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    okładka The World of William Clissold, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    For Mr Britling, eccentric and vivacious writer, the summer of 1914 consisted of long, hot days and luxurious house parties with a host of international guests to entertain him. And when he tired of this, he hopped across the channel where his devoted mistress was patiently waiting. But all this was about to change as Germany began marching into Belgium and Europe no longer provided the easy diversion he had so enjoyed. „The World of William Clissold” is a 1926 novel by H.G...

    okładka The Wheels of Chance, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    This novel is a great document illustrating the anticipation of comings of the 20th century. This early H.G. Wells’ tale is about a 20 year old man who has a job as a Drapers Assistant, a job which he is probably too old for. Loaded with poor self esteem and a second class status, poor Mr. Hoopdriver takes a ten day holiday. On this holiday he falls for a young socialite named Jessie who is rebelling against her stepmother and society. She soon falls prey to a married man t...

    okładka The Soul of a Bishop, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    H.G. Wells is an English author best known as a sci-fi writer, though he is also a prolific writer in many other genres, including contemporary novels, history, politics and social commentary, but in this 1917 novel, H. G. Wells weaves a more intuitive tale, about a bishop haunted by strange dreams and visions that challenge his faith. Lyrical, poetic, and verging on stream-of-consciousness in places, this little-read work of one of the most enduringly popular writers of mo...

    okładka The Research Magnificent, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    Mr. Wells builds novels out of ideas as other men build them of imagery and emotions. H. G. Wells takes us on a very entertaining and profound journey via a character named William who insists on living life nobly and thoroughly. Starting in his boyhood, and throughout his life, it produced profound adventures, yet also make him ridiculous, and even inspiring. It is a passion for courage, for personal nobility, for service to others, for self-sacrificing, all for the social...

    okładka The Secret Places of the Heart, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    H.G. Wells is best remembered as a central figure in the development of the science fiction genre. However, much of his literary output was more conventional in nature, and he published a number of novels dealing with interpersonal relationships and social themes. H.G. Wells was so charmed by Margaret Sanger that he based „The Secret Places of the Heart” on his time with her. The novel is a thinly-veiled autobiography that depicts an English gentleman, Sir Richard Hardy, wh...

    okładka The New Machiavelli, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    About a political idealist who changes his colours and engages in a sexual adventure. A successful author and Liberal MP Richard Remington appears to be a man to envy. But underneath his superficial contentment, he is far from happy with either his marriage or the politics of his party. „The New Machiavelli” describes the disarray into which his life is thrown when he meets the young and beautiful Isabel Rivers and becomes tormented by desire. At first, he struggles to resi...

    okładka The Passionate Friends, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    Although most famous for his sci-fi, Wells’ best work often deals with ordinary people having big thoughts in picturesque settings. „The Passionate Friends” is a fine representative example of this. Wells uses the changing relationships among childhood friends as the media for his thoughts on human relations on personal and global scales, and of what it all means. On the death of his father, Stephen Stratton writes a long and deeply personal letter to his son, hoping that, ...

    okładka The History of Mr Polly, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    An intriguing HG Wells work, not of the sci-fi variety, which details a man’s struggle to find himself and get along with his world. Published in 1910, this novel is the story of Alfred Polly, a generally non-descript member of the English lower middle class. The story begins when he is thirty-five years old, miserably unhappy with his life, both his circumstances and himself. In other words, he is a man with a badly muddled sense of reality who, sick of the life that he le...

    okładka Mr Britling Sees It Through, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    This story is essentially the history of the opening and of the realisation of the Great War as it happened to one small group of people in Essex, and more particularly as it happened to one human brain. „Mr. Britling Sees It Through” begins with a lighthearted account of an American visiting England for the first time, but the outbreak of war changes everything. Day by day and month by month, Wells chronicles the unfolding events and public reaction as witnessed by the inh...

    okładka Mr Blettsworthy on Rampole Island, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    Often called the father of science fiction, British author Herbert George Wells literary works are notable for being some of the first titles of the science fiction genre. „Mr. Blettsworthy on Rampole Island” is a 1928 novel by H. G. Wells. It tells the story of a young Englishman Arnold Blettsworthy who, after being betrayed by a business partner, is advised to go travelling in an attempt to recover from his severe disillusionment. During the voyage the ship is wrecked and...

    okładka Meanwhile, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    This novel is split into two parts, „The Utopographer in the Garden” and „Advent”. The former is set on the Italian Riviera where the novel’s central figures, a British couple, The Rylands, entertain guests. The latter, written largely in the form of letters between the couple during the husband’s trip to London, provides commentary on British political landscape of the 1920’s. A pretty good book, detailed discussions on Socialism, Communism, Utopia and so on. This novel wa...

