
Szukasz: Robert Kozak

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    okładka The Mouthpiece, Ebook | Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

    The novel of Edgar Wallace’s famous play told by Robert Curtis in story form with all the dramatic excitement and suspense. In the shady setting of a solicitor’s office on the East End waterfront a plan is evolved – all quite legal to get hold of a large American legacy bequeathed to an English girl. Murder is planned and tried: kidnapping, incarceration in a London barge, a dash for freedom, the intervention of the river police and knock-out drops all play their part in th...

    okładka Podaruj mi szczęście, Ebook | Lidia Liszewska, Robert Kornacki

    W ten mroźny, zimny, grudniowy wieczór czyjaś dawno zgasła iskra zadrgała znów jasnym, kojącym blaskiem.Święta spędzone na Mazurach w gronie najbliższych są jak z bajki. Zimowe krajobrazy, drzewa przysypane śniegiem i długie spacery z dala od zgiełku miasta. Czy w takim miejscu każdy ból zostanie ukojony?W tym roku córki Kosmy szykują dla niego niezwykłą niespodziankę. To będzie niepowtarzalny wieczór pełen miłości, wspomnień i wzruszeń.Bo czas spędzony z ludźmi, których koch...

    okładka Young Lord Stranleigh, Ebook | Robert Barr

    If you have interest in finance, mining and sailing which is largely centered around those 3 topics in this novel, you are welcome! „Young Lord Stranleigh” is a thrilling tale of romance and suspense by Robert Barr. Some very sharp City of London operators think that rich Lord Stranleigh, a Bertie Woosterish West End fashion plate, is an easy mark to make some money. There is a potential gold mine in Africa, for example; a dilapidated but workable cargo steamer The Rajah, t...

    okładka The Victors, Ebook | Robert Barr

    This greatest political novel of Robert Barr’s most beloved books has been written in years. Barr was a Scottish-Canadian author who relocated to London in 1881 where he founded the magazine „The Idler” in 1892 in collaboration with Jerome K Jerome. In 1895 he retired from its co-editorship and became a prolific novelist. „The Victors: A Romance Of Yesterday Morning & This Afternoon...” is a stirring story of a „boss” and others. Patrick Maguire, big, brawny, and smooth...

    okładka A Chicago Princess, Ebook | Robert Barr

    „The Chicago Princess” is a historical novel with a romantic line, written by Robert Barr. Robert Barr (1849-1912) was a British-Canadian short story writer and novelist, who published the first Holmes parody, „The Adventures of Sherlaw Kombs” in 1892. A novel „The Chicago Princess” first published in 1904. After working several years in foreign affairs, and after winning and then losing a fortune, Rupert Tremorne is stranded in Nagasaki, at the end of his wits and in some ...

    okładka W cieniu Europy, Ebook | Robert D. Kaplan

    Robert Kaplan trafił do Rumunii w zasadzie przez przypadek i nie podejrzewał, że zwiąże się z tym krajem na wiele lat. W 1970 roku był młodym dziennikarzem, a Rumunia jawiła mu się jako smutny komunistyczny zaścianek, którym nie interesują się zachodnie media. Wkrótce jednak stała się dla niego kluczem do Bałkanów i ostatnim pograniczem – zarówno w sensie geograficznym, jak i historycznym. To rozległe terytorium, kiedyś najdalszy skraj imperiów bizantyjskiego, otomańskiego,...

    okładka Tekla, Ebook | Robert Barr

    Written in 1893, „Tekla: A Romance of Love and War” is a novel by Robert Barr. Great fun if you like a bit of chivalry and men in tights. Strongly recommended this book for every teenager who wants to discover the exciting world of reading medieval stories and for their parents! Robert Barr (1849-1912) was a British-Canadian short story writer and novelist, who published the first Holmes parody, „The Adventures of Sherlaw Kombs” in 1892. He relocated to London in 1881 where...

