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    okładka Les Compagnons de Jéhu, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    «Les Compagnons de Jehu» est la suite des «Blancs et les Bleus» et précède «Le Chevalier de Saint-Hermine». Comme toujours, quand on ouvre un livre, que est écrit par Dumas, on ne peut pas s’arrêter. L’histoire nous prend immédiatement, le narrateur nous raconte les subtilités historiques. Ici on retrouve tous les thèmes, des gens d’honneur, que ce soit Roland de Montrevel, aide de camp de Bonaparte pas encore Napoléon 1er, ou Charles de Saint-Hermine, chef des compagnons d...

    okładka Gabriel Lambert, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    C’est un exellent petit roman, qui n‘est pas moins intéressant, que ses grands frères. Un recit intrigant des nombreuses histoires. Un personnage principal, Gabriel Lambert, par moyens malhonnêtes a tenté de s’élever au-dessus de sa condition. Qui est Gabriel Lambert? A-t-il réellement fait partie de la bonne société parisienne? Comment est-il passé de la Chaussée-d’Antin au bagne? On se laisse emporter par un conduit psychologique très instable de ce personnage, on le voit...

    okładka Vingt ans après, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    «Vingt ans après» c’est imposant volume et une suite du premier opus «Les trois mousquetaires» et le dernier chapitre de cette grande fresque littéraire est «Le vicomte de Bragelonne». Vingt ans ont passé et les temps ont bien changé. Paris est secoué par les soubresauts de la Fronde. Si D’Artagnan parvient à retrouver et à rallier ses quatre amis, nul doute que la Fronde entière sera forcée de plier le genou devant eux...

    okładka La Dame aux Camélias, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    Il semble que tout le monde connaît cette belle histoire d’amour, dans ce monde de brutes. Marguerite était séduisante, capricieuse et jeune, arborant ses camélias; Armand Duval, un homme avec un statut élevé, il ne devait s’éprendre d’une de demi-mondaines. L’amour entre Armand, le bourgeois, et Marguerite, la courtisane, s’exprime et tire son essence de toutes ces confrontations: le vice et la vertu, la luxure et l’amour, le plaisir et le devoir, la jeunesse et la vieille...

    okładka Georges, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    L’année 1810. Sur l’Ile île Maurice (France), il y a une bataille entre les Français qui la possèdent et les Anglais qui la convoitent. Commencé sur mer, le conflit se poursuit sur terre où, suite à un débarquement massif, les Anglais finiront par l’emporter. C’est la conquête aux colonies! Une île, des bateaux, des batailles, la vie des différentes castes dans les colonies; préjugés, esclavage, révolte... Georges est un passionant roman et en effet étonnamment!...

    okładka La Femme au collier de velours, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    «L’histoire que nous avons lu, c’est Nodier qui me l’a racontée.” Charles Nodier, quand il sentait sa fin, a raconté cette histoire à Dumas et il la publie. Cette histoire est très travaillée et est truffée de références. Ce récit est plein de contes fantastiques et tableaux effrayantes de cette période historique où la folie et le réel parviennent à se confondre.

    okładka Création et rédemption, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    «C’était une nature de Dieu, incapable d’aimer un être qu’il n’aurait point créé lui-même. Aussi, seul et triste au milieu de la foule pour laquelle il n’avait pas de regards, ou n’avait que des regards distraits, il payait cher l’ambition de ses désirs. Comme le Seigneur avant la création du monde, il s’ennuyait. Ce jour-là, Jacques Mérey était assez content de la manière dont se comportait dans la cornue la dissolution d’un certain sel dont il étudiait les plus heureuses ...

    okładka La Reine Margot, Ebook | Alexandre Dumas

    Gloire à Dieu, gloire à la France! En cet heureux jour de la Saint-Barthélemy Marguerite de Valois, qui est la soeur de sa Majesté Charles IX, a épousé en justes noces Henri de Navarre, qui est prince des huguenots français. Alors, est-ce que les batailles entre catholiques et protestants viennent de prendre fin? C’est l’heure est aux réjouissances, à la fraternisation, au bon vin coulant à flots dans les auberges de la capitale! Mais quelques sombres événements dans les ru...

    okładka Miesięcznik ZNAK nr 748: Wiara bez uprzedzeń. Homoseksualność a Kościół, Ebook | Opracowania Zbiorowe

