
Szukasz: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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    okładka Black Hound of Death, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Some such thoughts flitted vaguely through my mind that night as I groped along the narrow trail that wound through the deep pinelands. Such thoughts are likely to keep company with any man who dares invade, in the night, that lonely stretch of densely timbered river-country which the black people call Egypt, for some obscurely racial reason.

    okładka The Devil’s Guard, Ebook | Talbot Mundy

    Talbot Mundi „The Devil’s Guard” is a little intertwined and is definitely the source of another novel about Jimgrim „Nine Unknown”. The character of Jimgrim is a transposed image of Munzi from the Algan Quatermaine Haggar. In this mysterious story, he is looking for a hidden mysterious country of Shamballa, encountering good and evil characters in his occult incidents.

    okładka Elf i dom demonów, Ebook | Marcin Pałasz

    Elf (z angielskiego Extraordinary Life Form – Bardzo niezwykła forma życia) jest ukochanym przez dzieci bohaterem bestsellerowej serii książek o nim samym, Dużym i Młodym. W najnowszym tomie zaprzyjaźniona bibliotekarka zadzwoni do nich w sprawie swojego nawiedzonego domu. Szukając racjonalnego wyjaśnienia, Duży i reszta z przerażeniem stwierdzają, że to nie jest dowcip, ani zwykły duch… W domu niewątpliwie znajduje się groźny demon. Doppelgänger wystraszy wszystkich, na...

    okładka Adela. Jednorożec mimo wszystko, Ebook | Ludivine Irolla

    To ja, Adela. Koń prawie jak wszystkie inne, z jedną malutką cechą szczególną: mam róg na głowie. Na szczęście u Norberta, gospodarza, który przygarnął mnie do swojej zagrody, nikt nie robi z tego sensacji. Każdy ma tu swoje małe wady! I wszystko toczyło się w najlepsze aż do przybycia rzekomego specjalisty od jednorożców, który głosi wszem i wobec, że jestem legendarnym zwierzęciem! Też coś! Opowieści dziwnej treści. Już ja im pokażę, że magia nie istnieje!

    okładka Demony przeszłości. Część druga, Ebook | Diana Palmer

    Gaby Cane, reporterka śledcza, odnosi coraz większe sukcesy zawodowe, ale wciąż brak jej pewności siebie. Nierozwiązane sprawy z przeszłości spędzają jej sen z powiek i nie pozwalają snuć planów na przyszłość. Ponowne spotkanie z przybranym bratem wprowadza w jej życie dodatkowy zamęt. Bowie Mc Cayde jest za przystojny, za bogaty i bardzo zdeterminowany, by zdobyć jej serce. To przez niego Gaby zaczyna żałować, że postanowiła spędzić życie samotnie. 

    okładka The Postmaster of Market Deignton, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    This early work from the „prince of storytellers” E. Phillips Oppenheim published as a novel in 1897. Mr. Norman Scott is a young, hardworking, distinguished physician with a busy practice in London. He is called to visit a patient, Mr. Humphrey Deignton, who suffers from gout and who is murdered later. Dr. Scott is suspected. Two years later, we meet Mr. John Martin, postmaster and chemist in Market Deignton. A lonely, bitter, impoverished man. He is living near the home o...

    okładka The Million Pound Deposit, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    This 1929 novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim neatly describes some of the frothy financial dealings of the late stage of the roaring 20’s in England and centered around a commercial chemical formula. The formula for the process is carefully guarded from it’s own employees, but is stolen one night by a band of five adventurers who plan to ransom it for 1 million pounds. Two men are killed during the robbery. Plans to ransom the process are put on hold, and the documents are depo...

    okładka The Ex-Detective, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Malcolm Gossett is a Scotland Yard detective, fed up by the endless conferences and hierarchy of The Yard, he resigns his position and establishes himself as a private investigator, specializing in helping hopeless cases. Clients whom everyone believes to be guilty. There is a great sequence of mysterious cases; International commerce and politics, kidnapping and the international sex trade, Indian succession, jewel theft, and romance. Written in 1933, compounded of a serie...