    okładka Ryszard Kilvington, Ebook | Robert Podkoński

    Już autorzy średniowiecznych tekstów zapoczątkowali proces, który zwykło się nazywać rewolucją naukową. Czy siedemnastowieczna rewolucja naukowa zaistniałaby bez poprzedzających ją scholastycznych dysput, których niektórzy uczestnicy doszukiwali się w pomysłach średniowiecznych przyrodników antycypacji idei nowożytnych fizyków. Inni natomiast stwierdzali, że nauka siedemnastowieczna w najmniejszym stopniu nie była kontynuacją filozofii przyrody wieków średnich, nawet pomimo t...

    okładka Iron Shadows in the Moon, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Shadows in the Moonlight is one of the original short stories starring the fictional sword and sorcery hero Conan the Cimmerian, written author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine in April 1934. Howard originally named his story „Iron Shadows in the Moon”. It is set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan escaping to a remote island in the Vilayet Sea where he encounters the Red Brotherhood, a skulking creature, and mysterious iron ...

    okładka Skull-Face, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The horror first took concrete form amid that most unconcrete of all things–a hashish dream. I was off on a timeless, spaceless journey through the strange lands that belong to this state of being, a million miles away from earth and all things earthly; yet I became cognizant that something was reaching across the unknown voids–something that tore ruthlessly at the separating curtains of my illusions and intruded itself into my visions.

    okładka Almuric, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The creator of Conan looks to the stars in one of fantasy’s most enduring science fantasy classics! Robert E. Howard’s Almuric is a savage planet of crumbling stone ruins and debased, near-human inhabitants. Into this world comes Esau Cairn, Earthman, swordsman, murderer. Only he can overthrow the terrible devils that enslave Almuric, but to do so he must first defeat the inner demons that forced him to abandon Earth.

    okładka Graveyard Rats, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Despite an aversion to the detective formula, he wrote the tales in Graveyard Rats during the same years he chronicled the adventures of Conan. This collection features a new introduction by scholar Don Herron, editor of „The Dark Barbarian,” the definitive look at the life and work of Robert E. Howard.

    okładka Gates of Empire, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The castles of the Twelfth Century, fortresses rather than mere dwellings, were built for defense, not comfort. The hall through which the drunken band was hallooing was broad, lofty, windy, strewn with rushes, now but faintly lighted by the dying embers in a great ill-ventilated fireplace. Rude, sail-like hangings along the walls rippled in the wind that found its way through.

    okładka Conrad and Kirowan, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Professor John Kirowan is a fictional character from Robert E. Howard’s contributions to H.P. Lovecraft’s story cycle „the Cthulhu Mythos”. Kirowan is often partnered with the character John Conrad, to the extent that these stories are often referred to under the group title Conrad & Kirowan. Professor Kirowan is a younger son of a titled Irish family and a scholar of the Mythos who travelled widely in search of forbidden knowledge. His ancestor, Sir Michael Kirowan was...

    okładka Blood of the Gods, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    ”I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom’s realm of ice and cloud, or the snowy plains and vaulted halls of the Nordheimer’s Valhalla. I know not, nor do I care. Let me live deep while I live; let me know the rich juices of red meat and stinging wine on my palate, the hot embrace of white arms, the mad exultation of battle when the blue...

    okładka Tales of the Weird Southwest, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    If you like your horror with a western twist then these tales are for you. Awesome occult western adventure, from the master of strange fiction, Robert E. Howard! This collection includes the following stories: „THE HORROR FROM THE MOUND”, „THE MAN ON THE GROUND”, „OLD GARFIELD’S HEART”, „BLACK CANAAN”, „THE DEAD REMEMBER”, „PIGEONS FROM HELL” and others. Kind of like „Dreams at the Witch House” by Lovecraft but mixed with Howard’s own legends. „Tales of the Weird Southwest...

