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Szukasz: Eva Garcia Saenz de Urturi

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    okładka Sarrasine, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    This is the coming of age story of a young sculptor named Sarrasine and the choices he will face on his journey towards his destiny. We follow Sarrasine as he travels from France to Italy to search for his passion and find the love of his life. The story of Sarrasine is intertwined with that of the beautiful La Zambinella, and Italian singer with whom the young sculptor will fall madly, deeply in love with. From that moment, he was no longer the owner of his thoughts. Howev...

    okładka An Old Maid, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    Immerse yourself in the inner workings of a quaint French village in this charming novel from Honoré de Balzac, an early master of literary realism. The work was dedicated to Balzac’s brother in law, an engineer in the corps royal des ponts et chaussées, Eugene Midy de la Greneraye Surville. Brimming with finely observed details and Balzac’s trademark insight into human motivations and morality, „An Old Maid”, the first book in „The Jealousies of a Country Town”, follows se...

    okładka The Duchesse de Langeais, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    This is one of the three novelettes that are grouped together as „The History of the Thirteen”, along with „Ferragus: Chief of the Companions of Duty” and „The Girl with the Golden Eyes”. The whole notion is that there is a secret society of wealthy gentlemen in Paris called „The Thirteen” which has powers approaching the supernatural. General Armand de Montriveau, a war hero, is enamored of Duchess Antoinette de Langeais, a coquettish, married noblewoman who invites him to...

    okładka Ferragus, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    „Ferragus” is an 1833 novel by French author Honoré de Balzac and included in the „Scenes de la vie parisienne” section of his novel sequence „La Comédie humaine”. It is part of his trilogy „Histoire des treize”: „Ferragus” is the first part, the second is „La Duchesse de Langeais” and the third is „The Girl with the Golden Eyes”. A captivating story about human emotions and relations, set in the year 1820. Balzac narrates the tale of a man who suspects his wife of infideli...

    okładka The Ball at Sceaux, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    Emilie de Fontaine is a spoiled and pround brat. She rejects all suitors her father proposes. Emilie has incredibly high standards for the man she will marry, and at the top of her unreasonable list of criteria is that he absolutely must be a peer of France. Leaving Paris for the summer, as all good families do, they go to Sceaux. At the local ball, Emilie falls in love with a charming, beautifully mannered, elegant young man. Is he noble? Will he bestow a title on his wife...

    okładka Domestic Peace, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    „Domestic Peace”, a short story by Honoré de Balzac, was originally published in 1831 under the French title of „La Paix du Ménage” and can be found in Scenes from private life (Scenes de la vie privee) in „La Comedie Humaine”. It takes place in November of 1809 at the height of Napoleon’s empire, a time of great splendor and decadence. Everyone who’s anyone in the Parisian aristocracy is gathered at a grand ball at the home of the Comte de Gondreville. Two guys Martial and...

    okładka At the Sign of the Cat and Racket, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    Monsieur Guillaume is a draper in Paris. He owns his shop, „La Maison du Chat-qui-pelote” and took the business over from his master, also marrying the daughter. Guillaume is the very portrait of the successful bourgeois. He has three clerks apprenticed to him, the first of whom, Joseph, is an orphan he intends to marry to his elder daughter Virginie. However, Joseph is in love with the younger daughter Augustine but Augustine is in love with a successful artist Théodore. H...

    okładka Colonel Chabert, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    In 1807 Colonel Chabert, Napoleon’s beloved commander, is severely wounded in the Battle of Eylau. Taken for dead and buried in a mass grave, he manages to escape and wanders in poverty through Europe for 10 years, torn between life and death, oblivion and consciousness. Finally recovering his memories, he sets out for Paris to search for his wife who had been a prostitute before he married her and to reclaim his possessions. In the several years while he had been gone, his...

    okładka The Country Doctor, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    „The Country Doctor” („Le Médecin de Campagne”), by Honoré de Balzac, belongs to the series known as „Scenes from Country Life”; a part of his great cycle of fiction, „The Comedy of Human Life”. It is one of Balzac’s noblest pieces of fiction, presenting beautiful traits of human nature with sympathy and power. The scene is laid in a village near Grenoble in France, and the story begins with the year 1829. Doctor Benassis is the title character of this novel. He is a compas...

    okładka A Second Home, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    In a dark, narrow street in Paris lives an old widow and her pretty young daughter, sit by the window most days. They share a poor but contented existence, supporting themselves through embroidery work. They see a gentleman in a brown coat pass by in the mornings and return in the evenings. The mother always remarks that he appears either over-worked or in delicate health. The daughter ignores most of her remarks as her mother sees every passer-by as a possible protector fo...

    okładka Honorine, Ebook | Honoré de Balzac

    An extremely collectible, sweet little book named for and written in honor of Balzac’s mother. Comtesse Honorine de Bauvan was married to the Comte at nineteen. She leaves him and is later abandoned by her lover when she becomes pregnant. She lives simply and earns money by making artificial flowers. What she doesn’t know is that her husband is paying exorbitant prices for her work, thus supporting her while letting her think she is independent of him. The story is perhaps ...

    okładka Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Ebook | William Shakespeare

    The plot holds in suspense, and the final and in general a complete delight. A lot of wise thoughts. The writers and critics have dismantled this work not only by the lines, but by letter, giving each a special meaning. But the average reader will find here a lot of everyday life truths, which are relevant in today’s time. Hamlet is one of those works that can be read many times and each time open it to yourself again.

    okładka Inside the Lines, Ebook | Earl Derr Biggers, Robert Welles Ritchie

    Inside the Lines is a drama that developed during the First World War. The story about a business woman who came to New York to visit her department store. She meets an officer in the British signal corps. He escorts her to Paris and advises to quickly complete his business and return to America before the start of the war. But our heroine does the opposite and is in difficult circumstances.

