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    okładka Taras Bulba, Ebook | Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

    The book describes the events that took place in the first half of the 17th century, when the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks defended their rights. Taras Bulba is a grown man, a Cossack colonel meets his sons. She finished her studies and returned home, her mother is glad of their arrival, Taras makes fun of them and rejoices at how strong sons he grew up with. However, Taras wants his children to know what struggle, courage and honor are. And he decides to send them to the Zaporizhzh...

    okładka Dead Souls, Ebook | Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

    Dead Souls is a unique novel that has become a unique standard of ironic prose for Russian literature. The story of the ingenious businessman Chichikov, buying up the „dead souls” of serfs in a remote province, still impresses with its modernity and subtle humor.

    okładka The Divine Comedy, Ebook | Dante Alighieri

    A unique poetic work, about which historians and critics, philosophers and even adherents of various mystical and esoteric teachings are desperately arguing about. Hell is a colossal funnel of concentric circles, the tapering end of which is adjacent to the center of the earth. Having passed the threshold of hell, in which the souls of indecisive, insignificant people dwell, they enter the first circle of hell – the limb. In the earthly paradise, Dante meets Beatrice, seated ...

    okładka The Witch and Other Stories, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    A short story about an unhappy involuntary marriage. Family quarrels, like bad weather in the Russian wilderness: there is nothing worse than becoming an involuntary captive of a blizzard of someone else’s spousal abuse. The main character of the story is an ordinary woman with an unfortunate fate. All its features consist only in youth and attractive appearance, and in the still alive soul, which writhes under the weight of the cargo that has landed on it and stubbornly does...

    okładka The Steppe, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    The story of a boy Egor, who goes from his home to a gymnasium located in another city. This trip is the last event before the start of a new life away from mother and familiar places. Nothing unexpected happens on the way, but at the same time, there is a constant change of landscapes and moons of Egor, meetings with new people, both ordinary and of noble origin. The boy is a witness to the life of people whose path also lies through the steppe.

    okładka My Life, Ebook | Anton Czechow

    The theme of the „little man”, which appeared in many of Chekhov’s short stories, was also touched on in the novel „My Life”. The main character, Misail Poloznev, a nobleman by birth, becomes a simple worker. In order to live the way he wants, he breaks with his father. He is opposed to lies and hypocrisy, namely they, in his opinion, reign among the intelligentsia. The quote of the old house painter Radish: „Aphids eat grass, rust – iron, and lies – the soul”. According to t...

    okładka Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Ebook | George Gordon Byron

    The book, which at one time produced the most ambitious scandal in the history of British literature of the XIX century. This is a book that was desperately admired and equally desperately outraged. The poem that shocked the foundations of the foundations of morality and morality of its era and gave the world one of the most famous literary heroes of mankind – a hero without whom neither Pushkin Onegin nor Lermontov Pechorin would exist.

    okładka Comedies, Ebook | Aristophanes

    Aristophanes, nicknamed the „father of comedy”, wrote in a different way than the first tragedies. He was troubled by everyday problems, rarely associated with the past. Gods also rarely appeared in his works, like the heroes of antiquity: the main role was given to contemporaries. If certain events of Aristophanes did not suit him, he made fun of them, or offered original recipes to change the situation for the better.

    okładka The Wasps, Ebook | Aristophanes

    Old Philokleon was so addicted to attending court hearings that his son Bdelikleon locked him in the house and stretched a net around the house. He wants to ensure a quiet life for his father, but Philokleon does not at all want peace. He’s a cocky, like a choir made up of his old friends, judges, and he likes to convict. The choir appears on the stage in wasp costumes and tries to help Philokleon slip away, but Bdelikleon prevents this.

    okładka The Thesmophoriazusae, Ebook | Aristophanes

    This bold statement by Euripides is an absurd premise on which the whole game depends. Women are outraged by the image of the female as crazy, murderous and sexually depraved, and they use the Thesmophoria festival as an opportunity to discuss a suitable choice of revenge, Fearing their abilities, Euripides seeks out his tragic friend Agathon in the hope of convincing him to spy on him and become his protector at the festival – a role that, of course, would require him to dis...

    okładka The Knights, Ebook | Aristophanes

    Knighs are not just equestrians: the whole estate was called in Athens – those who had enough money to keep a war horse. These were wealthy people, had small estates outside the city, lived on their income, and wanted Athens to be a peaceful, closed agricultural state. The poet Aristophanes wanted peace; therefore, he made the riders the chorus of his comedy.

