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    okładka The Spirit of the Border, Ebook | Zane Grey

    This is a historical novel about the American border during the American Revolutionary War. At this time, the United States border began at Fort Pitt, and the Ohio River was the main artery for entry into the dense forest, unresolved and dangerous western countries. The area west of Fort Pitt was inhabited by Indians who were incited by Detroit-based British against rebellious American colonists.

    okładka The Maverick Queen, Ebook | Zane Grey

    After his partner was killed during a card game, Link Bradway travels to South Pass, Wyoming to find the killer. But South Pass is awash with players and gunsmiths, and Bradway’s quest leads him directly to a bloody battle when he discovers that he will need much more than a gun to stay alive.

    okładka Rogue River Feud, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zane Gray had a hut on the Robber, and his affection and passion for this epic river make her the main theme of the book.It is the best writing about the Rogue that has been done before or since and poetically and descriptively traces the river from its birth below Crater Lake to its dispersal into the Pacific and then picks up a school of salmon and takes them all the way back up the river to spawn. Environmental organizations attempting to save Northwest salmon should be ha...

    okładka Swann’s Way, Ebook | Marcel Proust

    Swann’s Way is one of the preeminent novels of childhood – a sensitive boy’s impressions of his family and neighbors, all brought dazzlingly back to life years later by the famous taste of a madeleine. The first volume of the work that established Proust as one of the finest voices of the modern age – satirical, skeptical, confiding, and endlessly varied in his response to the human condition – Swann’s Way also stands on its own as a perfect rendering of a life in art, of the...

    okładka Totem and Taboo, Ebook | Sigmund Freud

    Totem and Taboo is a work by Sigmund Freud in which he develops his theory of the origin of morality and religion. This is one of the most significant works of Sigmund Freud. This work is a large-scale and original, balancing on the verge of psychoanalysis, cultural studies and anthropology study of the characteristics of the psychosexual perception of a primitive man, a study still considered an absolute classic of psychoanalysis...

    okładka Dream Psychology, Ebook | Sigmund Freud

    Do dreams make sense? Do they disguise our desires? What is the function of sleep? Sigmund Freud answers all these and other questions in this classic guide to the psychology of dreams. This book is required not only for psychology students, but also for all people who want to know the meaning of their dreams. After reading this book, you will understand that you look at dreams differently.

    okładka To the Lighthouse, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    An exquisite novel in which times of action are mixed and intertwined, and the summer spent by the wealthy Ramsey family on the Isle of Skye turns out to be a kind of British „chronicle of lost time” – a fragile, almost idyllic time, doomed to be destroyed soon by the First World War. Children will grow up – someone will survive and grow up, someone will lay their heads on the battlefields. Small failures and grievances will be forgotten. The old house will be abandoned, the ...

    okładka Three Guineas, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    The story of how women can prevent war when they are deprived of education, professions and the public sphere. The name „Three Guineas” comes from Wolfe’s reflection on whether she should support three different reasons for giving a guinea donation – this creature; a society to end the war, a campaign to support the restoration of the women’s college, and an organization to promote the employment of women in professions.

    okładka The Years, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    The action of the novel „Years”, one of the most significant works of W. Woolf, takes place over fifty years – from the 1880s to the mid 30s of the twentieth century. Victorian traditions are breaking down, cars and planes are appearing, the First World War is covering Europe... All this serves as the backdrop for the family saga – the history of the Pargiter family: Colonel Abel Pargiter, his wife, lover, seven children, their wives, husbands, numerous relatives...

    okładka The Waves, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    The novel is about six friends who have known since childhood: Bernard, Louis, Neville, Susie, Ron and Ginny. After a few key episodes, their life appears from early childhood to the last days. As in most Virginia Woolf books, the plot as such is absent, it is entirely focused on the inner world of its characters, the flow of their thoughts and feelings, the whole story is an uncontrollable, bubbling flow, stream of thoughts, stream of life, stream of time.

    okładka The Moment and Other Essays, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    From the first essay of volume: The Moment and Other Essays, a multi-layered portrait of a summer evening in the English countryside in the company of friends, we are delighted with Wolfe’s perception and her ability to articulate them clearly. A series of sensory descriptions – the rumble of an airplane, the night darkness of an night, the flight of an owl – give way to a thought no less important, even inconspicuous: „If you are young, the future truly lies like a piece of ...

    okładka Orlando, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    A fascinating fantastic story about a beautiful young man Orlando, who comes from a noble family, is distinguished by intelligence and beauty, loves life, women, poetry and in general has a very impressive nature and subtle imagination, resists, as far as possible, the influence of light and gravitates to solitude. All the time he seeks the meaning of life and does not find it... One fine day Orlando wakes up... a woman – also beautiful and noble, also delicately sensitive an...

    okładka Mrs. Dalloway, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    An amazingly soft film adaptation of the novel, it subtly merges the past and present, „here and there”, because it is the world of feeling, and it is feeling, and not dry logic that determines what is important and what is not, turning the moment into eternity, and a trifle in event.. The author describes only one summer day in the life of the prosperous socialite lady Mrs. Dalloway. A meeting with an old acquaintance, Peter Welsh, her first love, opens the door to the world...

