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    okładka Augustus Does His Bit, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Augustus Does His Bit” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.“Augustus Does His Bit” is a comic one-act play by George Bernard Shaw about a dim-witted aristocrat who is outwitted by a female spy during World War I.

    okładka O'Flaherty V.C., Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “O'Flaherty V.C.” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.“O'Flaherty V.C.” is a comic one-act play written during World War I by George Bernard Shaw. The plot is about an Irish soldier in the British army returning home after winning the Victoria Cross. The play was written at a time when the British government was promoting recruitment in Ireland, while ma...

    okładka The Music Cure, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “The Music Cure” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The Music Cure is a short comedy sketch by George Bernard Shaw.Lord Reginald Fitzambey, Under-Secretary of State for War, is in a distressed state. He explains to his doctor that, knowing the British army would soon be put on a vegetarian diet, he bought shares in the Macaroni Trust. Brought before a p...

    okładka Great Catherine, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Great Catherine” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.“Great Catherine” is a play by George Bernard Shaw. The plot focuses on Captain Charles Edstaston, a very prim and proper British military attaché who, in 1776, is assigned to the Imperial Russiancourt in Saint Petersburg, and brings his equally prim fiancée, Claire, with him. In the midst of court in...

    okładka Pygmalion, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Pygmalion” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw, named after the Greek mythological figure. In ancient Greek mythology, Pygmalion fell in love with one of his sculptures, which then came to life. The general idea of that myth was a popular subject for Victorian era British playwrights.

    okładka Overruled, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Overruled” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Overruled is a comic one-act play written by George Bernard Shaw. In Shaw's words, it is about "how polygamy occurs among quite ordinary people innocent of all unconventional views concerning it."The play concerns two couples who desire to switch partners, but are prevented from doing so by various consider...

    okładka Androcles and the Lion, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Androcles and the Lion” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Androcles and the Lion is a play written by George Bernard Shaw. The play is Shaw's retelling of the tale of Androcles, a slave who is saved by the requiting mercy of a lion. In the play, Shaw portrays Androcles to be one of the many Christians being led to the Colosseum for torture. Characters...

    okładka Fanny's First Play, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Fanny's First Play” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Fanny's First Play is a play by George Bernard Shaw. It was first performed as an anonymous piece, the authorship of which was to be kept secret. However, critics soon recognised it as the work of Shaw. The mystery over the authorship helped to publicise it. It had the longest run of any of Shaw's ...

    okładka Miłość bosa, Książka | Urszula Kalinowska

    Kobieta i mężczyzna. Pasja i pożądanie. Czy uda im się ochronić miłość przed nadchodzącym zagrożeniem? Każdy wybór ma swoją cenę.

    okładka Press Cuttings, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Press Cuttings” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Press Cuttings, is a play by George Bernard Shaw. It is a farcical comedy about the suffragettes' campaign for votes for women in Britain. The play is a departure from Shaw's earlier Ibsenesque dramas on social issues. Shaw's own pro-feminist views are never articulated by characters in the play, but i...

    okładka Misalliance, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Misalliance” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Misalliance is a play written by George Bernard Shaw. The play takes place entirely on a single Saturday afternoon in the conservatory of a large country house in Hindhead, Surrey in Edwardian era England.It is a continuation of some of the ideas on marriage that he expressed in his play, Getting Married....

    okładka Dark Lady of the Sonnets, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Dark Lady of the Sonnets” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.“Dark Lady of the Sonnets” is a short play by George Bernard Shaw. “THE BEEFEATER: Stand. Who goes there? Give the word.THE MAN: Marry! I cannot. I have clean forgotten it.THE BEEFEATER: Then cannot you pass here. What is your business? Who are you? Are you a true man?THE MAN: Far from i...