    okładka The Frogs, Ebook | Aristophanes

    Aristophanes is revered as the „father of comedy.” He wrote over forty works, of which eleven reached us. Centuries have passed, but the comedies of Aristophanes continue to live. The political events that Aristophanes criticized in his works have long faded into the past, but the author enjoys the inexhaustible comic ingenuity of the author, his wit and ingenious courage with which he derives the funny from everything that he touches.

    okładka The Ecclesiazusae, Ebook | Aristophanes

    The game begins with Praxagora leaving the house on the Athenian street before dawn. She wears a fake beard and men’s clothes, and she carries a cane and a lit lamp. A chorus of Athenian women enter one on one, all dressed in a similar costume. In order to be more convincingly courageous, some women developed tans and stopped shaving armpits. One woman brings a full basket of yarn in order to get the job done, as the assembly replenishes, to which Praxagora reports to her for...

    okładka The Clouds, Ebook | Aristophanes

    The old farmer Strepsiad is in debt because of his son Fidippida, squandering money for equestrian sports. Strepsiad seeks help from a neighbor – the sage of Socrates; Having come to the „thought room”, where Socrates teaches young people, Strepsiad asks to teach him tricky speeches and evasions, which would allow not to repay debts. But Strepsiad turns out to be unsuitable for science, and then Fidippid goes to study instead

    okładka The Birds, Ebook | Aristophanes

    Pisfeter manages to convince the birds that their mission is to rule the world. According to his idea, the bird city of Tucekukuyshchyna is being built between heaven and earth; birds give wings to Pisfeter and Evelpid, Pisfeter becomes the ruler of the new city and puts into effect a plan whose goal is to take power from the Olympic gods. Birds intercept the smoke from the sacrifices that the gods feed on, persuade people to honor the birds as new gods and promise them prote...

    okładka The Acharnians, Ebook | Aristophanes

    This is the comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes, the earliest of his plays that have survived to this day. Together with „Mir” and „Lysistrata” refers to the „anti-war” comedies of the author. It refers to a citizen who was so tormented by the constant wars waged by his state that he made peace on his own behalf with all his neighbors, and while the rest fought and endured hardships and poverty, he lived calmly, profitably traded – in general, everything to envy...

    okładka Plutus, Ebook | Aristophanes

    This is a comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes. First introduced in 408 BC e., was later redesigned and put on the scene in 388 BC. e. in a contest with four more poets. Competition results are unknown. Put on stage for the second time, in a complete rework. This was the last play staged on the stage by Aristophanes himself.

    okładka Peace, Ebook | Aristophanes

    An elderly wine grower Trigay, tired of the war and strife between the Greek cities, on a giant dung beetle goes to heaven to talk with Zeus. Arriving there, Trigay learns from Hermes that Zeus and the other gods are away, and instead of them, Polemos settled in the house of the gods. Polemos threw the goddess of peace Eiren into the cave and stoned him; together with the Horror that is serving him, he is going to „powder” the Greek cities in a huge mortar depicting a war....

    okładka Lysistrata, Ebook | Aristophanes

    A woman named Lysistrata, determined to stop the senseless war, gathers women from all over Greece in the square in front of the Acropolis of Athens. She offers them „until the men make peace – do not sleep with them, do not give them, do not touch them! „. With difficulty and after much debate and bickering, women agree. They take refuge in the Acropolis and do not admit anyone to themselves. The entire civilian population is divided into two camps: women and the elderly...

    okładka Wojna galijska, Ebook | Gajusz Juliusz Cezar

    Pamiętniki Juliusza Cezara, jednej z największych postaci w dziejach starożytnego Rzymu, wybitnego wodza i polityka, poświęcone wojnom galijskim z lat 58-50 p.n.e. Cezar napisał siedem ksiąg, ósmą dodał Aulus Hircjusz. Każda z ksiąg obejmuje wydarzenia jednego roku. Co ciekawe, autor pisał o sobie w trzeciej osobie, prostym i zwięzłym językiem, w sposób wyważony, pozbawiony emocji i wysławiania swych sukcesów, przypominający język raportów wojskowych i dyplomatycznych. Dzieło...

    okładka Borgiowie i ich wrogowie, Ebook | Christopher Hibbert

    Barwna historia potężnej rodziny, spisana piórem Christophera Hibberta, wskrzesza świat, w którym żyli — pełen blichtru Rzym włoskiego renesansu. Tej książki nie da się odłożyć! „New York Times Book Review” Nazwisko Borgia jest synonimem korupcji, nepotyzmu i chciwości, które szerzyły się w renesansowych Włoszech. Centralną postacią dynastii był potężny, żarłoczny Rodrigo Borgia, lepiej znany w historii jako papież Aleksander VI. Dwoje z jego siedmiu papieskich potomków ...

