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    okładka Underworlds, Książka |

    In his debut English language collection, Patrick Sylvain brings forth an excavation of historical significance. In this magnificent chapbook of poems, Sylvain takes the reader on a contemporary exploration of Caribbean ' Haitian histories marred by man-made and natural disasters. From the undertow of the Atlantic Ocean to the rubbles of a catastrophic earthquake, each poem is a relic, bellowing “ancestral tongues” in an attempt to “un-scab the past.” This is a book for all g...

    okładka StarMark, Książka |

    After Irvana’s grandmother dies in their remote clifftop home, Irvana must travel to Koltarn. Alone in a strange city, Irvana finds employment at the palace, home of Lord Terenz, current overlord and bearer of the StarMark. Suddenly immersed in palace life, Irvana makes a friend in fellow-servant Rosann, and there is a spark between her and the lively Mikal, Terenz’s ward. But when Terenz discovers that Irvana has something he wants, her life is suddenly in danger....

    okładka The Speckled Egg Principle Discovering, Nurturing, and Leveraging the Uniquely Gifted Leader, Książka |

    Prepare to Soar! Most organizations need 110% effort from their employees as they try to do more with less.  So why rely on only a portion of their employee's talents?  Speckled eggs are the talents, gifts, and skills hidden under the wings of an organization that will help the organization soar. Each person has unique abilities (speckled eggs) that when discovered, nurtured, and leveraged move the organization forward while simultaneously improving employee engagement....

    okładka Secret Circle of Women Where Queens Rule and Honey Bees Dance, Książka |

    This collection of truly amazing and inspirational stories reflects the real-life accounts of women who have achieved greatness or overcome dynamic challenges at life's mid-point. Each story is true, and told in a unique way by the women contributors themselves. All of the stories are hand picked and selected especially for this book.

    okładka Freedom, Peace & Joy While in the Valley of Life, Książka |

    This book is an inspiration for getting through life’s valley with self-determination, faith, and joy and ultimately reaching one’s pinnacle achievements and goals. In this story our writer Dr. Reeves, shows how Melissa maintains her vision, hope and faith as she strives to climb out of the valley to reach her mountain top. Through the academic lens of Black Feminist Thought, Womanism, Self-Determination, and Spirituality, Dr. Reeves includes relevant scriptures to uplift and...

    okładka Efektyzm - system podnoszący jakość życia społeczeństwa (społeczny controlling inwestycji), Książka | Samitowski Wiesław

    Jak w obliczu współczesnych wyzwań zadbać o oczekiwaną jakość życia społeczności poprzez wybór i realizację efektywnych projektów inwestycyjnych finansowanych ze środków publicznych, czyli unikanie marnowania zawsze ograniczonych zasobów? Przede wszystkim w trakcie wyboru projektów konieczne jest stosowanie kryterium efektywności. Pomaga ono uzyskiwać przewagę skwantyfikowanych korzyści nad nakładami inwestycyjnymi i kosztami eksploatacji związanymi z realizacją projektów. W...

    okładka Od izolacji do resocjalizacji 100 lat historii więziennictwa w niepodległej Polsce. Wybrane aspekty, Książka |

    Więzienia i kara pozbawienia wolności towarzyszą społeczeństwom od starożytności, jednak sposób ich wykonywania zmieniał się z upływem czasu. Polski system penitencjarny przeszedł fundamentalne zmiany po odzyskaniu przez Rzeczpospolitą niepodległości po zaborach. 7 i 8 lutego 1919 roku Naczelnik Państwa Józef Piłsudski wydał dwa dekrety o organizacji więziennictwa w odrodzonej Polsce. Na ich podstawie określono kompetencje Służby Więziennej, która została poddana rygorom wo...

    okładka Kulturoznawcza teoria kultury Stanisława Pietraszki a socjologia, Książka |

    Stanisław Pietraszko (1928–2010) był jednym z najwybitniejszych w Polsce po drugiej wojnie światowej teoretyków kultury, twórcą nowej nauki, której jedynym przedmiotem badań była kultura. Był też twórcą pierwszych w świecie studiów z zakresu kulturoznawstwa — kierunek powstał na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim w 1972 roku. Starał się zmienić nastawienie całej nauki do dyscyplin humanistycznych, ukazując ich specyfikę i możliwości poznawcze mimo trudności badań wynikających z tej sp...

