Majówkowy Maraton Czytelniczy


Szukasz: Ben Kane

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    okładka Gramatyka języka bengalskiego, Ebook | Elżbieta Walter

    Patronat: Wydział Orientalistyczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.Język bengalski należy do indoeuropejskiej rodziny językowej, a literatura bengalska - zaliczana do najbogatszych na subkontynencie indyjskim – jako jedyna może się poszczycić laureatem Nagrody Nobla (Rabindranath Tagore, 1913). Języka bengalskiego używa się głównie w Bangladeszu i w Indiach (w stanie Bengal Zachodni).Pod względem liczby użytkowników język ten znajduje się w pierwszej dziesiątce języków świata - po...

    okładka Bene nati, Ebook | Eliza Orzeszkowa

    „Bene nati” to powieść autorstwa Elizy Orzeszkowej, jednej z najważniejszych pisarek polskich, epoki pozytywizmu.Główni bohaterowie tej powieści to Salomea Osipowiczówna pochodząca z rodziny szlacheckiej, oraz Jerzy Chutka pochodzący z rodziny chłopskiej. Gdy decydują się nie zważać na bariery klasowe i wziąć ślub, rodzina Salomei postanawia podjąć wszelkie możliwe kroki aby do małżeństwa nie dopuścić.

    okładka Miss Mapp, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    Miss Mapp came to the village of Tilling to expose many of the inhabitants there. Mappa must defeat the small and sad curious villagers. People have many questions about the Royal Family. Though there are superstitions that only young people can live in Tilling. However, our main character breaks these stereotypes. After all, she is old, but very smart.

    okładka Życie Sus, Ebook | Jonas T. Bengtsson

    Współczesna opowieść o rodzinie i zemście, współczuciu i pięknie. Dziewiętnastoletnia Sus jest już w zasadzie dorosła i sama radzi sobie w życiu, ale wiele osób nadal bierze ją za dziecko. Prawie jakby czas zatrzymał się dla niej i dla jej rodziny - zwłaszcza że brat leży w szpitalu z kawałkiem szrapnela przesuwającego się w mózgu, a ojciec przebywa w więzieniu za zamordowanie ich matki. Wkrótce jednak życie zacznie się na nowo i gdy bramy więzienia się otworzą, Sus będzie go...

    okładka Trajan Optimus Princeps., Ebook | Bennett Julian

    Cesarz Trajan był niewątpliwie bardzo lubiany za swego życia, kiedy to nazywano go Optimus Princeps – „Najlepszym Princepsem”. Po jego śmierci mawiano, że żaden inny cesarz nie tylko nie zdoła go przewyższyć, ale nawet nie dorówna mu pod względem popularności wśród ludu, a pamięć o nim pozostawała żywa przez wieki. W połowie IV w. utrzymywano, że okazywał najwyższą uczciwość i cnotę w sprawach państwowych, a największe męstwo – w wojskowych, podczas gdy senat rzymski zapowied...

    okładka Królewski diament, Ebook | Laurie Benson

    Lord Hartwick ma poważne kłopoty. Jeżeli nie spłaci karcianego długu, popadnie w niełaskę księcia regenta. Jednak książę nie chce pieniędzy, lecz prosi o przysługę. Hartwick ma odszukać zaginiony diament Sancy, ozdobę francuskich klejnotów koronnych, który podobno ukryto w Londynie. Nie wie, że jego przeciwniczką w wyścigu po słynny klejnot jest bardzo zdesperowana Sarah Forrester, córka amerykańskiego ambasadora. Gdy dochodzi między nimi do konfrontacji, Sarah i Hartwick pos...

    okładka Szkodliwa medycyna, Ebook | Ben Goldacre

    Fałszywe terapie. Szkodliwe leki. Kłamliwe statystyki. Oszustwa farmaceutycznych koncernów Dr Ben Goldacre w swojej kolumnie na łamach „Guardiana” od lat demaskuje manipulacje podejrzanymi danymi medycznymi i pseudomedyczne metody leczenia, odkrywa ponure tajemnice stojące za praktykami producentów leków, bierze pod lupę medyczne mistyfikacje, np. tę rozpętaną wokół szczepionki trójskładnikowej MMR, a także analizuje robiące wodę z mózgu reklamy kosmetyków, akupunkturę i...

    okładka Up and Down, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    This is another work of art from Benson. The novel describes many events in England: the First World War, the mentality of that time, the life of the British and visitors there. The first half of the book describes reflections on war. The denouement we can see more sentimental.

    okładka Thorley Weir, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    This story is about becoming an artist. A surprisingly joyful path to this goal. Too much information in one direction. However, for the attentive reader, it will be useful and interesting. All actions take place in England at the beginning of the 20th century. This novel contains everything: luxury and poorness, romance and art.

