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    okładka Die Unbezähmbaren, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand (1892–1944), war ein US-amerikanischer Schriftsteller und gilt als einer der wichtigsten und bekanntesten Western-Autoren des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zu Max Brands Klassikern gehört auch der hier vorliegende Roman „Die Unbezähmbaren” (1918, englischer Titel: „The Untamed”), der zu den besten Western aller Zeiten zählt. Der mysteriöse Dan Barry, genannt „Whistling Dan” ist ein wilder Draufgänger. Der junge Dan Barry ist mit allen Wassern gewaschen, doch dann tauchen plöt...

    okładka The Desert Pilot, Ebook | Max Brand

    Seattle-born author who worked as a cowhand in California, attended Berkeley, joined then deserted the Canadian Army, and finally settled down to writing full-time. He was incredibly prolific and wrote numerous books under his birth name (Frederick Faust) and a variety of pseudonyms. Today he is best known for his work published as Max Brand, including the classic Western "Destry Rides Again" and his popular series Dr. Kildare. In "The Desert Pilot", Reverend Reginald Ingra...

    okładka The White Cheyenne, Ebook | Max Brand

    Terry Rivers was the black sheep of an aristocratic Southern family. When he headed West, the Law was in hot pursuit. In Zander City he won respect with his whip, fists and gun. There he met the legendary Lost Wolf, a white man who’d been raised by the savage Cheyennes. Lost Wolf had turned out so crazy that the Cheyennes wouldn’t make him a chief even though he was their best fighter. Between this untamed white Indian and the runaway Southern aristocrat developed the stran...

    okładka The Stolen Stallion, Ebook | Max Brand

    The Stolen Stallion by Max Brand is one of the books in the Silvertip series. Wild horses ... evil men! Parade - a magnificent stallion worth twice his weight in cold cash. And many men had set out to capture this legendary prize. Some never returned. Some came back stony-broke. Others were ruined by desert heat and mountain winters. Only Silvertip, an honest man fast with his fists and quicker with his guns, can tame the magnificent stallion Parade, son of Brandy, king of ...

    okładka Internes Can’t Take Money, Ebook | Max Brand

    Jimmy Kildare met from the hospital every day and arrived at Tom McGuire’s lounge on the avenue. He always drank two mugs of beer. But one from the other, there should be a brain at the fingertips all day long, but two beers are not too far between man and themselves, if it has bumps on shoulders, and Jimmy Kildare had.

    okładka The Garden of Eden, Ebook | Max Brand

    Rascal, rogue, and gambler, Ben Connor was about to meet his match... Ben Connor liked fine clothes, lovely ladies and smooth-drinking liquor. But what he liked most was a horse that won races. The moment he saw an Eden Gray run, he knew he had laid eyes on the finest piece of horseflesh ever to win a race... or make a gambler’s dream come true. So why not find the reclusive deaf mute who owns the Eden Gray, buy one, enter it in races and watch his fortune grow? The plans s...

    okładka Flaming Irons, Ebook | Max Brand

    From the popular author of „Destry Rides Again” comes an exciting saga of adventure, romance, honor, and danger, in the Old West. Les Tarron was just a boy when five strangers rode into his life and changed it forever. Years later – jailed, hunted and betrayed – Les felt the hatred burning inside him like a fever and set out, determinedance and death. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists. Brand does k...

    okładka Fightin’ Fool, Ebook | Max Brand

    Two gunslingers known as Jingo and the Parson form a two-man army in Tower Creek to deal with the dangerous Rankin brothers in a conflict over a dishonest poker game. Wally Rankin, a gambler, is one of the players and because he is losing to Jingo, resorts to marking the cards. Jingo spots the action and accuses Wally Rankin of cheating. In the ensuing gun fight, Wally is shot in both shoulders. Subsequently, the sheriff advices Jingo that Wally’s older brother will probabl...

    okładka Zastosowania technologii Blockchain, Ebook | Vikram Dhillon, David Metcalf, Max Hooper

    Książka obejmuje wyjątkowy zestaw tematów, którego nie znajdziesz nigdzie indziej i odpowiada na pytanie, jak przezwyciężyć przeszkody wyłaniające się wraz z rozwojem rynku i rozpowszechnianiem w świadomości konsumentów start-upów opartych na blockchainie. Książkę otwiera szkic o historii technologii blockchain i omówienie podstaw kryptografii, na których opiera się łańcuch bloków w protokole Bitcoin. Po nich następują zagadnienia związane z unowocześnieniami ...