    okładka Wielkie nieba, Książka | Natalia Biesiada-Myszak

    Tomik Natalii Biesiady-Myszak „Wielkie nieba” jest zapisem spoetyzowanego świata opartego na spójnie zorganizowanej kompozycji całości. Napotkamy tu zawiły świat relacji ja-my, relacji narażonej na odwieczny problem niespełnienia. W wielu lirycznych warstwach prześwituje prawda o samotności ja i nieuniknionym procesie przemijania. Specjalną przestrzenią wygasania są tu kulturowe cząstki sacrum wchłaniane niegdyś przez autorkę w czasach dzieciństwa. Obrana przez poetkę strateg...

    okładka Pobaw się ze mną, Książka | Małgorzata Oczak

    "Pobaw się ze mną" to dojrzały debiut osoby, która w niejednym piecu chleb piekła: matki, naukowczyni, przedsiębiorczyni, poetki. Wiersze Małgorzaty Oczak nie służą jedynie dostarczaniu wzruszeń czy satysfakcji estetycznej; język poetycki w przypadku tej autorki staje się narzędziem badania rzeczywistości, drogą do konstatacji na temat otaczającego świata. Efekty są, fascynujące.

    okładka To grzech tak mówić Trzy dramaty, Książka | Marek Modzelewski

    „TRZEBA UMIEC´ SIE? Z SIEBIE S´MIAC´” – POLAKO´W PORTRET WŁASNY, S´MIESZNO-STRASZNY. Trzy dramaty Marka Modzelewskiego: Inteligenci, Wstyd i Kto chce byc´ Z˙ydem? czyta sie? jak wcia?gaja?ca? proze?. Autor, niebywale wyczulony na polskie absurdy i hipokryzje, sprawia, z˙e w jego utworach stajemy nadzy jak przed lustrem. Wady, kto´re zwykle skrze?tnie zamiatamy pod dywan, w dramatach Modzelewskiego wybrzmiewaja? szczego´lnie głos´no. Obrywa sie? po ro´wno wszystkim: aspiru...

    okładka The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Shaw claimed that "this little play is really a religious tract in dramatic form", the plot being less important than the debate about morality and divinity that occurs between the characters. He was using the folksy language and quirky insights of his principal character to explore hi...

    okładka The Doctor’s Dilemma, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “The Doctor’s Dilemma” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.The Doctor's Dilemma is a play by George Bernard Shaw. It is a problem play about the moral dilemmas created by limited medical resources, and the conflicts between the demands of private medicine as a business and a vocation.

    okładka Getting Married, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Getting Married” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Getting Married is a play by George Bernard Shaw. First performed in 1908, it features a cast of family members who gather together for a marriage. The play analyses and satirises the status of marriage in Shaw's day, with a particular focus on the necessity of liberalising divorce laws.

    okładka Antologia poezji miłosnej, Książka |

    Antologia poezji miłosnej to obszerny wybór najpiękniejszych wierszy o miłości. Książka prezentuje przekrój liryków od czasów najdawniejszych po współczesność. Wewnątrz czytelnik znajdzie utwory naj bardziej znanych polskich poetów, m.in. Jana Kochanowskiego, Mikołaja Sępa Szarzyńskiego, Jana Andrzeja Morsztyna, Wespazjana Kochowskiego, Elżbiety Drużbackiej, Franciszka Karpińskiego, Jana Czeczota, Adama Mickiewicza, Juliusza Słowackiego, Adama Asnyka, Kazimierza Przerwy-Tetma...

    okładka Major Barbara, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Major Barbara” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Major Barbara is a three-act English play by George Bernard Shaw. The story concerns an idealistic young woman, Barbara Undershaft, who is engaged in helping the poor as a Major in the Salvation Army in London. For many years, Barbara and her siblings have been estranged from their father, Andrew Unders...