    okładka WIELKA HISTORIA ŚWIATA tom VIII Świat w XVIII wieku, Ebook | Krzysztof Ślusarek, Krzysztof Prokop, Piotr Franaszek, Jakub Basista, Bronisław Nowak, Robert Piętek, Antoni Centarowicz, Radosław Doboszewski, Grzegorz Nieć, Antoni Podraza, Marek Smurzyński

    Pod patronatem Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności KOMITET REDAKCYJNY: prof. dr hab. Józef Gierowski prof. dr hab. Stanisław Grodziski prof. dr hab. Jerzy Wyrozumski Ósmy tom z 12 z serii Wielka Historia Świata Oficyny Wydawniczej FOGRA (wydawcy m.in. 10 tomowej edycji Wielka Historia Polski). Od prehistorii do współczesności - najnowsza synteza historii powszechnej Wielka historia świata to owe spojrzenie na powstawanie i upadek wielkich cywili...

    okładka The Saga of King Kull, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Robert Ervin Howard (January 22, 1906 – June 11, 1936) was an American author who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres. In a meteoric career that spanned a mere twelve years, Robert E. Howard single-handedly invented the sword and sorcery genre. From his fertile imagination sprang some of fiction’s most enduring heroes. Yet while Conan is indisputably Howard’s greatest creation, it was in his earlier sequence of tales featuring Kull, a fearless warrior with the b...

    okładka The Pool of the Black One, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The Pool of the Black One is one of the original short stories starring the sword and sorcery hero Conan the Cimmerian, written by American author Robert E. Howard. It is set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan becoming the captain of a pirate vessel and encountering a remote island with a mysterious pool that has powers of transmutation.

    okładka The Pike Bearfield Stories, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Robert E. Howard turned to writing comic and dialect Western tales only late in his career, but he found an immediate and continuously successful market for them, and they are in many respects his most accomplished and polished works. „The Pike Bearfield Stories” is a collection of stories in the western genre, featuring Pike Bearfield – the character who lead well-intentioned lives of perpetual confusion, mischance, and outright catastrophe. It includes: „While the Smoke R...

    okładka The Moon of Skulls, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    A great black shadow lay across the land, cleaving the red flame of the red sunset. To the man who toiled up the jungle trail it loomed like a symbol of death and horror, a menace brooding and terrible, like the shadow of a stealthy assassin flung upon some candle-lit wall.

    okładka The Lives of James Allison, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The tales of James Allison take place both in modern times and in the far past, in that time after the Hyborian kingdoms of Conan. Allison is a crippled Texan who lost a leg when his horse fell on him. To escape boredom and sadness he ventures into the past, exploring his previous lives as mighty warriors. All these ancestors were members of a migration of Aryans as they traveled the world in search of a homeland.

    okładka The Lion of Tiberias, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The battle in the meadowlands of the Euphrates was over, but not the slaughter. On that bloody field where the Caliph of Bagdad and his Turkish allies had broken the onrushing power of Doubeys ibn Sadaka of Hilla and the desert, the steel-clad bodies lay strewn like the drift of a storm. The great canal men called the Nile, which connected the Euphrates with the distant Tigris, was choked with the bodies of the tribesmen, and survivors were panting in flight toward the whit...

    okładka Hiob. Komedia sprawiedliwości, Ebook | Robert A. Heinlein

    Powieść nominowana do nagród Hugo i Nebula. Zabawna, ekscytująca, prowokuje do myślenia. - Isaac Asimov. Niewiarygodne, ale Heinlein raz jeszcze napisał wspaniałą powieść. - Arthur C. Clarke. Alexander Hergensheimer, ortodoksyjny członek Zjednoczonego Kościoła, po nierozważnym udziale w polinezyjskim Święcie Ognia przenosi się do kolejnych alternatywnych światów. W każdym z nich wszystkie znaki na niebie i ziemi wskazują, że nadchodzi koniec świata i ...

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