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    okładka Młody Orzeł, Ebook | James Fenimore Cooper

    „Młody orzeł” to powieść dla dzieci opowiadająca o losach znanych bohaterów książek Jamesa F. Coopera: Zwierzobójcy, zwanego też Sokolim Okiem, Nataniela Bumpo, Czyngaszguka. Porusza ona temat konfliktu rdzennych Amerykanów z kolonistami, próbującymi podbić nowe tereny, roszcząc sobie prawo do ziem tubylców. James Fenimore Cooper był amerykańskim pisarzem pierwszej połowy XIX wieku. Jego historyczne romanse przedstawiające pogranicze i życie rdzennych Amerykanów od XVII do ...

    okładka Branki w jasyrze, Ebook | Deotyma

    Ludmiła, panna ze szlacheckiego dworu, po śmierci rodziców trafia pod opiekę stryjostwa, które niezwłocznie chce wydać ją za mąż. Dziewczyna ucieka do klasztoru, który zostaje brutalnie zaatakowany przez Tatarów. Ludmiła zostaje branką w Jesyrze, lecz wojsko krakowskie wojewody wyzwala ją z niewoli. Rusza więc do swojej przyjaciółki Elżbiety, aby ostrzec ją przed nadchodzącym niebezpieczeństwem, ale jest już za późno. Rozpoczyna się walka o życie przyjaciółki, w której Ludm...

    okładka Cudaczek-Wyśmiewaczek, Ebook | Julia Duszyńska

    „Cudaczek-wyśmiewaczek” to zbiór osiemnastu opowiadań dla dzieci o tytułowym Cudaczku-Wyśmiewaczku, czyli maleńkim stworzeniu chowającym się we włosach i ubraniach dzieci. Karmi się on ich złym zachowaniem, do którego nieustannie namawia. Kiedy dziecko zaczyna grymasić lub jest niegrzeczne, Cudaczek wyśmiewa się z niego, a ze śmiechu pęcznieje mu brzuszek. Na szczęście istnieje sposób, aby uwolnić się od tego małego złośliwca.

    okładka Brother of the Cheyennes, Ebook | Max Brand

    Rusty Sabin was born to white parents but brought up by the Cheyenne Indians. Raised by Spotted Antelope and Bitter Root, Rusty, now known as Red Hawk, refuses the compulsory and brutal initiation into the tribe when he is fifteen. But in his twenties, Red Hawk sets out to take his place among white people. Rusty doesn’t know much about the white man’s ways especially a white man like Bill Tenney. A thief Tenney is only interested in one thing – Rusty’s white stallion, cons...

    okładka A Lucky Dog, Ebook | Max Brand

    Seattle-born author who worked as a cowhand in California, attended Berkeley, joined then deserted the Canadian Army, and finally settled down to writing full-time. Max Brand was incredibly prolific and wrote numerous books under his birth name (Frederick Faust) and a variety of pseudonyms. He does it again in the eminently enjoyable novel „A Lucky Dog”. Hagger is a man on the run, a thief and would-be killer. He’s no good on a horse, and feels miserable and out of place in...

    okładka Bad News for Bad Men, Ebook | Max Brand

    Western. „Bad News for Bad Men” is just that for the Burwell clan when Jimmy Jones arrives in town to take over the Jasper Journal. Jones’s uncle has given him the small-town newspaper because Jimmy’s life so far has been divided into two equal halves: In the first twelve years you were a small child and a schoolboy. In the last twelve years you have tried to raise hell continually. Now, instead of being called a gunfighter, Jimmy can be called an editor. His uncle warns Ji...

    okładka Billy Angel, Trouble Lover, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, and other beloved fictional characters. Orphaned at an early age, Faust studied at the University of California, Berkeley. He became one of the most prolific writers of our time but abandoned writing at age fifty-one to become a war correspondent in World War II, where he was killed while serving in Italy. „Billy Angel, Trouble Lover” is the rare pulp...

    okładka The Case of the Man in the Shroud, Ebook | Max Brand

    In a sinister cabaret the dancing feet of Anthony Hamilton tap out a message of life or death for an uncrowned czar. Anthony Hamilton, head of the U.S. counter-espionage service, flew to Monte Carlo when it was rumored that the Number One secret service agent of Japan, Henri de Graulchier, was planning a coup that would bring on another World War. „"The Case of the Man in the Shroud"” is a novelette by Max Brand, one of the greatest western authors of all time. The plot is ...

    okładka The Green Mirror, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Mrs. Trenchard’s figure contains all the jealous stubbornness of a strong parent who does not want to let go of his child. Her strength lies mainly in her ability, as she is understood to be unsympathetic, to impose creative possibilities on those whom she loves, and singles out a caring Catherine as a person whose fate she wants to control. When Katherine agrees to be engaged during the year, she realizes the need to pay any reasonable price to keep her mother and Trenchar...

    okładka The Inquisitor, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Walpole wrote horror novels that tended to be more psychological than supernatural, with mysticism underlying thoughtfulness. The Inquisitor is a murder thriller set in a haunted village. This novel will leave a mark with horror lovers.

    okładka The Golden Scarecrow, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    Children come to this world with knowledge of the world that they left, and spiritual connection with him through the satellite, which they just call their Friend. Some adults can grow up without losing their friend, and some children repel him when they are young. The Golden Scarecrow needs a child’s heart and willingness to believe in something that we don’t see, but I think that if you want to give him a chance.

