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    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy in the Swamp of Death, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    The ongoing adventures of the courageous Bomba the Jungle Boy! In „Swamp of Death,” Bomba wants to return to Gonibobo’s camp to reclaim the pages of Japazy’s notebook that were torn out there. Bomba and Gibo had barely escaped the cannibals but Bomba is determined to retrieve the torn pages. „Swamp of Death” is a fast-moving read, an exciting narrative of Bomba’s many heroic exploits. It moves and reads like a comic book. Lacking the visual element, the book focuses on vivi...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy and the Abandoned City, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    „Bomba the Jungle Boy in the Abandoned City” is the fifth book in a series of American boy’s adventure books produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate under the pseudonym Roy Rockwood, published in the first half of the 20th century. Various sources say the author was Howard R. Garis, or John William Duffield. Roy Rockwood is a pen name. Bomba and his native-Indian companion must descend into the bowels of a buried Inca citadel; through pitch-blackness they must negotiate steep...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy and the Moving Mountain, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    This is the second book in the Bomba the Jungle Boy series following „Bomba the Jungle Boy”. It is a series of adventure books produced by the Stratemeyer Syndicate between 1926 and 1938 in a youthful imitation of the highly successful Tarzan series by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Bomba is kind of a mixture of Tarzan and Mowgli. He is an orphaned boy who lives in the jungle. A common theme of the Bomba books is that Bomba, because he is white, has a soul that is awake, while his f...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy Among the Slaves, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    Years of tough jungle living made Bomba the most powerful hunter around. At 14, he possessed the strength of three men, and could fight the most powerful jungle beasts with little more than a knife. With his extraordinary throwing arm, he could bury a knife up to its hilt in any enemy within fifty yards. His phenomenally strong arms allow him to send an arrow over impossibly long distances while still striking his targets with perfect accuracy. „Bomba the Jungle Boy Among T...

    okładka Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Terror Trail, Ebook | Roy Rockwood

    „Bomba, the Jungle Boy on Terror Trail”? 6 in the Bomba series, by Roy Rockwood, was published in 1928. Bomba is making the treacherous journey back to his home with the Araos tribe. On the way, he encounters poisonous plant life and battles snakes and alligators. Surviving these natural enemies, he is attacked by cannibals but is rescued by Spaniards in a plane. Bomba’s luck doesn’t hold out, though; he is soon recaptured and now faces a terrible death at the hands of cann...

    okładka Sanctuary Island, Ebook | Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

    1936. „Sanctuary Island” is a crime novel by the pioneer of detective fiction Edgar Wallace (an adaption by Robert Curtis). Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace was born in London, England in 1875. He received his early education at St. Peter’s School and the Board School, but after a frenetic teens involving a rash engagement and frequently changing employment circumstances, Wallace went into the military. He served in the Royal West Kent Regiment in England and then as part of t...

    okładka The Green Pack, Ebook | Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

    „The Green Pack” is a novel adapted from a successful play by the playwright Robert Curtis. Robert Curtis was the private secretary to British crime writer Edgar Wallace. Curtis and Wallace met for the first time in 1913, before parting following the outbreak of World War One, as Curtis had to do his military service. In 1916, he was discharged from the service after contracting malaria. In 1918 he was reunited with Wallace who employed him as his secretary, he had the task...

    okładka Smoky Cell, Ebook | Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

    The novel of Edgar Wallace’s famous play told by Robert Curtis. „Smoky Cell”:... At ten o’clock that night the guards outside the prison walls were doubled and among them they had enough machine-guns to play havoc with a battalion. The warden of the prison had announced that he was taking no chances. Ben Guinney, he had said, might have escaped from Canyon City prison without his due dose of high-power juice, but he wasn’t going to jump this dump. Rumors of an attempt at re...

    okładka The Table, Ebook | Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

    Here is Edgar Wallace’s famous stage-play as told by Robert Curtis in story form with all the dramatic excitement and suspense that thrilled theatre-goers. Robert Curtis was the private secretary to British crime writer Edgar Wallace. Curtis and Wallace met for the first time in 1913, before parting following the outbreak of World War One, as Curtis had to do his military service. In 1918 he was reunited with Wallace who employed him as his secretary, he had the task of cop...

    okładka The Man Who Changed His Name, Ebook | Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

