
Szukasz: Robert Galbraith

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    okładka The Maker of Moons and Other Short Stories, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Ain is a place where the great River flows under a thousand bridges, the gardens are full of fragrant flowers, and the air is filled with the melody of silver bells. This is the place where the Moon Elder rules. The lunar elder has the right to give whatever he wants, equally he can take away whatever he sees fit. He is the creator of terrible monsters from hundreds of thousands of different bodies.

    okładka The Moonlit Way, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Youth and life and happiness on the lunar path, and yet the path is not always silver for two glorious heroines. Nikhla Quellen, a dancer and beauty, is constantly entangled in a web of intrigue against which spies and secret service agents are plotting. Little Dulcie Soan finds herself in a whirlpool of excitement more than once.

    okładka The Mystery of Choice, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This is an excellent collection of horror stories that remind of the dark side of nature and what it hides. The author can impress his readers not only with prose, but also with the atmosphere. This is a story about the murder of a butterfly collector and the haunting spirit of a renegade priest.

    okładka The Common Law, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This book is one of the most popular novels by Robert William Chambers and has been translated into several other languages around the world. A casual conversation with a model for his new project forces him to test his theories about creativity, society, and love, and he discovers that other people have their own ideas about how it should all work.

    okładka The Crimson Tide, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This story is about a young girl, a companion of the Russian royal family, who made the decision to renounce God, the church and marriage after seeing the fall of the Czars. This story will keep you in suspense until the very end.

    okładka The Danger Mark, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Wealth, romance, adventure and one woman’s struggle with addiction. This novel fits Robert W. Chambers’ love of walking the edge of what was acceptable to society at the time and then taking it one step further with tactful grace.

    okładka The Dark Star, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Jim Nyland, an artist with a touch of Irish in his blood, becomes an amateur adventurer among professional spies who, in the style of the Hitchcockian protagonist, treat the danger in which he finds himself as nothing more than fun.

    okładka Police!!!, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This story continues the fantastic stories of Dr. Percy, forever searching the world for zoological discoveries and love, and doomed to never find either. Our narrator, Dr. Percy, works at the Bronx Zoo. He is one of those brave adventurers who seek to dive into the depths of uncharted lakes and discover the remains of a tribe of cave dwellers or the existence of people with three eyes.

    okładka Quick Action, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This is a collection of short stories by Robert W. Chambers. Green challenges his friend, the adventure novelist, to show him what can happen to him, that indeed romance is all around us, just waiting for us to notice it. This is the only story that dives into fantasy when Green discovers a girl trying to avoid a fortune teller’s prediction.

    okładka Special Messenger, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This story revolves around the recognizable Miss Boyd. She is a famous Confederate spy and spy. This story keeps you in suspense until the very end.

    okładka The Adventures of a Modest Man, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    The narrator is a widower with two daughters, living happily into a rather troubling middle age and pushing away his daughter’s suitors so that his daughters would live with him a little longer. A younger neighbor persuades him to buy a pig and then bets that the boredom of life has so eclipsed his intelligence that he won’t be smart enough to stop someone from stealing it. If the narrator loses the bet, he will jump out of his rut by going to Paris.

    okładka The Barbarians, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This is the story of what happened to a dozen malcontents who could no longer tolerate dirty business in Europe and politicians at home. This is an exciting story that will keep you in suspense until the end of the story.

    okładka Piecza naprzemienna w rozwodzie, Ebook | Robert Grzelakowski

    Celem napisania tego poradnika było wskazanie kluczowych wyników światowych badań naukowych dotyczących pieczy naprzemiennej. Użyte liczne odwołania do przypisów ułatwią Czytelnikom odszukanie w razie potrzeby bardziej szczegółowych opisów wyników badań i przyjętych założeń oraz opisów metod badawczych i zweryfikowanych hipotez badawczych. Zdecydowana większość użytych publikacji w tym poradniku została opublikowana w czasopismach naukowych i powszechnie udostępniona w i...

    okładka Neopragmatyzm Roberta B. Brandoma, Ebook | Tomasz Zarębski

    Filozofia analityczna w początkowej fazie rozwoju wyznaczała sobie dość skromne cele. Odżegnując się od metafizycznych uwikłań i rezygnując z tradycyjnych filozoficznych pytań o ostateczną naturę rzeczywistości, „programowo” koncentrowała się na badaniu właściwości naszych wypowiedzi jako niezbędnego warunku wstępnego do dalszych, już naukowych i pełnoprawnych twierdzeń o świecie. Stawiała sobie wtedy skromne pytania o źródła i determinanty znaczenia, o to, w jaki sposób używ...

    okładka In Search of the Unknown, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    The protagonist narrator serves as a common thread for stories that also feature humor. A young scientist travels the world in the footsteps of mysterious animals. This is an ironic and fantastic adventure of a self-confident biologist.

    okładka In Secret, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    The main character landed in New York that very morning. At that moment, he was standing in the bar of the Astor Hotel, sober enough not to tell the bartenders everything he knew, and drunk enough to talk too much in a place where the enemy is always listening.

    okładka Iole, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This fantasy novel would make a wonderful addition to any bookshelf and is highly recommended for fans and collectors of seminal works. A fantastic satire about the Art Nouveau poet and his eight daughters, who grew up in the countryside and in „nature”.

    okładka Lorraine. A Romance, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Lorraine is a story about a young woman and her country. Lorraine comes of age during the dramatic war years in France. Its growth, conflicts and possible renewal are reflected in the country’s struggle for its independence against Germany.

    okładka Blue-Bird Weather, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Another romantic family adventure thriller by Robert W. Chambers about a young man who comes to an island with a gun he owns to hunt waterfowl. He meets the man who runs the club and falls in love. Everything is going well until he meets his daughter’s father.

    okładka Cardigan, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Cardigan Novels is a conditional cycle that combines historical novels by Robert Chambers that tell about the period of the American Revolutionary War. The novels do not have a connected plot, but the same fictional and historical characters appear in the course of each: Sir William Johnson, Walter Butler, Jack Mount, etc.

    okładka A Young Man in a Hurry and Other Short Stories, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This novel is for lovers of romance novels. The author describes how a man meets a woman and their relationship develops. This romance will put you in a good mood as the love line will place you in pleasant memories.

    okładka Ailsa Paige, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    This book is one of the most popular novels by Robert William Chambers and has been translated into several other languages around the world. No history of the 3rd Zouave or 8th Lancers has ever been written except in this narrative; and historians and veterans alike would look in vain for any record of these two regiments–regiments that could have been, but never were.

    okładka Athalie, Ebook | Robert W. Chambers

    Robert W. Chambers is known for his science fiction, thrillers. He wrote a classic romance novel. When Mrs. Greensleeve first saw her child, she knew that he was different from other children.

    okładka NIE MA TEGO ZŁEGO, Ebook | Lauren Weisberger

    Greenwich w stanie Connecticut, miasteczko jak z obrazka ‒ poznacie je po wypielęgnowanych trawnikach i po tym, jak pilnie każdy strzeże tu swoich sekretów.Karolina Hartwell, dawna supermodelka, odwozi syna do szkoły, gdy zostaje aresztowana za jazdę pod wpływem alkoholu. Szokujące nagłówki w prasie wywołują skandal i skutecznie odstraszają grono jej dotychczasowych przyjaciół. Są też wymarzonym pretekstem dla jej męża, senatora o prezydenckich ambicjach, by zostawić żonę.Mir...

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