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    okładka Fiasko. Amerykańska awantura wojenna w Iraku 2003-2005, Ebook | Thomas E. Ricks

    Niniejsza książka wykracza poza doniesienia prasowe i manipulacje, prezentując nam pierwszy prawdziwy obraz sytuacji w terenie, widziany oczyma obecnych w Iraku ludzi – od dowódców, przez funkcjonariuszy wywiadu i lekarzy wojskowych, po zwykłych żołnierzy. Dzięki naocznym świadectwom zaprzeczającym oficjalnym danym i sprawozdaniom roztacza przed nami wstrząsającą panoramę kłamstw, głupoty, myślenia życzeniowego, braku planowania i totalnej niemocy intelektualnej osób stojącyc...

    okładka 303. Dywizjon Myśliwski „Warszawski” im. Tadeusza Kościuszki., Ebook | Kutzner Jacek

    Historia najbardziej znanego dywizjonu Polskich Sił Powietrznych w Wielkiej Brytanii. Opis działań jednostki oparty o źródła historyczne w dużej mierze dotychczas niewykorzystane i przechowywane w brytyjskich i niemieckich archiwach (m.in. dzienniki działań dywizjonu, kronika jednostki, raporty bojowe pilotów, rozkazy dzienne i sprawozdania miesięczne). Autor z dbałością o szczegóły przedstawia udział 303. Dywizjonu Myśliwskiego w bitwie o Wielką Brytanię, ofensywie sił Sprzy...

    okładka Forever My Girl, Ebook | Heidi McLaughlin

    Nigdy nie myślałem, że zostanę gwiazdą rocka. Będąc w college’u, planowałem grać w futbol, następnie dostać się do drużyny ligi zawodowej i poślubić ukochaną z liceum, z którą wiódłbym długie i szczęśliwe życie.Informacją o wyjeździe złamałem serce nie tylko jej, ale i sobie. Byłem młody. Podjąłem tę decyzję, mając na względzie swoje a nie nasze dobro. Mimo że oddałem duszę muzyce, nie zapomniałem o zapachu czy uśmiechu tej dziewczyny.Po dekadzie wracam pełen nadziei, że uda ...

    okładka The Awkward Age, Ebook | Henry James

    The Aawkward age nonetheless analyzes the English character with great subtlety. The Awkward Age, which is highly praised for its natural dialogue and the subtlety of the sensation that it conveys, illustrates Conrad’s remark that James never dwells in deep darkness or in strong sunlight. But he feels deep and bright every gentle shade.

    okładka One Night’s Mystery, Ebook | May Agnes Fleming

    ”The Secret of One Night” tells about the life and love of three young women: Cyril Hendrick, daughter of a handsome, beggar, bastard; her best friend Sidney Owenson, a naive heiress; and Dolly De Courcy, an energetic actress. Both Cyril and Sidney are engaged, although everything is not as it seems in any case. Sydney’s gold miner is stupefied by Dolly, and Cyril is satisfied with her aunt, whom Cyril calls „the most humble, vicious old woman on earth.” The Secret of One N...

    okładka The Bedford Row Mystery, Ebook | J.S. Fletcher

    The main character in the story is a detective story. He is investigating a mysterious murder. Detective and young Richard Marchmont soon discover that there is a triangle of financial intrigue that needs to be unraveled before the truth can be found out, and that in the hour of crime, not one suspicious person was hiding near the Marchmont house, but several.

    okładka The Solution of a Mystery, Ebook | J.S. Fletcher

    One of the main characters, Richard Redford, is charged with murder. His life was threatened with death if he did not confess. But he chose such a point of view that he would have nothing to say to anyone. His indecision to speak causes bewilderment to others. Should a hero accept death with honor or not broken promises?

    okładka The Charing Cross Mystery, Ebook | J.S. Fletcher

    Heatherwick lawyer from London returns home at night. At the subway station, he becomes a witness to the death of a guy. The lawyer decides to become a detective and understand this cause of death himself. The end will surprise everyone with its surprise.

    okładka The Mystery of the Gold Box, Ebook | Valentine Williams

    In the dark days just before the outbreak of WW1, Philip Clavering, a British Secret Service agent, is despatched to Europe to recover a gold box carried by a now dead agent, the box holding a deep secret. But the Kaiser’s man, Dr. Grundt, alias Clubfoot, is also on the trail of that box and its secrets. The chase is on! „The Mystery of the Gold Box” is the fourth in the seven book series about the evil Dr. Adolph Grundt. He answers to no one except the Kaiser. He’s a big m...

    okładka The Mystery of Room 75, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Wendover is a journalist with Fleet Street’s Daily Herald. He, like any other journalist, is at the epicenter of events. On the day in question his mind is occupied with a criminal conspirator and a slim blonde beauty. Not knowing what he will face, but he sets off on the most important journey of his life, with the hope of uncovering a crime.

    okładka The Mystery of Crocksands, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Already by the name it becomes clear that this story contains many secrets and mystics. All events revolve around Miss Ellen Marchant, confidential clerk and typist to James Melrose. Mr. James Melrose, the eminent head and only partner in the firm of Melrose and Clapstone. Her father was rich, everyone knew that he led the „"dark"” affairs. He had a large Crocksands estate that Ellen could get. She gave up everything that connected with her surname and decided to start a ne...

    okładka The Mystery of the Ravenspurs, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Ravenspurs is a quiet, dignified family, as rich and respectable as they come. However, recently they have become victims of mysterious crimes. But who is behind these tragedies? The last of the family must figure out before the whole line is destroyed.

