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    okładka Der Weihnachtsabend, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    Der Weihnachtsabend ist das meistgelesene und beliebteste Weihnachtsmärchen. Die Christmas Books gehören zu den meistgelesenen Werken von Charles Dickens. Was wäre Weihnachten ohne Charles Dickens? Die Erzählung über den geizigen alten Ebenezer Scrooge, der in der Weihnachtsnacht Besuch vom Geist seines verstorbenen Teilhabers und von drei weiteren Geistern erhält und danach sein Leben ändert.

    okładka Oliver Twist z angielskim. Zestaw 3 ebooków, Ebook | Marta Owczarek, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle

     Zestaw zawiera 3 ebooki: - „Oliver Twist” Charles Dickens (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie).- „Z przygód Sherlocka Holmesa. Tłumacz grecki” Arthur Conan Doyle (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie). - podręcznik z ćwiczeniami: „Nauka języka angielskiego z książką dwujęzyczną” Marta Owczarek. 3-pak jest idealnym rozwiązaniem dla osób uwielbiających spędzać czas z książką. Może stać się także nietuzinkowym sposobem nauki języka obcego. Pakiet ebooków...

    okładka Klub Pickwicka z angielskim. Zestaw 3 ebooków, Ebook | Marta Owczarek, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan Doyle

    Zestaw zawiera 3 ebooki: - „Klub Pickwicka” Charles Dickens (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie).- „Z przygód Sherlocka Holmesa. Tłumacz grecki” Arthur Conan Doyle (wydanie dwujęzyczne polsko-angielskie). - podręcznik z ćwiczeniami: „Nauka języka angielskiego z książką dwujęzyczną” Marta Owczarek. 3-pak jest idealnym rozwiązaniem dla osób uwielbiających spędzać czas z książką. Może stać się także nietuzinkowym sposobem nauki języka obcego. Pakiet ebooków jes...

    okładka Romans panny Brook, Ebook | Helen Dickson

    Lydia Brook marzy o własnym sklepie w Londynie, ale brakuje jej pieniędzy. Zgadza się na małżeństwo z bogatym panem Sturgisem, jednak w dniu ślubu dochodzi do skandalu. Ceremonię przerywa szwagier pana młodego, Alex Golding, wyjawiając Lydii szokującą prawdę. Jej wybranek wcale nie jest wdowcem, zawierając z nią małżeństwo, zostałby bigamistą. Alex czuje się odpowiedzialny za wybryk szwagra i postanawia pomóc oszukanej dziewczynie. Jest nią tak zauroczony, że ich znajomość sz...

    okładka Opowieści wigilijne: Nawiedzony dom, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    Niewyczerpana skarbnica wciąż żywych przypowieści o świętach jako czasie dobroci, wybaczenia i miłosierdzia. Czwarty już tom Opowieści wigilijnych dopełnia prezentację utworów świątecznych. Są one, rzecz jasna, mniej zwarte niż „książki wigilijne”, gdyż stanowią tylko fragment tytułowego przedsięwzięcia. Pierwsze cztery (Wrak Złotej Mary, Katusze gromadki angielskich jeńców, Nawiedzony dom i Wieść z morza) są utrzymane w tradycyjnym stylu Dickensa, natomiast Ziemia Toma ...

    okładka Poza Kompanią Braci. Wspomnienia wojenne majora Dicka Wintersa, Ebook | Winters Dick, Cole C. Kingseed

    W dniu „D” Dick Winters wyruszył z 506. Pułkiem Piechoty Spadochronowej, by skoczyć na spadochronie nad zajętą przez Niemców północną Francją. Wojska lądujące na plaży Utah liczyły, że kompania E zdoła opanować jedną z grobli, dzięki którym atakujące oddziały będą mogły wydostać się z plaży i nacierać w głąb Normandii. Gdy dowódca kompanii zginął w zestrzelonym samolocie, Dick Winters niespodziewanie stanął na jej czele. Tymczasem, tak jak wielu spośród jego ludzi, stracił po...