    Over her head hung the menace of murder – and; of the man who changed his name...Best remembered for penning the screenplay for the classic film „King Kong”, author Edgar Wallace was an astoundingly popular luminary in the action-adventure genre in the early twentieth century. „The Man Who Changed His Name” is a Robert Curtis’s adaptation of a screenplay by Edgar Wallace. This story packed with intrigue, mystery, murders, and it highlights Wallace’s unmatched skill in setti...

    okładka The Mouthpiece, Ebook | Edgar Wallace, Robert Curtis

    The novel of Edgar Wallace’s famous play told by Robert Curtis in story form with all the dramatic excitement and suspense. In the shady setting of a solicitor’s office on the East End waterfront a plan is evolved – all quite legal to get hold of a large American legacy bequeathed to an English girl. Murder is planned and tried: kidnapping, incarceration in a London barge, a dash for freedom, the intervention of the river police and knock-out drops all play their part in th...

    okładka Medycyna holistyczna T. II Wątroba i pęcherzyk żółciowy. Oczyszczanie organizmu, odkwaszanie, usuwanie kamieni, Ebook | Sonnenschmidt Rosina

    Autorka ma bogate doświadczenie w homeopatii oraz w medycynie chińskiej, nauce o żywieniu i technikach oddechowych. Choroby wątroby i pęcherzyka żółciowego często są bezbolesne i dają niewiele objawów. Chociaż w wątrobie znajdują się włókna nerwowe, nie ma ich w jej wewnętrznej tkance. Problemy związane z funkcjonowaniem wątroby najczęściej są związane z przewlekłymi schorzeniami, ale dzięki szczegółowym opisom Autorki samodzielnie zdołasz rozpoznać i zdiagnozować stan swojej...

    okładka Medycyna holistyczna T. II Wątroba i pęcherzyk żółciowy. Oczyszczanie organizmu, odkwaszanie, usuwanie kamieni - PDF, Ebook | Sonnenschmidt Rosina

    Autorka ma bogate doświadczenie w homeopatii oraz w medycynie chińskiej, nauce o żywieniu i technikach oddechowych. Choroby wątroby i pęcherzyka żółciowego często są bezbolesne i dają niewiele objawów. Chociaż w wątrobie znajdują się włókna nerwowe, nie ma ich w jej wewnętrznej tkance. Problemy związane z funkcjonowaniem wątroby najczęściej są związane z przewlekłymi schorzeniami, ale dzięki szczegółowym opisom Autorki samodzielnie zdołasz rozpoznać i zdiagnozować stan swojej...

    okładka Medycyna holistyczna T. I Krew. Dotlenianie, odżywianie i oczyszczanie wszystkich komórek - PDF, Ebook | Sonnenschmidt Rosina

    Krew to pierwszy tom z serii 12 tomów Medycyny holistycznej. Autorka jest najbardziej znaną holistyczną terapeutką w Niemczech, łącząc w swojej metodzie homeopatię, naturopatię, odżywianie i ćwiczenia umysłowe. W tej książce szczegółowo omawia różne parametry i grupy krwi oraz wyjaśnia ich znaczenie. Opisane metody pozwolą Ci z łatwością określić, w którym miejscu układu narządów przejawia się choroba. Odkryjesz, które wzorce myślowe powodują fizyczne dolegliwo...

    okładka Medycyna holistyczna T. I Krew. Dotlenianie, odżywianie i oczyszczanie wszystkich komórek, Ebook | Sonnenschmidt Rosina

    Krew to pierwszy tom z serii 12 tomów Medycyny holistycznej. Autorka jest najbardziej znaną holistyczną terapeutką w Niemczech, łącząc w swojej metodzie homeopatię, naturopatię, odżywianie i ćwiczenia umysłowe. W tej książce szczegółowo omawia różne parametry i grupy krwi oraz wyjaśnia ich znaczenie. Opisane metody pozwolą Ci z łatwością określić, w którym miejscu układu narządów przejawia się choroba. Odkryjesz, które wzorce myślowe powodują fizyczne dolegliwo...

    okładka Dziecko z zespołem Downa. Jaka to musi być miłość, Ebook | Krystyna Rożnowska