    okładka Marriage, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    „Marriage” is a surprising story about relationships and people by science fiction legend, H.G. Wells. It features two protagonists: Marjorie Pope, the oldest daughter of a carriage manufacturer whose business has been ruined by the advent of the automobile, and R. A. G. Trafford, a physicist specializing in crystallography whom she marries against the wishes of her family at the age of 21. The novel traces the history of their relationship, which begins when an early airpl...

    okładka Love And Mr Lewisham, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    Mr. Lewisham is an ambitious young teacher who has grand plans for his future. Indeed he has written up a Plan or Schema as he calls it and has committed himself to daily study to improve himself. We follow him as he moves to London and becomes a student. He also gets married and the later part of the novel is about how his naive beliefs about himself and the world survive this transition. „Love and Mr. Lewisham” is the story of a young man who seeks to better himself and a...

    okładka Kipps, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    Arthur Kipps, an orphaned draper’s assistant of humble means, unexpectedly inherits a large sum of money and that is when all his troubles begin. After being left a fortune by a rich uncle, Kipps finds himself in a position to marry Helen Walshingham. His main problem is that he is uneducated, knowing next to nothing of the world of books or the manners of the society he aspires to join. Helen, together with Kipps’s mentor Chester Coote, set about the task of making him a g...

    okładka Boon, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    Wells’s satire on literature, „Boon” was originally published under the pseudonym Reginald Bliss; a follow-up to the Fabian-savaging „The New Machiavelli”. It purports, however, to be by the fictional character Reginald Bliss, and for some time after publication Wells denied authorship. „Boon” is best known for its part in Wells’s debate on the nature of literature with Henry James, who is caricatured in the book. But in „Boon” Wells also mocks himself, calling into questio...

    okładka Joan and Peter, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    The book starts in late Victorian England and ends shortly after the first world war. It covers the transition between the end of the Victorian era, and the aimlessness of the next generation very well. The main characters grow up with the best education that can be found in England at the time, which is freely admitted to be not very good. They grow up and deal with love, decadence and the reality of war in a very meaningful way. Beautiful and brilliant this remarkable nov...

    okładka Bealby, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    A charming tale of a young recalcitrant boy’s wanderings through England. Full of humour. It is a light tale, and one of Wells’ that holds up the best. Though young Bealby is determined to rise above his mother’s servant status, no amount of struggle helps him to prevail. He reluctantly leaves his home for Shonts, a big country house, to work as a steward’s boy. But a fateful weekend visit by distinguished personages, including the strange yet captivating Lord Chancellor, m...

    okładka Ann Veronica, Ebook | Herbert George Wells

    First published in 1909, it focuses on feminist issues from the point of view of a young woman entering adulthood and enduring prejudice about her place in the world. And this novel, „Ann Veronica”, tells the story of a middle class young woman who is fed up of being expected to be purely decorative. Her father and her boyfriends really are incapable of understanding why she should want to study science, or control her own life in any way. One Wednesday, Ann Veronica Stanle...

    okładka Czarodzieje koni, Ebook | Krzysztof Czarnota

    O miłości do koni i o talencie, którego nie wolno zmarnować. Można odnaleźć wiele opisów przypadków koni trudnych, kompletnie nieobliczalnych i bardzo niebezpiecznych. Konie te kopały, gryzły, stawały dęba, ponosiły, zrywały najsilniejsze nawet pęta. Czy istniał na nie jakiś sposób? Kozacka legenda mówi o ludziach potrafiących w niewytłumaczalny sposób okiełznać konie. Zaczęto na nich mówić czarodzieje. Kozacy wierzyli, że ludzie ci dostali od Boga szczególny dar. C...

    okładka Kapitan Czart, przygody Cyrana de Bergerac, Ebook | Louis Gallet

    Genialna powieść z gatunku płaszcza i szpady!Wspaniała wartka akacja, wciągająca fabuła, miłość i śmierć, intrygi i porwania, więzienia i ucieczki, Cyganie i szlachta, stary Paryż i dawna Francja, tajemnicze zaułki, skomplikowane intrygi, wszystko to sprawia, że od powieści po prostu trudno się oderwać. No i oczywiście tytułowa, nieomal mityczna, a jednak autentyczna postać znakomitego francuskiego filozofa, pisarza, ale też awanturnika i szermierza Cyrana de Bergerac, żyjące...