    okładka My Life Over Time Journal, Książka |

    Answer a trivial or serious question a week for one year and a few years later, start over. Notice how your answers change over time !
    An excellent retrospective of your life forever engraved in this notebook !

    okładka Changing Our Mind Definitive 3rd Edition of the Landmark Call for Inclusion of LGBTQ Christians with Response to Critics, Książka |

    Changing Our Mind has helped thousands of families and congregations carefully and compassionately rethink traditional religious teachings about full LGBTQ inclusion. Christian denominations and churches everywhere struggle with the issue of LGBTQ inclusion. With growing scientific evidence, our wider society has taken big steps, but too many religious families and communities have not kept up. As much as ever, many people still experience deep condemnation by evangelical and...

    okładka Hill Folks A History of Arkansas Ozarkers and Their Image, Książka |

    The Ozark region, located in northern Arkansas and southern Missouri, has long been the domain of the folklorist and the travel writer--a circumstance that has helped shroud its history in stereotype and misunderstanding. With Hill Folks, Brooks Blevins offers the first in-depth historical treatment of the Arkansas Ozarks. He traces the region's history from the early nineteenth century through the end of the twentieth century and, in the process, examines the creation and pe...

    okładka The Warrior Image Soldiers in American Culture from the Second World War to the Vietnam Era, Książka |

    Images of war saturated American culture between the 1940s and the 1970s, as U.S. troops marched off to battle in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Exploring representations of servicemen in the popular press, government propaganda, museum exhibits, literature, film, and television, Andrew Huebner traces the evolution of a storied American icon - the combat soldier.Huebner challenges the pervasive assumption that Vietnam brought drastic changes in portrayals ...

    okładka Memphis and the Paradox of Place Globalization in the American South, Książka |

    Celebrated as the home of the blues and the birthplace of rock and roll, Memphis, Tennessee, is where Elvis Presley, B. B. King, Johnny Cash, and other musical legends got their starts. It is also a place of conflict and tragedy--the site of Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1968 assassination--and a city typically marginalized by scholars and underestimated by its own residents. Using this iconic southern city as a case study, Wanda Rushing explores the significance of place in a glo...

    okładka We Are The Socks, Książka |

    Every day, we hear news from around the world about war and violence. But who could hope to make a difference in these tragic conflicts? The idea of peacemaking seems impossible-unless you're Daniel Buttry. An ordained minister and seasoned peacemaker, Dan has traveled to some of the most dangerous places in the world to conduct conflict resolution, train clergy and elders, and transform conflict into peace.

    okładka The Wilderness Campaign, Książka |

    In the spring of 1864, in the vast Virginia scrub forest known as the Wilderness, Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee first met in battle. The Wilderness campaign of May 5-6 initiated an epic confrontation between these two Civil War commanders--one that would finally end, eleven months later, with Lee's surrender at Appomattox. The eight essays here assembled explore aspects of the background, conduct, and repercussions of the fighting in the Wilderness. Through an often...

    okładka Medieval Man His Understanding of Himself, His Society, and the World, Książka |

    This edition of Urban T. Holmes, Jr.'s exploration of medieval man includes an introduction and has been edited by Holmes's son, Urban T. Holmes, III. This book is not an excessively theoretical text adhering tightly to the development of its argument. Instead, it allows the reader to meet not only medieval man in his own understanding of himself, but to meet the author as well. From the overview of Augustinian philosophy and the divine right of kings, to the human ecology an...

    okładka Lee and His Army in Confederate History, Książka |

    Was Robert E. Lee a gifted soldier whose only weaknesses lay in the depth of his loyalty to his troops, affection for his lieutenants, and dedication to the cause of the Confederacy? Or was he an ineffective leader and poor tactician whose reputation was drastically inflated by early biographers and Lost Cause apologists? These divergent characterizations represent the poles between which scholarly and popular opinion on Lee has swung over time. Now, in eight essays, Gary Gal...