    okładka The Mystery of the Four Fingers, Ebook | Fred M. White

    The main characters of this story are a wealthy lawyer named Jim Gourdon and his tanned, adventurous friend Gerald Wenner traveling the world who amazes Gurdon and readers with his own story about the alleged millionaire Fenwick, his daughter, and some other noteworthy characters. After all, Fenwick has recently become a millionaire, it seems that posing as another. And his daughter is full of past secrets.

    okładka My Lady Bountiful, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Fred M. White wrote a story about a real feminine and beautiful lady. For example, his story begins so: when a tall figure in black velvet and diamonds and lace appeared at the head of the staircase. Mrs. Eldred-Wolfram was tall and dark, and, although she was almost seventy years old, there was no gray hair on her smooth head. Her features were beautiful and arrogant, as befits Mrs. Eldred-Wolfram of Caradoc; her eyes were restless and changeable. She pledged her income to...

    okładka Myśli nieupaństwowione, Ebook | Magda Awoszko

    Jaka jest największa z ludzkich przywar? Zdaniem autorki – obłuda. Brzydzi się nią bardziej niż czymkolwiek na świecie, dlatego książkę, którą trzymasz w ręku, napisała na wskroś szczerą, pełną trafnych spostrzeżeń i ostrych, ale niepozbawionych racji ocen. Czytając „Myśli nieupaństwowione”, pewnie nie raz poczujesz przykre ukłucie, zastanowisz się, czy czytany fragment nie dotyczy również Ciebie. Na tym polega siła tej książki, jej siła rażenia. Autorka nie boi się wsk...

    okładka The Film Mystery, Ebook | Arthur B. Reeve

    „The Gold of the Gods” was first published in 1915. By then, Arthur Benjamin Reeve’s series of mysteries involving Professor Craig Kennedy and his sidekick, journalist Walter Jameson, had become something of a household name. Altogether, he wrote 18 novels featuring these two characters, and several short stories. Our story follows a theft of an ancient Inca dagger from an archeology professor. He asks Kennedy to assist in bringing it back. But there are threats beyond ones...

    okładka Bądźmy dobrej myśli, Ebook | Carolina Setterwall

    Znakomita autobiograficzna powieść o utracie i próbie pogodzenia się ze śmiercią bliskiej osoby. Pewnego dnia Carolina otrzymuje od swojego chłopaka Aksela dziwny e-mail zawierający hasła do komputera i inne instrukcje na wypadek jego śmierci. Aksel kończy swoją wiadomość słowami: „Bądźmy dobrej myśli!”. Pięć miesięcy później już nie żyje. Debiutancka powieść Caroliny Setterwall opowiada o intensywnym uczuciu, które łączyło ją z Akselem, i szoku, kiedy pewne...

    okładka The Riddle of the Mysterious Light, Ebook | Thomas W. Hanshew

    In „The Riddle of the Mysterious Light”, consulting detective Hamilton Cleek is en route to meet with Scotland Yard detective Narkom when he’s intercepted by a roving gang of nefarious ne’er-do-wells. Can he muster his mighty intellect and physical prowess and hatch a plan to escape his captors? Hamilton Cleek is the central figure in dozens of short stories that began to appear in 1910 and were subsequently collected in a series of books. Cleek is a detective as remarkable...

    okładka Dave Fearless and the Cave of Mystery, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    No manly boy ever grows tired of sea stories – there is an irresistible fascination about them, and they are a recreation to the mind. A tale of being adrift on the Pacific Ocean, with Dave discovering a mysterious cave. Full of startling incident, clever dialogue, admirable descriptions of sky and water in all their aspects, and plenty of fun. Originally written for young men, this adventure tale is great reading for the whole family. The four-volume „Deep Sea” series was ...

    okładka The Grays Manor Mystery, Ebook | Aidan de Brune

    „The Dagger and the Cord,” „The Green Pearl,” „The Unlawful Adventure” and other thrilling tales of mystery and intrigue have made Mr. de Brune popular with Australian fiction readers. Nineteen novel length serials, two novella serials, and eighteen short stories, all except one published in Australian and New Zealand newspapers between 1926 and 1935. „The Grays Manor Mystery” enhances his reputation. It is a story packed with mystery and intrigue and Aidan de Brune keeps t...

    okładka The Carson Loan Mystery, Ebook | Aidan de Brune

    „The Carson Loan Mystery” novel is one of mystery by Aidan de Brune, and deals with complications arising out of a loan of a large sum of money, concerned with the unscrupulous activities of several more or less shady characters. The locale of the story is Sydney, and introduces many places familiar to those who have visited that capital. The author knows Sydney, and also knows passing well the procedure in police and detective departments, besides having a passing acquaint...

    okładka A Studio Mystery, Ebook | Frank Aubrey

    Weird mystery with rationalized supernaturalism featuring private detective Matthew Grimlock. „A Studio Mystery” is a secret, and there is not much of a secret about the murder of the artist Arnold. The suspicions of the reader fall at once on Gustave. There is a certain ingenuity, however, in the working out of the motive of the crime. Altogether, „A Studio Mystery” is a fairly good specimen of its class written by Frank Aubrey. Francis Henry „Frank” Atkins (1847–1927) was...

    okładka The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Anna Katharine Green was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America, received praise for her accurate, well plotted stories. Her novels have always been one of the groundworks of mystery and detective fiction and The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow is a great example of the ingenious and thrilling story. In this novel, a young woman is killed by an arrow in the middle of the museum, so all of the other visitors are closed inside while the crime is investigated! A g...

    okładka The Mill Mystery, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Early detective novelist Anna Katharine Green was a unique writer in several respects, including the fact that many of the detectives featured in her novels are women. In this mystery, protagonist Constance Sterling takes on the seemingly impossible task of uncovering the true culprits behind the drowning death of a popular well-respected clergyman who is believed to have killed himself. The news is fatal to his fiancée. Why? And why are her two sons behaving in such a sini...

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