    okładka Miasto Odorków, Audiobook | Dziechciarz Olgerd

    Zbiór opowiadań o mieszkańcach Odorkowa – postaciach różnorodnych i wyrazistych, które w niestrudzonej aktywności próbują realizować swe plany oraz marzenia. W Odorkowie mieszka zatem skory do skandali i prowokacji Malarz, niezbyt lotny Burmistrz, refleksyjny Śmieciarz, żądny wrażeń Nastolatek... Właśnie oni, a także kilku pozostałych charakterystycznych bohaterów, tworzą jedyną w swoim rodzaju społeczność, za sprawą której Odorków nabiera życia i autentyzmu.

    okładka Passion, Poison, and Petrifaction, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Passion, Poison, and Petrifaction” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Passion, Poison, and Petrifaction is a short play by Bernard Shaw. It is a comic mock-melodrama, written to raise funds for charity.Late at night, Phyllis, the maid, is combing the hair of her employer, Lady Magnesia FitzTollemache. Phyllis expresses foreboding and the fear that she ...

    okładka Man and Superman, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “Man and Superman” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.Man and Superman is a four-act drama written by George Bernard Shaw. The series was written in response to a call for Shaw to write a play based on the Don Juan theme. Mr. Whitefield has recently died, and his will indicates that his daughter Ann should be left in the care of two men, Roebuck Ra...

    okładka John Bull's Other Island, Ebook | George Bernard Shaw

    “John Bull's Other Island” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.John Bull's Other Island is a comedy about Ireland, written by George Bernard Shaw in 1904. Shaw himself was born in Dublin, yet this is one of only two plays of his where he thematically returned to his homeland, the other being O’Flaherty V.C.

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Poezja i Dramat

Kategoria „Poezja / Dramat” zawiera utwory reprezentujące dwa rodzaje literackie. Poezja to dosyć wieloznaczny termin wywodzący się ze starożytnej Grecji. Kiedyś oznaczał ogół wszystkich dzieł literatury pięknej, obecnie za poezję uważa się wszystkie utwory pisane mową wiązaną, czyli wierszem. Dramat z kolei uznawany jest za rodzaj sztuki z pogranicza teatru i literatury, dziełem literackim jest tylko i wyłącznie w warstwie słownej – sama realizacja teatralnego widowiska jest zaliczana do szeroko pojętych sztuk teatru. W kategorii „Poezja / Dramat” znajdują się więc utwory cenionych twórców, które tworzą kanon literatury zarówno polskiej, jak i światowej. Możemy tu znaleźć poezje najwybitniejszych poetów polskich, takich jak Zbigniew Herbert, Wisława Szymborska, Czesław Miłosz czy Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński, ale także zagranicznych, jak na przykład Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio czy Edgar Allan Poe. Odnaleźć tu również możemy tomy poezji „Lucyfer zwycięża” Ilony Witkowskiej oraz „Zimna książka” Marty Podgórnik nominowane do Nagrody im. Wisławy Szymborskiej, a także zachwycającą poezję Rupi Kaur zebraną w zbiorach „Mleko i miód. Milk and Honey” oraz „Słońce i jej kwiaty. The Sun and Her Flowers”. Pierwsza z publikacji kanadyjsko-hinduskiej poetki to przetłumaczony na ponad 30 języków bestseller opowiadający o kobiecości, miłości, przemocy oraz stracie. Drugi zbiór Rupi Kaur skupiony jest przede wszystkim na samoświadomości i dojrzewaniu. Czytelnicy zainteresowani dramatami odnajdą tutaj klasyki literatury polskiej, jak „Balladyna” Juliusza Słowackiego, „Zemsta” Aleksandra Fredry, „Wesele” Stanisława Wyspiańskiego, oraz zagranicznej, czyli takie pozycje jak „Makbet” Williama Szekspira, „Świętoszek” Moliera czy „Król Edyp” Sofoklesa. W księgarni internetowej Woblink.com znajdują się również takie utwory jak „Małe zbrodnie małżeńskie” Érica-Emmanuela Schmitta, czyli opowieść o związku dwojga kochających się niegdyś ludzi, „Czarownice z Salem” Arthura Millera czy „Narty Ojca Świętego” Jerzego Pilcha.