    Poradnik jest napisany z myślą o tych rodzicach, którzy szukają wsparcia w pierwszym okresie po narodzinach dziecka z zespołem Downa, ale również dla rodziców dzieci starszych. Przyjście na świat dziecka z zespołem Downa zawsze jest dla rodziców szokiem. Wielu z nich zastanawia się, co spowodowało tę wadę genetyczną. Rodzice znajdą w poradniku omówienie najważniejszych problemów, z którymi spotykają się na co dzień, oraz rady, jak zaplanować życie z dzieckiem...

    okładka Xuthal of the Dusk, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The desert shimmered in the heat waves. Conan the Cimmerian stared out over the aching desolation and involuntarily drew the back of his powerful hand over his blackened lips. He stood like a bronze image in the sand, apparently impervious to the murderous sun, though his only garment was a silk loin-cloth, girdled by a wide gold-buckled belt from which hung a saber and a broad-bladed poniard. On his clean-cut limbs were evidences of scarcely healed wounds.

    okładka Wings in the Night, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Wings in the Night collects Robert E. Howard’s fiction and prose published in Weird Tales Magazine from July 1932 to May 1933. These works represent literary stepping-stones to Howard’s infamous Cthulhu mythos stories and his most famous character of all -- Conan the Cimmerian -- and ably demonstrate that each of Howard’s stories improved and added to his formidable skills as a master of fantasy and adventure.

    okładka Three Tales of the Ring, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    From the unsurpassed imagination of the creator of Conan, Robert E. Howard, here are three tales of boxing, suspense and high adventure. „Three Tales of the Ring” is an excellent sampler of his non-sword and sorcery output, with a very strong emphasis on the gothic and the macabre. The collection includes such Howard’s masterpieces as „The Apparition in the Prize Ring”, „Alleys of Darkness”, „Cupid vs Pollux”. „The Apparition In the Prize Ring” is a ghostly little boxing st...

    okładka Worms of the Earth, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    The speaker wrapped his purple cloak closer about his powerful frame and settled back into his official chair, much as he might have settled back in his seat at the Circus Maximus to enjoy the clash of gladiatorial swords. Realization of power colored his every move. Whetted pride was necessary to Roman satisfaction, and Titus Sulla was justly proud; for he was military governor of Eboracum and answerable only to the emperor of Rome.

    okładka The Tower of the Elephant, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    Torches flared murkily on the revels in the Maul, where the thieves of the east held carnival by night. In the Maul they could carouse and roar as they liked, for honest people shunned the quarters, and watchmen, well paid with stained coins, did not interfere with their sport. Along the crooked, unpaved streets with their heaps of refuse and sloppy puddles, drunken roisterers staggered, roaring. Steel glinted in the shadows where wolf preyed on wolf, and from the darkness ...

    okładka The Vultures of Whapeton, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    This is a good book of four Western stories. The title story, however, is the longest. „The Vultures of Whapeton” suffers from a protagonist who is just a bit too manly and effective to be believed. Everyone who meets Steve Corcoran seems to instantly know he’ll just prevail in any kind of gunfight, no matter how outnumbered he is -- and then, of course, Corcoran goes on to do use that.

    okładka The Treasures of Tartary, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    An Irish-American warrior passes himself of as a Kurd and sets out to steal the treasure of Tartary. This is one of Robert E, Howard’s fast-paced short stories, featuring lots of fights and sliced entrails. Not one of his best works, in my opinion, as it somehow lacks substance. It seemed all hell and no notion.

    okładka The Moon of Skulls, Ebook | Robert E. Howard

    A great black shadow lay across the land, cleaving the red flame of the red sunset. To the man who toiled up the jungle trail it loomed like a symbol of death and horror, a menace brooding and terrible, like the shadow of a stealthy assassin flung upon some candle-lit wall.

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W katalogu znajduje się cała oferta dostępna w serwisie obejmująca książki drukowane, ebooki oraz audiobooki. W katalogu można szukać książek z uwzględnieniem wszystkich aktualnych promocji, cen, formatów czy wydawcy. Można również wybrać dowolną kategorię, na przykład horror, klasykę literatury, kryminał i sensację czy komiks, i zawęzić wyszukiwanie w jej obrębie. Katalog jest na bieżąco aktualizowany i poszerzany o najnowsze publikacje.