    okładka Oliver Twist, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    Charles Dickens großer Roman zieht den Leser bis heute mit Sprachwitz, Spannung und nicht zuletzt mit der schonungslos realistischen Schilderung der Armut im England seiner Zeit in seinen Bann. „Oliver Twist” ist eines der berühmtesten Kinderbücher der Welt. Der Waisenjunge Oliver Twist wächst in kläglich Elend auf. Er kommt zu einem Leichenbestatter in die Lehre, flieht ohne einen Pfennig nach London und gerät in die Fänge des Hehlers Fagin, der eine Bande jugendlicher Tas...

    okładka The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    „The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain” is an 1848 ghost story by Charles Dickens. It is the final novella in Dickens’ series of five Christmas Books, the first and best known of which is „A Christmas Carol”. For Victorians these ghost stories began to be associated with Christmas time, and the end of the year. In this story, Dickens narrates the hair-raising experiences of a teacher of chemistry Redlaw. As the protagonist dwells on his past sorrows and mistakes, a phanto...

    okładka Children Stories, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    Here are 10 stories to introduce readers of all ages to Charles Dickens and his Victorian England filled with orphans, expectations, and Christmas spirits, including adaptations of Dickens geared toward young readers, engaging looks into the author’s life, and a few kid-friendly classics straight from the author’s quill. The most famous and funny short stories include the „Child’s Story”, „The Cratchits’ Christmas Dinner”, „A Christmas Carol”, „Hunted Down” and „The Poor Re...

    okładka Some Christmas Stories, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    Charles Dickens’ work is ranked among the finest writing in the Western canon, and the author specialized in seasonal stories to warm the hearts of his adoring fans during the holiday season. Dickens’s relationship with Christmas extends far beyond the success of „A Christmas Carol”, with five short Christmas books and countless slighter stories on a festive theme. In all of them he uses Christmas as a time to wake up the dozing conscience of the prosperous urban middle cla...

    okładka Sketches of Young Gentlemen, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    Following the phenomenal popularity of „Sketches by Boz”, Dickens produced two short volumes of „Sketches of Young Gentlemen” and „Sketches Young Couples"’. Dedicated to „The Young Ladies of the United Kingdom of Great Britain” as well as to other young ladies, „Sketches of Young Gentlemen” scrutinizes in a very witty and humorous fashion certain familiar characteristics of Victorian men and women. Indeed, the sketches center around certain social stereotypes developed by t...

    okładka Sketches of Young Couples, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    „Sketches of Young Couples” is similarly a relatively early and short work by Charles Dickens – in which he outlines in a humorous and vaguely satirical way various „types” of couples (young, old and matured) in society under different subjects describing their actions, thoughts and decisions as couple. These subjects are chosen as a moral essay to raise the awareness and information in young couple for coming generation of both sexes. As always, Dickens’ scatterings of hum...

    okładka Barnaby Rudge, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    Based around the Gordon riots of 1780 as seen through the eyes of the simple but good-hearted Barnaby Rudge. This is Dickens fifth novel and it was his first attempt to write an historical novel and was inspired by the Walter Scott’s novels. It is the most neglected, but most rewarding tale of treachery, forbidden love, abduction and the dangerous power of the mob. Barnaby Rudge is a half-witted young innocent simpleton who is devoted to his talkative raven, Grip. When he g...

    okładka The Battle of Life, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    While „The Battle of Life” is one of Charles Dickens’ Christmas Books – his annual release of a story just before Christmas – this one breaks the tradition by not being concerned with Christmas. Rather, its subtitle, „A Love Story”, reveals more of the plot. The setting is an English village that stands on the site of a historic battle. Some characters refer to the battle as a metaphor for the struggles of life, hence the title. This novel basically depicts the battles one ...

    okładka The Mudfog and Other Sketches, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    Charles Dickens was an English writer and social critic. This charming collection of sketches from Victorian literary master brings together a number of pieces that were originally published in various popular periodicals of the era. „The Mudfog Papers” describes the local politics of the fictional town of Mudfog. It also describes the delusions of its mayor Nicholas Tulrumble, his disastrous attempts at putting on a public show and the meetings of its Society for the Advan...