    okładka The Honourable Algernon Knox, Detective, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    This is a very clever collection of linked stories by E. Phillips Oppenheim written in 1913. Algernon Knox, pretty young, dapper, seemingly silly, has failed at everything. Although wealthy, he fails when he stands for parliament. By chance he becomes involved in a blackmail against his uncle, who is a diplomat. Knox foils the plot, and a new career is born, the gentleman detective. In some ways, the young man carries out increasingly dangerous and cleaver missions against ...

    okładka The Devil’s Paw, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    Julian Orden, son of a British aristocrat attends a dinner party and meets Catherine, a young woman of mixed antecedents – British and Russian. She is entrusted with important documents. When she is suspected of being a spy and arrested, she saves herself by giving the papers into the keeping of young Orden. A beautiful, intelligent young woman – is she a traitorous spy or a patriot? These two characters become caught up in a plan by the leaders of the working people of Ger...

    okładka The Deliberate Detective, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    The adventures of Mr. Stanely Brooke, „The Deliberate Detective”. E. Phillips Oppenheim’s detective Stanley Brooke unearths the strange and criminous underbelly of London, but the greatest challenge he tackles is how to capture the heart of his beautiful but grim partner, Constance. This detective contributed to the foundation of the genre’s history. The collection also includes the following stories: „The Rescue of Warren Tyrrwell”, „The Princess Pays”, „The Other Side of ...

    okładka Nicholas Goade, Detective, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    E. Phillips Oppenheim was a popular 20th century writer best known for penning suspenseful thriller novels like „The Mystery of Mr. Bernard Brown”. Many of his more than 100 novels are still read today. His novels and short stories have all the elements of blood-racing adventure and intrigue and are precursors of modern-day spy fictions. „Nicholas Goade, Detective” is a collection of short mysteries about a Scotland Yard detective on holiday. As he travels across England wi...

    okładka Michael’s Evil Deeds, Ebook | E. Phillips Oppenheim

    ’Michael’s Evil Deeds’ (and they are very evil at times) is a rather ingenious crime novel in more ways than one. Firstly the 11 chapters each represent a separate incident but overall they do link together, if on occasions somewhat loosely. And secondly the tale is told by various of the protagonists so there is often a different point of view within each chapter.

    okładka The Death-Doctor, Ebook | William Le Queux

    Some year and a half ago, my friend and erstwhile neighbour. Dr. Archibald More d’Escombe, died suddenly, and shortly after his decease I received from his solicitors a sealed packet addressed to me in his handwriting, with instructions that it was not to be opened until after his death.

    okładka Devil’s Dice, Ebook | William Le Queux

    Let me gaze down the vista of the tristful past. Ah! there are things that cannot be uttered; there are scenes that still entrance me, and incidents so unexpected and terrible that they cause me even now to hold my breath in horror. The prologue of this extraordinary drama of London life was enacted three years ago; its astounding dénouement occurred quite recently.

    okładka The Devil Man, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Edgar Wallace’s 1931 novel „The Devil Man” is the mysterious and thrilling story of Charles Pearce, an small, unnerving, musician, gifted but terribly boastful. Pearce is physically repulsive, tiny in stature, but a Samson in strength. Woman can’t resist him, but they don’t know the real Pearce. He is also a burglar. And a murderer. There is a baffling mystery that someone urgently needs to solve... Full of dispense, action and amusing characters, „The Devil Man” constitute...

    okładka Operacja Dexter, Ebook | Bożena Kraczkowska

    Pewnego wieczora dziewięcioletni Antoś znajduje pod śmietnikiem malutkiego, zmarzniętego na kość pieska i zabiera go ze sobą do domu. Rodzice początkowo nie są zachwyceni pomysłem zatrzymania szczeniaka, jednak Marcelka – bo okazuje się, że to suczka – szybko zaskarbia sobie miłość domowników i staje się nieodłączną częścią rodziny. Charcica dostaje do spania ciepłą poduszkę, uczy się nowych rzeczy, a podczas spacerów poznaje inne psy z sąsiedztwa – amstaffa Dextera, wi...