    okładka Z dziennika berlińskiego, Ebook | Max Frisch

    Opracował i podał do druku Thomas Strässle przy współpracy Margit Unser. Max Frisch (1911–1991) był jednym z czołowych twórców literatury niemieckiej XX wieku. Niedługo po przeprowadzce do Berlina zaczął prowadzić codzienne zapiski, które złożyły się na dzieło unikatowe w jego dorobku literackim. Autor zażądał jednak, by z uwagi na bardzo osobisty charakter notatki te opublikowano dopiero po dwudziestu latach od jego śmierci. Ideowy spadkobierca Bertolda Brechta, przy...

    okładka Spinster of This Parish, Ebook | W.B. Maxwell

    The romance story of a hearty well-known explorer, who finally, at the age of 62 crosses the Antarctic and the spinster who accompanies him on his journey to the Andes in 1895. Here we have a young Victorian woman’s unconventional romance with a man, who was already married, had various adventures, was disowned by her family, etc. So, what happened in between? Did their romance end when he left for his next expedition? Will his crazy wife ever die so that they can get marri...

    okładka Napoleon. Tom 2, Ebook | Max Gallo

    Kontynuacja fascynującej biografii Napoleona, po mistrzowsku napisana przez Maxa Gallo. Druga część zbeletryzowanej biografii Napoleona, obejmuje lata 1806–1821. Cesarz pokonuje największych władców: pod Jeną, pod Frydlandem, pod Wagram. Jego podboje nie ograniczają się do bitewnych pół, z nie mniejszą energią zdobywa kobiety: Polkę Marię Walewską i Austriaczkę Marię Ludwikę, wnuczkę Marii Antoniny. W 1812 roku na czele Wielkiej Armii wkracza do Rosji. Odtąd powoli jego g...

    okładka Apokalipso, Ebook | Max Cegielski

    Muzyczne osiągnięcia Alexa przybliżają go do spełnienia swoich największych marzeń. Światowa kariera zdaje się być na wyciągnięcie ręki. Co innego dzieje się w życiu prywatnym. Jego małżeństwo z Sofią wisi na włosku i chyba nic nie jest w stanie go uratować. Brat Alexa, Juliusz także zmaga się z problemami. Niegdyś uznawany za geniusza w świecie reklamy, obecnie czuje się wypalony i wciąż nie może poradzić sobie z przeszłością. Na tle warszawskiej pogoni za pieniędzmi i konsu...

    okładka 7 Best Western Stories, Ebook | Max Brand

    These are the legends of courageous people who conquered the vast expanses of the American Wild West. The heroes of Max Brand’s westerns are cowboys, gunfighters, sheriffs – the fearless conquerors of the Wild West, who made America their homeland and homeland. For example, the hero of the novel „The Night Horseman” – a brilliant scientist Randall Byrne, a man of remarkable intelligence but poor health, goes to the Wild West to gain strength, and unexpectedly becomes one of...

    okładka Bad News for Bad Men, Ebook | Max Brand

    Western. „Bad News for Bad Men” is just that for the Burwell clan when Jimmy Jones arrives in town to take over the Jasper Journal. Jones’s uncle has given him the small-town newspaper because Jimmy’s life so far has been divided into two equal halves: In the first twelve years you were a small child and a schoolboy. In the last twelve years you have tried to raise hell continually. Now, instead of being called a gunfighter, Jimmy can be called an editor. His uncle warns Ji...

    okładka Skąd się bierze szczeście, Ebook | Max Lucado

    „Kocham Maxa Lucado, kocham jego rodzinę i bardzo podoba mi się perspektywa, jaką się dzieli w książce Skąd się bierze szczęście. Jeśli szukasz czegoś, co cię przebudzi, albo mądrości, która znajdzie zastosowanie w dzisiejszym świecie – przeczytaj tę książkę. W zasadzie przeczytaj wszystkie jego książki – a będziesz się cieszył, że to zrobiłeś”. – Chip Gaines, współgospodarz programu Domy z potencjałem, współzałożyciel firmy MagnoliaCZY CZUJESZ SIĘ SZCZĘŚLIWY?Ile czasu minęło...

