three gentleman friends – lawyer Sir Edward Leithen, banker John Palliser-Yeates, and Cabinet member Charles Lord Lamancha – discovering that they all suffer a common and debilitating malady, a loss of zest for life, all desperate to relieve the ennui that has engulfed them. The solution can only be something devilish, with a dash of daring. Enlisting the aid of another friend, Scottish landowner Sir Archibald Roylance, the trio contriv...

    okładka Huntingtower, Ebook | John Buchan

    A true adventure story involving the unlikely hero Dickson McCunn, retired successful businessman and former greengrocer who sets out on a walking holiday in the Scottish Borders. There he meets a young English poet, and both soon become embroiled in the plot of an international gang to capture a Russian princess. With the help of the Gorbals Die-hards, an indomitable gang of urchins from Glasgow, they frustrate and finally defeat the gang. And in the process Dickson happen...

    okładka John Burnet of Barns, Ebook | John Buchan

    „John Burnet of Barns” was Buchan’s first fully realised, full-length work of fiction. The author’s third novel is story of adventure, treachery and revenge, set in the Scottish Borders in the 17th century, telling of a young nobleman who sets out to gain an education abroad, only to find himself betrayed in his absence by his cousin. Not just a romance, but adventures of a Scottish gentleman around the Netherlands and the wildest highlands of Scotland to find himself, rega...

    okładka Castle Gay, Ebook | John Buchan

    „Castle Gay” is the second of Buchan’s three Dickson McCunn books and is set in south west Scotland in the Dumfries and Galloway region in the 1920s. The plot revolves around the self-discovery of a media mogul named Craw, who is firstly the subject of mistaken identity and then the target of Balkan extremists who wish to use his newspapers to influence their political cause. Mr. Craw’s journey is overseen by Jaikie Galt, one of the young scamps in „Huntingtower”, who is no...

    okładka A Lost Lady of Old Years, Ebook | John Buchan

    John Buchan was a Scottish author and Unionist politician who served as Governor General of Canada. He wrote a series of books that follow the adventures of Richard Hannay, an expatriate Scot who was first introduced in the classic novel The Thirty-Nine Steps. Set in Scotland in 1745, during the Jacobite Rebellion, this dark story of loyalty and betrayal on the road to Culloden Moor recounts the adventures of Francis Birkenshaw. The Jacobite cause means nothing to him until...

    okładka A Prince of the Captivity, Ebook | John Buchan

    A classic John Buchan story of espionage during World War I. It contains several familiar Buchan elements: a motley cast of characters, Great War intrigue, the use of disguises and linguistic talents, the concept of gaining inner strength from a beloved spot in nature, man against the forces of nature in less benign settings, a race against time and evil, and sacrifice for a greater good. This is the epic story of one man’s courage. Adam Melfort released from jail just befo...

    okładka A Lodge in the Wilderness, Ebook | John Buchan

    John Buchan (1875-1940) was a Scottish novelist and historian and also served as Canada’s Governor General. His 100 works include nearly thirty novels, seven collections of short stories and biographies. But, the most famous of his books were the adventure and spy thrillers, most notably „The Thirty-Nine Steps”, and it is for these that he is now best remembered. „A Lodge in the Wilderness” (1906) is a quasi-novel about an imaginary conference arranged by a multi-millionair...

    okładka John Flack, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Acht bis an die Zähne bewaffnete Männer von Scotland Yard bewachen einen Transport von 73000 Pfund Sterling. Aber der Geldtransporter mit Geld und seine Bewacher verschwindet auf der Straße von London nach Tilbury. Nach dem mysteriösen Verschwinden fehlt jede Spur. As wirklich geschehen?

    okładka Okup krwi, Ebook | John Boyle

    Pierwsza taka książka, w której autor wnikliwie przygląda się kwestii współczesnego piractwa i wsłuchuje się w głosy wszystkich stron krwawego konfliktu Po raz pierwszy w historii marynarki wojenne wszystkich światowych supermocarstw zjednoczyły się w walce przeciwko wspólnemu wrogowi – kilku tysiącom niedożywionych, zabiedzonych mężczyzn i chłopców. Ludzie ci ściśnięci w malutkich, otwartych łodziach oddalają się od rodzinnych brzegów na odległość nawet półtora tysiąca kilom...

    okładka Ludojady z Tsavo, Ebook | John Henry Patterson

    Ludojady z Tsavo to nie tylko jedna z najlepszych historii o ludojadach - to przede wszystkim reportaż naocznego świadka wyczynów dwóch ludożerczych lwów terroryzujących wschodnią Afrykę przez blisko rok. W tym czasie udało im się niemal całkowicie zatrzymać budowę jednej z linii kolejowych i uśmiercić ponad sto osób.Relacja podpułkownika Johna Henry'ego Patersona, inżyniera kierującego pracami konstrukcyjnymi, znakomicie oddaje atmosferę paraliżującego strachu, zabobon...

    okładka The Thirty-nine Steps, Ebook | John Buchan

    London, May 1914. Europe is close to the First World War. Richard Hannay, a Scotsman raised in Rhodesia is living in London, and finds American Franklin Scudder at his door. Scudder is a photographer and free-lance spy and has information about a plot by the German spy ring, the Black Stone, to steal the British plans for war. Hannay later finds Scudder dead in his flat and decides he must carry on Scudder’s work. With both German spies and the police after, Hannay must solv...

    okładka Wychowujemy Misiaka. Ojca i syna przygody z Aspergerem, pociągami, traktorami i materiałami wybuchowymi, Ebook | John Elder Robison

    Jedna z najpiękniejszych opowieści o tym, jak ludzie dotknięci różnymi postaciami autyzmu próbują budować własny świat, w którym możliwe są miłość, troska i szczęście. I o tym, jak im się to udaje. John Elder Robison nie był zwykłym dzieckiem. Nie był też zwykłym ojcem. Dopiero w wieku 40 lat, gdy rozpoznano u niego jedną z form autyzmu, zwaną zespołem Aspergera, zrozumiał dlaczego. Do roli ojca podszedł z pełnym przejęciem i powagą – a zarazem z poczuciem humoru, które w...

    okładka Patrz mi w oczy. Moje życie z zespołem Aspergera, Ebook | John Elder Robison

    KISS, Pink Floyd, Judas Priest, Talking Heads – koncerty każdego z tych zespołów były nie tylko wydarzeniami muzycznymi, ale również wielkim wizualnym show. Płonąca gitara Ace Frehleya z zespołu KISS była początkiem niesamowitych efektów na koncertach grup rockowych. Niewiele osób zastanawia się nad tym, kto stoi za wszystkimi takimi efektami. Tymczasem obsługa techniczna to konkretni ludzie. Jedną z takich osób był John Elder Robison – niesłychanie kreatywny technik i eksper...

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