    okładka The Devil’s Advocate, Ebook | Fred M. White

    The Devil’s Advocate, like some Fred M. White stories, begins with a love story. On arrival at Hierfield, David Macrae meets Philippa Goldfinch and falls in love with her. However, it was not easy to win her heart from the beginning. David Macrae is a pretty successful writer. The story begins so beautiful, romantic. But, will it end the same good way?

    okładka Detoks cukrowy, Ebook | Agata Lewandowska

    Ciągle masz ochotę na słodycze? Nie możesz się obejść bez ciasta, czekolady lub batonika? Ta książka jest właśnie dla Ciebie! Powstała, by pomóc Ci odzwyczaić się od cukru. Jej autorka, dietetyczka z wieloletnim doświadczeniem, obala wiele mitów związanych z węglowodanami oraz szeroko rozumianym zdrowym odżywianiem.Z poradnika dowiesz się, czy uzależnienie od cukru rzeczywiście jest możliwe. Dzięki niemu poznasz najnowsze wyniki badań nad wpływem węglowodanów na nasze zdrowie...

    okładka Detoks cukrowy, Ebook | Agata Lewandowska

    Ciągle masz ochotę na słodycze? Nie możesz się obejść bez ciasta, czekolady lub batonika? Ta książka jest właśnie dla Ciebie! Powstała, by pomóc Ci odzwyczaić się od cukru. Jej autorka, dietetyczka z wieloletnim doświadczeniem, obala wiele mitów związanych z węglowodanami oraz szeroko rozumianym zdrowym odżywianiem.Z poradnika dowiesz się, czy uzależnienie od cukru rzeczywiście jest możliwe. Dzięki niemu poznasz najnowsze wyniki badań nad wpływem węglowodanów na nasze zdrowie...

    okładka Descent into Hell, Ebook | Charles Williams

    It is possible only on the fingers to list the authors who can write really ingenious novels. One of these authors is Charles Williams. Descent into Hell – one of his greatest novels. The story of the people who struggle with the inner „I”, they are closed in themselves. The story of how a person can choose their happiness in exchange for the misfortune of another.

    okładka The Shadow of the Dead Hand, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Roy Kindermere hated one thing more than anything else: the business of „Man from Blankney”, whom he was forced to make a living. He had no choice because he quarreled with the last of his relatives. Mrs. Leverson is ready to pay Roy to attend her party, where guests can meet with the heir of Count Kindale. And Roy, desperate for money, readily joined this scheme.

    okładka Found Dead, Ebook | Fred M. White

    Found Dead is the story of Sir John Mortmain, who was a bum. He was a rich man, owning one of the best estates in North Devon. He was also one of the best novlist in his early years and almost made a name for himself. In a sense, he was quite popular, and yet there was a strange sensation of the abyss between him and the locals.

    okładka Rasputin. Demon i kobiety, Ebook | René Fülöp-Miller

    Rozpustnik, pielgrzym, wędrowiec. Święty mędrzec, cudotwórca, odkupiciel. Doradca i przyjaciel cara - polityk i cham, nawiedzony i seksoholik. Ukochany i znienawidzony. Największy celebryta Rosji na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Grzegorz Jefimowicz Rasputnin. Syn furmana. W młodości ciężko pracował, ostro pił i okrutnie się łajdaczył. Do momentu, kiedy otrzymał dar jasnowidzenia. W wieku 33 lat zostawił żonę i dzieci, wstępił do klasztoru, poznał sektę chłystów, których zda...

    okładka The Second Deluge, Ebook | Garrett P. Serviss

    The protagonist is a rich scientist who predicts the onset of a new flood due to the passage of the Earth through a nebula. Instead of panic, people had laughter, because no one believed in his words. They thought he was crazy. While everyone was laughing, the mad scientist built the ark. The rains did not stop. The world is sinking, but will the main character survive?

    okładka Square Deal Sanderson, Ebook | Charles Alden Seltzer

    First published in the year 1922, „Square Deal Sanderson” was written by one of twentieth century’s most prolific authors Charles Alden Seltzer. This novel was written in the Western genre of writing and marks the latter’s mastery in the genre. Mary, our heroine, is running the ranch alone waiting for her brother, whom she has not seen in years, to come and help as she is about to loose the ranch to the bad guys. Square Deal Sanderson was a son of the great uncultured primi...

    okładka TRZEBA KRZYCZEĆ w obronie deptanych wartości, Ebook | Ludwik Wiśniewski

    Czasem milczenie nie jest złotem. Czasem trzeba krzyczeć. Zwłaszcza kiedy zagrożone są najważniejsze dla człowieka wartości. „Trzeba krzyczeć” – twierdzi ojciec Ludwik Wiśniewski, dominikanin, wieloletni duszpasterz młodzieży akademickiej. Nadal aktywny duchowny, a jednocześnie wnikliwy obserwator życia społecznego i politycznego oraz publicysta, kilka miesięcy temu, na uroczystościach pogrzebowych prezydenta Gdańska Pawła Adamowicza porwał zebranych, mówiąc, że władz...

    okładka Roads of Destiny, Ebook | O. Henry

    O. Henry’s unique style of writing will introduce you to story filled of mystery, suspense and of course a decision. A decision which will lead a certain main character to three roads of which he must choose from. A collection of 22 short stories: „Roads of Destiny”, „The Guardian of the Accolade”, „The Discounters of Money”, „The Enchanted Profile”, „Next to Reading Matter”, „Art and the Bronco”, „Phobe”, „A Double-dyed Deceiver”, „The Passing of Black Eagle”, „A Retrieved...

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