    Wierzący homoseksualni Stosunek Kościoła do społeczności LGBT zmienia się. Dzieję się tak za sprawą pontyfikatu papieża Franciszka. Wypracowanie odpowiedniego stanowiska wobec osób homoseksualnych pozostaje jednym z najpoważniejszych wyzwań dla Kościoła. Czy Kościół jest miejscem dla wierzących osób homoseksualnych? Czy mogą one liczyć na wsparcie duszpasterzy? Jakie jest oficjalne stanowisko Kościoła wobec społeczności LGBT? Czy jej obecność we wspó...

    okładka The Code of the West, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Georgianna Stockwell, a free-spirited young woman from the East, moves to the wilds of the Tonto Basin in Arizona and she creates a violent culture clash. She has been sent there by her parents and doctor for a change of scenery. It seems Georgianna had gotten herself lung problems due to all of her dancing and gadding about. Fortunately, her sister, Mary Stockwell is on the scene ready to take care of her younger sister and to show her how life should really be lived. But ...

    okładka Wildfire, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zane Grey (January 31, 1872 – October 23, 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier, including the novel Riders of the Purple Sage, his best selling book. This is one of his stories. The story revolves around Lucy Bostil, a stable owner’s daughter who one day happens upon an unconscious Lin Slone. He never wants anything more than the wild stallion he calls Wildfire. When h...

    okładka To the Last Man, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Imagine if Romeo and Juliet were set among the sheep ranching families of Arizona. Add in a heavy dash of frontier action and adventure, and that neatly sums up the plot of Zane Grey’s „To the Last Man”, which follows a blossoming romance among members of feuding clans in the vast open plains of the Wild West. „To the Last Man” is the story of Arizona’s Pleasant Valley War, one of the most legendary conflicts of the Old West. Son of a cattleman, Jean Isbel tests family loya...

    okładka The Wilderness Trek, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zane Grey’s big Australian novel. American cowboy, Stirling Haselton, taking the blame for a shooting committed by a friend, is exiled to Australia and with one loyal follower, joins a party of ranchers and drovers making the long wilderness journey to the Elaberleys. Through the eyes of two cowboys, Australia comes alive for the reader – the flora, the fauna, the heat, the dust, the water, or lack there of, the strange and the exotic are all displayed. There are rustlers, ...

    okładka Spirit of the Border, Ebook | Zane Grey

    This is an early novel by the phenomenally successful author of frontier, western and sports stories, the novel is the second in a trilogy. It deals with historical characters and incidents in the Ohio Valley in the late 18th century, especially with the foundation of Gnaddenhutten, a missionary village intended to bring Christianity to the Indians of Ohio, despite the violent opposition of both Indians and white renegades. The story deals with the attempt by Moravian Churc...

    okładka Wanderer of the Wasteland, Ebook | Zane Grey

    „Wanderer of the Wasteland”, Zane Grey’s 1923 novel of two brothers, one an honest cowpoke, the other a gambler. Adam Larey was betrayed by his older brother, Guerd, a gambler and wastrel, so he ran away to a mining town. Guerd, in the company of a vicious and unscrupulous sheriff, tracked him down, and in a confrontation, Adam shot his brother and assaulted the sheriff. A distraught Adam, believing he has killed his own brother. Adam seeks refuge in the desert, where life ...

    okładka The Vanishing American, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Here is the great romance of the American Indian, revealing in the swift march of its events the tragedy and the glory of a whole race, and the true essence of the West, as only Zane Grey can express it. It tells the story of the love between Nophaie, a young Native American (or American Indian) man and his love for and with a woman by the name of Marian Warner. Also Indian warrior Nophaie strives to maintain ancient and honorable customs among his people in the face of abu...

    okładka The UP Trail, Ebook | Zane Grey

    „The U. P. Trail” takes place in the late 1860’s during the building of the Union Pacific Railroad, the first to connect the east coast to the west. Our protagonist is Warren Neale, a civil engineer on the railroad. His girlfriend, Allie Lee, seems to be always in need of recusing. One of the most interesting characters is Neale’s best friend Larry „"Red"” King, a rough gun toting Texan cowboy. The heroes must battle the human challenges of greed, ruthlessness, and ambition...