    okładka Judith Paris, Ebook | Hugh Walpole

    The characters are diverse and strong in these books. Walpole clearly believed in women with character, because the book is full of them. Not so outrageous to be incredible, but more women who will not be meek rugs for spouses or family members. History and famous characters sometimes slip in to add color and historical context. Vivid descriptions of the countryside, especially the lake region. Even now, ridges and lakes penetrate in all directions of life.

    okładka Around the Moon, Ebook | Juliusz Verne

    The science fiction story describes the adventures of three friends: the founder of the Cannon Club, Impi Barbicane, captain Nicolas and the daredevil Michel Ardan. Travelers make a five-day flight around the satellite of our planet, spending time in scientific disputes and discussions and sharing important guesses and observations with each other. At the very beginning of the novel, Barbican states: „Well, algebra is the same tool as a plow or plow, and a tool very useful ...

    okładka Journey to the Center of the Earth, Ebook | Juliusz Verne

    The book has a lot of scientific component from various fields: geology, paleontology, botany, zoology, physics. But everything is very accessible and understandable. The plot focuses on a exploratory journey to the center of the earth through a volcano crater. The starting button for him was an encrypted message on half-decayed parchment. By happy coincidence, it fell into the hands of the famous and very gambling scientist. How could he remain indifferent? Of course not –...

    okładka The Kidnap Murder Case, Ebook | S.S. Van Dine

    Casper Kenting disappeared from the family home and a ransom note was found. Tips indicate Kenting’s involvement in his own abduction, but Vance sees this false trail. The abduction case is full of ordinary cliches: a ransom note consisting of words cut out from a newspaper and a demand to leave the ransom on an empty tree at midnight.

    okładka The Scarab Murder Case, Ebook | S.S. Van Dine

    All the action takes place within 36 hours, and during this time, Van Dyne collected many action games, red herring, suspects, humor and lessons from Egyptian history. He is joined by his friend John F. Markham, the New York County District Attorney, and his able assistant Sergeant Ernest Heath. Kyle was found dead in the private museum of the Egyptologist Dr. Mindrum V.K. Bliss at the foot of a large statue of Anubis with a smaller statue of Sakhmet, which seemed to have f...

    okładka The Kennel Murder Case, Ebook | S.S. Van Dine

    Vance, an independently wealthy college educator, amateur detective, uses his deductive skills and psychological knowledge to help his friend New York County Attorney solve the murder of Archer Coe. At first he thought of suicide when Coe’s body was found in a room locked from the inside with all the windows closed. As usual, the action takes place in New York. Vance’s methods are unconventional and run counter to the more stringent police investigation methods and legal re...

    okładka The Dragon Murder Case, Ebook | S.S. Van Dine

    This is the seventh book about the detective Filo Vance, in which, as always, he skillfully investigates an unusual case. One of the guests gathered in a comfortable estate for the weekend dives into the pool and does not leave it in front of several people. Neither the search for divers or the descent of water yields results: a person disappears without a trace. And, although many are interested in the death of the unfortunate, the suspicion seriously falls on the dragon....

    okładka The Bishop Murder Case, Ebook | S.S. Van Dine

    New York is shocked by the series of murders that always accompany notes on the plot of famous children’s poems and a signature. It took a lot of effort to the prosecutor Markham to figure out the killer of the cabaret artist. The poker card game helped solve the problem...

    okładka The Greene Murder Case, Ebook | S.S. Van Dine

    Gracie Allen in this case is not a famous artist, but a worker in a perfume factory. She involuntarily gives the enchanted Philo Vance all the important clues in this murder of a gangster, in those days when Riverdale in the Bronx was a rural paradise. Vance meets her when she interacts with nature, and then again in a trendy restaurant where her brother plays an important role. For a moment, her mother appears, a gentle, faded lady who turns out to be as sharp as Gracie....

    okładka The „Canary” Murder Case, Ebook | S.S. Van Dine

    One of the best novels by the little American detective writer Van Dyne, The Canary Killing Case, takes the reader to New York sixty years ago, where amateur detective Filo Vance, a literary relative of Sherlock Holmes, brilliantly uses the deductive method to find the killer of the „star” Broadway at night nicknamed Canary.

    okładka The Benson Murder Case, Ebook | S.S. Van Dine

    The Benson Case is the first case, the first detective from the Philo Vens series. Again, we are dealing with an amateur detective who has his own Watson and Lestrade, a first-person narrator who is present at all events and a good acquaintance of Vance, the New York City Police Attorney Markham. In this book, he still does not particularly believe in Vance’s ability to psychologically unwind potential victims of murder suspects.

    okładka Following the Equator, Ebook | Mark Twain

    In the book „Following the Equator,” the author talks about his journey from the shores of America to Australia, then to India and South Africa. This is a kind of traveler’s diary, written in art form. The narration is in the first person. The author talks about what he saw, remembered so figuratively, as if the reader himself had visited this distant journey

    okładka Chapters from My Autobiography, Ebook | Mark Twain

    Mark Twain bequeathed to publish his autobiography without cuts only a hundred years after his death, and she first saw the light in 2010. Now, finally, many readers can meet this amazingly witty book. Twain’s autobiography is very unusual: amusing episodes alternate with sad ones, sparkling jokes give way to serious reasoning – and the large-scale personality of the writer, who has presented the world with many masterpieces, appears before us in all its versatility.