    okładka Opowieści Rzeczy, Ebook | Ewa Nabiałczyk

    W tej książce rzeczy dostają głos. Mogą przemówić, raz poważnie, a raz żartobliwie. Każdy z przedmiotów opowiada swoją historię. Możemy usłyszeć co przedmioty mają do powiedzenia. Czasem humorystyczne, a czasem poważne historie opisane przez Autorkę, pozwalają poznać cechy charakterystyczne przedmiotów a niekiedy także ich przeznaczenie.

    okładka Wiersze zebrane, Ebook | Ryszard Kapuściński

    Tom Wiersze zebrane (I wyd. 2008, Biblioteka „Gazety Wyborczej”, 2008) zawiera utwory ze zbiorów Notes (I wyd. „Czytelnik”, 1986), Prawa natury (Wyd. Literackie, 2006) oraz kilka ostatnich wierszy napisanych przez Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego przed śmiercią.Poezja Autora Cesarza to intymna podróż do wnętrza siebie, która ukazuje nieznane oblicze Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego – światowej sławy reportera i pisarza.

    okładka Trzy dłuższe historie, Ebook | Sławomir Mrożek

    Czytelnik najbardziej zapewne przywykł do krótkich opowiadań Sławomira Mrożka. Tym razem przedstawiamy trzy opowiadania, z których każde liczy kilkadziesiąt stron. Wszystkie trzy powstały dziesięciolecia temu. I jak to u Mrożka bywa, z powodzeniem można w nich odnaleźć aktualną rzeczywistość, sprawy, które dostrzegamy także dzisiaj w sobie i wokół siebie. Najdawniejsza   Książeczka mułów to arcyzabawny utwór  stylizowany na powieść przygodową; „łowcy mułów” próbują poskro...

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Poezja i Dramat

Kategoria „Poezja / Dramat” zawiera utwory reprezentujące dwa rodzaje literackie. Poezja to dosyć wieloznaczny termin wywodzący się ze starożytnej Grecji. Kiedyś oznaczał ogół wszystkich dzieł literatury pięknej, obecnie za poezję uważa się wszystkie utwory pisane mową wiązaną, czyli wierszem. Dramat z kolei uznawany jest za rodzaj sztuki z pogranicza teatru i literatury, dziełem literackim jest tylko i wyłącznie w warstwie słownej – sama realizacja teatralnego widowiska jest zaliczana do szeroko pojętych sztuk teatru. W kategorii „Poezja / Dramat” znajdują się więc utwory cenionych twórców, które tworzą kanon literatury zarówno polskiej, jak i światowej. Możemy tu znaleźć poezje najwybitniejszych poetów polskich, takich jak Zbigniew Herbert, Wisława Szymborska, Czesław Miłosz czy Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński, ale także zagranicznych, jak na przykład Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio czy Edgar Allan Poe. Odnaleźć tu również możemy tomy poezji „Lucyfer zwycięża” Ilony Witkowskiej oraz „Zimna książka” Marty Podgórnik nominowane do Nagrody im. Wisławy Szymborskiej, a także zachwycającą poezję Rupi Kaur zebraną w zbiorach „Mleko i miód. Milk and Honey” oraz „Słońce i jej kwiaty. The Sun and Her Flowers”. Pierwsza z publikacji kanadyjsko-hinduskiej poetki to przetłumaczony na ponad 30 języków bestseller opowiadający o kobiecości, miłości, przemocy oraz stracie. Drugi zbiór Rupi Kaur skupiony jest przede wszystkim na samoświadomości i dojrzewaniu. Czytelnicy zainteresowani dramatami odnajdą tutaj klasyki literatury polskiej, jak „Balladyna” Juliusza Słowackiego, „Zemsta” Aleksandra Fredry, „Wesele” Stanisława Wyspiańskiego, oraz zagranicznej, czyli takie pozycje jak „Makbet” Williama Szekspira, „Świętoszek” Moliera czy „Król Edyp” Sofoklesa. W księgarni internetowej Woblink.com znajdują się również takie utwory jak „Małe zbrodnie małżeńskie” Érica-Emmanuela Schmitta, czyli opowieść o związku dwojga kochających się niegdyś ludzi, „Czarownice z Salem” Arthura Millera czy „Narty Ojca Świętego” Jerzego Pilcha.