    okładka The Young Runaway, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zane Grey was one of the first millionaire authors. With his veracity and emotional intensity, he connected with millions of readers worldwide, during peacetime and war, and inspired many Western writers who followed him. That work is widely considered the greatest Western ever written, and Grey remains one of the most famous authors of the genre. Cattle rustling was on the rise in the town of Randall, Wyoming and the new people Martha and Andrew join the ranchers in their ...

    okładka Thunder Mountain, Ebook | Zane Grey

    One of the bestselling novelists of the American West brings us a gripping tale of gold, greed, and vengeance. Three brothers find a lode of gold at Thunder Mountain. But instead of finding peace and prosperity, Jake, Kalispel, and Sam Emerson find more treachery than any normal men could hope to survive. Before they can get the claim registered, one of the brothers is killed by a claim jumper and the other is beaten and robbed of his ore sample. A boom town rises around th...

    okładka The Man of the Forest, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Zane Grey (January 31, 1872 – October 23, 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier. This is one of his stories. Loner Milt Dale seeks solitude in the wild mountains of Arizona, and instead finds himself rescuing two young women from a kidnapping plot. He must lead the timid Helen and her wild hearted sister Bo away from danger, and try not to fall in love along the way. Le...

    okładka The Mysterious Rider, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Readers with a taste for classic Westerns will appreciate this story’s spirited, well-drawn characters and its evocative descriptions of the frontier’s natural beauty. Hell-Bent Wade arrives at a Colorado homestead where a young woman is being pressured into matrimony. The plot centers around this young woman, an orphan named Columbine, who is entrapped by her allegiances into considering marriage to the drunkard son of her adopted father. Columbine is torn between her feel...

    okładka The Rainbow Trail, Ebook | Zane Grey

    Originally published in 1915, „The Rainbow Trail” is the sequel to „Riders of the Purple Sage”. At the end of that famous novel, a huge boulder had rolled down to shut off the entrance to Surprise Valley, leaving Lassiter, Jane Withersteen, and little Fay Larkin to a singular fate. Twelve years later a young, disillusioned, ex-preacher in Illinois, hears about the wonderful secret canyon where a couple with their young foster daughter had fled to for safety, knowing they co...

    okładka The Shepherd of Guadaloupe, Ebook | Zane Grey

    „The Shepherd of Guadaloupe” is not a traditional Western: the story begins in 1919 and there are no gunslingers, rustlers, Indians, or stagecoaches. Cliff Forest returns from the war to find that his parents’ home has been taken over by the brutal Lundeen, whose own lovely daughter is terrified of him. To break the feud, save his parents, and win the woman who loves him, Cliff will have to defeat death itself. Virginia knows of the injustice done to his family by her fathe...

    okładka The Rustlers of Pecos County, Ebook | Zane Grey

    „The Rustlers of Pecos County” is another fantastic example of Western fiction by the master of the genre, American Author Zane Grey. The town of Linrock, located in Pecos Couty is south Texas has fallen under the control of a gang of rustlers. Two Texas Rangers, one undercover as a reckless cowboy, the other right out in the open, drawing the fire and wrath of outlaws, have been sent to bring law to a rustler gang’s town. In order to do it they risk losing the love of the ...

Czym są ebooki?

Ebooki to książki, których treść została zapisana w formie elektronicznej. Są nazywane również e-książkami, publikacjami elektronicznymi czy książkami elektronicznymi. Ebooki można odczytywać na komputerach i laptopach, ale są one przeznaczone głównie do czytania na urządzeniach przenośnych takich jak smartfony, tablety i przede wszystkim czytniki książek elektronicznych. Ebooki posiadające swoje pierwowzory w formie papierowej są jej odwzorowaniem. Posiadają wszystkie elementy obecne w „tradycyjnej” wersji, takie jak okładkę, ilustracje, spis treści, przypisy itp.

Niepodważalną zaletą ebooków jest to, że w odróżnieniu od drukowanej książki można w nich zmieniać rodzaj oraz wielkość czcionki, formatować tekst, a w zależności od posiadanego czytnika istnieje też możliwość wyszukiwania pojedynczych słów w tekście, dodawania zakładek i robienia notatek.

Formaty ebooków

Ebooki są dostępne w wielu formatach. Najpopularniejsze z nich, będące standardem dla publikacji elektronicznych, to EPUB, MOBI i PDF.


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