    okładka Clovelly, Ebook | Max Brand

    One of Max Brand’s worth reading as an alternative to his western stories. Michael Clovelly might not have been the greatest swordsman ever to come to London town during the reign of the Merry Monarch, Charles the Second, but if a better man ever wielded a blade, he had not yet stepped forth to claim the distinction. Seeking gold with which to elevate his beggarly fortunes, Clovelly chances to encounter a bully, and his fierce sword work brings him to the attention of Lord Te...

    okładka Happy Jack, Ebook | Max Brand

    If you enjoy a fast moving western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, you’ll like „Happy Jack” (1936) by Max Brand. One bullet was all it took to change Jack Anderson from a carefree boy into a hunted man. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists and turns. The journey is the entertaining part. Highly recommended, especially for those who love the Old Western genre. No pulp writer was more pr...

    okładka His Back Against the Wall, Ebook | Max Brand

    „Bad News for Bad Men” is an excellent classic story by the incomparable Max Brand (Frederick Faust). Great read with Max’s leading off to unexpected places with characters you come to know personally. Max leads the reader to characters bigger than life, they come to life as people we wish we knew personally. People who deal with life by taking an active part instead of just observing as it passes by. Brand along with Zane Grey and Louis L’Amour form the holy trinity of weste...

    okładka Murder Me, Ebook | Max Brand

    Max Brand is generally regarded as the author of superior westerns like his „Destry Rides Again”, but Brand also wrote the „Dr. Kildare” series and numerous detective stories as well. Never before published in book form, this 1937 police procedural by veteran Brand introduces New York police detectives Campbell and O’Rourke. The pair investigate the apparent suicide of a philanthropist David Barry who was about to be accused of bribery and corruption prior to his death. Angus...

    okładka The Stranger, Ebook | Max Brand

    Staying alive is worth a thousand dollars a day to Oliver Wilton. That’s what he’s paying Lew Sherry and Pete Long as hired guns to keep him healthy. And after riding the range, the money looks more than just a little inviting. But before Sherry and Long can pocket their first wages, Wilton is murdered. And town men were never so sad to see their boss take a bullet in the brain as Sherry and Long. Soon the pair are riding a vengeance trail – out to catch the low-down killer w...

    okładka Outlaw’s Code, Ebook | Max Brand

    No matter what name Frederick Schiller Faust was writing under, it’s sure to be a tightly written action packed book and „Outlaw’s Code” is no exception. Lawrence Grey is called El Diablo – the devil – though he’s fair-haired and has a boyish grin. But no jail can hold him, and some swear that he is the fastest gun alive. Yet everyone has Grey pegged as a goner when he agrees to ride to Mexico to track down Johnny Ray, a man who has been missing for fifteen years. There’s a r...

    okładka The Bait and the Trap, Ebook | Max Brand

    One of the greatest western authors of all time, superstar pulpsmith Max Brand, the pen name of Frederick Faust, was an incredibly proficient author who wrote many books, stories, and even poetry. His Westerns were always different, with complex plots and characters, and uncertain endings... But his historical adventures rank among the best stories he ever wrote. These seven stories of 16th Century Italian Renaissance swashbuckling swordsman Tizzo are tightly-plotted, action-...

    okładka The Cat and the Perfume, Ebook | Max Brand

    One of the greatest western authors of all time, superstar pulpsmith Max Brand, the pen name of Frederick Faust, was an incredibly proficient author who wrote many books, stories, and even poetry. Also, he wrote somewhere around 12 or 13 historical swashbucklers not including the seven Tizzo stories. Faust spent time in Italy every year and soaked up the atmosphere and history. The Tizzo stories came out of his Italian sojourn. The complete tales of Tizzo contains the followi...

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W katalogu znajduje się cała oferta dostępna w serwisie obejmująca książki drukowane, ebooki oraz audiobooki. W katalogu można szukać książek z uwzględnieniem wszystkich aktualnych promocji, cen, formatów czy wydawcy. Można również wybrać dowolną kategorię, na przykład horror, klasykę literatury, kryminał i sensację czy komiks, i zawęzić wyszukiwanie w jej obrębie. Katalog jest na bieżąco aktualizowany i poszerzany o najnowsze publikacje.