    okładka Magnaci, Ebook | Przemysław Dębski

    Z jednej strony wielkie, europejskie bitwy, podgraniczne starcia, leśne potyczki i brawurowe pościgi ulicami miast Rzeczpospolitej. Z drugiej strony karczemne burdy, obozowe awantury, sąsiedzkie zajazdy i honorowe pojedynki na ukrytych polanach. Z jednej strony piękne kobiety, oświeceniowe idee, nauka, muzyka i teatr. Z drugiej strony publiczne zniewagi, płomienne romanse, samobójstwa i szpiegostwo. Dyplomacja i intrygi. Wolność i swawola. Władza i pieniądz. Autor zabier...

    okładka Tadeusz Kościuszko, Ebook | Izabela Degórska

    Uczył się sztuki wojennej w warszawskiej Szkole Rycerskiej, walczył o niepodległość Stanów Zjednoczonych, przyjaźnił z przyszłym prezydentem tego kraju i z... wodzem Indian. Po powrocie do ojczyzny został obwołany naczelnikiem powstania przeciw Rosji i Prusom napastującym Polskę. Bohater dwóch krajów, o których wolność walczył: Polski i Stanów Zjednoczonych. Wielki zwolennik wolności, równości i braterstwa wszystkich ludzi. Kiedy mama oznajmia Antosiowi, że spędzi wakacj...

    okładka A Debt Discharged, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    Thomas Maple lives on Crystal Palace Road with his niece Verity. He works for a firm of bank note engravers. However, the dollar bills he shows Wentworth Gold are forgeries – perfect except for the missing Treasury sign. When Verity meets her new employer she develops serious misgivings, and arriving back home she can hear a menacing voice. „"A Debt Discharged"” is a novel about forged dollar bills and a young girl’s investigations into her suspicious new employer. These we...

    okładka The Melody of Death, Ebook | Edgar Wallace

    An enjoyable short work from Edgar Wallace, originally published in 1915. Few people today would recognize the name „Edgar Wallace” but before his death in 1933 he was a literary force to be reckoned with. He was both prolific and popular and his books reportedly sold at the rate of 5,000 a day. „The Melody of Death” is a novel about a young man who starts behaving strangely upon hearing a certain melody. Fearing that he may be suffering from cancer, Gilbert Standerton asks...

    okładka Tells Ten Stories, Ebook | Earl Derr Biggers

    Contents of the collection: Moonlight at the crossroads Selling Miss Minerva The heart of the loaf Possessions The dollar chasers Idle hands The girl who paid dividends A letter to Australia Nina and the blemish Broadway Brocade. Earl Biggers was a master of stories that highlighted the madness of human nature, both good and bad. The reader wants to see the roots for disadvantages and feel guilty for the villain. These stories are the last epoch when the romantic flourished...

    okładka Starr of the Desert, Ebook | B.M. Bower

    In the aftermath of their father’s death, two orphans set out for the wild desert lands of New Mexico with a plan to eke out a living on a goat ranch. Helen May and her brother Vic should moved to this desert after their father arranges to buy property there, to save Helen May from the TB which is threatening her health. Soon after arriving at their destination, the pair strikes up an acquaintance with a mysterious fellow who goes by the name of Starr. Is he a true friend, ...

    okładka Dead Men’s Money, Ebook | Joseph Smith Fletcher

    Another fast-paced murder mystery by J.S. Fletcher told in the first person. He wrote about 200 books on a wide variety of subjects, both fiction and non-fiction. He was one of the leading writers of detective fiction in the „Golden Age”. It was first published in 1920, and has just the right stock of truly good characters, balanced by a couple of nasties. A young apprentice solicitor in a rural English town bordering Scotland, is riding his bike through lonely stretches of...

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