    okładka Master Humphrey’s Clock, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    Originally a regular magazine written entirely by Charles Dickens from April 4, 1840-December 4, 1841, „Master Humphrey’s Clock” uses an elderly gentleman named Master Humphrey as a frame for a number of stories. He is a lonely, crippled old man who lives in London. He keeps manuscripts in an antique clock by the chimney. He decides to start a little club, Master Humphrey’s Clock, at which the members – eventually six in total, including Mr. Pickwick – would write and read ...

    okładka A Tale of Two Cities, Ebook | Charles Dickens

    „A Tale of Two Cities” is the second historical novel by Charles Dickens and it is one of his most tragic works. The plot centers on the years leading up to the French Revolution and culminates in the Jacobin Reign of Terror. The novel, first and foremost, follows several characters including Charles Darnay, a French once-aristocrat who falls victim to the indiscriminate wrath of the revolution despite his virtuous nature, and Sydney Carton, a dissipated British barrister w...

    okładka A House to Let, Ebook | Elizabeth Gaskell, Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Adelaide Ann Procter

    „A House to Let” is a novella originally published in 1858 by Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Elizabeth Gaskell and Adelaide Anne Procter. Each of the contributors wrote a chapter (stories within a story, and in the case of Adelaide Anne Procter, as a story in verse) and the whole was edited by Dickens, making it fit together seamlessly as a whole. This novella is a composite tale of mystery and intrigue set amid the dark streets of Victorian London. It is about a house th...

    okładka No Thoroughfare, Ebook | Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins

    Two foundlings from the London Educational Home received the same name, which over the years led to disastrous consequences. Two lawyers are looking for the missing heir, in order to correct the injustice. Rumors lead them from the moldy wineries of the City of London to the Mediterranean sun through the winter Swiss Alps. Lies and deceit would prevail if not the courage of a young woman

    okładka The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices, Ebook | Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins

    This story is about two students who go on a journey to find a way to completely relax. Along the way, they encounter some problems and humorous incidents. The reader can distinguish the voice of Dickens and Collins in the narration. Especially memorable is the sensational story of Collins and Dickens’s wonderful story about the wedding chamber. This is just one of many texts that are not widely used, but they are definitely worth reading.

    okładka Dick Merriwell Abroad, Ebook | Burt L. Standish

    Dick Merriwell Abroad is a book about the exciting adventures of a young guy. He did not just set off on adventures, but discovered the world from a new side. The main character is bold and persistent, since he went abroad without a doubt. This book will appeal to everyone, especially adventure hunters.

    okładka Dick Merriwell’s Pranks, Ebook | Burt L. Standish

    Burt L. Standish wrote another exciting story about Dick Merriwell. The story of the story develops on deck. Among the crowd on the deck were two boys who made a European tour under the guidance of Professor Zenas Gann. Dick Merriwell, younger brother of former great Yale athlete and scholar Frank Merriwella. Dick was his buddy Bradley Backhart. The guys continue their journey, revealing to the reader the beauty of the whole world.

    okładka Dick Merriwell’s Trap, Ebook | Burt L. Standish

    In this story, all the main events take place on the football field. Dick on this day managed everything. He walked around one, then the other, and left another one in his path. He would have managed to score, but a collision with another player prevented him. He got injured. This book shows how you need to pass through obstacles.

    okładka Deadwood Dick, The Prince of the Road, Ebook | Edward Lytton Wheeler

    „Deadwood Dick, The Prince of the Road or The Black Rider of the Black Hills” is a fun shoot-’em-up-cowboy book, rather than a serious western but the entertainment value is just as high. They called him Deadwood Dick, the Prince of The Road, the Black Rider of the Black Hills of Dakota. He was as famous for a time as Wild Bill Hickok or Buffalo Bill. It is the story of gold-seekers, settlers and criminals who all come together in a small area of the Black Hills. There’s Fe...

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