    okładka Rhetorical Occasions Essays on Humans and the Humanities, Książka |

    A nationally known scholar, essayist, and public advocate for the humanities, Michael Bérubé has a rapier wit and a singular talent for parsing complex philosophical, theoretical, and political questions. Rhetorical Occasions collects twenty-four of his major essays and reviews, plus a sampling of entries on literary theory and contemporary culture from his award-winning weblog.Selected to showcase the range of public writing available to scholars, the essays are grouped into...

    okładka The Adventures of Uncle Rocky, Fireman Book 1 A Treasury of Twelve "Uncle Rocky, Fireman" Stories, Książka |

    Uncle Rocky, Fireman recounts the adventures of Rocky Hill and his two nephews, Ben and Luke, as they fight fires, rescue people, and help neighbors. The stories emphasize service to others and devotion to duty with each exciting episode ending with our heroes stating they were, "Glad To Do It!" when thanked for their help.

    okładka The Door in the Wall and Other Stories by H. G. Wells, Science Fiction, Literary, Książka | H.G. Wells

    The Door in the Wall: There was something in the very air of it that exhilarated, that gave one a sense of lightness and good happening and well being; there was something in the sight of it that made all its color clean and perfect and subtly luminous. In the instant of coming into it one was exquisitely glad -- as only in rare moments and when one is young and joyful one can be glad in this world. And everything was beautiful there.

    okładka The Nature of Choice in Casework Process, Książka |

    The importance of this book lies in the historical background and in the dynamic and original description of a process that grows immediately and authentically out of the author's experience in the helping processes of casework, of supervision, of teaching, and of administration.Originally published in 1953.A UNC Press Enduring Edition -- UNC Press Enduring Editions use the latest in digital technology to make available again books from our distinguished backlist that were pr...

    okładka Mój bobas i ja Milutkie zwierzaki, Książka |

    Fantastyczna książeczka DOTYKOWA dla MALUSZKA – na każdej rozkładówce WKŁADKI z ciekawymi FAKTURAMI. Różne KOLORY i FAKTURY zapewniają niezapomniane WRAŻENIA SENSORYCZNE. Przedstawia wesołe DZIKIE zwierzątka. SYMPATYCZNE ILUSTRACJE zachęcają do lektury. Urocza książeczka dla CIEKAWYCH ŚWIATA malców. Dzięki WKŁADKOM o różnych fakturach dziecko może POGŁASKAĆ dzikie zwierzątka. Z pewnością chętnie sprawdzi, jakie w DOTYKU są WIEWIÓRKA czy MYSZKA. Książka • zapewnia wszechst...

    okładka Mój bobas i ja MILUTKIE KOLORY, Książka |

    Fantastyczna książeczka DOTYKOWA dla MALUSZKA – na każdej rozkładówce WKŁADKI z ciekawymi FAKTURAMI. Różne KOLORY i FAKTURY zapewniają niezapomniane WRAŻENIA SENSORYCZNE. Przedstawia podstawowe KOLORY. SYMPATYCZNE ILUSTRACJE zachęcają do lektury. Urocza książeczka dla CIEKAWYCH ŚWIATA malców. Dzięki WKŁADKOM o różnych fakturach dziecko może POGŁASKAĆ różne obirkty. Z pewnością chętnie sprawdzi, jakie w DOTYKU są CHMURKA czy JABŁKO. Książka • zapewnia wszechstronny ROZWÓJ ...

    okładka Gorzka czekolada, Książka |

    Wzruszająca i trzymająca w napięciu powieść obyczajowa z życia trzech kobiet, rozgrywająca się przez wiele lat w różnych częściach świata. Melanie, rozpieszczona osiemnastoletnia Angielka, wdaje się we flirt z ojczymem i zostaje wysłana przez matkę do Los Angeles. Laure, piękna Haitanka, przypadkowo zachodzi w ciążę i ucieka od srogiej babki do Chicago. Jej służąca, Ameline, także nagle musi zmienić swój los. Wszystkie zaczynają żyć na własny rachunek... Zaskakująca fabuła, k...