    okładka Monday or Tuesday, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    A woman looks at the mark on the wall and ponders the whims of thoughts and opinions; a series of couples is captured by nostalgia for their past as they stroll among the vibrant colors of Kew Gardens; the heron flies high above cities and towns, lakes and mountains, and below life continues in all its abundance; and blue and green are given in words.

    okładka Flush, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    Flush tells the story of the curious, determined boy Noah Underwood, his tough, persistent sister Abby and their unusual father, who defends everything that he believes is right. Papa Noah is imprisoned for drowning in the shoes of the Coral Queen Dusty Muleman casino. Noah’s father did not do this for any good reason, the true reason is that he thinks that Dusty discharges sewage into the ocean, where children swim and where marine life lives.

    okładka Between the Acts, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    The author describes us only one day. One summer day of 1939. England. Between the Acts – plays devoted to the history of England and presented on the stage of the amateur theater, a drama of misunderstanding and alienation in real life of the main characters of the novel is played. Between acts, the ideals and hopes of people standing on the threshold of World War II are crumbling, the whole world is crumbling.

    okładka A Room of One’s Own, Ebook | Virginia Woolf

    The beauty of „A Room of One’s Own” is that it serves as an example of peace of mind, which, as Wooolf insists, is the defining quality of all great artists. Her transparent and elegant essay is devoted not only to the necessary material conditions of writing, but also to the self-overcoming of the creator. Virginia Woolf, in her essay, talks about a woman’s right to work. The writer considers a centuries-old story during which a woman was only a silent shadow of a man....

    okładka The Step on the Stair, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    „I had turned the corner at Thirty-fifth Street and was halfway down the block in my search for a number I had just taken from the telephone book when my attention was suddenly diverted by the quick movements and peculiar aspect of a man whom I saw plunging from the doorway of a large office-building some fifty feet or so ahead of me”.

    okładka Miss Hurd, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    The story of a strange, impenetrable, charming woman. Miss Hurd is certainly a very unusual person: „Miss Hurd in the garb of a working woman, and with a working woman’s bundle in her lap, but striking as ever in her appearance – possibly more so, –and as conspicuous among the mass of commonplace people surrounding her as she had ever been when clad in the habiliments of a lady and moving among persons of her own rank in life”.

    okładka Marked „Personal”, Ebook | Anna Katharine Green

    Intoxicated by success, the crowd walked along the street, screaming and screaming, while broken glasses and women’s cries marked her progress. In a few minutes they will be ahead. Suddenly a second doorbell rang. This time the negro stopped before opening it.

    okładka Jesteś kozak! Uwierz w siebie i zacznij żyć pełnią życia, Audiobook | Sincero Jen

    Zastanów się, czego chcesz od życia... A potem weź sprawy we własne ręce! Co czujesz, kiedy oglądasz w telewizji reportaż ze zdobycia K2 albo igrzyska olimpijskie? A kiedy słuchasz kogoś, kto z pasją opowiada o swoim zrealizowanym marzeniu? Czy nie towarzyszy Ci wówczas myśl, że każdego dnia bezpowrotnie tracisz kawałek swojego życia, podczas gdy możesz sięgnąć po znacznie więcej? A przecież to możliwe! Możesz stać się najlepszą wersją siebie, przestać wreszcie myśleć o sobie...

    okładka Kamienny wojownik. Imperium Malazańskie. Tom 3, Ebook | Ian C. Esslemont

    Szara Grzywa wierzył, że zdoła uciec przed przeszłością. Otworzył w Falarze szkołę szermierki i liczył, że będzie mógł żyć spokojnie, choć jego towarzysz Kyle tęsknił za kompanią najemników, w której służył przedtem, Karmazynową Gwardią. Okazało się jednak, że byłej pięści Imperium Malazańskiego nie jest łatwo zniknąć, zwłaszcza jeśli Imperium wydało na niego wyrok śmierci. Na tronie Malazu zasiadł nowy cesarz, który nie może zapomnieć o zniewadze, jaką była nieudana inwazja ...

    okładka Epoka legendy. Legendy Pierwszego Imperium. Tom 4, Ebook | Michael J. Sullivan

    Każda kultura ma swoje mity i legendy, ale tylko jeden mit jest wspólny i wzbudza lęk we wszystkich. W Epoce Mitów, Epoce Mieczy i Epoce Wojny mistrz literatury fantasy Michael J. Sullivan porwał czytelników swoją opowieścią o nietypowych bohaterach toczących rozpaczliwą walkę o ocalenie ludzkości. Po latach wojny ludzie uzyskali przewagę i odepchnęli Fhrejów do granic ich ojczyzny, ale nie zdołali posunąć się dalej. Nadchodzi kluczowy moment. Persefona pragnie wykorzystać im...

    okładka Czerwony świt, Ebook | Pierce Brown

    Darrow jest Czerwonym, przedstawicielem najniższej kasty w zhierarchizowanym według kolorów społeczeństwie przyszłości. Czerwoni harują od świtu do zmierzchu, święcie przekonani, że ich wysiłki mają na celu przystosowanie powierzchni Marsa do zamieszkania przez przyszłe pokolenia. Darrow pracuje chętnie, bo wierzy, że jego krew i pot przyczyniają się do powstania lepszego świata, w którym żyć będą jego dzieci. Czerwoni padli jednak ofiarą zdrady: Darrow odkrywa, że Mars jest ...