    okładka Ziemia kłamstw, Ebook | Anne B. Ragde

    Kiedy na tydzień przed świętami Bożego Narodzenia stara Anna Neshov nagle dostaje wylewu i leży na łożu śmierci, jej trzej synowie muszą stawić czoła nie tylko chorobie matki, lecz także własnemu życiu oraz skomplikowanym wzajemnym relacjom (bracia od wielu lat nie mieli ze sobą żadnego kontaktu). Erlend pracuje jako dekorator wystaw sklepowych w Kopenhadze, Margido jest właścicielem małego zakładu pogrzebowego, a najstarszy, 56-letni Tor, prowadzi rodzinne gospodarstwo w B...

    okładka Na dalekim zachodzie. Przygody w puszczach amerykańskich, Ebook | James Fenimore Cooper

    „Na dalekim zachodzie. Przygody w puszczach amerykańskich” autorstwa Jamesa Fenimorea Coopera to powieść przygodowa, która ukazała się w druku w 1890 roku.Akcja rozgrywa się podczas walk z Indianami i Francuzami w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku.E-book zawiera potrójne przygody, takie jak: * Sokole oko* Kamienne serce * Gauchos WituhKtóre zabiorą nas w tamte odległe oraz niebezpieczne czasy.

    okładka Zatrzymać gwiazdy, Ebook | Katie Khan

    Zagubieni w bezkresie kosmicznej przestrzeni, mając powietrza tylko na półtorej godziny, para zakochanych wspomina historię swej miłości na Ziemi Carys i Maxowi zostało tylko półtorej godziny powietrza. Spadają przez pustą przestrzeń kosmosu, nie mając nic prócz siebie wzajem. Szukając więc w sobie oparcia, wspominają świat, który za sobą zostawili. Świat, którego reguł nigdy tak naprawdę nie potrafili uznać, który nigdy nie był ich domem, do którego jednak za wszelką ce...

    okładka Warunek, Książka | Eustachy Rylski

    Znać rękę mistrza. Gazeta Wyborcza Pałac książąt Rohatyńskich w Arancewie, schyłek roku 1812. Ślepy los wiąże ze sobą dwóch napoleońskich żołnierzy. To hrabia Andrzej Rangułt, „młody bóg wojny, największy kawalerzysta Wielkiej Armii, faworyt cesarza” i porucznik Semen Hoszowski, syn popa, wykształcony, ale prostak. Obaj zmuszeni są podjąć morderczą wyprawę przez zimowy bezkres Rosji, by dostać się do domu Rangułta na Litwie. Bohaterowie, którzy od początku czuli wzajemną anty...

Co znajdziesz w kategorii: Literatura piękna

„Literatura piękna” to jedna z najszerszych kategorii, głównie ze względu na to, że jej granice są bardzo niewyraźne. Książki w tej kategorii często znajdują się na styku kilku gatunków, w wielu powieściach autorzy bawią się formą, eksperymentują z wykorzystywaniem różnych stylów literackich. Za jeden z najbardziej wyrazistych polskich przykładów można uznać prozę Andrzeja Stasiuka, która ma w sobie elementy autobiografii, reportażu, eseju i opowieści na granicy snu i jawy, a czasem nawet poezji. Kategoria „Literatura piękna” zawiera w sobie dzieła najwybitniejszych pisarzy wyróżnionych prestiżowymi nagrodami międzynarodowymi – Noblem, Pulitzerem, nagrodą Goncourtów czy Man Booker Prize ‒ oraz polskimi – Literacką Nagrodą Nike, Nagrodą Kościelskich, Angelusem, Literacką Nagrodą Gdynia, Paszportem „Polityki”. W tej kategorii znajdują się dzieła zarówno klasyków literatury, jak i pisarzy współczesnych oraz młodego pokolenia. Dlatego obok takich nazwisk jak Aleksander Dumas („Trzej muszkieterowie”, „Hrabia Monte Christo”), Fiodor Dostojewski („Idiota”, „Zbrodnia i kara”), Edgar Allan Poe, Marcel Proust („W stronę Swanna”), Charles Dickens („Oliver Twist”) znajdują się Łukasz Orbitowski („Tracę ciepło”), Wojciech Kuczok („Czarna”, „Gnój”), Eleanor Catton („Wszystko, co lśni”) czy Lauren Groff („Fatum i furia”). W tej kategorii znajdą coś dla siebie zarówno kobiety, jak i mężczyźni, ludzie w podeszłym, średnim i młodym wieku. „Literatura piękna” oferuje nie tylko rozrywkę, ale również możliwość poznania innych, często bardzo odległych kultur. W wielu powieściach zaciera się granica między realizmem a fikcją, a jednym z najciekawszych nurtów z pogranicza świata materialnego i metafizycznego jest realizm magiczny, którego przedstawiciele należą do najważniejszych współczesnych pisarzy (Olga Tokarczuk, Haruki Murakami, Salman Rushdie, Jorge Luis Borges).