    okładka The Freaks of Mayfair, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    From the Mayfair society, everyone is a prominent representative of high society. Sir Louis and Lady Mary the Tagetes transform snobbery into an art form. Mr. Sandow, the secular vicar, who seems to be interested in everything but real spirituality. Everyone eagerly fights for social status in high society, unnoticing many dangerous details.

    okładka The House of Defence, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    Lord Thurso-Rainham is the type of vigorous man who is the victim of neuralgic headaches. He becomes addicted to the drugs he takes to counter their effects. All other attempts to cure Thurso from his addiction failed. There is one option to save his – to try Christian science, in which no one believes.

    okładka Daisy’s Aunt, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    Daisy Ginny, a young aunt, returns from a year abroad and discovers that Daisy is hoping that Lord Lindfield will make an offer. This is a story about intricate love with an intriguing plot. We know that such a novel from such an author cannot have happy end. The novel is at least a little witty, but with genuine bets for those involved in the reading.

    okładka An Autumn Sowing, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The main character, Mr. Keeling, is a simple self-worker who started his business with the fish trade. That is how he became popular and famous. Having a lot of money behind him, the main character decided to fight the class community. This book puts an intriguing twist on an old story about a middle-aged man who falls in love with his secretary.

    okładka The Judgment Books, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The poet’s career is always full of pitfalls and difficulties. On the one hand, there is a danger of gaining popularity too easily, and on the other, the discouraging effect of a lack of audience. Mrs Greenock is in danger. Some of her poems, which from time to time appeared in a local newspaper, attracted a lot of undeserved attention. The book is about high art.

    okładka The Rubicon, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    ”We must judge people by their best qualities, not their worst; by their capabilities, and not by their limitations” – the protagonist of the novel had such an opinion. He sat at the hotel and wrote his next work. The next day, after rereading what he had written, he was surprised because he had already seen something like this somewhere with another professor. A large number of people show false love before the government and it excites the main character.

    okładka David Blaize and the Blue Door, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    To forget about the real world – the dream of every person. There are times when you want to feel something fantastic. A little boy had this dream. In a dream, he wanted to see his living parents and enjoy this time. The boys began to experience drowsiness around the time when they were ten years old, although they could still have random waking moments, and soon after that they would fall asleep and lose all chance of ever seeing the real world.

    okładka Arundel, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    ”Arundel” is the name of the country house where most of the events take place. Elizabeth, like every good girl heroine of Benson, is completely devoted to her father... but not as much as it may seem. Many heroes are filled with negative characteristics. They are mean and cunning. Although this is a novel, but there are echoes of comedy.

    okładka The Vintage, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    This is a historical novel. The plot of the struggle of the Greek people against the Turks for independence. All actions revolve around the clan Maniot, Mavromihalov, who are central to the revolution. The action especially focuses on Nicholas Vidalis, a revolutionary leader, and his nephew, Mitsos, who is 18 years old at the beginning of the book, and becomes a fierce fighter.

    okładka David Blaize, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    This story is about school life, friendship and growing up at the end of the 19th century. The novel contains a mixture of everything. It is filled with humor, wit and rich details. The novel tells about the experience of our main character, starting with preparatory school and ending with the College of Marchester. The reader is experiencing the trials and victories of the protagonist.This story is about school life, friendship and growing up at the end of the 19th century...

    okładka Dodo Wonders, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The book is interesting because it has a much darker and more thoughtful implication than it might seem. On the one hand, the novel reveals the history of the war, and on the other, a pretty love story. Most of the novel is built on dialogues, through which we learn about the feelings that the characters are going through. The plot of the novel is dynamic, readers can read it in one breath.

    okładka Dodo, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    Previously, the situation is slightly different from today. Many ladies in search of a better life did not married out of love, but behind the material part of men. So in our history, the frivolous queen marries due to money and status and ultimately pays for it. The author, as always, makes us empathize with our main character.

    okładka The Relentless City, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The Relentless City is a manners novel built around Lord Bertie Keynes, intending to inherit the title and pledged property of a young English widow. These two people decide they want to marry wealth, and that means marrying Americans. Bertie must marry money, and Sybil admires the American spirit. A novel about the American way of life, embodied by the millionaire and workaholic himself, a former railway porter, Lewis Palmer – a man whose whole life is directed, with great...

    okładka Scarlet and Hyssop, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The heroes of this story belong to the upper class. About them, in fact, is the story. It begins by introducing us to a couple of girls whose conversations are filled with learned ingenuity, so this may impressed some readers. Men, obviously, mean little, except for the chips in the game. A classic tale in the world of the highest middle class in Edwardian Britain.

    okładka Queen Lucia, Ebook | E.F. Benson

    The village of Rieseholm worships Queen Lucia. She completely commands the village, the ever-benevolent dictator of all things that really matter. However, someone had the pleasure of overthrowing a queen so great. And it was Olga Braisley, an opera singer from London. She is a real celebrity, not at all like that queen. Can she do it?

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